Official /5eg/ Mega Trove, contains all official 5e stuff:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
>Veeky Forums Character Sheet
>New-ish official PDF
Old dungeon:
Official /5eg/ Mega Trove, contains all official 5e stuff:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
>Veeky Forums Character Sheet
>New-ish official PDF
Old dungeon:
Other urls found in this thread:
first for rogues
I'm not gonna post one of those cancerous stat me theads, but I will post it here. What's the best class to play her, Veeky Forums?
Tough call but I'd go with Rogue because they have decent selection of proficiencies and combine that with some sort of academic background. See if you can make a deal with your GM for making gas grenades with the poisoner's kit and the good ol' doctor already uses knives/short swords, so sneak attack fits the theme.
>mfw am going to get to play as a Githyanki Gish soon
I'm using the gith race from the 5e wiki, does anyone know of a different one or a better one?
What's the 5e wiki?
spells + sword, you know the classic gish?
I don't know why I said 5e, it's just dandwiki
> dandwiki
Stay away from this shit, it's full of unbalanced homebrew and no sane DM would ever allow anything from it. It's pretty infamous.
Kinda new to 5e so not really? But something like Eldritch Knight I wager?
that's what it is
he linked me there and it seems no worse than a aorocockra or whatever the bird thing is
Just browsing through the DM Guide and what the fuck is up with the improvised damage table?
>1d10 dmg
>Burned by coals, hit by a falling bookcase, pricked by a poison needle.
Having a bookshelf tumble over you is potentially more dangerous than some STR18 dude hitting you in the face with a handaxe??
>hitting you in the face
not every attack is "you get stabbed through the chest" or "You take an axe square to the face"
unless it's a crit, assume an attack on something like a human is a glancing strike or is somewhat blocked by armor or something.
also there is a difference between 6 damage to a goblin and 6 damage to a human; to the goblin that six damage almost kills them, so that's something like a solid hit in a vital area. for a level 3 or so adventurer, it's like a semi-glancing blow
but really, it's a game
Well if you fail a save against a bookcase you most likely just got cracked in the back of the head with a huge piece of wood and are being crushed. At least you are trying to stop the hand axe and most likely have armour.
You have clearly never had a bookcase fall on you
Besides, average damage for the bookcase is 5, while a handaxe murderer does an average of 7 at str18
Thief so you can throw alchemy shit/use a healer's kit and attack
Healer feat so you can heal people
Decent strength & tavern brawler so you are better at throwning bombs and poisons
Expertise in nature so you can make your own poisons if your DM allows it
Expertise in whatever skill it would be to make bombs if your DM allows them
The Vassal is a no-brainer though
Hey guys I need to pick your brains a sec
I'm doing custom starting equipment for the party in an upcoming CoS game because it'll be in a custom setting (victorian, party is museum staff)
The party is:
Fighter (security)
Breastplate, baton (bludgeoning shortsword), shield, pistol with 20 bullets and 12gp
Ranger (archaeologist)
Studded leather, scimitar, baton, musket with 20 bullets and 12 gp
Bard (guide)
Leather armor with +1 to charisma mod, cane-sword (concealable rapier), flute, dagger, 15 gp
Warlock (curator)
Leather armor with DR1 to fire, cold and lightning, dagger, medallion of thoughts (dmg 181) and 25 gp
Does this sound good?
DM here who is pissy because dragonborn rolled an 18 (3x6) for character and plays a +5 (20) dragonborn two hand fighter! got a few sessions to balance him
I'm also gonna make some stuff available to pick up before starting the adventure proper:
Extra knives and batons
Extra pistol with 20 bullets
Fire axe (battleaxe)
And a chainsaw (greatsword with 1d6 damage, each successful hit after the first on the same target does a bonus 1d6 up to 4d6, resets on a miss) by player request
He's balanced, you can only blame yourself for rolling for stats
It's not like a extra +2 to hit and damage is such a huge deal anyway, leave him alone
R I DUMM or isn't the Curse of Strahd in the megatrove?
Disregard that, I suck cocks
A really shit wiki that doesn't properly warn its users that most of the content on it is terrible homebrew. I've seen tons of people read stuff on it and think it's official. myself included, way back when.
If it looks like he's dominating combat have your other players come across some items that will buff them up to his level.
Then just make combat more difficult.
But to be honest, it shouldn't be such a big deal.
>Take Grappler
>Take Tavern Brawler
Turn 1
>attack and bonus action grapple
Turn 2
>attack with advantage, and, using tavern brawler, bonus action grapple (to pin)
>target suffers disadvantages of being pinned (your allies get advantage to attack, he has disadvantage on dex saving throws)
>let his turn pass maintaining the pin
Turn 3
>end the pin (this is a free action, no cost whatsoever)
>attack with advantage, and, using tavern brawler, bonus action grapple (to pin)
Would it work?
>"Oh man user, this is a pretty cool class, can I use it?"
>Links to dandwiki
>Homebrew is something that can easily be represented by another class or archetype
>Usually overpowered stuff, like a psion getting all the benefits of a cleric and a sorcerer rolled into one
>Or a swashbuckler class when swashbuckler rogue already exists
The only time I veto anything on the spot is if the source is dandwiki, everything else I'd be willing to take a look at.
It's possible but I don't understand why you would do that, when you pin someone you are also restrained yourself, plus why are you releasing the opponent at all? Just for an attack with advantage every other turn?
Just grapple and shove prone, that does the same thing and doesn't put you at disadvantage at any point
>Sneak attack description says that it can occur once per turn. That means it refreshes every turn, so you can't use it on a reaction. If you miss all your attacks during your turn and couldn't sneak attack though, then it's fair game.
You are confusing turns and rounds.
Every creature in combat has one turn per round. Once all their turns are completed, the round is over and you're back to the top of the initiative order.
Sneak Attack has a limit of once per YOUR TURN, when you are in control and making decisions. If another effect grants you an attack during another creature's turn, such as their movement phase triggering an AoO or someone using Commander's Strike, it's no longer "your turn", so you may Sneak Attack again.
You can Sneak Attack twice per round (since Commander's Strike uses your reaction just like an AoO). If another class had an effect that used a second creature's bonus action to allow them to move, you could potentially Sneak Attack three times.
Commander's Strike or AoOing for an extra Sneak Attack is very much intended.
This is for if you only have one attack per turn (rogue for example).
The thing about the pin is (if I understand correctly), that you can release it at any time at no cost. So if someone forces you to dex check or attacks you with advantage for restraint, you can end the pin early.
And you aren't releasing the opponent, you're just dropping the pin, maintaining the grapple.
You're still only allowed twice per round. You have limited reactions m8. As in 1.
>being yet another caster supremacist punishing Barbarians for throwing bookcases because muh 1d4
The bookcase isn't getting anyone's Strength or Dex mod added to its damage, by the way.
>If another class had an effect that used a second creature's bonus action to allow them to move, you could potentially Sneak Attack three times.
I think that all action outside of a characters turn uses the reaction.
>If another class had an effect that used a second creature's BONUS ACTION to allow THEM (THE SECOND CREATURE) to move, you could POTENTIALLY Sneak Attack three times.
No points for trying to correct a post you didn't understand.
Any effect that is going to let you attack during another creature's turn is going to use your reaction. You only get one reaction during a round (using it means you can't use reactions until your next turn starts). Ergo, you can attack ONCE outside of your turn per round.
Since you can only get sneak attacks ONCE during your turn, and can only attack ONCE outside of your turn, this means there is a hard limit of TWO sneak attacks per round, unless there is some feature giving you a second reaction.
I refer you to the OP.
>Any effect that is going to let you attack during another creature's turn is going to use your reaction.
Until someone makes a spell or feature that breaks that rule, which was the entire point of that sentence. How are you this dense?
I don't see how "BONUS ACTION to allow them (the second creature) to MOVE" has anything in it about conferring a second reaction to somebody.
Is english not your first language?
+2 Str, +1 Int, Common and Gith, Proficiency with light armor and medium armor, Proficiency with greatswords, Innate spellcasting Intelligence : invisible mage hand (at will)
Holy heck you are a faggot
Creature A has an effect that allows Creature B to use Creature B's bonus action to act outside of its turn instead of something that uses Creature B's reaction as is usual. This should have been a pretty clear hypothetical, especially considering the preceding sentence straight out says you can only Sneak Attack twice per round and specifically calls out two competing uses of reactions.
MOVE has a very precise definition in DND 5e. You're either retarded or pretending to be retarded to avoid admitting you're wrong.
If you weren't retarded, you would have said Bonus action to attack. However, you're still wrong, because bonus actions only occur during the turn of the person using the bonus action. So not only would it be against templating, it wouldn't make any sense.
The anons above are pointing out there is no cap on sneak attacks per round, only per turn. The limiting factor is action economy. With published materials as-is, the only attacks out of your own turn use your reactions. But if anything came out in future that allowed you to make an out-of-turn bonus action attack (extra battlemaster manoeuvres, maybe), then you would also be able to use sneak attack with that.
Out of ten, how autistic would you say you are?
I could make a homebrew that lets people use their reactions to cast 9th level spells for free as a fighter. That doesn't mean it is likely to happen or worth discussing in the context of established rules.
Probably about an 8/10 overall.
>bonus action to act outside of its turn
that's not how the game's most basic mechanics work
Why conjecture?
Not gonna bother quoting everyone but all you people arguing:
The one guy is speaking hypothetically
>"IF a rogue could act out of turn using his round's bonus action, THEN he could SA up to three times per round"
You all are stating, as he (at least NOW) knows, that there is no feature in the game that permits use of a bonus action outside of your turn. Just to reiterate, he knows this.
And you better now understand that he is just speaking hypothetically. No point in arguing now, pls stop shitting up the general.
Which is why I specified published materials. Nobody is arguing that right now you can only get two sneak attacks per round. But anons above rightly pointed out that this is because of the current action economy, rather than because of the sneak attack feature itself, and if there was anything published in future that allowed two reactions, or a bonus action out-of-turn attack, that could also be used for sneak attack.
Anyone? I'm mostly concerned about the +1CHA leather armor and Medallion of Thoughts
They don't seem like a big deal to me but I might be missing something
You wrote your own homebrew into the rules in a confusing matter that left it open to debate for people less aware of the rules. You were spreading misinformation.
Now stop samefagging.
his homebrew post was a stupid hyperbole but again, you know what he meant. stop being an autistic shitlord only posting because MOM SOMEONE'S WRONG ON THE INTERNEEEEET
filename and pic related
I literally didn't know what you meant, because you used terms that have definitions in the game, to mean other things without telling anyone.
Now kindly take your edits and leave.
Done replying to your damn autistic ass. Learn to differentiate writing styles. I guess that's difficult for autists though, can't blame you justly.
Anyway, to re-rail the thread:
Are there any rules for choking? I haven't come across any in the PHB and I'm not keen to read the DMG quite yet. I mean, if you shove someone under water before they have a chance to rightly inhale, they shouldn't be getting their entire (1+conmod) minutes ((1+conmod)*10 rounds) of breath.
I want to grapple people and drown them.
>trying to dodge
>being this mad
>Are there any rules for choking? I haven't come across any in the PHB and I'm not keen to read the DMG quite yet. I mean, if you shove someone under water before they have a chance to rightly inhale, they shouldn't be getting their entire (1+conmod) minutes ((1+conmod)*10 rounds) of breath.
>I want to grapple people and drown them.
Depends on what your goals are. If you want choking rules to work like an action movie, then drowning in a few rounds makes sense. If you're going for muh realism, then it actually does take a long time to drown a mother fucker.
>using meaningless words
What do you mean by dodge, samefag?
As for choking: rule of fun would be a few rounds, realism would be drowning rules. As your players/dm.
What is the highest armor class among CR 1/2 creatures?
Don't have the PHB on my phone but I'm 99% sure the pin takes an action and not an attack / grapple so you couldn't do it as a bonus action.
I'd probably rather just shove the target than spend a Feat on grappler. Hell, you could use Shield Master to get to prone them as a bonus action.
Tavern Brawler (pic related)
>When you hit a creature ... on your turn, you can use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the target
>You can use your action to try to pin a creature grappled by you. To do so, make another grapple check.
>You can use your action to ... make another grapple check [to try to pin a creature grappled by you].
Sorry bud but
>use a bonus action to attempt to grapple
>use your action to (...) make another grapple check
Are mutually exclusive because one specifies it's a "grapple attempt" and the other specifies "use your action to pin"
No worko
Tavern Brawler (pic related)
> can use a bonus action to [make a grapple check]
>You can ... make another grapple check [to try to pin a creature grappled by you].
So the pin happens next turn or as a fighter you action surge. It works. Not everyone can automatically break out of a grapple.
Yeah, this. Grappler allows you to use your action to pin someone with A grapple check, not to pin someone whenever you make a grapple check. It gives you a new action you can do rather than modifying existing ones.
It's similar to how you can't Shove with the Polearm Master or dual wielding bonus action.
>>You can ... make another grapple check
with the full text being
>You can use your action to try to pin a creature grappled by you. To do so, make another grapple check.
Why even try to argue at this point? You're wrong and you know you're wrong, so you have to literally cut out vital information (specifically "use your action") from your quote and replace it with an ellipsis
Why even bother with the pin if it's only going to have 50% uptime or require your Action Surge? What's even the benefit to pinning them over shoving in that case, especially since you're burning an ASI to be able to pin?
How can I get my PC's to git gud without letting them fall into a TPK or outright killing one of them off?
They're all pretty attached to their characters and since our goal is fun that's not how I want to go about things. But I mean they often get their shit fucked up by things that shouldn't be.
Here's my problem. Where our campaign is currently, in order for them to take down the big boss, I think they're gonna need to take a long rest. The problem is that it makes no sense for them currently to take a long rest (they're not in a very restful area). Not to mention if they spent 8 hours resting the boss will probably have found them in their sleep and murdered them. They're in his place, after all. And if I nerf the baddie for the sake of their survival I think it will be really obvious.
They're about 1 encounter away from the boss. Any bullshit I can use that will benefit them but seem like I'm not giving them the obvious health-pack they so desperately need?
how do you guys generally deal with players using Animate Dead? Considering letting one of my players use Death Domain.
>getting this butthurt and defensive
>"y-you're wrong!!!!!"
Calm down there, autismo, in my first post on the topic I asked "Would it work?". Posting different interpretations that are literally still direct quotes is not equivalent to claiming that the proposition indeed is valid.
Get the confrontation stick out of your ass.
>proven wrong, I will resort to memetic shitposting.
Please go away, nobody wants you.
What kind of setting is the big bad's place? Could it have a garden? If so, you could put some goodberrys in a garden for them to find.
Depending on how magical the big bad is, he might have a bath connected to a basin full of blood. Upon investigating the area, they find instructions detailing a curative ritual that would let them fully heal someone who bathes in the blood. It's an evil ritual, but it would also prevent the big bad from using it later.
They find an infirmary with medical supplies in it. However, the infirmary is also heavily guarded, so they must either fight or sneak into it, and find some way to keep the nurses from sounding any alarms while they force them to treat the party.
>"In my head I am always right!"
Have a guard discover them during their rest, and report back to the BBEG. The PC on watch at the time notices the guard if their passive perception beats the guard's stealth check. The BBEG doesn't slaughter them, he instead sets up an ambush/trap which the PCs may be able to elude or thwart if they've clever. If the PC on watch saw the guard, but no combat happens, then the party will know that an ambush/trap is imminent, and may be able to prepare for it and/or predict what it might be.
If the PC on watch decided to try to subdue the guard, either they successfully do so in one turn of combat or through up to a minute of roleplaying and social checks (maybe something like two checks with 15 DC, succeeding on neither means he raises the alarm, succeeding on one means he turns a blind eye, succeeding on both means he helps), or they fail and the guard raises an alarm and waves of enemies begin (first two nearby guards that hear the first one's call, second a squad of 6 guards led by a veteran, third the BBEG with his personal guards and top henchman -- just throwing these "waves" out there to give you an idea, obviously adjust as you see fit).
>Depending on how magical the big bad is, he might have a bath connected to a basin full of blood. Upon investigating the area, they find instructions detailing a curative ritual that would let them fully heal someone who bathes in the blood. It's an evil ritual, but it would also prevent the big bad from using it later.
I guess maybe something along these lines I could opt for. The goodberrys and infirmary can't really work in this setting.
Thanks for the ideas though! Definitely helps me brainstorm.
Maybe the PC's get caught and thrown into jail, where they may take a long rest before escaping?
>Maybe the PC's get caught and thrown into jail, where they may take a long rest before escaping?
lel, that's how they got in this mess to begin with
> just throwing these "waves" out there to give you an idea, obviously adjust as you see fit
Which is exactly what I'm hoping for from you guys. And I'm keeping notes for if these might fit well for other times I have to give them the help they need.
How do I find out my passive perception? And what does it means?
Meant to quote you in Thanks for the ideas, famalam.
Passive score is read the book
It means read the book
What makes a trident better than a spear, /5eg/?
Well fuck me. I found it under Dexterity in a box called Hiding.
3 prongs = 3*spear damage per attack
So edgy, unhelpful and shitposted. Well done user. You're why people don't like D&D players.
Two extra pointy bits and street cred with merfolk
Don't forget that if you twist it, you get to deal an extra 1d12 damage.
Don't know why they released them in their OP state.
Lol, I'll bite. Why an extra 1d12 specifically?
Because you touch yourself at night
D12 = 3x D4 improvised weapon damage
Because D&D doesn't use the glorious dodecahedron as much as it perhaps should
1d12 != 3d4
Anyone here ever played a Druid? Are they fun at all?
I hear they're borderline OP thanks to Temp HP at level 2 but how badly do they fall behind after that?
They start lagging behind at 5th onward due to the slow scaling of their attack, but the buffers of HP they have are always good, and they can always fall back to spells or use them for a temporary power boost.
Can spells like Jump be stacked?
The effects of different spells add together while the durations of those spells overlap. The effects of the same spell cast multiple times don't combine, however. lnstead, the most potent effect - such as the highest bonus - from those castings applies while their durations overlap.
Spells and magic effects/items of the same type can never be stacked, as I've understood it.
Human Variant Druid with Magic Initiate Feat. Get Mage Armor and able to cast it once a day. I cast it so that means my AC cannot be below 13+Dex. Wild shape into beast. Across the board my AC goes up either 1-3 for 8 hours.
Is this cheap? We have a pretty optimized team so I need an optimized healthy front liner me and thought of this.
That DM story for you guys:
>playing ranger, take ritual caster feat
>DM tells me that spells cast as rituals take 10x the casting time
>want to cast Find Familiar (1hr as a spell)
>DM: "That'll take you 10 hours."
>me: "Uh, okay. I'll stay up through the night for 8 hours and complete the last 2 hours on the road"
>DM: "Okay, roll me a check to see if you can maintain concentration while you perform the ritual on spider-back" (I was riding a female steeder - spider that can serve as a horse from Out of the Abyss)
>me: "Really?"
>DM: "Roll it."
>roll a 3 or something
>"You lose concentration and you fuck it up. The components are wasted." (we were in the middle of nowhere - components could be not be obtained for weeks)
for a feat, not really cheap. if it's too powerful, the DM can ambush you at times when you don't have it up, or just have an enemy dispel magic on you... or just ignore the high AC high HP beast and go for the squishies. lots of options to him, fine to do this IMO
Don't really see the problem here? You took a chance and got fucked by the RNG, such is life in the zone.
Did you tell the DM to read the fucking book?
a) ritual casting adds 10 minutes to the casting time
b) normal activity doesn't incur a concentration check; only casting another concentration spell, taking damage, or being incapacitated or killed can incur a check (pg203PHB)
(shit like getting hit by a massive wave or shoved could also incur a check at the DM's discretion)