What would be the Shadowrun equivalent of Marcille?

What would be the Shadowrun equivalent of Marcille?
I want to give a daughteru to my players

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Any wageslave-in-training and registered mage? Those are a dime a dozen.

A paycheck.


A former feral kid raised in the gutter, barely able to speak proper English. Through some circumstance or another she was taught some basic civility, and the party has been saddled with protecting this cutie by a Johnson for some reason or another.
Ideally you'll want her to grow on them slowly until it's less about the job and more because she's just a delight to have around.

could have sworn the term for that was "morality pet"

also, a synopsis of who the balls that is might be nice...

That doesn't really sound like the character the OP is referencing at all

She's a classy city elf slumming it with adventurers, pretty sure you could just insert her completely as-is.

Maybe give her a corporate or government SIN that she keeps forgets to fake at some point.

Unless this is a "hurrdurr, elves are feral animals" joke, you really have no idea who OP's picture is, do you?

It would have to include her breakdancing skills

The Shadowrun equivalent would probably not be that much different than what's in the manga. You just need someone with a particular skill of some sort (doesn't even necessarily have to be magic) who thinks that said skill is so important the party would be sunk without her... but in reality she's really kind of the soft naive one of the group and wouldn't survive without them. Possibly might not be able to comprehend the actual danger or harsh reality of what she's doing.

As far as inserting one into the plot, just give her a skill nobody else in the party has. Like I said, it doesn't necessarily have to be magic. Given that this is Shadowrun, a prodigy hacker or some other kind of tech expert works just as well.

Sometimes I feel like Marcille is an actually well-build character with a lot of spells, that for some reason also has high charisma. But the player behind her is pretty bad or has constant bad rolls. I can't think of any other reason why her expressive face fills my reaction image folder so much.

Being expressive isn't the same as having high Charisma. Honestly, nobody in Meshi's main party is really that "charismatic" to be honest. The quirky rival group seems to have way more Charismatic characters.

Think of it like this: the more rounded a character is, the more diverse her emotional expressions. More emotional expressions = more reaction images. Therefore, best girl is always the girl with the most reaction images.

Pic related: a walking, talking reaction image folder.

Don't do it OP, the degenerates will waifu her, you know they will.

>Being attracted to a woman is degenerate
Thank you based feminism

>I want to give a daughteru to my players

Players caring about NPCs is a good thing

Ultimately they'll probably regret it more than me if I play the part of their pretend romance

Elf. Meaning: untrustworthy, cruel, vile, a affront to the Emperor, sleeps with anything that moves starting with Tyrone Jamal and ending with Tentacle McGee, Mary Sue, and Hitler. Yeah, defiantly upper class socialite wageslave. For added hilarity she's stuck working for Aztlan.

I was going to say that she's too classy for what happens in the series, so from that contrast we get most of her reactions, but, thinking about it again, her whole body language is actually very polished.

one man can only hold so much god-tier opinions, user. share some with the rest of us.

I didn't mean to imply that being attracted to a woman is degenerate, I assumed based on the term daughteru that she would be a child or something not intended to romance, but they'd do it anyway. Anyway, my attempt at humor seems to have flopped.



Maybe you should post some of them reaction images, huh?

This still cracks me up.

yesterday you wanted to give them tomoko as a daughteru, make up your mind dammit

>Tomoko with elf ears

>She's a classy city elf slumming it with adventurers, pretty sure you could just insert her completely as-is.

Elf Mage, probably some Tir corporate princess, naively wants to help people, Hermetic Casting Tradition, Earth Mother spirit guide

different guy, i thought it was a good idea and im gonna rip it off

I would die of embarrassment if I had to lug that waste of flesh around.

Have my favourite.

A party of Shadowrunners does not treat a naive, potentially corporate elf wanting to help people as a daughterfu if she has relevant skills, especially if she tries to use her morals to dictate what she will and will not do.

I think she is more like a well build conventional character stuck in an unconventional campaign where her skills are barely useful when she can't actually wrap her head around the logic of the situation.

That's pretty good, user.

Pretty much.

This. Or you aren't running Shadowrun.


Boku No Ecosystem.
Dungeon Meshi.

Dungeon Meshi.

I think Marcille's main problem is over-reliance on magic, in an environment where it's a finite resource. She is a classic wizard - strongest party member with her magic, weakest without.

That, and she's a sheltered bookworm - she knows a lot, but isn't keen on using her knowledge on practice.

This comic is amazing.

Marcille is a your typical "elite" really. She's from a high status family, she went to a nice school, she had great grades. She never suffered when she grew up and she never really needed anything. She's sort of naive and has a very strong idea of how things "should be". She's not exactly spoiled, but will complain and protest if taken out of her element. She's pretty weakwilled though so it's not that hard to persuade her if you're stubborn. Finally, she's a good person and her moral compass is pretty powerful.


Yeah, the thing to remember is that all the stuff she hates (eating weird monsters, sleeping rough and not bathing, being in constant physical danger) she is still doing. Voluntarily, without pay, in order to save her friend.

She may complain, but she doesn't run away. She's scared and disgusted, but she doesn't give up. In fact, when she ran out of magic and it seemed like the reasonable thing to do would be to send her home, she wanted to stay, and found a way to recharge herself. No one would have blamed her if she left at that point, but she stayed. She's great.

>Boku No Ecosystem


Indeed it is.
Okay, now these explanations are enough for me to bump her up into my "#1 Best Elf" slot, though she still has to share it with Best Dark Elf, Pirotess.

dungeon meshi shitfits are the best

I fucking lost it last chapter when Kensuke bailed on Laius.

>Beard rustling intensifies.

>mfw I never realized Marcille use a choker

muh dik


Indeed, an intelligent weapon is a double-edged sword.

oh you

Every panel in this one is a good reaction image. The second to last is my favorite though.

This. She's a well built character - not min-maxed, but very good at spellcasting but with enough actual personality to be a good character. Apparently her player can handle both ends of the game.

But unfortunately, this character was built for the more standard adventure that made up the events of before the first chapter. She did not making cooking her skill, all of her skills are based around magic and book learning rather than more hands-on experience like that new guy and his dwarf character.

A better way to think of it is like someone's bringing an old character into a new campaign, and they just aren't able to reconcile the old character with new new tone of the story and style of the DM.

If I can put on my tinfoil hat here, I think it's implied that Marcielle had feelings for Laius at the very beginning of the story, before his crazy 'I want to eat monsters' thing came out. It's understandable - he's a little low on Wisdom and not good with people, but otherwise he's a strong, dependable character, a good leader of the party, and fairly handsome.

But then Laius's player went all for this new style of play, which for Marcielle's player just completely ruined any thoughts of romance - the tone of the adventure became a lot sillier and more focused on the various monsters and food dishes, rather than the interaction of the characters with each other as they traverse the dungeon.

Marcilles player just wanted to specialize in explosion magic, but then got a call from the DM. The guy that played Laius' sister could not make it and he made the goal of the campaign to save her instead. They now need someone that brings some healing and utility spells. All the other three guys can't do that and won't play another character. So he had to spread her skills really thin, covering everything.

I think she walked the path of explosions in the earlier campaign, but then the cleric had to move in the middle of the final battle (what an ass), so the character became a plot point when the DM wanted to avoid a TPK and basically started the game over.

So now she had to try and take a few levels in healing magic or something, which she did not specialize in, and they started approaching food since no one was willing to step up and be a healer and the new guy coming in was adamant he would play the foodiest dwarf.

Reading chapters 23 and 24 puts images of Bitteblack Isle from Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen in my head.
Not a bad thing, just an observation.
Except now I feel the need to go play it again.

>center panel


God, Marcille is so much more fleshed-out than most female characters. She has things she likes and things she doesn't like, things she's good at and things she's bad at, a way she sees herself and a way she wishes she could be. She's adorable, but she's not just a couple of "cute" character traits pasted on an empty frame.

>Capcha: select all the food

fresh from Paint.

what is this from? I see this comic everyday but nothing shows up when I google Macille's name and I really want to read it.

Read the thread, people has already said it's Dungeon meshi.

It's called Dungeon Meshi. All the characters are cute. Even the knight, and he's a fucking retard.

Japan doesn't kotow to SJWs, that's why she's a good, fleshed out female character.

thank you sorry

>Even the knight, and he's a fucking retard.
What's so retarded about him?

>I think it's implied that Marcielle had feelings for Laius at the very beginning of the story,

I doubt that, but I fucking love Laius and his creepy but effective solutions. I hope he will get the man-eating plant pet he wants, the man deserves it and much more.

Yeah, they just have other problems, like the fact that they'll have too many old people and that they're still fairly racist and xenophobic.

Laius is some sort of mysterious dungeoneering autist. Clearly a fucking idiot, yet he is somehow one of the most competent raid party leaders on the island.


Low Wisdom, decent Intelligence. He's smart with things like economics, and knows how to work with monsters in a 'by the book' sense, and he recognizes useful information like in how he first cut that mushroom.

The dwarf, in contrast, is high Wisdom low Intelligence. His knowledge comes from hands on experience, working within the dungeon for years, but at the same time he doesn't realize that seahorse thing would kill him once it got the chance. Almost all his ideas come from knowledge he already has or experiences that have already worked, not logically putting two and two together for the right solution.

So they're just like the USA, then.

user, literally every other site is better than manga fox.


>knows how to work with monsters in a 'by the book' sense,

He got how the living armors worked by himself, I'd say he's pretty high Intelligence.

Great post.

Definitely gotta be a hypercorp wageslave brat who got her ass dumped into the shadows without any real wish for it herself.

The IMPORTANT part of this is that she doesn't have some dark backstory, nothing FORCING her, exactly, to be there, except pure badluck and circumstances. Literally like, your runner crew should all pile into a taxi after a heist and she just HAPPENS to be there, and is now just stuck with them, or even if she's not, she KEEPS getting dumped into their laps until her own Hypercorp doesn't trust her anymore.

The point should be though that no one SPECIFICALLY is trying to screw her over. There's no evil rival wageslave, no dark backstory, and no choice to dive into the shadows, she just gets dumped into them.

I remember her blushing like crazy when Lauis said something along the lines of "you have cute ears".
Dunno which chapter it was in, though.

and sexist as fuck. The well rounded female characters are OUTLIERS, not the norm.

It's the in the omake for the orc chapters when Laius started talking about orc women. It's omake, so it's probably not canon, and she wasn't blushing as much as she seemed shocked and slightly afraid

This is an edit. Defending her fucking fat ears. Like you can't see all her fatness right here.

The original was about her becoming friends with Laius' sister back at magic school. Laius' sister didn't have any friends and often told him how lonely she was there. Until she and Marcille met.

Yeah, this. Majority of anime (especially shounen) objectifies women pretty bad.

Dunno, she found it creepy in the extra chapter, but maybe what you said was in another page.

This is what you meant, but not what he was talking about. It really is from an omake.
I remember all that shit but I always forgot how Laius sister was called.

Jesus sis, let's not start that shit.

Where's a good place to read this?

Read the thread.


>implying well rounded female characters are common anywhere

I'm not starting shit. I'm just pointing out that a lot of manga and anime is trash as far as characterization goes, especially on the female side.

There's good stuff like Dorohedoro, Dungeon Meshi, Spirit Circle, etc as well though.

Don't play dumb, I was talking about the
" sexism" part.

>we are islands
>we like how we are thx, you have your own places you own


and ofc

pick up a fucking book you turd. how can you call yourself a fatguy when you don't even know some history? i bet your characters are flat boring cancer. if burgerland is racist, then we're an ant among giants. fucking hell.

Yeah well he wasn't. Stop having sexism on your mind then you fucking nutter.

Holy shit burger do you normally get this buttblasted when hearing about how you've systematically shitted the whole world?
Don't go on /pol/, I worry about your blood pressure with a national BMI so high

Less sexism and more Marcille and shadowrun I guess

Well Burgerland got a pretty growing anti- white racism growing.
Especially around campuses, theres a pretty good reason why few less males are actually joining up.

Funny enough, its the only racism that's being officially acknowledged and partially acted on, no other race has actual race discrimination in the BL.

Anyway: Dwarf a qt, post more dwarf.

>Yeah well he wasn't.

I don't know how the hell you can be so stupid.

>and sexist as fuck.
>objectifies women

But, anyway, thanks for reminding me why I should completely ignore that kind of post.

In what world does high wis equate to not realizing something that is a predator will want to eat you?
Nobody in this thing is defined by stats, can we agree on that?

Each character is well represented. If you have to be an autist and assign stats to them, consider that they probably all have stats ranging in the 10-12 range, with a few dipping low around 8-10. Laius probably has all his stats within 10-12. The demis likely have one 8-10 and one 14-16 with the rest around 10. The 'people' playing them are all just good at RP.

>mfw Veeky Forums thinks you need an int of 18 to come up with plans, wis of 18 to know how to navigate a dungeon, and 22 int to be a good spellcaster. fucking minmax babbies.

You need at least 10 in int, wis and cha to be normal.

Veeky Forums just probably got the int part set down
