So I'm planning to running a campaign in the Resident Evil universe. What sort of system would you guys recommend ?
>inb4 Gurps
Need help finding a system for a campaign
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Call of cthulhu
if it weren't for the group being over Skype, I would totally use that.
I've never really played CoC despite being a big fan of the mythos but I've heard good things about it. Also I heard its set in the 20s, is there a modern supplement ?
The survival horror RPGs I know of are AFMBE, Fear Itself, and Blood
Army of darkness might work as well.
What's the first one
All Flesh Must be Eaten
Savage Worlds, probably modified a bit.
RE is campy and is more about RAWR MONSTER type of horror than "man is the real monster" and main characters going crazy type of stuff.
Especially RE4 and onwards.
still me
Alternatively, if you want to hammer in specialists fighting zombies with weird powers, Strike! is pretty good and has resource-management rules and modules to simplify things like travelling unmapped zombie infested areas looking for keys without getting bogged down in inventory management and other minutiae (unless of course that's what you want).
Can I get a PDF of savage worlds please, that seems just about what I'm looking for.
Best options to me would be either All Flesh Must Be Eaten, or GURPS with G:Horror and G:Zombies, possibly G:High-Tech for all the guns and gear stuff if you want extra detail/options.
OP cannot into inb4
Google it, it took me like a minute.
I was going to say, I understand the meme that it gets recommended for literally everything, but this is one time where the idea legitimately plays to its strengths. It might be the best option.
Otherwise I guess Savage Worlds as some have said, or a very modified Fate.
Yeah, I found it already.
You just change some skills around
The necessary info should be the rule book
There's also Delta Green
Im not a big gurps fan, but I'll give it a look.
If you're French, there's the Biohazard RPG that emulates Resident Evil/Biohazard. Otherwise, use any modern system you like. Resident Evil is basically simple monster hunting. Sanity and fright checks aren't really relevant in the serie. It's more about shooting zombies while dual wielding Desert Eagles or mowing them down with a MG.
Before RE4 was released, somebody actually statted up pretty much every monster to appear in the series for All Flesh Must Be Eaten, along with some other resident evil stuff. The original site they were on is down, but you can find them here: