Eternal Masters spoilers fucking when already?
Eternal Masters spoilers fucking when already?
Have you made your pre-order yet? No? We are not going to tell you what's in it until you give us your money.
I bet it will have Mind Sculpters.
>opening Eternal Masters.
the ultimate folly, you make more buying product and reselling it to idiots than you do opening, and if you just want specific cards, you can just spend that money on said specific cards.
it is garunteed that at least 90% of the rares/mythics will be draft chaff and the set will have 10 chase cards out of like 250 or whatever.
specialty sets are always a money pit for the consumer and only the consumer.
Next week on Monday.
From the people who brought you mythic Comet Storm comes a new ultra-hit!
Mythic Chain Lightning!
>Mythic Fire Ball.
There's no way in fuck I'm paying $1000+ for a case of this without knowing what's in it.
Modern Masters (2013) was good, but I learned my lesson on Modern Masters 2015. Never again. Get fucked WotC
changing rarity was the biggest jew thing they ever did, and broke all their own rules.
never was it so obvious that a lie was told than when they said "modern masters is so modern is more affordable"
printing everything worth a nickle and mythic in a hyper limited run set is about as fucking happy merchant as it comes.
I still have an unopened box of Modern Masters 2013. I wonder what I could get for it now.
300 to 400 dollars.
Eternal Masters is a joke, they can't print anything you really need because of their Jew Promise, "the List".
Wizards worries far , FAR too much about cards costing alot, it has slowly killed interest in the game for most people, especially beyond Standard.
tracking down all the cards to play for modern, or legacy is like a fucking nathan drake game.
Is that more than what I'd average opening the packs? I have no idea what's even in the set. I bought it with store credit when the store owner asked me to spend my store credit on something and I figured it would be worth more later.
>Is that more than what I'd average opening the packs?
you'd get 100 bucks worth of cards if you opened it.
which really begs the question why sealed product of shit like this goes for so much, its mathematically impossible to open it and win outside of the most insane pulls.
>balanced around limited and draft
Didn't they learn from MM2?
nice dubs
I need to find a sucker to sell this box to
learn? they made a fuck ton out of fucking you and retailers in the asshole.
they make sets "for draft and limited" as a joke, as an excuse to print as little power/money as possible in a set anymore.
Wizards being so obsessed with the secondary market is, by far, the biggest flaw they have as a company, they wonder why John and Jane nobody don't play their game, when the entry fee for modern deck is basically a car.
But I didn't buy MM2 for that very reason.
Oh boy! I can't wait to open amazing reprints like Kami of the Crescent Moon! Thanks for supporting EDH in Eternal Masters Wizards!
Reminder to not buy Eternal Masters boxes and only get singles. This is for your own good and the good of the game too. Vote with your wallet.
First, they're taking away our duels from us. Now, their cancer is spreading to Eternal supporting products.
For as much as I see Veeky Forums bitch about MM15, in my experience it was pretty good value even at the inflated price. I bought like six or seven packs at $10 apiece and pulled Kozilek, Bitterblossom, Clique, Eldrazi Temple, and foil Remand. Maybe I just got lucky.
>took your duels
literally what
Force and Wasteland are more than enough, you don't want to ruin the value of collections, do you?
>anecdotal: the post
Nevermind the fact that most of the commons, uncommons, and rares are virtually worthless. The value being incredibly weighted on the mythics (get fucked if you pull Comet Storm). Yet they had the balls the charge us 10 dollars a pack, which you happily bought like a good goy.
It's a meme, basically the belief that EDH players are driving up the demand of original duallands and other eternal staples. desu there is some truth to it, kinda baffled a lot of people don't consider the EDH demographic for card prices.
>edh screwing things up for legacy
True name nemesis would like a word with legacy players
The only reason I haven't made Legacy Elves is Gaea's Cradle can never be Modern border and it's the only card in the list that ins't.
So despite having the purchase power to buy the deck ten times over, I won't buy a single piece because I'm a fucking aspie.
Considering who this hobby attracts the most I wouldn't be surprised if I was one of a hundred thousand similar people willing but unable to spend their autismbucks on their product.
Yes you got super lucky, 2 of those are mythics
That's honestly a card that should have never been printed in the first place
Sad but true based on what little we have, this will be as bad as MM15 or worse
I played a single draft because it was a top 8 thing in a Modern event. Got Leyline of Sanctity, Comet Storm and Gohei.
If I had paid for this shit I wouldn't have been happy. I picked the Leyline and made an 11 Lacerator aggro deck that won me the actual prize, a set of fucking Goyf.
The biggest money opened at that draft was a Hierarch, $250 bucks for a Hierarch, a Spellskite and a Leyline.
I'm not buying a box of this shit or playing any drafts, I'm just getting my Wastelands ASAP and letting others waste their money on WotC's lottery.
I'm probably just going to play one tournament with this to see if it's fun to play. I still remember the last Modern Masters though, that was dogshit.
As someone who just got back into Magic and really enjoys drafting, what's up with Eternal Masters? Can someone explain the strong dislike towards the set in terms someone who wasn't around for MM1 and MM2 could understand? Where they just jew'ing people out of money or was it about what was and wasn't reprinted?
Eternal Masters is another stringing along of people that are trying to break into Legacy, but don't want to pay $2k or buy proxies.
The dislike is because Wizards made a card like Force of Will, an uncommon, into a Mythic rare with only "muh draft environment" as a reason why. The actual reason is that Force of Will at Mythic will make them a fuckton more money. Same goes with Wasteland being a rare.
The draft environment makes no sense, no one is drafting MM2, no one drafted MM1 a month into it, it's bullshit. It's pure jewing and the only reason why mtg is still around is because brand loyalty.
It also drives up the prices of pre-existing copies. I hope you fucks picked up your Wastelands, Ports and Forces because that shit will skyrocket
Do you know if that would have any actual effect on the draft environment? Bullshit costs aside I've had a ton o fun drafting SOI weekly for over a month now. Could I expect something similar for EM?
No idea. MM1 was a solid draft set, MM2 felt like someone's jank ass cube. Might be cool might not.
Even still, you could probably buy the singles, and run a cube (with the expensive shit being proxied) if the draft environment is fun.
The lack of spoilers concerns me. It's probably crap
It doesn't matter whether you bought it or not: as soon as it reached LGSes, Wizards were already laughing their way to the bank. That's the way the distribution chain works. The only thing it'll affect is the next product which is why instead of getting MM3, we're getting EMas instead in the hopes Wizards can pull a hat trick by promising more.
And from the looks of it, Wizards has already won.
Maybe it will be like MM1... We can hope right? Right???
Yeah, they don't even start spoilers until about two weeks until launch and make it nearly impossible to get a set without preordering before then isn't a good sign.
What difference will it make? It's not an unlimited set that will rot in the shelves. If you don't buy it some other fat neckbeard will.
What do you predict to be in the set Veeky Forums? My guess is Chain Lighting at uncommon or rare
The first Modern Masters generally made you money if you could get it at MSRP. You could get an uncommon that paid for the pack.
Well, I'm going to buy one later this year to crack, then sleeve it up as a god-tier cube.
StP ar rare.
>never was it so obvious that a lie was told than when they said "modern masters is so modern is more affordable"
They were careful to never say that. They just said they wanted more cards in circulation.
>if you could get it at msrp
Which almost everyone couldn't.
>why sealed product of shit like this goes for so much
Because cracking packs in draft has value? They're certainly overvalued as far as statistical market value of singles, but no one is going to sell them for pennies on the dollar.
I really hate people who bitch about MtG prices. They're either filthy poorfags or nah, they're always filthy poorfags.
>instead of getting MM3, we're getting EMas
MM1&2 came out two years apart. What reason is there to believe MM3 won't be coming in 2017?
Chances are if EMA does well they'll start releasing followup sets on even-numbered years, and MM sets on odd-numbered ones.
Also, it isn't so much about making Modern more affordable as preventing the staple card prices from skyrocketing more than they already have. How much would Tarmogoyf be going for now if it hadn't been reprinted twice, mythic or no?
and if they did an actual reprint maybe people in the real world could get into the format and not just as a $600 status symbol
But wasteland plummeted in price
Better yet, why don't they make a deck building tool kit for the various formats. One for EDH with all of the edh only cards, one for modern, and legacy gets an empty box with a picture of maro giving you the finger
I just like opening boosters
If they wanted to bypass the no-reprint list to save ACTUAL REAL collectors prices.they could do it easily and to shut up new constructed players grumblings about price of entry.heres how they do it.
1.Slightly modified new ART.(Personally I would do a 2d-3d conversion mod, so putting the old and new cards side by side ,then using the Crossview technique it pops out/in.)
2.Do restricted list reprints only in shiney FOIL but in the old rarity slot and relative quaintity.
this way real collectors trying to complete a set will have to go for originals or a complete foil set for it not to look stupid in folders,maintaining Jewlike demand.
the only valid reason for chainging rarity would be to balance the power if the set is weak.(But they can just Urza set like overpower Everything so overall it's balanced with every rare a bomb)
I love this card so much have, can I play both the blue and white version in edh?
What the fuck are you talking about, cards on the reserved list cannot be reprinted in any capacity, putting new art and making it a foil isn't a work around.
Maybe you're just lucky user. I mean, look at those repeating digits.
Since I explained WHY it is a workaround(doesn't affect real set collectors value or reduce collector demand in this COLLECTABLE card game (not stock market speculation game)which is the stated reason for the reserved list.
I'll just asume you're a troll (5/10 got a response) or a sociopath that doesn't like the new players having fun.
pst. From The Vault shows foiling old shit works.
p.s. The player base is huge 100x relative to when those old card were printed ,so demand is only going up ,even with reprints.
p.p.s.If you are A new player who has already overspent on the old cardboard to actually play the game tough shit.
the original print run was only around 100,000 cards,with literaly millions of players now wanting to play them in sanctioned event.SO FUCK YOU sell you're shit now to set collectors ,and buy 100 shiney reprints you old cultist table flipper.
what if I want to draft
this shit wont draft worth a fuck, its a money-bait set that has 200 filler cards because of the PRETEXT of it being a draft set.
just draft Conspiracy 2.
That's marketing bub, the less time you give someone to make the choice the more likely they are to buy leisure items.
well, idiots maybe, I've opted out.
They can be reprinted in Gold Bordered NOT PLAYABLE IN SANCTIONED PLAY *wink* legacy is seldom sanctioned *wink*
Cry more faggot. Reserved List won't be reprinted.
So what are the chances of this having Damnation in it?
The reserved list will never be reprinted. It's a legally binding document and the benefits of a reprint don't outweigh the costs to wizards.
>Potentially make a limited print run, non standard set that has dual lands in it, it sells out like any other MMA/EMA set.
>Get buttfucked by lawsuits for the next decade.
Just save up your good boy points for volcanics .
The game is meant to be played
Collectors should only be interested in stuff on the reserved list anyway
>legally binding document
Nigga what? That's plain wrong. The problem with ending the list is that Wizards would be going back on their word, undermining customers' trust in them.
There are people who financially rely on the Reserved List staying, because they're retards using a childrens' card game as a stock market. Those people don't have any protection against the company changing its policy. Wizards has no legal obligation to them. It's not a contract, it's just a promise.
how about you niggas just play poker
Queen is too ugly to waifu, and my double sleeves keep naihiri and avecyn safe from my tributes.
About the same, actually. One of MM1&2's biggest problems was the limited print run. Many of the "value" reprints are cards you need a playset of. Goyf is the prime example. Modern Masters was marketed as a set to make Modern more accessible and was eagerly anticipated. If you pulled a goyf, you still need 3 more, and that demand vastly outclassed the supply. It's why, to use MM2 as an sample, Karn and Noble Hierarch's prices have barely moved. They went from 60 to 45 - losing a quarter of their value is a pretty huge hit, but the hit would be far greater if they weren't cards you needed playsets of.
Mm2 is the reason that modern was removed from the promotional tour. Wotc isnt stupid, they just know they cant fart out a billion lilis and goyfs and act like its fine. Its insulting to their design team and will make people drop the game when their collections price eats shit.
>people drop the game when their collections price eats shit.
The purpose of collecting cards is to collect and play, not set up your retirement fund. Players should be glad that cards are more accessible, not worry about resale value. Like any spendy hobby, you will lose money in exchange for fun. You don't deserve all your money back when you cash out of the game.
Nice quints
yeah, right
It was doable at first.