/srg/ Shadowrun General- Come Out And Play Edition

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>Shoot straight
>Conserve ammo
>And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon

Where my thrillgangs at? The guys who don't give a fuck about a buck, who rule the night, who make the weak cross the street to run and the strong cross the street to fight? When was the last time you just committed brazen crime for the hell of it, so you could laugh as you see your warpaint splashed across the 6 o'clock news? Or are you someone who dares to try and stop us?

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Revenants should be a type of Cyberzombie, methinks. One that runs on Insect Spirits.

Toxic Insect Shaman when?

As soon as those chitinous bitches move into Glow City, and the Crimson Crush get infected.

But wouldn't Toxic Insect Shamans be...bad? Same goes for a Blood Mage Insect Shaman. Or even a Toxic Blood Mage Insect Shaman.

It's not bad, it's convenient. Instead of having to hunt down and geek an Insect Shaman and a Toxic Shaman, you can kill two birds with one bullet. Just, you know, make sure it's a really big bullet.

Radioactive bed bug shamans when?

So I've been reading CF over again recently and sort of fell in love with the modular limbs - Anybody got any experience in running with them? I've only really played technos and deckers, so it falls outside what I've any experience with

Are mentor spirits already part of the spiritual/totems way or do they have to be bought seperately?

What the fuck is up with the Gyrojet rounds?
Run and gun errata says they're -2S(e) and -5 AP at 14R. For a bullet that "explodes on impact". With literally the same stats as Stick N Shock.

Errata for the errata when

>expecting errata from CGL
>expecting gun knowledge from CGL

Sorry to tell you user but your hopes are going to be crushed

They literally said the bullet "explodes on impact" in the gyrojet pistol description! Fucking CGL

Have to be bought separately, sorry.

nigga, one word

It's said right in the book that the word is an abstraction, and not every gun is fed from a clip.

One of my players did that. Not as perfectly since they're not using the whole dice bucket, but then used ware to armor themselves into a tank.

I think I'm going to remind him he's not invincible with some magic that bypasses armor in the next fight. Powerbolt, yaaaaay

Damn, those cops are hardcore. 2v7 and they're moping the floor with those gangsters.

>expecting gun knowledge from CGL
What? You mean the guys that consider flechette rounds to have more damage and less penetration than regular bullets are complete morons when it comes to guns?
I still don't believe it's possible to be this wrong. There has to be an explanation.

>I still don't believe it's possible to be this wrong. There has to be an explanation.

Conventions of game design needs rather than real world concerns, probably and then not thinking when selecting the name for that ammo type.

Shit. It's so fucking expensive...

Bah, who needs an adept way anyways?

>Goofy dun goofed!
>Porky's a pig informer!
>Daffy's gun-crazy!
>Popeye's been popped!
>Mickey's a fuckin' Irishman!

Working on a plot regarding thrill gang leader atm. He rules, he dies, he rules again with some help from shadow spirits. Witness the stuff.

I can dig it.

That's not food color spray, is it?

Nope. That's a permanent Cosmetic Enhancement, at least until he can get the paint off. Moron doesn't know how to huff..

Could always just use the Halloweeners and their leader, Nightmare, which could be goddamned anything under its androgynous, leather clad body.

Thanks for the idea, still fleshing out the character, this might come in handy.

Free Spirit with the ability to possess and enhance the host body.

Check the errata for run and gun, chummer. Its probably there

anyone have a good picture of a beefy troll street samurai?

Beefcakes, or cybered beefcakes?

Those are actually the Stick'n'Shock round for the gyrojet pistol. They were mentioned but had no stats.

i got this gun sammy with heavy armor

this old school sr pic

this archetype


Character has 2 cyber legs, torso and arms are still organic (for now) so mix of both?

How would you Anjuro Katagiri?

Legs and most of the torso are going to be covered generally. So you're going to look more like a meatbag than a chromehead.


First time crating a character that is not an adept or mage, how did i go ?

I would suggest cutting the ammo down to 1 Stun Damage ammo and 1 Physical Damage Ammo per type of gun, but that's just me.


Would a christian magician/adept accept a mentor spirit? Or would he think that it's the devil who speaks to him?

Wait, that's actually an interesting idea. A theurg who literally hears the devil and struggles not to use his power / does the exact opposite of what the devil tells him to do

Good, dwarves are very underrepresented at my table

You don't need to buy cheap pants and clothes, its presumed in your low lifestyle. A watch might not be covered depending on GM.

The Viper Silvergun is pretty mediocre, its only decent if you want to look to "classy carry" a weapon. The Silvergun only does 7P if you take away the +2 from the /mandatory/ flechette rounds it fires. Get an 8P (or 9P Warhawk) pistol and carry a magazine/speed loader full of Flechette.

I would also suggest getting a holdout or a light pistol for conceal carry, something you can sneak into a Johnson meet or the like.

Get an implanted Shock Hand instead of Shock Gloves if you're already augmented. They deal a little more damage and you don't have to carry electric oven mitts with you.

Up the Nephritic Screen to 6, Standard Rating 6 NS is 12 Availability and chargen acceptable. Unless you're having money issues.

Mentor Spirits for a christian would probably take the form of a patron saint, angel, or whoever who speaks to the mage on behalf of God.

its only decent if you want to "classy carry" a weapon*



There's already plenty of patron saints guiding us, user. It's surprising but not impossible for one to offer more... direct guidance.

that works surprisingly well.

Post qt cybered-up grils

Didn't think about that. Thanks guys

No problem. Good smiting.





So I got latent awakening on my first time character and after hashing it a bit with my DM he agreed i'd awaken as an adept.

My question is this: I'm the party face and want the awakening to let me kung fu and do a bit of sneaking around. I'm already to 6p on my fist hits, how high should I go for damage from critical strike? Is 10 a good number to stop at and get like elemental strike? My second question is: are there any adept abilities that would help my spy game?

>tfw your players look into alternative avenues for legwork when presented with a difficult straightforward solution, and come up with some pretty innovative ideas

About fucking time m8s

Tell me, are the jokes about buckets of dice true? How many dice do I need to bring to the table?

Reposting for new thread

Depends on how much of a minmaxing fuckwad you are.

20 should cover your need.

Depends on the minmaxing, but I wouldn't have less than 20. And if everyone brings their own dice which you should do, you heathen bastards, stop touching my dice it's a lot of tablespace taken up by dicepools and rolling area.

It's so satisfying. SR is one of those games where you should feel free to try different things and explore your options, because everything is laid out clearly- you know what you have to do, what conditions there are, and discovering the hazards and how you want to solve the problem is all up to you.

ya know what's a good cyberpunk setting that has a real SR feel to it, Marvel 2099. I mean its got everything. corps rule the US, law enforcement is bought and sold, the depiction of cyberspace/the net/ the matrix is pretty cool especially when ghostrider is literally a ghost in the machine created from the consciousness of what's pretty much a dying decker, the weapons are also pretty neat, I remember reading one issue where the punisher has a gun that shoots a vibrating homing needle that digs into the victims skin and burrows to their heart. I was thinking about it earlier at work today and I just had to dig out all my old issues and reread them, there's so much stuff to crib from it.

>it's a lot of tablespace taken up by dicepools and rolling area.
This is why I always suggest bringing a box. You can roll there, keep dice there, and it is mobile do you don't need to keep a large portion of table space clear just for dice.

>how much of a minmaxing fuckwad you are.
dare I ask how many buckets I would need? I want to know how close we can get to "there are not physically enough dice at this FLGS to make that roll". An actual build is unnecessary, just what sort of numbers are possible.

How exactly is that a "Shadowrun feel" as opposed to just normal cyberpunk?

I'd expect elves and orcs and shit for it to be Shadowrun.

Blasphemy. Your dice need to roll free, under the open sky, so that the dice gods may see their course and nudge the ones that were going to glitch you off the table edge.

If you start getting silly, you can get 35+, but not much higher unless the GM is really lenient with modifiers.

It's... convoluted. Per RAW, you gain all the benefits and drawbacks of having a mentor spirit for taking the way, which in practice means you have the mentor spirit. There hasn't been any errata to override that.
Mm, they're not super great, but they're good for flexibility. Best i can say is that the rules don't suck, aside from that cyberlimbs are awful.

You could in theory just take the one dice and roll it like twenty times.

>implying the dice gods dont nudge you into the glitches
Dice gods a shiiiiiiiit

>he doesn't placate the wrath of the dice gods with regular sacrifices

Burn a That Guy every solstice and you'll find the divine look favourably on you.

perhaps it is just normal cyberpunk, but for some reason I just get a SR feel from the whole thing, there's magic in there sure, but more than that its sort of hard for me to put into words. when im reading through the issues I just think to myself "yeah I could see some runners doing that" or "this wouldn't be out of place here" to me it just feels like thing click together with SR easier than your run of the mill cyberpunk.

sorry im not explain it to well. I suppose its the little detail that make it click really.

I spill blood for my dice. It keeps the gods happy.

Games get intense with my friends.

Nope. Just hiding in a cardboard box can do that, unless its a fetish or something

Critical Strike is a once per attack form power, so it'll only get you an additional bit of damage.

Elemental Strike's really only good in electricity (initiative loss) and acid flavors (armor loss).

To help your spy game get Attribute Boost (Agi) and Improved Ability (Con, Perception, whatever). Improved Reflexes 1 or 2 is nice once you have the room for it. Oh, and Danger Sense and/or Combat Sense are cheap boosters at low levels.

Don't be afraid to take a few Qi foci and disable them as needed to boost powers or gain new ones. Like say Light Body for when you need extra jumping.

Ok. Thanks for the advice!

So, we started a new game tonight.

Our new player interrogated a Lone Star officer by melting down an aluminium can in her hand with magic and then dribbling molten metal over him like a dominatrix with a wax candle.

Should I file this under 'Cause For Concern' or 'Don't Call Us, We'll Call You?'

If it makes you uncomfortable then it's a cause for concern. Talk to the player about toning things down a bit. If they're not amenable to that then rape them to death.

I'm shamed that I never thought of doing that. It sounds amazingly effective. Lots of pain, no long term damage really, theatrical as hell to give plenty of chances to talk before the pain, and can be turned into a signature.

'Don't Call Us, We'll Call You' for sure.

Remember, if the combined force of all your foci is greater than your magic stat then you may have to check for addiction.

My because it'll depend on your magic stat and how much beyond it you are. It could fade before you have to make a check, it could not.

the question is did they jump straight to the torture option?

if no and he at least tried other ideas then congratulate him on his Gordian knot untying skills

if yes perhaps a bit of caution is merited.not much mind you, when he starts getting REALLY creative then you might have a problem .

>no long term damage really
>pouring molten metal on someone's head doesn't leave scars, burnt-out hair and possible bone damage at a minimum

It's aluminum. It doesn't keep heat well. Drops will cool on the skin leaving scarring but probably won't do serious muscular or skeletal damage.

Unlike Gold, Iron, or Lead.

I'd think 'hideous scarring' would count as long-term damage. Especially to a law enforcement officer.

I mean, 'scarred by having molten metal poured on you by a criminal with dominatrix overtones' sounds the origin story of Rob Liefeld's BloodCop.

This is somewhat true, even with a melting point of 660°C aluminium has low thermal conductivity and dissipates heat very rapidly.

It's still molten fucking metal, mind you.

Hideous scarring is cosmetic damage. Unless you're exclusively dripping the molten aluminum on joints I doubt you're going to do long term damage behind scarring. Even that though, it would not cripple someone like other less theatrical tortures.

How deep would a drop, 1ml of molten aluminum, penetrate into a human's skin?

I guess mind probe was a little to civil a spell when she picked out her spells?

For spells like Invisibility and Improved Invisibility. Is there a pre rec that I need to get the improved version?

Less than you'd think, really.

I think improved is just a harder drain resist. No pre req I can recall

>Less than you'd think, really.
That was exactly my point. It wouldn't penetrate deeply enough to deal musculature damage.

9/10 Torture technique, will try out for myself.

Nope. The main reason to use the non-improved versions are drain and if you have plans or things that rely on sensors.


Aluminium melts at 660c, but you can't look at injuries from foundries as accurate examples because they often keep it at double that temperature to prevent it solidifying prematurely.

If we're talking little drops at a time, left to cool without being removed, probably 2nd degree burns at worst, doubtful you'd experience any full thickness burns (which super suck) unless someone dumped the whole molten can on your chest and let it sit there.

>then dribbling molten metal over him like a dominatrix with a wax candle.
>If we're talking little drops at a time, left to cool without being removed, probably 2nd degree burns at worst
Which is exactly the method in question.

Sexual overtones aside, it would be extremely effected torture method.

I should point out that, although the aluminum slid off the steak, when they dropped the meat back on (after a couple minutes at least) it was still hot enough to sear the meat.

Pouring molten aluminum on a guy, if you don't take it off, will still fuck him up. And I don't care if it's 'cosmetic' if you burn someone during torture that's an awful crime and he his going to come after you hard, as will everyone else. There are way better ways to extract information, including drugs and mind-controlling spells, that don't have you labeled on the news as "The Seattle Sadist, cop torturer".

In a way, you don't want it to burn too much.

Full thickness burns, when you burn all the way through the dermis layer and hit subcutaneous tissue, it doesn't hurt any more because you've burn out all the nerves.

2nd degree partial thickness burns offer the ideal of maximum pain with the least relative damage.

Can we discuss the effectiveness of using torture with respect to retrieving reliable info?
Or are we doing it for fun, or making a video of it for intimidation purposes?

>Person A has information
>You have people B through E
>Torture the individual Person A is closest to until you get the information you need.
>Stop when it becomes excessive
>Rinse repeat until you get information
Make everyone watch you drip molten aluminum onto your victim. Everyone else will convince Person A to spill.

More likely, the same problem that always happens with torture. Person A will tell you whatever he thinks will get you to stop. Might be the truth, might be a lie, you don't know until you investigate for yourself.

That's the problem with every single method of communication ever.

The difference is that you have a group. It'd be like the Knights and Knaves logic problem.

Even if Person A is the only person with the information, the others will continue to press them beyond the initial blabbing. Turning captives against each other produces better results.

Torture isn't my favorite way of getting information, but it can be used to a brutal point.