How does Veeky Forums deal with weeaboos?
How does Veeky Forums deal with weeaboos?
I once ran a black crusade game for a group of weeaboos. I just gave them what they wanted and it ended up being the most shonen nippon nakama bullshit game i ever gmed... One of these days i will greentext it
>grudging acceptance as long as they keep their filthy 2hoes to less than 20% of content
Polite discussion and discourse of the setting in private, followed by asking them kindly to leave if they cannot abide by the setting rules and atmosphere. Inform them of any potential or future games that would more suit their tastes, if possible.
You know. Like a rational adult would.
>Play anima
Waow. Hard.
Pic related.
You have read Hunter X Hunter? Because that scenario can be more gritty and hardcore than it sounds.
People can get pretty fucked up in situations like that. And just because someone has that attitude doesn't mean they can't be legitimately scary/tolerate scary friends.
Like, it gets into how it's frightening to confront a protagonist that will not give up and is not really afraid of anything. Because that's actually kind of sociopathic/criminally insane when you think about it.
Also presents an issue because they will not give up. If you seriously make them angry they will fuck you up, or try to. If it means ruining themselves, that is what will happen.
basically by putting pics of lolis and wifu arguments into every thread
Veeky Forums is weeaboos
Play GURPS. Laugh when they catch an arrow in their exposed adolescent midriff and bleed out in the mud or die of infection within the week.
[Spoiler]OR just tell them the setting expectations, ask them to conform, and part ways if their expectations are incompatible with the game you are running.[/spoiler]
Speak for yourself, faggot.
Same way I deal with westaboos. Tell them to not be an obnoxious asshat about it.
I'm running a Silver Age inspired Supers game. Nothing they come up with even gets close to my maximum weirdness tolerance.
That makes me want to throw up.
I want a storytime of some examples of what they've done and comparisons with what you include. Are there Sky Kangas?
IRL? I don't associate with them.
On Veeky Forums? I usually don't reply unless they're actually contributing to the conversation. Very few actually do and most only reply as an excuse to post their cringy reaction images and lewds that tow the line for NSFW content on a blue board.
Don't really have enough time for a storytime, so I'll just introduce my characters:
>The God Set
>Julius Caesar
>The Boogeyman
>An adorable Xenomorph
turn 360 degrees and walk away
>tow the line
>obviously he hates the female form
By not associating with weeaboos.