A New Necromantic spell!

Pathetic Fools! Tremble before me for I, the Great Ned the Necromancer have devised a Necromantic spell unlike any ever seen before!
>Waves hands and casts a spell
Behold! The Reanimated EXOskeleton! Now go my lobstery minion! Pinch those fools to death!


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inb4 giant enemy crab

you get 7d6 extra damage if you attack its weak spot

Yawn. You're just animating a skeleton, Ned. A pretty fragile one. Don't quit your day job, the world needs cobblers too, you know.

At least I'm TRYING new things Larry. All you do is that stupid summon zombie spell. ANYONE can summon a Zombie. It's the first page in the text book!

Come on Fred, you're just copying off of my ideas now.

You had really good ideas with that whole fungus rot thing, keep at it!

Crabs have internal skeletons.




Can they count in binary?

what the fuck

>Crabs have internal skeletons.
This is not correct.

>Examples of exoskeleton animals include insects such as grasshoppers and cockroaches, and crustaceans such as crabs and lobsters.

>Crabs are generally covered with a thick exoskeleton, composed primarily of calcium carbonate

While we're on the subject of crabs:

The "Samurai Crab" is a species of crab that has human like facial features on its carapace. This came about because those fishing them found it unlucky or taboo to eat or otherwise capture a crab which had a human face on it. This led to a form of artificial selection because crabs which had human-like facial features on their carapaces were tossed back and allowed to reproduce, creating a whole population of creepy crabs.

tin yurl dot com zkfu6es

What I'm getting out of this is that you can get two skeletons out of one crab. Why aren't more Necromancers using crab minions, again?


you have given my life meaning

Crabs do not have internal skeletons. Only exoskeletons.

...never change, Veeky Forums. Never change.

Holy shit I'm going to use this whenever I see a creatard again. This is such undeniable proof of natural selection.

Wait wait wait...

Crabs molt their exoskeletons to grow out their new ones since "skeletons" don't stretch out.

Can you animate the moltings? Can you animate the various stages from the same crab? Does it even count as necromancy if the crab isn't actually dead?


If you animate the skeleton of an actual dead crab, it would tote the flesh around with it since it's encased.

If you then zombify the crab, animating the flesh, would it try to break out of the animated skeleton? Accept its fate as a servant to the vessel? Reach for cigarettes when the skeleton reaches for knives?

Zombie crab wearing exoskeleton power armor of its own shell.

>This is such undeniable proof of natural selection.
No, its artificial selection caused by the introduction of anthropogenic factors. Go back to Biology class. Natural selection is better typified by changes in the beak size gradient in finch populations as was observed across the 1970s in the Galapagos.

Please don't try talking about evolutionary factors if you don't know what you're talking about

Artificial though it is, it is proof of concept that a selective factor can influence populations in evolutionary theory, even if it isn't an example of natural selection.

Humans are part of nature too.

>implying evolution and God are exclusive

>implying implications
>implying I don't have faith that God set it all up from the start to turn out the way he wanted

The Botfly

I like the basic shape you're working with, but I've already got all these bones cluttering up the lair, so I'm putting them to use.

explain. is this a "problem of evil" argument now or what?

I think they're suggesting no benevolent god would create something so horrifying.

If God is even half as good as the bible suggests, that would mean he can't be benevolent. In the world there exists something that leaves it's host alive as it ea's it's way out of your skin.
This isn't even getting to the hard hitters, like Irukandji or that fucking cybrog wasp that eats metal to harden it's ovipositer just so it can lay it's eggs in you in a more debilitating way.
God isn't evil. A god that is in any way benevolent can't exist in a world where this exists. This is evolution in it's most primal form, completely unfeeling survival of the fittest.

God could have just set the whole thing in motion and kept hands off on how things ended up and is just watching now line an omnipotent voyeur.

Then heaven must be like one of those terrifying Taiwanese fetish clubs if he fucking enjoys this shit existing.
It'd be like Rakdos meets Slaanesh

>This came about because those fishing them found it unlucky or taboo to eat or otherwise capture a crab which had a human face on it. This led to a form of artificial selection because crabs which had human-like facial features on their carapaces were tossed back and allowed to reproduce, creating a whole population of creepy crabs.

The problem with this theory is that people never actually ate the crabs so there would be no evolutionary pressure.
Far more likely those are just ridges for muscle attachment.

Rock Lobster?

What? There was a pressure on the species that selected for face characteristic which was a stabilizing selection towards face-shell.

No, the Heikegani was never eaten in Japan, so all of those caught would be dumped back into the ocean, hence no selective pressure.
Besides, the battle of Dan-no-ura, the sea battle that supposedly cause the crabs to be avoided, happened in 1185, and that's not nearly enough time for such a drastic change in physiology.

Iraq Lobster.

That would still mean a selective pressure among the various species of crabs, wouldn't it?
Not the same thing I know.

no he's proposing a deistic god.One who created the universe and set things in motion but doesn't interfere in anyway as things progress on their own.

Care to share with a curious bibliovore?