>AD&D 2E
>1.5 days ago
>playing a young (like 18 - 19 years old) white haired wizard with 18 charisma
>pic related
>only have 10 hp max
>lvl 3, so my spells must be carefully chosen
>Orcs are about to siege a tower, we are hired to defend it
>a messenger comes to the gate near nightfall, a lieutenant
>myself and my half orc barbarian lady friend meet him
>he tells us that if we surrender, our deaths will be quicker and with less rape and torture
>I ask to meet with his commander, completely alone
>he agrees
>walking down the path to the camp, I'm hit with an arrow from a volley
>the LT messenger slams his sword into my face
>DM tells me I'm dead
>"nope, you forgot about my magical brooch. It has 26hp left. Now it's 12. I don't even flinch."
>I tell the LT not to do that again. "Take me to your commander. I won't ask again."
>DM is obviously pouting now
>go to Orc camp
>I'm surrounded by over 100 Orcs
>a long time ago, my DM gave me a "Raise Dead" scroll without really knowing it's full potential
>He house ruled anyone that can read magic can cast scrolls no matter the level requirement
>reading the scroll backwards gives the reverse, he said
>the Orc warband commander sits on his throne and laughs at me
>crowd of Orcs watch in curiosity as this kid approaches
>"Is it true you intend to kill the denizens of the tower and it's farms?"
>"Yes, puny boy. What's yours is mine, now."
>"Well, according to this document -"
>I cast "Slay Living" on the chief and tell my DM he needs to roll a D20 in the middle of the table (this guy loves to fudge rolls, more on that later)
>he rolls a 3
>my DM recoils as I read the spell description
>the Orc chief with 59hp drops dead as I'm using the surprise round to cast Invisibility
and the second in command takes over and murders everybody.
Good end in my book
>my Invisibility is successfully casted, and I bolt to the east to get away through the crowd
>"You take 12 damage"
>"From what?"
>"Miscellaneous swords and spears."
>"The orcs should have no idea what just happened. How would they be able to just hit me when I'm 30 feet from where I just vanished from?"
>"They just do."
>"...Ok. Well, my brooch is destroyed but I'm fine and at max hp (10). I'll use the commotion to mask the sound of my movement to get away."
>I move at max speed for another round, still invisible
>I'm now 90 feet from where I vanished and it's been 12 seconds
>"An Orc throws a spear into your back, impaling you. The last thing you see is a spearhead bursting from your chest as your invisibility is dispelled"
What the actual fuck. I have 17 AC (magical bracers and a ring) and was INVISIBLE.
The DM is a twat, you're a power gamer, quit the campaign since it clearly isn't for you.
Why was your DM out to kill you and where was the rest of your party?
>I antagonized my GM and I died, what the fuck!?
To be fair, you're both faggots
>tell my DM he needs to roll a D20 in the middle of the table
no, fuck you
this is why 3.PF was cancer, players felt they had the control over the DM. And if you have a bad DM, don't play with them, or DM a game yourself.
>says playing 2nd edition
>17 AC
that's not how THAC0 works in 2nd edition.
I'm calling bull shit
>DM fudging saving roll against clever plan
How's that beaten housewife syndrome going for you?
Or are you the shitty railroading DM?
Your DM is a childish adversarial twat, and you are a stupid weeaboo piece of shit.
>clever plan
>kill one orc in the middle of dozens
nope, you're just another little shit that thinks they are more clever than they actually are.
and like I said in my previous post- if you don't like the DM, don't play with them, or DM your own game
>>just cast instadeath and turn invisible in the middle of a room full of orcs.
>>clever plan
Death was too small a sentence, but the laws of nature and decency constrained us...
>my half Orc Barbarian lady friend somehow rescues my body in a series of bullshit rolls while I'm off pouring wine so I can chill out
>she gets me back to the tower and gives me to the healer who just yesterday brought someone back like this, so there's no reason she can't do it now
>after a series of skirmishes and whatever, we decide the drums in the forest need to stop so we can get some proper sleep
>I cast Armor on my Barbarian, giving her 20 AC with her dex and a ring she had
>We roll up on the drummer's location
>"You're ambushed by 10 Orcs in the forest. (Barb), you're hit by 10 spears. You're a pincushion."
>"Wait, what? She has 20 AC, I casted that on her this morning. You only rolled one dice for 10 Orcs?"
>"Yeah, and it was a 20."
>"Ok, so she got critted by one. Shouldn't you roll 9 more times?"
>"She's dead. She's a pincushion, man."
>I'm now a lone wizard against 9 Orcs
>Cast Mirror Image
>Stinking Cloud
>can't rescue friend
>basically GG, fuck my DM
This guy's problem is that he ONLY uses modules. He doesn't deviate from the script AT ALL. Apparently messing up whatever storyline was such a sin that he killed us both and now wants to start over on some other module.
I understand that there's a story to be had, but making up dice rolls every 3 rounds is not ok.
...and nothing of this actually happened.
You forgot.
This just happened a day and a half ago. My DM can't handle THAC0, so he modifies all the numbers. He literally doesn't follow any of the rules.
Doesn't change the fact that going off the rules of the game it would have been nigh impossible for the Orc to hit him. So the only reason it's a stupid plan is railroading assholes like you who enjoy taking the moral high ground and bending the rules to fuck you over while claiming to be a good DM.
You really have no idea, do you?
Yeah of course. And i imagine you just so happened to forget to mention your gm's houserules in the first post, only talking about them after you've made an ass out of yourself.
Look guy, you might not be the best player but your DM is pretty much unsalvageable. He's caught a serious case of thinking he's the most important person in the game.
People say this shit a lot online - rule 0, the golden rule, whatever. It's a good rule in the hands of a good GM - but it provides the excuse for shitty ones to railroad and tell their little story.
You seem like a slightly irritating player, more unconventional perhaps, but the GM clearly lacks imagination and can't handle going off piste. Just quit and find another campaign - maybe start one if you have enough players who want to quit with you.
Yeah, no. This is bs on many, many levels.
If I tell him about a plan, he will NOT let me do it. There's no way around it. I have to find a way to break away from his script without him taking insane steps to block the events from happening.
Here's the first page of the char sheet for those saying it didn't happen.
>those magic schools
>dat attack
>those stats
This isn't any AD&D anyone ever played.
I had to make that char based on what he wanted. He gave me 80 fucking points and too many proficiency points to distribute. Said it was because he only had two players to work with. Wouldn't want us getting killed before the end of the episode. Gotta follow that script.
Also, mystic was just the starting equipment I got. And I couldn't do any divination.
reading through this, it occurs to me that this is bait. cool.
And yet, you still post
and so will 50 other people, its not like this thread is gonna die anytime soon
The fact that you think this could never happens kinda enforces what I knew. I shouldn't game with him anymore.
If every person who thought this was bait didn't post, the thread would die a hell of a lot quicker - at least 8 posts are complaining this is fake.
you shouldn't game with him anymore, instead go onto roll20 you'll find many more like minded people to game with
>He house ruled anyone that can read magic can cast scrolls no matter the level requirement
Did he also houserule that a wizard could read a priest scroll successfully?
If you played True AD&D then you would be saved by its divine rules rather than hampered, as True AD&D (known often as 2e) allows for no house rules.
Yes, he did. I told him Raise Dead was a Priest spell when I got it. He specifically told me I could still use it because it's a scroll. I never thought to use the reverse of it until I read the bottom of the spell description. I held onto that thing for like 6 sessions, not knowing what to do with it.
I think I'll do that. I want to find a game that isn't about a railroaded story, module after module with fake dice rolls and crazy stats galore.
This. Much like Gondor, AD&D 2 needs no house rules.
It's Veeky Forums, that's just the way it is.
>a railroaded story, module after module
It really depends on what module you've got how railroaded it can get. It's significantly harder to railroad something like Greyhawk Ruins than it is to railroad House of Strahd.
That said, your DM sounds like almost a lost cause. Can you convince him to be a player, and see if you can reeducate him?
I could, I suppose. I'd create a freeform campaign and see what happens. Problem is, I met him playing a game of Systems Failure where he was some massively OP tank of a person that literally did like 5,000 damage to a helicopter once. I could only do 40 max with my sniper rifle. His DM allowed it.
I really think he would roll up a knight with 18-100 STR and 23 AC at lvl 1, because that's the kind of guy he is.
Make him roll for stats in front of you, on the table, not at home.
In adnd played at least roughly according to the rules, that STR is borderline impossible to get, and that AC means being automatically hit by literally everything that can attack.
According to his earlier accounts, they have houseruled for positive AC.
So it would be something like -3 in original thac0
He wants to make up false rules like DM and WotC. Only those rules printed by TSR are True. A prone armorless person still has AC 10. Let him have AC 23 and enjoy ripping up his sheet while screaming "you're a pincushion!!!"
Yes but in this hypothetical situation, the twit would not have control over houserules, being a player. So let him have that 23 AC.
-13, if my math is right.
It's not.
Base 10 in both. Make it better by 13 points. So -3.
>Giving you house-ruled potential instadeath scrolls without preparing for you using them
>DM tells me I'm dead
>They just do [hit you]
>[...] throws a spear into your back, impaling you, [you die]
>You're ambushed [...] you're hit by 10 spears, [you die]
>Rocks fall, you die
>Being this hard on players for bypassing the armored plot
You may have your faults as a player (i.e. being kinda smug) but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on this one and put the blame on the GM.
Run the fuck away and stay away. All these signs point to a rail-roading, tyrannical (aka powertripping) and plainly incompetent GM.
>AD&D 2E
>17 AC
How do you have 7 AC classes worse than bare flesh?
sounds like a problem that couldbe solved by a fist to the face of your DM ... i hte people with tis kind of behaviour. My first "DM" had lik a god-complex .. but thats way past now.
>myself and my half orc barbarian lady friend meet him
Is it just me or is this so called half Orc barbarian who I swear was ripped off from two worlds II be predigest to her own kin or something with that scenario
>I don't know how to read the thread
Stated multiple tiems that his DM got rid of THAC0
Lolwut. If you are so invested in your special snowflake encounter that you can't bear players killing it, you don't deserve to DM.
THAC0 is just subtractive BAB.
20 - Descending AC + AC bonus gives you an additive AC.
Late 2e got weird
Skills and Powers. The ultimate add-on before 3.0
Thought this story was going to end with orc leader being seduced, was greatly disappointed.