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Daily reminder that if you don't like Path of War, you think martials should never be tier 3
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Daily reminder that if you don't like Path of War, you think martials should never be tier 3
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>paladin of slaughter (CE) and or tyranny (LE) exist
>antipaladin of freedom (CG) or ?justice (LG) doesn't
Those variants have different names.
>>no fighter, monk, summoner, swashbuckler, occult classes, or vig.
I prefer my martials to attack and then unleash a cornucopia of passive and reactive abilities based on the crimson tide following the damage roll.
And then he makes his second attack and shit goes DmC Vergil.
Because he doesn't actually understand class balance.
To replace them with PoW martials i assume.
I hope he at least allows PoW archetypes for those classes or he done fucked up.
Probably wants to keep T5 classes out, but for some reason that includes Occult (probably because of SoP) and Vigilante and Summoner.
What are they? I can't find any non evil antipaladins anywhere.
>I can't find any non evil antipaladins anywhere.
>non evil antipaladins
Stand in the corner.
How do I make a good/competent pure martial crossbow user by level 3-4? Paizo only.
>antipaladin of freedom (CG) or ?justice (LG) doesn't
Grey Paladin, Justiciar, etc.
You know, actual paladins.
Does anyone know of any third-party or homebrew rules adding more statblocks for various cannon and other firearm siege engines? I'm doing some of my own, but it'd make my life easier if someone else had already done some of the work.
Crossbow master fighter archetype.
Now kill yourself.
>LE Paladin
we Red Death?
There are some in the AP Rasputin Must Die.
So /pfg/, how do I ensure that things shall get loud as a PC of 5th level? 1pp only.
He doesn't like the Occult classes. I only allow manifesters as any kind of "caster" in my games, so that also excludes a bunch of shit.
Fucks sake senpai you know what I mean
Posting my VMC rules for Ertw's Beguiler again for more comments and crits:
>Crossbow master
Worth it to take one level of Bolt Ace for that Vigilant Loading?
Bolt Ace
Cry because they nerfed the thing allowing touch attacks at level 11
Two level dip in alchemist for extra arms and dual wielding, maybe a familiar to juice you with extract infusions or use wands of gravity bow
Five levels in bolt ace
Been to see that cannon up in Scotland. It's pretty fucking massive and I can't imagine it doing less than 5d12 or something crazy like that.
Nah, he changed it.
Pic related: the fuck, captcha
What would be better for a charger build to apply the Hussar template to, Warlord or Warder?
Warlord is more fun
Yeah, it seemed like if you use the stance where your weapon is considered bigger by one size and then use raging hunter pounce, then use the gambit where you charge to get your expended manoeuvres back, you should be good.
One problem I did notice was that if you charge an enemy with ride by attack, they can just keep running after you to stop you charging again. Is there any way to counteract this e.g. move then get to charge at double your speed?
I certainly don't. Do you not understand the concept of what Paladins and Antipaladins are suppposed to be?
Given that paladins of the four corner alignments exist, I assumed that antipaladins of the corner alignments would also exist in some form since variants such as the LE tyrant exist.
They don't, though. Paladins are strictly LG (outside of the garbagecan Grey Paladin archetype). The LE Tyrant does exist, but all other Antipaladins are CE.
Ertw has specifically mentioned that he wasn't exactly a fan of letting the 2nd tier order powers out into the wild, so you might want to take that into consideration.
Grey paladin is terribad, that's true. And on closer inspection the paladins of freedom etc are custom creations. That said, I was asking if such a variant of the antipaladin existed.
Nope! It's Tyrant or the WotW archetype that also lets you be LE or you're stuck as Anta Gonist.
Fuck, I was looking forward to dazing fools with a conductive weapon whilst not being a twat. I guess I'll just play a magus.
Ok, so. Playing an arcane duelist who is primarily support and building on the anti-caster aspect of the archetype. Is VMC with cavalier for tactician worth it? If so, what order should I look at? Or am I going at this the wrong way?
How would you justify a crime-fighting Anti-Paladin?
I REALLY want the AntiPaladin's aura of cowardice.
Antis don't have to be retarded Chaotic Stupid fucks. They just have to actively spread evil. So a LE Tyrant who promotes brutal punishment for crimes is totally Antipalading like a boss, but he's still helping fight crime.
Also, the Dread gets something similar, iirc.
Keep in mind that the gambit doesn't recover the maneuver you used to perform the gambit.
The best ways to get away for another charge is the Pride Movement maneuver from Golden Lion, Hastened Leap from Piercing Thunder, Leaping Dragon from Thrashing Dragon, or Fluctuation Movement (Air) from Elemental Flux.
Or get someone else to use any of the movement-granting maneuvers from Golden Lion on you.
Or you can get more speed, so that you can keep on going a longer way to prevent them from going after you easily.
A Qinggong Monk in my party is thinking of picking up the Battlemind Link ki power, which just functions as the spell. Look at the description for how Battlemind Link works, though...
Well, it's a mess. How have/would you handle this spell at your table? If I were the one running this game, I would just rule that both people take their turns at the same time, like a summoned creature and its summoner. I'm not the DM here though (just the magus player that will probably be the monk's target for Battlemind Link).
Friendly reminder to give your Vigilante a suit of Djezet Skin armor, especially if your DM allows it to be further enchanted or you're a Cabalist/Warlock. Just wear it underneath your civvy clothes!
a) He just likes hurting people. Hurting "bad" people is how he can get away with it.
b) It's elaborate plant to build law enforcement entirely under his control that will become integral part of society. Then abuse the power this position gives him
c) As above but the plan is to wait for a serious crisis to strike and immediately withdraw plunging region into complete chaos.
Dammit, beat me to it!
How about a guy who just loves to terrorize and beat the shit out of people for kicks, and it just so happens to be crooks? He doesn't care about the silly notion of justice and respects not for the laws put in place to spot criminal activity; rather he simply hunts for criminals because they would make the least sympathetic victims and thus not as much concern of pesky do-gooders to waltz in and trounce all over his fun.
There's also as suggests, which frankly can better explain how an Anti could possibly work with a party.
LE 'paladins' can be done well with "hellknights".
People who hate evil, and want to punish evil - they believe that everyone is evil and they'll trick good people into doing evil acts, just to prove that they were never good in the first place... so they can then punish them. They will leave genuine good people who resist temptation alone though.
They're basically satan, and they're massive hypocrites.
May I ask where this armor is from? It has peeked my interest greatly.
His name is Thean Tagonist, you chode.
>Also, the Dread gets something similar, iirc.
Yeah, I know. Aura of Cowardice and Aura of Fear stacks by the way.
Whatever dongwaffle. He's the best Antipaladin there has ever been or ever will be, so pithy things such as names are unnecessary.
He just takes such joy in his work. He's just a bad guy doing bad things and reveling in it.
Armor Master's Handbook
Almost forgot about that book, didn't know it was out too.
What's his wife again? Or is he a single bachelor looking for the right woman or man to wreck havoc with?
>Two level dip in alchemist
What classes benefit from a 2-dip in alchemist? I hear lots of praise for extra arm, but I don't quite know why it's so lauded. extra arm can let you hold a enchanted shield for cheap to push your AC whlie still two-handind something good.
Stop it.
Any ways to cancel freedom of movement other than being a Tetori Monk? I suppose the only other way is dispel magic and... those mythic gloves right?
And back something came up.
So fighter was primarily to replace with pow for the generic hit stuff. Monk because I don't like it thematically, occult because I am going for SoP to replace pf style casting, which is also why no dsp psionics. And summoner because I also just don't like them thematically.
Can guns be good if you don't immediately beeline for getting free-action reloads and going for Rapid Shot/Hammer The Gap/Clustered Shots and full attacks?
Is Vital Strike viable?
>Is Vital Strike Viable
Are you a druid? No?
Then no.
If you can't rapid-fire the guns, I wouldn't bother. The only reason to ever pick one of those overpriced noisy crossbows up is if you can do a shitload of damage vs touch AC, and you're not gonna do that if you're firing one shot every other round.
Is it viable if the firearm's base damage is very high? I'm looking at 3d6 every round via shenanigans.
no, the key to dealing high damage is to stack up on static bonuses, not deal more damage die (which is part of the reason why Vital Strike isn't very good, and why Paizo castrating the feat was so ridiculous)
Averaging out, that's like 10-12 damage a round if you're not adding anything to that 3d6, I believe. You tell me.
He is married, has children, and is a fantastic husband/father.
He also carries a "World's Greatest Dad" coffee mug at all times, handmade by his children.
>He also carries a "World's Greatest Dad" coffee mug at all times, handmade by his slave children.
Fixed that for you
Paizo castrated VITAL STRIKE of all things? That feat tax thing that every totally unrelated feat for people above level 6 requires all the time?
Uh, what? Vital Strike has been not good since always. Paizo didn't have to do anything additional to make it a really mediocre feat.
>Is Vital Strike viable?
Not with guns. Think bigger.
What weapon has a high-base damage stat but doesn't benefit much from most weapon feats and has wickedly slow reload times?
Railguns, son.
Get that shit out of here.
Not available in most settings or campaigns.
Peasant railguns!
Failing that, siege weapons.
>Failing that, siege weapons.
What do you think cannons are?
Could a level 10 siege mage use a colossal heavy bombard effectively?
I theorycrafted a spellslinger once that was entirely focused on putting as much damage into a single shot as possible. I was tired of all the builds for guns that focused on firing 27 times a round with a fucking musket.
You can add a lot of damage with things like Focused Shot, Point Blank Shot, Mage Bullets enchants, Deadly Aim, sneak attack die, sniper goggles, Magic Weapon (before using Mage Bullet, to fulfill the +1 req for more exotic enchants), high base weapon damage (1d12 for musket), and probably some other things. Bullseye Shot can improve your hit as well.
I never actually got to play this character though and I lost my notes on the potential damage one could do with +5 int mod. Anything that gives +damage on hit or +hit without being restricted to a single hit (so everything above except bullseye and focused) is also generally more effective the more attacks you make but whatever.
Is there a way to wield a large firearm as a medium sized character with no penalty? Easy to do in 3.5, just get gloves, but not sure about pathfinder.
>Is there a way to wield a large firearm as a medium sized character with no penalty?
First party?
Any reasonably acceptable source, I suppose.
I remember spending a lot of time trying to find a way to for a different character a year or two ago and giving up, so I assume you still can't with just paizo?
Tiefling roll #16 on the variance chart.
How would Golarion change if the Technic League were dissolved and just about every nation in Avistan could get their hands on Numerian technology?
Not a pure Siege Mage.
A couple level dips so you can get all the Siege Feats and access to the Magic Weapon spell to increase accuracy.
Then proceed straight to Construct Rider Alchemist.
Why? 6 reasons:
1) Craft construct rules dictate that your companion is proficient with siege weapons the moment you install it on them. It also means they ignore weight restrictions (but not size restrictions - you better get a Mammoth, T-Rex, Roc or any Large creature for this)
2) You can get a tumor familiar (you lose access to familiar as a siege mage) to serve as your aerial spotter aiding your accuracy, help you load the siege weapon or as a valet, helping improve your companion and your cannon.
3) Siege Bomb Discovery.
4) Better BAB than the wizard.
5) You get a bonus to alchemy, which means making custom siege ammunition (refer to the pfsrd)
6) If you grabbed a familiar, he can aim and fire the cannon for you (you guys share the same knowledge: engineering skill for aiming siege weapons) While you can fuck around doing other things like imbuing siege bombs, reloading your crossbow, applying poisons, etc.
You BETTER roll an Android for this because you're gonna need his racial ability often. (also, because there's nothing cooler than a robot bomber gunslinger operating a giant robot -trex strapped with cannons and guns)
Aegis, and take powerful build as a customization.
>At 10th level, he can reload, aim, and fire the siege engine purely by the power of this link, and no longer needs a crew to control the siege engine. It still takes the normal required amount of time and actions to control a siege engine in this manner.
Trust me. Not worth it.
Want to know a FASTER way to reload siege weapon than 10 levels of Siege Mage?
Grab the craft construct feat either as a Siege Mage Wizard or Construct RIder Alchemist.
This allows you to craft 2HD clockwork servants. They are cheap disposable, and multiple servants = fast reload time (refer to the pfsrd regarding loading siege weapons)
You can order them to ride on your large companion and serve as the loading crew.
You can order the rest to act as spotters.
The others to maintain the cannon.
The others to help aid with your crafting.
Personally? I had placed them in my wagon (Large Wagon. With a lab, smith, workshop and sleeping quarters. and made out of ironwood to boost its hardness and HP) as general maintenance bots doing everything for me.
Not at all, because the Gods of Paizo will always handwave any potential advancement in the name of status quo and medieval stasis
Plus if the Bad End of WotR is any indicator, technology is nothing compared to Magic and Planar Bullshit
What happens if I bring a sample of Brown Mold to the elemental plane of fire?
>16: You have over-sized limbs, allowing you to use Large weapons without penalty.
Does this mean you can be a Small tiefling with +2 Strength and the ability to wield Large weapons?
Tieflings are medium by default.
Well the Good End of WOTR happened in my group, and Paizo has no bearing over what the fuck happens in my campaign.
No. A small creature with the oversized limbs trait could wield normal sized weapons. Not large.
How the hell are her horns supposed to work? Where are they even coming from
But even if you get #16, it still says Large.
Doubtful, considering your arms would be bigger than you.
Obviously it intends medium size.
What does a siege mage even do in a party?
>You guys go raid the mansion while I sit here on the other side of the forest. If things get too crazy, give the signal and I'll smash the south wall
Stop it.
>Paizo has no bearing over what the fuck happens in my campaign.
I distinctly recall some asshat dev on the Paizo forums being salty as fuck because somebody figured out how to make non-Evil AntiPaladins that worship a good deity.
That's not the impression I got, it seemed like demons loved tech so much they turned themselves into cyborgs...
The intent is obviously for them to be one step up.
I doubt you could find a GM that would allow a small character to use large weapons with that, which is what it would come down to regardless of RAW.
At least they have a use in that scenario.
Imagine a crypt or a dungeon run. Or being in the underdark.
The Siege Mage almost serves the purpose of an NPC class wizard.
They have no viable means of transporting their siege weapons through dungeons nor a method to reload them until 10th level.
Its why I crossclassed it with Construct RIder.
See, even if the animal companion can't use siege weapons indoors, they could still rely on jaws and claws. Or a crossbow installed on them by a clever alchemist.
The side of her head.
But they're where her ears are supposed to be, further their bases are far too spindly.
Are you suggesting that, instead of ears, she has spindly and useless horns?