Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Next MTG Purchase?
Thoughts on SCG Indy open?
GP Charlotte and GP Los Angeles this week.
Do you like the current Modern Metagame?
(picture below)
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Next MTG Purchase?
Thoughts on SCG Indy open?
GP Charlotte and GP Los Angeles this week.
Do you like the current Modern Metagame?
(picture below)
Other urls found in this thread:
Modern Metagame
Top 8
>1 Jeskai
>2 GU Infect
>3 Valakut
>4 GB Infect
>5 Grixis Delver
>6 Tron
>7 Jund
>8 WR Control
Does anyone have the enchantment list that user was working on?
Threadly reminder that control has everything it needs and you need to stop blaming Wizards for your lack of skill.
Eldrazi. The core cards are still very strong, we just need to find the right combination.
>Next MTG Purchase?
Anything good Eternal Masters has to offer. I'd like to get more ZEN fetchlands if those return for real (like the leaker said a few months ago).
>Thoughts on SCG Indy open?
What a fantastic time to be playing Modern.
>excellent banlist update by banning Eye and bringing back AV (and Sword of the Meek)
>Jeskai takes first place
>no Abzan Company making Day 2 (!!)
>rise of Valakut decks
>rise of Dredgevine decks
>innovation in Bant Eldrazi, WR Control, BTL Control, Temur Traverse (
I'm having a blast.
Nothing at the moment.
Mardu Control with Nahiri because I can't afford Jeskai
>Next MTG Purchase?
Probably get some more thoughtseizes.
>Its ok to summon this with haste from your deck but we have to stop anyone from pulling it from the graveyard!
They have not even done anything remotely recursion in like 10 years, why do they still do this shit.
Graveyard mechanics are a mistake because they're too complicated for new players.
Which is why we need more of them. Fuck new players. Casualization leads to hearthstone.
Hearthstone makes mad dosh.
From a business perspective hearthstone is doing it perfectly and is a shining example of what all future card games should strive to be.
Anyone else happy right now that they got Nahiri when she was dirt cheap?
I pulled one from a booster, bought two for cheap and nabbed a foil right before the buyout happened. Feels pretty damn good.
Not dirt cheap, but I'm happy I got a playset for $80.
It's a surprisethat jeskai won, infect should be king of the meta
They stopped printing interesting cards a while ago. Look at Part the Waterveil: apparently they're afraid a combo with a 6 mana sorcery would break the game.
The day Necro became "too good" was The beginning of the end.
death & taxes should not be tier 2
that isn't even a deck. it isn't playable.
>Necro was the beginning of the end
Ok, I agree with you in theory, but you picked a bad example. Necropotence *is* too good for literally anything. It's too good for this world, even.
A better example would be Time Warp, which isn't too good and pairs better as a demonstration with your Part the Waterveil example.
Elves G/B/W version.
Not my list but Dredge with Insolent Neonate and Prized Amalgam. Amalgam is no Ichorid but the list works.
>Next MTG Purchase?
Maybe Eternal Masters. Couple of Auriok Champions. MORE LANDS.
Wow, I traded one of mine for a fucking Westvale Abbey.
Just fuck my shit up senpai
mardu; jeskai
nothing. the format isn't very interesting - i'd rather play standard or legacy.
>>Next MTG Purchase?
probably selling out of modern for mtn bike parts. looking at a 1x crankset and SRAM X0 derailleur. probably a new fork, too. and tires. always good to have spares.
picked up about 35 of her for 10 each.
bin mythic, they said.
unplayable, they said.
"Necro is good in a vacuum" is something people who never played with Necro believe. The card was very fair until Urzas block, and was a way for Black decks to beat Blue decks. Right now, in formats without dark ritual I still think it's fine. Try playing Necro in Modern, see how good it is.
I can second this. It dies to linear aggro like a bitch, and you are missing way to much shit that made the deck tick. I fell for this meme when u first got into modern. The only good dnt is legacy dnt. Aka real dnt.
>The only good dnt is legacy dnt. Aka real dnt.
and even then it's only good if your meta isn't filled with eldrazi. mom can't beat colorless beaters and chalice.
the only version i was ever able to kind-of win with against the field was RW taxes with mox monkey and blood moon. turn 1 arbiter is a beating on the play, but it was pretty jank.
I have fun in modern. I just want ONE THING ban Chalice of the Void. Breaks the game.
You want a card that sees nearly zero play banned?
Bought into affinity feels pretty good.
Enjoy a deck that gets infinite hate and not a single card transfers over to another deck
in my LGS Jund Abzan and Merfolk use 2-3 Chalice in SB
But it still gets good results and has a good chance of never getting banned. And unless they go and ban most of the engine then it will stay around like it always has.
I should have picked up more copies of the card, but I'm happy to own such a good card. Also the bitch does work in commander.
>Tfw nahiri was 12 dollars I couldn't pay someone to take her from me
I should pay more attention to new cards, I traded 3 Kalitas when they were only 17 too
I bought mine for 10, I'm just pissed i didnt get a foil desu
>unplayable, they said.
Emrakul is a good target, just like trough the breach or goryo, but sometimes it's doing nothing because it's too late or because your opponent extract the spell or the creature.
You have to put her in play T4 to have an emmy T6 in a perfect world when you can goryo T2 (when you are dumb or have two bolts in hand) or breach T4.
The minus 2 is more good than expected.
Jeskai can have a damn good side against burn/affinity and can counter a T3 Karn.
So, the association of those is decent but not enough to be a regular top 4. Infect, Jund/Jund and better control decks (blue moon/grixis) are a problem.
Slaughter games is a top-tier side card right now.
Plenty of things that go through Chalice. What colours are you in?
>Not a single card transfers over to another deck
Come on user, there's Inkmoth Nexus!
>they said
did Memedern players really say this?
they're dumber than I realized
>Ban Chalice
Ahahahaha, kill yourself faggot.
>People pretending they "knew she was good all along"
Everyone that owns the card now that payed less than 15 dollars is in that camp. Sorry you thought a 4 drop that tempos you cards, removes permanents, and tutors a creature with haste was bad.
I honestly thought nothing of it either way, since I don't play the colors it's in. But if pretending that you're some deck building virtuoso helps you get through the day, by all means user, go ahead and play pretend.
I have a circle of neckbeards that are pretty much rebbit incarnate. Did the exact same thing with all the eldrazi last set. I have no doubts they are going to try and say that shit next fnm. Well jokes on them. I got my playset of nahiris off them before the spike.
Just be sure to ask them: "If you knew she was so good, why'd you part with her?"
Confirmed for bait
If my meta is full of control what should I build? Every fucker plays Grixis, America, blue moon, and even esper.
Literally any aggro deck with good redundancy. You just keep playing until they run out of 1 for 1's and have to let shit through and eventually fold. You can also side something like Defense Grid to really fuck them, and depending on your own deck pack a Cavern of Souls or two.
>Control meta
play burn.
what do i buy into: deaths shadow aggro, eldrazi taxes or living end
Because you hate winning and want a memedeck instead of something good.
Use Shattering Spree. It makes no difference if the original spell is countered by chalice as the replicate copies are not considered cast.
yes, but what deck
i am literally incapable of making decisions on my own
Living end is the only one of those that is actually any good
>interacting with them ever outside of fnm pairings and trading
Although the current meta isn't the best for it, Living End. It's an interesting Deck, sometimes feels like Aggro (you rush a Living End), sometimes control (Evokes+LE as removal), and sometimes you simply laugh at their misery and you simply cicle away into victory.
Still not the best meta for it.
>I got my playset of nahiris off of them before the price spike.
Sure you did. You totally knew she was good all along right? Nice blog btw.
I both played wiith and played against Necro back during the Black Summer. Let me tell you, it was not "very fair until Urzas block". Necropotence is just about the best Black card ever printed, and Black has a lot of bullshit to compete with it.
It's not a fair card and never has been one. Even without Dark Ritual to support it, it is insanely powerful. It cannot be introduced into formats safely. If Legacy, with all its powerful, plentiful, easy disruption cannot handle Necro, why do you think Modern can?
in the meta, as time goes on though, will there be room for the deck?
on the note of living end, how does it deal with all the yard hate that people sb? or leyline of the void, etc
>Grixis, America, blue moon, and even esper.
Valakut or Tron?
Affinity should run them over, too.
Necro+pump knights+drain life was fair. Necro is the best black spell ever, but its the only reason black was ever even playable.
In modern, Necro:
1. Comes down turn 3 in a turn 4 format
2. Uses your life total as a resource in a format built to pressure that resource
3. Doesn't have any combo decks to power
How do I get around an abrupt decay going after a non-creature permanent that I absolutely don't want to lose? Like an enchantment. How do I flicker that at a reasonable mana cost?
>people actually think Nahiri Jeskai is good
Until you know people start actually preparing against it
Then everyone will stop playing it and go back to throptersword
>He thinks Thoptersword is actually good
Extended is dead gramps
Yeah and all those Tezzerets you bought will be worth 50$ each real soon.
Thopters were DOA. But I wouldn't be surprised to see Pithing Needle in the side for Nahiri.
Greater Auramancy gives other enchantments shroud. That's the best I can do. What enchantment are you talking about?
Pretty good, thanks.
This piece of shit. I've been trying out a UG build with Noxious Revival to get it back or put another creature on top, and Nulltread as a secondary wincon and also to put creatures on top. It's still shit but it's able to steal game 1. With white, there's the possibility of going more down the control route and use colonnades but maybe at that point I'm just playing a worse UW control.
Sucks to be a burger.
Tsk tsk anons
But do you play?
If you want to stay on color you could try bounce effects like repeal. repeal is especially good since it cantrips as well.
Goes on the Maybe pile. Honestly, I don't care what colors I run as long as there's a reason to try them. I might just run white and replace nulltread with phantasmal image to copy the owls. Eidolon of rhetoric seems okay too for blocking and letting me play solitaire for another turn.
Spellskite is a card you might want to try as well.
It's actually been so long since I've seen one that I forgot it existed.
>Too complicated for new players
I got into the game right at the start of Odyssey when I was 10~11 years old. I had absolutely no issue figuring the game out and learning to play, and neither did any of my friends. "It's too complicated for new players" is a bad excuse, and in reality it's "A vocal minority of low IQ individuals don't understand it".
so when do you sell them?
>"A vocal minority of low IQ individuals don't understand it".
i honestly dont even think its that
i think its stupid market research practies
i imagine them getting together a bunch of random uber-casuals that may or may not play regularly and then they ask them prodding questions like "when does magic confuse you?" or "what's one way we could make magic easier to understand?"
well of course they are gonna come up with something, but in reality it wasnt really a problem, you just asked them for the most confusing thing they could remember and they probabl exaggerated their confusion
Why are there so many people upset that Nahiri is good in Modern?
Oh no, Jeskai Control decks have another build option they can choose. How dare there be different deckbuilding options.
For whatever it's worth my first set was Future Sight. These days I hear a lot about how TSP and LRW blocks were failures because their overcomplication drew new players off, and I just get annoyed. Those sets were the fucking shit.
Especially limited.
Simic charm or redirect?
I seriously have to wonder who these "new players" are. It has to be something like what said, they're just grabbing random casuals and asking them stupid, leading questions.
B/w tokens
Lantern control,wanted to try something new
>Next purchase
Every last single card of fucking lantern control. kill me pls
You runnin that pyx son?
Aether grids for backup plan?
1 or 2 Surgicals?
Simic might be the better one for straight up artifact/enchantment hate, though I have a strong urge to run redirect for added fun. UU is also really easy to get.
Gonna try and build Slivers. It seems fun
>Next MTG Purchase?
Affinity, B/W Tokens
G/W Enchantress, Mardu something (Pox probably)
>Next MTG Purchase?
3 Bloodghasts and 3 Flagstones of Trokair. Set of foil promo Signal Pests. Set of Blood Moon.
Naya burn/bogles
UW budget affinity
>Next MTG Purchase?
In sequential order
Mox opals
Arcbound ravager
Inkmoth nexus
Glimmer void
When Nahiri was spoiled I found her interesting and definitely solid, but I wasn't sold on her. It's nice to see things shaking up, but all the Nahiri shills oughta give us more than one event to stroke their cocks. Remember, Lantern Control one a GP and top 8'd two more afterwards. It's very possible Nahiri is giving Jeskai the boost it needs, but I think we need a few more events to tell.
I really fucking love Lantern Control and mine is almost finished.
So tron was the most common day 2 deck and every copy had two copies of world breaker in it. Does this mean that tron is playable again?
why doesn't jeskai just run through the breach?...
Tron was never not playable.
Because it only pulls from your hand, not from your deck. Also it costs five and doesn't offer any other options besides "slap down creature from hand".
Also, breach can be countered much more easily than a PW ability can be.
from your hand, not your library. Tutoring up your wincon is great. Being able to discard your wincon until you can use it instead of holding onto it is also good.
Honestly I don't know why Tron lists weren't fucking running Worldbreaker sooner. I've been saying that Tron lists should be able to run him for quite some time. Guess the banning of Eye of Ugin has made it more appealing