While the boar roasts over the campfire...

While the boar roasts over the campfire, the huntress admits to you that the plentiful game around here is the main reason she's never bothered trying to kill and eat humans.

Do you slay her?

Is that slang for sex or murder? Because no to one, yes to the other.

No. I'd encourage that line of thinking, emphasizing to her that humans are actually a pretty poor source of food. We take way too long to grow to maturity, our flesh isn't actually that nutritious, and our tendency to live in large social groups means that hunting us is a risk. Much smarter to go after animals. She should tell that to any of her friends, if they all make the switch they're going to have overall better lives.

Going by my last character, I would ask what's the taste.

We're talking about a barbarian dorf which spent so much time in the wilds he's not sure the huntress is a "she".

>But whatever you do, don't try troll. I've never tasted anything fouler.

Heard goblin was pretty nasty as well, though it's an acquired taste.

"Wow, I can tell your points aren't in charisma."

>>never bothered

She's just being a fucking edgelord tell her to quit being a retard and to shut up and start rolling Survival to make me a hammock

>>doesn't anymore/rarely does

If you act like a dangerous animal you get put down like one.

Then you get up from your chair and smack the DM for inserting his bullshit fetishes into the game because I'm not stupid OP I recognize a magical realm when I see one maybe go play with the Tigers at the zoo instead of shit posting next time

if the image is an accurate representation i would consider it... najarala armour is rather good

a najarala

Since I'm already in a Magical realm, convince her that "wrestling" with them is even better

So you would kill a shark because of the potential to kill humans?

What a good person you must be...

Teach her and her people to be more civilized to put an end to such thoughts.

If I was was within Chomping reach and it looked peckish, yes

>She admits she's only THOUGHT about eating humans

What? I'm going to murder her for thought crime?

What if it's already munching on something else, like a dead seal?

OP said that you are sitting with it at the campfire roasting a boar.

See : Trips confirm the truth


I wouldn't kill her, but I'd still keep an eye out for her and be careful not to get on her bad side.

This DEUS VULT shit was never funny.

I say "good for you" and go back to ignoring her. As I do to every edgy faggot I've met who tries to plug cannibalism.

Doesn't have to be funny as long as it is right.

>Do you slay her?

Can't do that, she still hasn't wronged me or my kin, I'll just warn her that should she kill a human being for that reason I'd come to kill her as soon as I've seen it or got word of it, nice and simple.

I mean, she's not an elf anyway is she? No need to rush things.


Why? She hasn't actually killed anyone.

communal grain storage, early slaughter of animals, and a hope that the draught ends soon.

There's not much you can do about a drought. Cannibalism or no, if it doesn't stop you're all dead.

As much as I don't take kindly hostile non-humans, she still can't be killed as long as she doesn't kill someone.

Besides, if I knew there was going to a drought soon I'd rather take general countermeasures instead of preemptively killing potentially dangerous demi-humans, diplomacy is a thing and everyone suffers through droughts and famine in the same way you know?

I've heard that Spriggan tastes bad, but it grows on you.

I guess I'd shrug and confirm it. I mean, why would you risk everything by attacking a "harmless" human that could very well be a powerful wizard or a mystical warrior expert in hand-to-hand combat when you can easily get some good, tasty boar with its wild and refreshing taste? I mean, that would be plain stupid. Also if you're not some psionic aberration with a nasty culture, human farms are very difficult to make.
Then I guess I'd mention I probably taste bad.

I guess that makes sense. Just idle campfire talk after all. It's like when people do the "What if" game.

This. Once you've convinced those savages to co-exist peacefully you can get some use out of them.



im pretty sure killing someone for thought crime is considered bad.

Really? Humans are actually rather tasty.
>Pic related. it's the Cleric, Bard, Wizard and Wereshark Fighter. All that's missing is the Octopus Mermaid Druid and the Human Ranger who doesn't mind our dietary habits.


I was under the impression that unity was the exact opposite of how you exploit things. Near every example of successful colonialism involves the divisions of peoples across lines of loyalties to make them too disorganized to resist, and they can be taken apart piecemeal after that.

If you gotta eat, you gotta eat.

I have the same reason, actually.

I still have PDST from farming Chilling Beaks in Low Rank

yeah , show 'em!

next time my gm describes how my blade rips through my opponents skull, i wont accept to get his gore fetish shoved into my face. gotta give him a slap and pack my stuff

>Calling anyone else subhuman.

>not having a can soylent blue handy for emergencies.
It's like you don't even murderhobo.