40k homebrew thread

Hey lets discuss the regiments, chapters, rules, and units you've made up!

For instance what are you chapters recruiting methods or rights of passage into being a battle brother?

Other urls found in this thread:


They recruit from a penal world, everyone is sentenced to death and their execution is going through the organ implementation, if they survive they become marines otherwise they die. No one knows this of course, except the marines and the inquisition conclave in charge of the project.

The Razor Wasps Chapter takes its name from a unique arthropod species on their now-lost homeworld. As a steward chapter, the space station that is now their home doubles as the government center for their subsector. It produces an elite regiment of stormtroopers drawn from the best and brightest Imperial Guard regiments of the sector, as well as the station's own eugenically-optimized crew. The entire regiment is semi-secretly undergoing Astartes-scout training (though without most of the cybernetic enhancements and implants), making the entire regiment technically 'aspirants', though only five candidates are selected per decade. Those five 'finalists', the best that stormtrooper regiment can produce and already battle-hardened veterans are then given additional training, the culmination of which is a ritual torture session. Locked in a steam lodge, the five hopefuls are each injected with venom from a Razor Wasp directly into their heart. They are carefully monitored and any noise of discomfort or loss of consciousness disqualifies the candidate. The venom temporarily converts the victim's nervous system into a psychic antenae and broadcasts the agonizing pain they feel to all other life forms within about 50 meters. The other applicants feel that pain, compounded with their own, and transmit it back, creating a feedback loop of mounting agony which has been known to kill even full marines who stray too close. The final applicant awake, sane, and standing silently is given a month to rest and heal before becoming a full Battle Brother and being taken in for their full implant suite.

There's a lot more going on with them, but I don't want to ramble.

Don't they need to be at least younger than 15 to become a space marine?

Or is this some kind of fucked up "If you die before your sentence is finished your kid takes your place" deal?

My homebrew chapter is an Iron Hands successor that are in low regard with their parent chapter and the Mechanicus because of a semi-heretical belief borne from the traditions of their feral homeworld - that the spirits in the machine are the spirits of the ancestors who wore, drove, and fought with them.

This has forced them to become more friendly with other Imperial factions, and they will fight to recover even dead marines with such ferocity that most assume they must be amazingly survivable - and it doesn't hurt the legend that sometimes loyal machine spirits in bionics will continue firing weapons and clumsily swinging swords after the death of their wearers.

Any suggestions on a name would be appreciated.

>Don't they need to be at least younger than 15 to become a space marine?

If you're old enough to be a ganger then you're old enough to be sent to jail and be a space marine, besides its not a requirement but a recomendation. Older men becoming marines isnt impossible just more prone to more of your recruits dying in the process, Leman Russ's Wolf Guard were made marines even though they were old, most died, the rest became his wolf guard.

Fair, and it makes sense I suppose if the idea is that most of them will die anyway.

>make a thread
>fuck it its gonna die

Came back pleasantly surprised.

Wanna say Iron Wolves but thats sounds rather tacky.

Scout Marines become full fledged Space Marines when they've proven they can lift Metal Gear ZEKE/an Imperial Titan unarmored.


First time I've seen that brought up in one of these threads. Usually it's just for army fluff.

I have done a bit of rules homebrew though. A handful of units here or there, but the two bigger things I've worked on is homebrewing a bunch of new units for Sisters of Battle to give them some variety, as well as making rules to use Tau in 2e, since my group has been wanting to try it.

The first chapter idea I came up with had initiates journey to a mountain, wait for a storm, and survive getting struck by lightning in order to pass.

I've since switched over to a different idea for my force, though I haven't worked out how they'd recruit outside of the standard methods.

Mind going on about those new units user? seems pretty interesting.

Iron Wights
Mors Animae Fraternitatis

Chaos allowed here?

Sure. For the record with the names, I just found a list of angels along the lines of Seraphim to fit with the theme.

First is the Hashmalim, which are a sort of riot squad with a lightning theme. Storm shields, storm bolters, lightning claws, and power mauls for concussive abilities.

Second is the Malakim, which are Jet-pack snipers with night vision helmets. Special Stalker boltguns so they can provide fire support, fluff-wise they sit on cathedrals like gargoyles and serve as guards.

Third is the Ophanim, which is a biker squad. Their bikes can be set up with special weapons in place of the standard bike gun, and the whole squad gets Melta Lances. Basically designed to speed around slagging tanks.

Next is the Erelim Superior, which is sort of a Seraphim type unit that operates as a lone model. Lots of Wargear and quite a few special rules.

Lastly is probably the most simple. It's the Landspeeder Firestorm, which is basically a Landspeeder Storm, except it replaces the weapons with Heavy Flamers.

I have more full stats if you want, though that's the basic overview.

They're a chapter that is themed around being chivalrous knights in space.

Their homeworld has elevated each of the captains to the position of nobility, so the captains are sometimes required to be present for major meetings of the nobles. Some of the captains don't mind, others find it a waste of their time but they do not wish to piss off the nobles (last time that happened, no recruits for a few decades).

Their planet used to worship a storm god and when the Imperium arrived, they concluded that the Emperor IS that storm god made manifest, so the Marines are extremely devout and do not tolerate any form of heresy whatsoever.

They tend to go a bit overboard with the whole code of honor thing, though. They have been locked in an eternal war with a Tyranid Hive Fleet that seems to be interested in only their system. They've locked their system down - nobody in, nobody out - until the Tyranids are removed. They fear that if they cannot stop the Tyranids on their own, the Emperor will no longer smile upon them.

As to why they even bother to keep fighting this seeminlgy endless Hive Fleet, well, the nobles often demand that the chapter go reclaim whatever planet was recently lost, and while they're doing that, the bugs take another. But the fuckers are too obsessed with their code of honor to actually finish the job (some speculate that they are actually loyalist World Eaters that fear they may end up like their Primarch if they do not obey their code).

As their homeworld, and the other planets in the system, are medieval worlds, psykers are referred to as Sorcerers and are kept at a distance unless absolutely necessary. There are only three living Librarians in the chapter at the moment, and all three of them hate each other as only one of them is given a noble position (based on the recommendation of the Chapter Master and the Captains).

You know, when books go over the transplants, they give these specific age ranges, almost all under 20*, and yet it seems like there are several chapters - official chapters - that are recruiting people a lot older than the starting age given. (Unless the typical Hive World gang is run by 11 year-olds.)
*Unless those numbers are something made up for Deathwatch.

Yeah, it'd be nice if everyone can discuss ALL the shit they're working on. Chaos, Tau, orcs, even filthy fucking eldar.

Shoot me the stats user. Got a guy down at the local brick and mortar that'd eat this stuff up.

I'm working on ideas for a Tau army, if that counts.

I heard a rumor that they're adding a superheavy tank in the next Imperial armor, which I'm glad for, since I'm getting sick of all the giant robots.

Anyway, that's inspired me to finally start making the tank army for them I always wanted. Hammerheads galore.

So far all I have for them though is a vague idea for a desert mining and manufacturing world, along with pic related as an idea I found for camo and color scheme.

Any tips for fluffing out an armored division, or Tau in general?

Red world tau? Fuck yeah user.

Why can I see a desert fox like tau commander harassing imperials?

Eight First Company veterans are always stationed on the Chapter's sole recruiting world, acting as mediators, judges and spiritual leaders amongst the nomadic tribes. The natives see them as Ancient spirit guides sent by the Maker and revere them deeply.

On occasion a Black-clad Sky warrior will be seen on the steppes, and the strong and curious will seek him out and become his disciples, journeying with him for many days into the cold, year-long night. Those that survive this ordeal and please the Chaplain with their thirst for truth, faith and wisdom are taken into the skies to join the spirits in their war against the gods and demons of the night.

Alright, text dump incoming then. As an added disclaimer, some of these point values may be way off base.

>Hashmalim Squad
>WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 LD 8 SV 3+

>Unit type: Infantry
>Unit composition: 3-9 Hashmalim

>Wargear: Power Armor, Stormshield, Storm Bolter, Bolt Pistol
>Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Angelic Visage, Shield of Faith

>May include up to 6 additional Hashmalim - 30 pts/model
>Any model may replace its bolt pistol with one of the following
>-Power Maul 15 pts/model
>-Lightning Claw 15 pts/model

>One model may be upgraded to a Hashmalin Superior - 10 points
>The Hashmalin superior may replace her bolt pistol with
>-Plasma Pistol 15 points
>-Thunder Hammer 20 points

>Acts of Faith: Brilliant Storm: May be used in your Shooting phase or either player's Assault phase. Any Storm bolters used by the squad become Salvo 2/4 until the end of the phase. Any model may exchange all of its normal attacks in the assault phase to make a single attack with the Haywire special rule. The unit may re-roll failed invulnerable saves against shooting attacks during overwatch.

>Sisters Land Speeder Firestorm
>Fast Attack 45
>Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer, Open-topped, Transport)
>BS 4 [F 10 S 10 R 10] HP 2

>Wargear: Two Heavy Bolters
>Special Rules: Deep Strike, Shield of Faith, Laud Hailer
>Transport: Five models

>May exchange one or both Heavy Bolters for Heavy Flamers - free
>May exchange one heavy flamer for a Multi-melta - 10 pts


>Malakim Squad 80
>WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 LD 8 SV 3+

>Unit Type: Jet Pack Infantry
>Unit Composition: 5-10 Malakim

>Wargear: Power Armor, Stalker Boltgun, Bolt Pistol, Thermal Visor, Jet-Pack
>Special Rules: Act of Faith, Angelic Visage, Shield of Faith, Night Vision

>May include up to five additional Malakim- 16 pts/model
>May upgrade one Malakim to a Malakim Superior - 10 pts
>The Malakim Superior may replace her bolt pistol with
>-Chainsword - free
>-Power sword - 15
>The Malakim Superior may take Melta bombs - 5pts

>Act of Faith: Ceaseless Vengeance: Until the end of the shooting phase, the Malakim ignore the Scope rule of their Stalker Boltguns, and treat them as Rapid Fire rather than Heavy 1. If they fire upon a unit that is Falling Back, they gain the Preferred Enemy special rule against that unit.

>>Stalker Boltgun Range 36" S X AP 5 Heavy 1, Sniper

>Erelim Superior 30 points
>WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 3 A 2 LD 9 Sv 3+
>Unit Type: Jump Infantry

>Wargear: Power Armour, chainsword, bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades, jump pack
>Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Angelic Visage, Hit & Run, Shield of Faith, Feel no Pain, Jink
>Lone Valiant: May not be joined by Independent characters, and may not hold objectives.

>May take items from the Melee and Ranged weapon lists
>May take a Rozarius - 25 points

>Act of Faith: Courage in Adversity: During the assault phase, the Erelim Superior gains Rampage and Eternal Warrior

(one more)

>Ophanim Biker Squad 99
>WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 1 LD 8 SV 3+

>Unit Type: Bike
>Unit Composition: 3-6 Ophanim

>Wargear: Bolt Pistol, Melta Lance, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Sisters Bike
>Special Rules: Act of Faith, Hit & Run, Shield of Faith

>May include up to 3 additional Ophanim - 33 (18) pts/model
>Up to 3 models may replace their Bike's twin-linked boltgun with one item from the Special Weapons list

>May upgrade one Ophanim to an Ophanim Superior - 10 pts
>The Ophanim Superior may replace her bolt pistol with
>-Chainsword - free
>-Power sword - 15
>-Plasma Pistol - 15

>Blinding Speed: During the shooting phase, the Ophanim may Turbo-boost, firing at a unit they pass by along the movement. These shots are resolved as snap shots unless using a Bolt Pistol. If a model with a flamer elects not to fire, they may instead force the unit to take a Blind test. If they choose to fire no weapons, they may instead attempt to Charge during the Assault phase, though count as charging through Dangerous terrain.

>Sisters Bike: +1 toughness, 3+ armor, comes with an inbuilt twin-linked Boltgun

>Melta Lance Range 6" S 8 AP 1 Heavy 1, Melta, Lance, Joust*
>*Hammer of Wrath attacks made by this model are resolved at S 8 AP 1 and have the Armourbane special rule

(This is the unit I'm probably the least confident about rules-wise. Still something of a work in progress. I also had a jetbike relic in the works for them, but they're weird enough as is)

Well, I think the Tau already have Longstrike for their Tank-harrasment needs, though he's more of a sharpshooter than a strategist.

I'm glad the red-desert color scheme sounds like a good idea though. I do like the Desert Fox style suggestion. It certainly fits Tau battle-doctrine pretty well.

>don't want to ramble

Thanks a lot for this user. Kickass work.

Amazing that you wrote all of this up. Hope you do this more. The hobby really needs guys like you.

Not the worst name, and it does fit with the carved bone totems they sometimes wear. Their homeworld is a hive world, but it still has remnants of an older, feral culture.

Iron Wights would be better for a Chaos faction, but I get the point. Mors Animae Fraternitatis...well, that's just a mouthful.

To take about another idea I had, which can be summed up succinctly as 'second-hand Catachans that are more like actual Vietnam vets,' the Aermin Irregulars are from a civilized world, but they've been saved by Catachans in the past so they adopted their combat doctrine. The Catachans aren't impressed with them, and derisively call them 'Roosters.' The Irregulars have taken on that moniker with pride, and hold it up as nickname that proves that they're never going to die (as regiments), though they suffer a lot of attrition from guerrilla activity in the Tau-sympathetic warzones they fight in. Pretty obvious reference to a song here.

Aw shucks user, you're making me blush.

I do enjoy making rules like this though, even if I never get to use them. I've only got a handful of other ones though.

I made up a chapter as a test to see if I could mod Space Marine, as I was creating the textures I thought up lore for them and I liked them so much I decided to actually go out and buy my first 40k miniatures to give them physical form. (though I haven't finished building em)

They are an offshoot from the Salamanders. There was some sorta artifact in some far off solar system and the only dudes around were some Salamanders, so they sent out a group of mostly trainees to harden them up. Well went real bad, there were a shit ton of orks stranded in the system due to warpfuckery and now this small plucky group of Salamanders is trapped there as well. After many casualties and much hardship they managed to all but eradicate the orks from the system and steal the artifact from the baddest warboss in the system who stole it in the first place cuz it looked cool welded to his gun.
Turns out this was the bit of warpfuckery trapping everyone in here. So they promptly destroyed it and left.
For them they were trapped in the system for a pretty long time that I have yet to decide, for the outside world it was for thousands years. You could imagine the shock.
Well they managed to reconnect with their Salamander brethren but rejoining was impossible due to the change in tactics after being stuck in that system for so long and the thousands of years of the Salamanders also doing their own shit.
So they formed a splinter group who still fights alongside the Salamanders, The Scaled Puragtors: the ork slayers of ages gone.
They do some things that might make the Inquisition raise an eyebrow. Their armor's white and yellow parts was chosen being the ork clan they stomped while stranded has the same colors. When orks go WAAAGH, the marines WAAAGH back as loud as they can in return to mock the orks.

>recruiting methods
None. They will stay as the original group of survivors until they all inevitably fall in battle to the uncountable ork hoards. There are around 15 or so left.

I remember you posting about them in an earlier thread. Still a really neat idea.

Thanks user. I appreciate y'all being so kind to a 40k newcomer. okay I played like a buncha 40k video games since I was in middle school and I tried out fantasy a little bit but shut up you guys are nice

Iron Hands successor chapter that has lots of terminators and is nigh-heretical because the marines with terminator honors are more machine than man, and are basically a brain in a jar powering suits of 2+/5++
The Inquisition tolerates them because their space hulk retrieval rates are pretty gud

These guys were basically a fairly average successor chapter of the Ultramarines, until in M38 roughly three companies of their chapter went away on campaign and came back to find their planet literally burned to ash by some unknown enemy. Their 2nd Company Captain waded through the ashes, searching for any remnants of their chapter or its relics, and while reaching into the ash managed to find the skull of their Chapter Master, what is now their most sacred relic.

Most of their chapter lost, their history gone, and their planet a ruin, the chapter painted parts of its armor black to symbolize the waste-deep ashes that now cover their homeworld, and renamed themselves the Marines Vindicant. The understrength remnants of the chapter have gone on a vengeful crusade to destroy whatever foe caused such destruction. They have never fully recovered their numbers, due to constant campaigning and slow recruitment, being only at half the strength of a normal chapter as of M41.

That's pretty cool. I'm not a space marines person but that's really unique and makes sense in-lore.

I`ve been working on a sector for a series of Only-War campaigns and Tabletop skirmishes for my LFGS/Roll20, a backdrop to justify a lot of different battles.

vocaroo.com/i/s1lbATEbPTgs (Did a bunch of these intros too)

Its been a lot of fun honestly.

I bet it was the Inquisition.

It's always the Inquisition.


i updated some old chaos apoc only superheavies. i believe i'm missing the plague tower


I haven't actually decided - Chaos seemed a little obvious - but if it was the Inquisition, why would they let them live?

Inquisitor who ordered it was an idiot and assumed the Chapter only had seven companies in the first place, and by the time they got back he was already dead?

Could also be that the inquisitor who wiped them out was declared heretical by another inquisitor, and thus was forced to flee.

My current homebrewed chapter is named Knights Twilight and their color scheme is dark grey. Their insignia is half set sun in unpainted background. Their backstory might be semi mary sue, but I try to make stuff after their founding not so unique.

Their founding starts with warp shenanigans during Great Crusade. A ship carrying 50 Dusk Raiders was lost in warp and never heard again. Dusk Raiders were in stasis before getting lost to warp. The ship got stuck in flotsam of stone and debris and stayed like that until 078.33 when a ship carrying tens of thousands refugees from War of Confessor gets lost in warp and with unbelievable luck crashes into same space hulk Dusk Raiders ship is. Ten thousand refugees survive in the holds of their transport and hallways of spacehulk. Crash also damages Dusk Raiders ships life support system slightly.

Until 212.33 when Dusk Raiders start to woke up as emergency systems stopped the stasis pods from working, the refugees survived due to spacehulk becoming instabile and popping out of warp quite often. They were lucky that their gellar field didn't break. Dusk Raiders at start were completely confused at the situation and it took them some time to digure out that their ship is broken and their crew is long dead. After few weeks of careful scouting and debris clearing refugees and Dusk Raiders met each other.


Meeting was start of their cooperation. Refugees needed protection against Orks infestation in some parts of the ship and Dusk Raiders needes manpower in trying to fix things. 220.33 Space Hulk now christened Darken Sky appeared in unhabitated system on orbit of gas giant semi near Eye of Terror. It was then decided to sabotage spacehulks main warp engines to stop it's travel directly to the Eye. While this meant that they would be stuck there until solution to problem is achieved.

It took till 247.33 for Dusk Raiders and refugees to clear most Ork settlements and conquer parts of the hulk back. During that time first new Astares was made in rudimentary labs found inside the hulk. 251.33 breakthrough was done, in one launch bay a working mining ship was found and after heavy salvage effort it was made working. For next five years they used it to mine metals from the asteroids of nearby asteroid belt and provide materials for now cleared machine shops.

256.33 an Iconoclast Destroyer appeared on the system and arrived to inspect the hulk. The chaos armsmen boarded the hulk and was promptly ambushed and slaughtered to last man in dark corridors of the ship the Chaos Captain decided to board the hulk himself with his honor guard. 14 Chaos Space Marines from Death Guard arrived to ship and in ensuing battle 13 was killed and last taken prisoner. In the shuttle that came back to Iconoclast arrived all 37 combat capable Dusk Raiders and elite soldiers from the refugees. In that battle the heretics were taken completely by surprise and slaughtered. Dusk Raiders swiftly captured both bridge and life support and decided to went the atmosphere out. It took till 268.33 for the ship to be ready to be operational and have skeleton crew to operate it.


That seems like a more likely explanation.

Dusk Raiders were heavily concerned about the information tortured out of tge surviving Death Guard. They called all leaders of the refugees ibto a meeting in which they told about the information and their decision. They were now known as Knights Twilight, "From dusk we came, to twilight we end". Knights Twilight ask the support of the refugees and after some discussion they acknowledge the Knights Twilight leadership in form of Techmarine Garl Jarrah.

In the founding years under the watchful command of Chapter Master Jarrah Knights Twilight made good progress in turning Darken Sky in well habitable place to be. New Astares were introduced to chapter, but cronic lack of power armor forced them to wear only carapace for now.

312.33 a century after them waking up the Iconoclast now repaired and functional named Sol Eternus started its maiden voyage. Still heavily undermanned Sol Eternus carried 87 Astares made its first patrol to nearby systems. Silently skimming on the edge of the few systems Sol Eternus listened to communications done by Imperial ships in orbit and learned new things. Apparently pirate activity had risen and Knights Twilight saw their chance. It took them long, but they had already waited long for this. Their first act of war.

313.33 small pirate vessel, armed freighter of some sort was spotted attacking bigger helpless cargo ship. In quick space battle, pirates were left drifting and cargo ship mostly unharmed. A short message was sent to cargo ship to encourage it to continue its journey. A swift boarding action was done to secure both warp engines and bridge of the pirate ship before both vessels returned back from the first patrol. The new ship was salvaged for parts and the crew now heavily repenting and purged from mutants and taint was allowed to join and man the machines of Sol Eternus.

Next century saw numerous naval actions and boardings as Sol Eternus roamed far and wide across the systems. New ships and craft was taken to Darken Sky to add for the rickety fleet that was growing and getting salvaged for Darken Skies benefit. 330.33 Sol Eternus and Lady Elizabeth, an armed freighter, arrived to Agri World Bronyeris because of a distress signal. Planet was under an Ork attack. In quick order Knights Twilight and several thousand Darken Sky armsmen now named Darken Guard landed onto planet and isolated the main Ork force. Stopped and isolated Ork force was then destroyed by orbital lance strikes. Chapter Master Jarrah asked for supplies and crew members for his ships as return and after swiftly reminding that they had just stopped Ork invasion demands were met. In a week Knights Twilight left after taking potential iniatives from planets population with them. Imperial Fleet dispatched was stunned to hear that situation was already under control by help of Astares of unknown chapter.
345.33 first contact with Imperial Navy was made. In very dangerous situation Knights Twilight fleet of Sol Eternus and four other heavily modified armed freighters managed to not get shot by Lunar cruiser. In talks between the Chapter Master Jarrah and Navy Captain it was decided to let Knights Twilights go.
Under Chapter Master Jarrahs command Darken Skys population grew to half a million with most of the ship cleared and prepared for future use. Dozens of ships were scrapped and reused to either provide materials or modify Darken Sky or other ships in the fleet. Chapter Master Jarrahs era was era of reconstruction and evasion. Knights Twilight were not ready to open active communication with Imperium whole. While Darken Skys warp engines couldn't be repaired most damaged parts were replaced. The Spacehulk was becoming ready.


501.33 in successful action against Chaos Raiders Chapter Master Jarrah fell along with half of the battle brothers and Darken Guard. Eight ships of the Knights Twilight fleet entered to battle, but only three survived. Loss of life was over 100 000. But Knights Twilight were successful, Imperial Convoy was spared from destruction. Convoy was hailed in all frequencies and reminded to remember the sacrifice done by them. Greatest price was not the safety of the convoy, but the Chaos ship Litany of Destruction. Litany of Destruction a Styx class heavy cruiser was boarded and captured after its engines and superstructure was wrecked from constant barrage. Using their astropaths Knights Twilight managed to call support from Darken Sky itself and in short time recovery vessel arrived.
In coming month they toiled heavily in trying to get warp engines back online and trying to recover any ship that could be salvaged. A new Chapter Master Sebastian Murner, a Techmarine, was chosen to become new successor to Jarrah. Finally their price now named Apostle of Sun, was repaired enough to travel to Darken Sky. From this new Era begins.

About 8k characters. What do you think? Shit or not? This backstory should continue and I will either post it in one of these threads or /wbg/

Seems okay from what I skimmed. The most outrageous part was probably the two ships colliding in the warp but still not getting overrun with Daemons. I think you could just as easily have the two ships emerge at the same location in realspace and get the same effect, unless there's something key to there being a space hulk in the warp.

It feels a bit wordy for basic history though.