You have to talk like a no coiner
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I might buy some but I need the money to go out partying, maybe next paycheck
OP is a fag, with coins
I don't trust Bitcoin. Someone could hack it and print as many Bitcoins as they want
oh yea that bitcoin thing, I wanted to get in when it was $300 but I had too much trouble buying!
And if you have all your money on your flashdrive, and then you lose your flashdrive, then you just lost thousands of dollars.
Man I wish I'd invested in that biggest bull market everyones ever experienced, or is ever likely to experience, in their lives.
Nah fuck it, I'll wait for the next one. Gonna get me some fuckin kick-ass bonds
its a fraud, it has no real intrinsic value...
are you sure it's not illegal?
>no coiner
you say that as if it's a bad thing, this is tulip mania you idiot. Invest in something with REAL value instead. All my gold investments will pay for my retirement in 40 years.
The audacity of you fucking retards. You come here sharing tips and analysis of crypto, when it's just a roll of the fucking dice. You're like a sad old booze hound that thinks he's got a great method for winning the coin slots. You all think you're Jordan Belfort. If you weren't £1000 deep in crypto by 2014 you're a fucking victim. If you haven't already lost most of your money, you're going to at one point. Even the photos you post of your "14k portfolio", you're not kidding anyone. Spend 10k, up 4k one day, down 4k the next. This should not be a business and finance thread it should be a help thread for problem gamblers. You're fucking pathetic. You're lazy. You have nothing going in in life. That's why you choose crypto currency. You're all too lazy to invest in real business ventures. Take me for example, a real entrepreneur. I've been buying and selling cars since I was 17. It's paid my bills for 6 years. Just this morning I bought a "spares or repairs" listing for £150. Got it running after a quick reference of the hanes manual and an hour on YouTube. Same car, similar age and millage are selling for £4500 on autotrader. Night just sell it for £4000, for a quick sale. Even if I buy a car that is truly fucked, it still has scrap value, real physical value. What do you have? Nothing. Ive also put the deposit on a car that cost 3300 but will sell for 5000 easily. And all that took was 15 mins looking for a good deal. Last year I used only £8000 to buy my uncle a van and tolls for his landscaping business, for which I'm getting £1200 per month cash for zero effort. No sleepless nights. No spending hours each day following trends (100% pointless task) and now I'm looking to buy a small piece of low grade land for forestry operations. You idiots really have no idea about business or finance. I hope bitcoin crashes to 1k most of you fucking hang yourself. Worthless posers.
its gunna crash, its all a pyramid scheme, theres no value in bitcoins, i hate you all !!!!!!!!! TWWWWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIXXXX
Stupid idiots sit before their pc all the time they don't even have the time to go out because all they do is trade imaginative coins that aren't even real. Those are the same delusional morons who buy virtual items in games, have fun spending all your time and money before christmas, faggots!
lol, look at the double top. the big crash is coming, sell idiots sell!
>tfw you missed getting into the bitcoin ponzi scheme and it is going to burst any day now
I want my grown up car I need the money for a downpayment so I only have to pay 15% interest
Anyways it's not even backed by anything, dollars are backed by gold
>no intrinsic value
>its a bubble
>dont put more than 10% of your money in
>its used for illegal stuff and money laundering
Son, you really trust digital kike commie money over the good old USD???
I mean, just look at the tulip mania or the dotcom bubble. This growth is not healthy. I'm not touching this crypto stuff. It will implode soon. They talked about it in Fox and Friends and my husband said the same thing. It's all criminals and money laundering.
Ripple XRP will probably survive. If that secnario happens.
>lol, look at the double top. the big crash is coming, sell idiots sell!
a no coiner would never be this smart to look at charts
You absolute fucking cock womble. Do you even read what you're posting in you pimple ridden basement dweller?
Dang I remember when Bitcoin was 100 dollars. Should of bought in then. Oh well. Too late now
everybody hates namefags
>It's not backed by anything.
>There nothing tangible about it.
>Use to buy and sell drugs
>We don't even know who Satoshi is
gawd so many typical nocoiner brainlets
Oh wow LINK was only 20 cents in 2017, man I wish I bought at least one back then, I'd have one thousand dollars now.
This is all a scam, one day you'll wake up and realize you lost everything, this is what you get for throwing your money on fake values with no meaning
a typical nocoiner brainlet has no clue who Satoshi is
Please tell me more about how this upsets you
Hey have you guys heard of ChainLink? It's like bitcoin but cheaper.
Bitcoin is a bubble that's going to pop anytime now
I bought a bitcoin with my credit card but they never asked for my shipping address.
Will it still come or do I have to go pick it up from their office?
Try deleting and reinstalling your wallet
Giving in to Jewish tricks once again. (((They))) control the market and can crash it to the floor any time they want.
He's not wrong about it crashing, but he sure is wrong about not buying it.
The audacity of you fucking retards. You come here sharing tips and analysis of crypto, when it's just a roll of the fucking dice. You're like a sad old booze hound that thinks he's got a great method for winning the coin slots. You all think you're Jordan Belfort. If you weren't £1000 deep in crypto by 2014 you're a fucking victim. If you haven't already lost most of your money, you're going to at one point. Even the photos you post of your "14k portfolio", you're not kidding anyone. Spend 10k, up 4k one day, down 4k the next. This shouldr not be a business and finance thread it should be a help thread for problem gamblers. You're fucking pathetic. You're lazy. You have nothing going in in life. That's why you choose crypto currency. You're all too lazy to invest in real business ventures. Take me for example, a real entrepreneur. I've been buying and selling cars since I was 17. It's paid my bills for 6 years. Just this morning I bought a "spares or repairs" listing for £150. Got it running after a quick reference of the hanes manual and an hour on YouTube. Same car, similar age and millage are selling for £4500 on autotrader. Night just sell it for £4000, for a quick sale. Even if I buy a car that is truly fucked, it still has scrap value, real physical value. What do you have? Nothing. Ive also put the deposit on a car that cost 3300 but will sell for 5000 easily. And all that took was 15 mins looking for a good deal. Last year I used only £8000 to buy my uncle a van and tolls for his landscaping business, for which I'm getting £1200 per month cash for zero effort. No sleepless nights. No spending hours each day following trends (100% pointless task) and now I'm looking to buy a small piece of low grade land for forestry operations. You idiots really have no idea about business or finance. I hope bitcoin crashes to 1k most of you fucking hang yourself. Worthless posers.
I'm not too proud to beg....
Come on OP, help a poorfag out!
The bit coin is going to crash just like the economy
But coin and crypto is nothing. It's not an asset. You need to buy gold from Schiff gold
Also retards can work for 2.00 an hour
LINK and ODN both look like scams to me user. Better stick to bytecoin, bazinga!
I don't understand what all this coin stuff is.
Can you explain it for me, please?
Bitcoin mining costs millions in electricity everyday. It only stays afloat because new members join in, its a ponzi scheme.
As soon as new money stops pouring in, the entire thing implodes to zero.
T. No coiner
>some day it will just crash, and then you will have nothing.
>just invest in stocks and real estate like normal, levelheaded people
>cryptos are ponzi schemes! they go up 1000% in a matter of days and can crash instantly
>the industry is interested in blockchain, NOT bitcoin
>it's used for illegal stuff like drugs and child porn, i will not support something so corrupt!
>the government can just ban the bitcoin servers one day and then you're left with nothing
>you're investing in ones and zeroes
this is just tulip frenzy all over again.
When will people learn not to invest in anything???
the government will never let it takeoff and besides, i dont know anyone who ever made money trading bitcorns or eshares. you're gonna feel like an idiot when you lose all your money
It's not backed by the US gubberment, so it's not worth anything. Dollars are backed by gold.
>If you really wanna salt mine these ppl, ask them how many USD exist I'm total. The silence that follows is golden, especially if they're wearing a suit and work in finance.
>Interest in blockchain, not bitcoin
Best in this thread
>it's like shadow money
>you haven't made anything until you've cashed out
>such a cool concept. like money that doesn't really exist
that last one was my dad
It's like some sort of
Computer money.
Tulips and Crypocurrency are the exact same thing
why would i want some virtual monopoly money? i trust my government to do the right thing.
>the industry is interested in blockchain, NOT bitcoin
but this is true
Oh yeah Bitcoin! You wouldn't believe this but I actually got so close to buying it when it cost almost nothing. I would be a millionaire right now if I had done it. Wow I should have bought it but it's too late now, it's too expensive to buy a bitcoin. Besides, it'll crash soon.
Bitcoin is just fake money anyways, it's basically the same thing as the dutch tulips. I want my money in something real. Like dollars.
Anything that goes up that much is obviously a scam. You should put it in something safe like stocks. You can DOUBLE your money every 12 years!
We... Know the same normies, hi.. I'm schlomo :)
See you at the party!
Bitcoin will never replace the dollar so investing in crypto COMPLETELY is pointless. Just pick a good stock and stop wasting your money
>the financial industry is interested in making a quick buck by marketing distributed databases
I was thinking of maybe putting $30 into bitcoin and seeing what happens, it couldn't hurt, but I dunno.