I feel like I knew this already
I feel like I knew this already
Other urls found in this thread:
>Artifact supremacy - the set
So the Egyptian Plane predictions were everyone talking out their asses as usual. Good to know.
But that's not Mirrodin
The second set is called Aether Revolt, which kind of implies it won't last
Mirrodin no longer exists. We need a new plane of broken artifacts, because New Phyrexia is a plane of broken and infuriating mechanics in general, not just artifacts.
Oh boy, more shitty draft chaff, more shitty mechanics like Support or Investigate.
Eh, investigate is fine, and SOI has been pretty fun to draft so far.
Support can burn, though.
That's what you get when you purge magic users...
I personally want an ether magacorp.
>implying there won't be contraptions in this set
i love and hate this fucking meme
>just built a jank nephilim thopter edh deck a couple weeks ago
>4 color commander and block featuring the best plane for thopters announced today
I'm in my happy place
I wish I could go to your happy place too, for me this is a pain I keep wanting every new set to be trash so I don't have to even consider putting new cards in my commander decks and modifying and playtesting and I'm already getting a headache just thinking about it and my stomach hurts too.
An artifact set basically guarantees we're gonna get a colorless commander. That narrows the options for them, right?
While am certainly looking forward two this set this does mean two things I am not happy with, one tireless tracker will not go down in price if not might go up which sucks for me since I need two playsets. And second get ready for inclusiveness the plane, because looks like Chandra and the villains will be the only thing white on the plane, and I ain't talking about mana
but user, commander is a casual format :^)
Will this mean the return of colored artifacts?
My rock-hard penis says yes.
Pick up your Steamflogger Bosses now
>implying it's not just gonna be desi I, Robot
Are you that afraid of some not-white people taking the spotlight?
Brown Kaladesh girl is qt.
... do I have to turn in my /pol/ card?
user, she's red :^)
Since I'm a studied phrenologist I can say that her head looks more Caucasian than Indian.
Turning in your /pol/ card is a good thing, user.
Her skin doesn't, though
You can alter skin color but not the shape of your skull.
Well that's the only way you can make an attractive brown person :^)
Fuck most of the people in this thread, I am hype as shit for kaladesh. Also chandra is my waifu, so looking forward to the potential that she gets some actual spotlight.
Gilded Machine India isn't PARTICULARLY interesting, but i'll hold my breath, maybe this will be good.
it at last doesn't have the "return set" sword of Damocles hanging over it. because every single time they have failed to capture the old glory, with Return to Mirrodin being the only exception (it was actually BETTER than OG)
Nigger are you high.
RTR was pretty fucking excellent
I gotta admit, I find it extremely weird that they chose Chandra "red haired lily white chick" as the one from the vaguely Indian plane.
It's not too egregious, but it does look a little stretchy. Like they literally couldn't wait to be more PC and HAD to introduce this place as soon as possible rather than just waiting until it would seem less weird.
I mean, look at these two. There is not a drop of Chandra in either of them.
>studied phrenologist
Pseudoscience is to Gender Studies what Gender Studies is to a real focus of study.
Literally no one is saying that Egypt was going to be the next set. It's just the most likely culture Wizards is going to choose next for when they decide to base another set on ancient civilizations.
Does Kaladesh look like it's based on anything in real life to you?
except for dragon's maze
Interesting, saturday my friend was talking about wanting an artifact based set again he loved old mirrodin, hated scars Guess he got his wish. As for myself I don't really care as long as the cards are fun.
we wuz poo in loo n' shieet
>tfw you realize party walker will be out of standard by then
I dunno man, RTR was pretty shit to me.
They didn't continue the "can't be countered" cycle for the other 5 guilds, they all but killed some of the maze runners just to force them into an all rare cycle rather than splitting them between rare and mythic as they originally intended, some of the new mechanics were absolute shit or way overcosted, and there just wasn't the intrigue of the original Ravnica block.
I'm praying for a legendary thopter
Anime will make your brain shrink. This is a science fact.
RTR was simply passable, it had many shit mechanics and beyond commander purposes the set boiled down to "Blue White.dek" because nothing in the set could possibly overshadow the fucking Azorious shit.
like fucking Cipher, not a single one was playable in standard.
This place would be a great target for Phyrexian infiltration.
Just saying.
This is a shitty card and a shitty meme. I mean, look at this fucking disaster. It's an aberration. Cards like this should never get any support.
>le assemble le contaptions
Yeah, and that user was really sure of himself.
It's just reasonable speculation for an artifact plane, not everything has to be a meme you redditlord.
Who's ready for shitty Chandra "character development"
>no contraptions
You know, this is hilarious from a flavor standpoint of 'WHAT THE FUTURE OF MAGIC COULD BE' but it's frustrating because whatever the fuck Contraptions are, this sounds good for them.
>assembling contraptions is a reasonable speculation for any new set
You're fucking ridiculous.
Phyrexia, or anyone else, cannot leave their plane, the mending made it impossible.
not to mention the New Phyrexians ain't shit compared to the old, and even THEY failed to invade dominaria.
Everyone just wanted to believe.
The good thing is that Wizards now knows everyone really wants an Egyptian block. So we're bound to see it soon-ish at the latest. Maybe they already have it in the pipeline.
>Does Kaladesh look like it's based on anything in real life to you?
Looks like Persian architecture with some fantasy fiddly bits on it. Kaladesh also sounds Sanskrit-ish,
Did you read only the first four words of my post? This set is very obviously going to be full of artifacts, it's described as the plane of imagination, invention, and ingenuity, how could Riggers possibly feel out of place in a plane like this?
In venser's journal, there's instructions on how to build devices that open gates between planes like the ones old phyrexia used without having spark ex machina.
I'm not exactly versed in mtg lore, but isn't there that thing called Infinite Consortium that allows people to travel from plane to plane?
So, this is the Indian Mythology plane? Neat.
I think the infinite consortium is just like the planeswalker illuminati? or an illuminati that involves planeswalkers and/or works for nicol bolas? they don't actually chunk people from plane to plane, they just find people that can do that anyway.
the real point against is that phyrexia was brought back ostensibly because they wanted it to continue being one of the big bads of the magic universe. setting aside the fact that that's stupid and terrible, they can't really threaten the multiverse if they are never capable of interacting with the rest of the multiverse, so obviously something happens somehow that is going to give them access to other planes. otherwise new phyrexia is just literally the worst thing wotc has ever done to magic for no reason.
It's more like an interplanar Silk Road association. Buyers and sellers from the Multiverse exchange goods, and planeswalkers carry them around.
So we go from grimdark to sandnigger shit. I just came back to Magic, now I have to leave again.
They will succeed in gathering Venser's information on how to build portals.
or tezzeret will give them nicol bolas' magical planeswalking mcguffin or karn will do something that ruins everything because karn isn't allowed to have nice things or it doesn't matter how. they're going to hop planes at some point because otherwise they're irrelevant.
But MtG has had sandniggers since 1993
Karn shouldn't be allowed to touch fucking ANYTHING.
the Golem has, over its long lifetime, killed BIILLIONS of people due to his fuckups tied directly to actions and choices he made.
we had a 6 set catastrophe where he caused Dominaria to fall into complete and utter fucking ruin (and this was the last we ever saw of it outside Time Spiral) because he sent a fucking PROBE there, for no GOD DAMN REASON and built it with magical wish granting powers.
India isn't sandy, retard.
/pol/ ain't known for brains.
For a second I though this is Netrunner thread, their latest set is also about shitskin nations.
India does have deserts but it isn't predominantly sandy.
chick in op is planswalker
Sure is /pol/ in here.
India has everything.
>can't be used as my Commander
>QT Brown Planeswalker
About time.
>commander has stupid rules
whoa shit
>not playing Archmage
Well there's your problem.
>The other big difference about Planeswalker Decks is that there's going to be five cards in each that won't be found in the expansion, but that will be considered connected to that block for Standard legality (meaning Planeswalker Decks will be playable in Standard).
>A new rare and uncommon in each that cares if you have the walker.
I don't even know anymore.
will be Izzet, they give it away (the main colors of Kaladesh in Origins were Izzet) and her dress colors cement this.
Wizards are fairly huge sticklers for color coding their cards.
its for beginners, all the cards, even the walker, will be made intentionally shit, they even say exactly this in the article, in WOTC speak of course though.
except toilets
They're getting rid of the intro pack rares in the actual set. So no more shitty overcosted rare creatures you won't even first pick in Limited. REJOICE
Nope, they have toilets too. Yes, the Western kind of toilets.
they make good ones sometimes, Pia and Kiran and Dwynen.
Dear Wizards,
Please, stop making new one-block planeswalker waifu every block.
With love,
oh I know that, they just shit in the streets because they can, then they go bath in that insane river full of corpses and shit.
we'll still get cycles of creatures, but now we won't get that shitty cycle like in SOI where all of them are 7 drops and I don't want any of them particularly for my rare.
>please stop
So you'd like more Jace in every block?
It doesn't stop Jace anyway.
>Fat packs had a price hike with only one extra booster to show for it
>We've gone from 5 intro decks across the colours, that suit a variety of new player preferences and playstyles, to 2 intentionally shit Planeswalker Decks that will burn new players when they don't get to play their shitty walker, and get stomped by good decks.
Has arlinn done anything other than try to say the cursemute is oppression and werewolves should just be free to kill whatever they want?
Because the majority are poor and uneducated. Doesn't change the fact that those who have houses generally have bathrooms as well. This is probably the weakest meme that /int/ and /pol/ push.
>all of them are 7 drops
Look, I second your sentiments, but at least check your facts before posting.
What has Jace even done in Shadows over Innistrad besides disguise himself poorly and chase after Tamiyo?
JaceXTamiyo OTP
honestly I'm excited to have weaker walkers around for a weaker cube.
Jace is practically the main character of SOI.
Most of the UR stories have revolved around him trying to find out whats going on in Innistrad. Even characters like Sorin or Avacyn haven't had as much exposure.
>suit a variety of new player preferences and playstyles
what preferences and playstyles revolve around shitty block mechanics no one wants to build a deck around outside of limited? into decks had maybe one or two worth trying to make into a read deck and the rest were pushing limited chaff in a constructed deck
>Decks that will burn new players when they don't get to play their shitty walker, and get stomped by good decks.
this is much worse than decks that don't have a planeswalker and get stomped by good decks all the time because intro decks have always been shit on the power curve
doesn't take an educated man (or beast) to know not to shit where you live or swim in the river of death.
this harks to a cultural problem, India's Culture is simply shit, and endorses shit practices... literally.
Well, at least it technically isn't another return set.
And the plane is actually pretty low-magic in general apart from the machines, which could be interesting.
They also have venser's corpse to reanimate right? Or was that ruled out?