Mtg pauper general, card draw edition

Mtg pauper general, card draw edition.

Thread topic:
>Best non-blue card draw at common? For each color?

Other urls found in this thread:

> pauper

Proof that MTG is pay to win. Why not switch to something better like Force of Will or Heartstone?

Doesn't matter. Counterspell is common so (card draw) spells are not effective.

>Force of Will or Heartstone?
Force of Will is twenty thousands leagues below what I think is socially acceptable for a card game and Heartstone is an entirely different card game all-together.

>Le wrong fun meme
Go and take your salt elsewhere.

Black: Read the Bones.
All other colours: Mulldrifter.

>MTGO Pauper Guide

>What are some top tier decks I can get on MTGO/Paper?


>Which rules should I follow?
If you don't already have some homebrew version with friends, follow the MTGO card pool and banlist (and please spread this to your friends that start playing with you). Currently the only place Pauper is officially supported by Wizards is online, and they have a card pool and banlist, therefore that is the format we should be using offline on paper as well, since decks and cards can transfer to games between each other with no confusion.

The bottom left has a box, select MTGO Pauper, all cards in the card pool and banlist are taken into account.

>What deck should I use?
Ask in the thread!

>Is MTGO worth it?
If you have no local paper competition, but want to play a vast amount of Pauper, it can't be beat, even if it is a clunky GUI, you learn quickly.

Some good decks for newbies include but are not limited to:
>Mono U control
>UB Teachings

Counterpart and its like are too high and breaking. Makes the game super unfun.

Dangerous Wager is really fun for Burn Decks. I like to make it extra dangerous by fireblasting with the same two mountains.

new to pauper
any recommendations for my monogreen ramp?

the problem with mono G is that you dont have any kind of board control
this is why it is usually prefered to go for the aggro G stompy that focus on closing the game asap while swarming the playboard instead of ramping for a big fattie that would probably get removed few moments after he is deployed

turn 3 crusher isn't fast enough?
vines hex-proof isn't protection enough?

fuck meant to quote

Because both are shit games.

Really hoping for Kird Ape at common for EMA.

Rate this allies deck, also suggestions for the side?

turn 3 crusher implying you get to drop 3 creatures in t1 and t2 and have sprawl and grow in hand
>playing goldfish

How do I play high tide and gush in the same deck?

too bad there are no good storm cards in pauper anymore

Fuck I meant frantic search and gush

Read the Bones, by a mile

Tormenting Voice

Krosan Tusker or Gift of the Gargantuan

Repel the Darkness? Shelter?

White gets fuck-all for card-drawing at common, except for the occasional cantrip.

Auriok Sunchaser or Carapace Forger in Affinity?
Does anyone even play Affinity anymore?

Frantic Search isn't banned in your store?

Listen up weeb

Even if you could afford a Tier 1 deck, you still wouldn't win because you're a dumb shit and Magic doesn't test indepth knowledge of Chinese pedo cartoons. Thus it's is not pay to win. Get it?

Is FoW better balanced for real? Is it really cheaper?

weeb gf wants to play something less expensive

UW tron and Tortured Existence reporting in.

Can someone explain to me what it means?
Im kinda new to MtG

Read the op. Jesus. It's MTG using only Commons.

>Proof that MTG is pay to win.
Literally what?

>Pay to win
>A format in which the most expensive deck is $60 if you have none of the staples

Only common cards are legal. Cards that were printed at common at any point in their history online, with a few banned cards.

Pauper is only officially supported online, so some cards that havent been printed on there at common, but have been in paper, aren't legal. Stuff like Sinkhole, for example.

It's a lotta fun to play, and its super budget compared to any other format out there.

Unless you invest into pauper and then move to a hick town where they play idiotic pauper rules.

Fuck Shreveport.

What's wrong? I don't play pauper but I see people playing at DL all the time.

I think he means the existence of Pauper and not playing Standard/Modern/Legacy since they are ten times more expensive than Pauper.

Lol no. R/r will forever run this shit

Lake Charles here. Small town stores are ass.

So the coolest pauper deck I've ever seen is acid trip.
I have the usual three questions
>how much is it
>is it hard to pilot
>what's it's viability

How popular are enchantment decks? On the flip side, how popular is tranquility for sideboards?

>Proof that MTG is pay to win.

You mean, pay to play. Moron

>Doesn't matter. Counterspell is common so (card draw) spells are not effective.
Yes please, counter my cantrips instead of my wincons.

is everyone literally retarded? I understand perfectly what user means by this statement, if a game has such high budget entries such as magic in all the popular formats:
>standard - $500
>modern - $1000
>edh - $1000

but of course these are for top tier decks, or decks that want to try and win on a consistent basis.

now onto pauper, how good is affinity and white weenie? I want to make several pauper decks for me and my playgroup and i want to make decks that have a range of strateies, goals, and "good" cards, would these two deck ideas work as the starting points in pauper? or would affinity and green stompy work better

>if a game has such high budget entries
Then it's pay to play, not pay to win.
If you can't afford duals, then play Modern where Shocklands are the norm. But even then, D&T and Dredge in Legacy are very good and they use no duals.

Decks that become notably good in a format don't always start out as expensive, instead they can become expensive because then they get popular.

Also on the actual topic, I think that Affinity is pretty good, not too sure about WW but I think that Thraben Inspector could be a boon for the deck.

Holy shit local players.
I'm new to MTG and made a Burn Pauper deck but I'm always busy on Thursday night lol. I dunno what weird rules he's talking about. It's just every card at common on paper and MTGO banlist. I mean I wish it was MTGO card pool as well but it's no hard to adapt.

>If you can't afford duals, then play Modern where Shocklands
isn't a set of those over $1000?

>isn't a set of those over $1000?
Most decks only play around 2 of a single shock and they run for like $10-$15 so they're not too expensive.

Playsets make sense if you don't want to switch cards around (I don't), so then a full playset of each shockland for a total of 40 cards is around $500-550.

>I dunno what weird rules he's talking about
It's a popular meme in this threads to pretend to be really mad at people who play commons not available on MODO.

I also thought it was retarded, but people here seem to like it that way.

You woudn't believe how assblasted some people got when I said that of all the usual subjects from the Card Kingdom banlist (The basic 9 plus Goblin Grenade, High Tide, Hymn to Tourach and Sinkhole), only Hymn was worth banning from what I had seen in my LGS.


Oooh, it's coming together lads! Just some full art Forests due to arrive in the mail and the basic 5 mono decks are done. Onto Affinity and Bogles after this then I'll saunter my way through Tron.

Go test and see what you prefer. I like a 4/4 for 2 mana better.

New pauper decks when? Will Eldritch Moon change the meta a bit? like WotC cares about pauper in any way ;_;



It's cheaper but the dumbass devs cannot balance the game to save their lives. Look at any tournament from the past eight months and tell me what rulers you see, look at tournaments a year ago and tell me what rulers you see. R/R is god now just like Baha Blast was god a year ago. And when R/R rotates some other ruler will replace him with just as much unnecessary utility strapped onto a card.


consider putting in Fog.

>edh - $1000

Jesus Christ how. Are you one of those people that runs all foils or plays with Timetwister?

Any unusual decks you encountered that looked fun?
I want to try something completely new and un-meta

Ninjablast looked really fun and isn't bad.

This fucks up the meta. The MTGO meta is fantastic and well balanced. The paper meta depending on store and what people play and whatever random cards you do or don't ban is complete shit. Make it consistent. More people will play that way.

If you dont evolve pauper is deader and will continue to die due to old Commons getting more and more rare.

Evolve, dummy. You're holding back new players and the meta.

My local store has idiots like you. I just decided to get pauper decks and play with people who follow the sanctioned meta. So far it's been great and people love and ask for the "MTGO box" and have picked up MTGO and play online.

Have fun with the same 4 players all the time.

Burn guy here... you're kind of a dick but your idea seems neat. I might do that, see what people think.

There's an infinite mana combo there somewhere there isn't? Ivy Lane Denizen+Devoted Druid+?

more like infinite tokens

No I know about Midnight Guard+Presence of Gond, I was talking about a possible extra infinite combo

ivy + druid + grond is infinite tokens. two ivy + druid + grond can do infinite mana and tokens, but you need the grond to make tokens to trigger ivy, to use ivy's counters to untap druid more

Great pile, oubliettes arent cheap at all.

This gal has to be really good in WW cyborgs right? Run it instead of court homunculus. Skyfishers can let you replay inspector as well.

Ive heard its really grindy, so you might need to learn it inside out

An optimal Arcum or Tasigur list with Workshop or fetches+duals respectively can be easily 2k.

>An optimal Arcum or Tasigur list
Tryhards play that shit. Unless you meant French, so yeah only tryhards play it.

>FoW (Not that FoW)
Animeme artstyle