OotS - Order of the Stick

>Only seven words.

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Only seven words and we get to see the best villain again, this could be good depending on where it goes.

That won't stop me

Redcloak looks kinda wack with his bigass claw feet.

What are those?
Considering we know the colours of Goblins, Orcs and Hobgoblins, those might be Bugbears.

Bugbears seems like as good a bet as any.

All the claw feet are a bit weird.


Boots are important, man

have we seen goblins since the art upgraded to ariaki in SBR levels of detail?


Those are snowshoes.

Why exactly are people interested in this shit?

Maybe it's because we read it for around 10 years now and story can get people hooked.

cockroaches can't survive those sorts of climates!

Those are demon cockroaches, way different.

They think it's funny or enjoy the plot I guess.

It's had ups and downs but I still enjoy reading it enough to keep going. There isn't really an objective reason.

Is that the "Fuck nice things." bird?

Seven words fine. I like challenge.

Makes sense, at those levels hobgoblins don't cut it for minions. Bugbears are the next level.

I wonder if it's in response to being called on WORDS WORDS WORDS

Veeky Forums does the impossible

I already spent 7 years on this shit. Might as well see how it ends even if it takes me 7 decades.

The plot has it's moments. A lot of irrelevant bullshit, but the author does actually show that he knows how to write sometimes.

I miss xykon so much

This new environment fits the glacial pace of the comic perfectly.

Source on the pic? It's so familiar to me...


>we'll actually get to see best boy soon

Christ man, I almost forgot about him during all the stalling.

Why did he even want the gates open anyway?

Ultimate power, word domination, you know, the usual.

>word domination
I hardly think he needs the gates for that, with the verbal beatdowns he's handed out.

I think in Start of Darkness during the backstory of the Dark One there were little green guys, little orange guys, and little brown guys. Safe bet that the little brown ones were Bugbears, now finally appearing in the story.

No man, see, OotS is WORDS WORDS WORDS, remember? He who controls the WORDS controls the whole WORLD! And then he can do whatever he wants.

We've seen bugbears, there were some in the Dark Ones army. They're purple. These are probably just hobgoblins w/ class levels

That's the edit. The original has way more words.

Post your favorite thogs

Nah purple ones are barghests, which are purple goblinoids that can shapeshift into wolves

>10 years
>Christ, webcomics just keep on going
>other night, thought randomly enters head
>Fuck, that was a thing back in, what, 2001?
>Was shit by next year
>Can't possibly still...
>Look it up
>Fucking thing is STILL GOING

So is Sinfest, last I checked.

It's gone to a terrible place.

Of course it's still going. Don't you remember? Pyro quit his job so that he could do the comic full time.

People pay him for this.

Redcloak convinced him it'll dispense ultimate power and also candy.

Furry porn would be more respectable.

I mean, he's not a good enough artist for it, but it would be more respectable.

What the fuck man? How is anyone supposed to read that in less than 5 hours?

even that word is superfluous.

No words is enough.



Schlock Mercenary meanwhile is still cool and still updating every day.

Good effort.

Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro

Yep, every day, since the 12th of June, 2000.
The biggest delay was a few hours, when the server they used exploded.
It's still good, and the art has seriously improved over time.

And there's an RPG being made as well, currently in production after meeting the KStarter

This should really have the last panel inverted as well, anyone able to MS Paint this?

>This should really have the last panel inverted
But why?

here you go

Because THE WORLD is active?

Oh you mean color-inverted, not axis-inverted. I am dumb.

Does anybody have the one where Durkula uses Za Warudo on Roy?

Did Pranger's Bangers interact with Xinchub et al at some point? That's the only reasonable explanation for that picture that I can come up with.

>I don't have time for reading

The Toughs ended up with Pranger's ship after a chain of events involving Petey, Schlocks, time travel and a lucky shot.
It's pretty good, and ends with an exchange of humiliating pranks between Tagon and Pranger

And then later the ship got tractored by Xinchub's battle-triangle

I'm fairly sure the Tunguska was destroyed before the Toughs got the TaG. They were using the Serial Peacemaker until the time traveling happened and I'm pretty sure that the Tunguska was destroyed a couple irl years before that, when the Panuri were introduced. I do remember the TaG getting tractored, but I don't think it was the Tunguska which did it.

In the now-dead timeline, the Zoojack worm gate was used to time travel, which puts it after the dicovery of the Zoojack system and the destruction of Tunguska. Also in said timeline, the ship "Colonel Pragnar" (the integrity recristened after the death of Pranger in the foxtrot in House cantremeberthename) was destroyed by a seperate UNS battleplate due to firing on it after the captain mistakenly heard it was a battleship.

The now also deceased Monkoweng captured the Touch and Go whilst Tag was the operational AI when they were selling the unfortunately still allive body of Xichub. It ended with brain surgery but the chief interogator was assasineated by schlock soon afterwards due to him smuggling his old memories out in one of his eyes.

>I do remember the TaG getting tractored, but I don't think it was the Tunguska which did it.
Yeah, found it :schlockmercenary.com/2007-12-14

Beat me to it

Xinchub got taken by Petey, but at least he paid the Toughs for him.

The late unlamented Admiral Emm also paid them and fixed their ship, but she was also responsible for the memory-wipe, so that's kind of a wash

Assassineated is such a good word

Truly the best.

A classic.
There isn't an archive of good thogs is there?


Exactly that many words.

Not that I know of
