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Rhulic is the new OP faction!

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Oh yeah, my main man Durgen is gonna see even more play than in mk2

There are straight up retards on the forum arguing about the definition of 'warnoun' right now. Just fucking kill me already

fuck do you argue about

I'm really hoping one of the Magnusi can do a 'jack-brick well enough that I don't need to dip into Rhul, but holy fuck Durgen looks tempting.

So, what about that card leak?

With the power increases and new free focus I bet both will be viable. Also don't forget Renegades. I wonder if they're still FA2? But yeah, I loved Durgen so much I converted his model quite heavily and used him all through mk2. I was afraid he'd lose something important, like Primed, but my fears were unfounded and he's even better. Now I have a use for all eight Gunners and Blasters that I own!

99% probably just trolling, but I'd be interested in being proven wrong

Same for me.

One of my favorite threads on PP's forum was when a dude posted about Warjacks vs Tanks, and started by saying he was sure everyone was going to tell him warjack, but humor him.

And the first reply was about the warjack flipping the tank over.

If I play Legion will people hate me.

Mags2 getting Field Marshal [Unyielding] is going to be a monster, now we just need to see if they replace his shitty nukes with useful spells like they seem to be doing on Mags1 (he gained Scourge, presumably as a replacement for Oblit).

We're not sure yet. They are truly hate-worthy in Mk2, but Mk3 could be a different game.


I dunno. Legion were already a pretty high skill faction in Mk2, and Mk3 looks to be making it even more skill oriented.

what factions do you play, not just own but actually play?


takes a lot of skill to not worry about terrain

Or models either, now that the Ravagore is arcing fire.


It does take a lot of skill to always be on top of attrition, because you're going to get fucked the minute you aren't.

Of course, the problem lists of the faction(L2) didn't have this problem, but the faction generally had a huge issue in that the minute they fell behind, they were fucked hardcore.

So I'm seeing people say new Croe's are actually good, but why? Is it just because of how slippery a SPD6 unit with Stealth and Reposition 5 is?

Their offensive stats seem sad unless you're triggering Backstab, which is easier than it was in Mk2 but they don't have any special tech to help them slip into rear arcs before attacking, unless they blow a turn sprint their asses up a board edge to get a hard flank I don't see them getting it easily.

Oh damn, and now with the 4" AOE you need 2 rows or a colossal to screen with to prevent getting hit

>Rhulic is the new OP faction!

W-what... happened?

Madhammer now gives all his jacks Cont Fire on their attacks, and the gunbunnies kept powerful attack.

Is there any other news? Did they buff the heavies?

Not easy, no, but they seem to be decent super mobile harassers that can really fuck with some opponents plans, especially with an upkeep on them. Quicken, for example. Also they're appropriately costed now instead of super expensive.

Yeah a ton of stuff got buffed


Off the top of my head, Avalancher got Quake on it's gun and Shield Guard, the other heavy that didn't blow up picked up Steady(can't be pushed) and Ram on it's melee weapon.

OAC picked up Assault and Tough and got cheaper.

The Rifle dwarf unit got CMA, no word on the UA.

Thor got nerfed, Tune Up is now B2B and only boosts the first ranged attack damage roll.

also Durgen's feat gives boosted attack and damage rolls on AOE weapons, not just blast damage, as well as Gunfighter.

Driller got pow 18 on drill, PC 10, 1" melees. Gunbunnies kept Powerful Attack and PC 6. Nomad is pow 18 now, PC 11, and picked up a rule that when you repair it you do 1 extra, they said many Merc jacks got that one, Tried and True.

Tune up is attack, not just ranged. You can do melee.

Daily buff prayer: Answered Edition

Actually, Ram is on the Rockrams gun, it's melee weapon keeps crit stagger.

>coc near no vhanges
>no new models
Who here /changeisscary/

Induction is a huge shift for them.

Aerogenesis promises to be a fucking hilarious spell to use, especially on Aurora's feat turn.

Lucant's new spell, especially if it's cheaper, seems great.

its real. anything you REALLY want to know?

Well I'd ask for a link, but that's probably stretching it. How about Thunderhead? Or the Journeyman Warcaster?

I didn't see any changes to Ossrum. Hopefully now that native Rhulic infantry is better and the Earthbreaker isn't the only real option, his playstyle will change.

do you have the back of either magnusi?

ive got shitty net, but ill look at it in 30min or so

Off the top of my head, Damiano, Basher, Choir. No chance for an English version, eh?

the right side is english doofus

Yep, literally did not scroll right

If Protectorate is out, then Harbinger. And/or Deliverers.

last one was a little shitty. maybe this is clearer
back later

>poing de choc
You french guys are funny.

Anyway, thanks for these! I assume you can't give away your source?

Ugh spell ward? Literally killed that unit. And she lost a defense.

That is one amazing spell list.

thanks man!


Thank you, brave user! Do you have the Avalancher? I'm just asking because it's been sitting on my shelf for years getting no love, and I hear it whispering to me in my sleep asking if this year will be the one it gets to come out and play again.

I'm going to second the choir, and vassal too please

They already said it picked up Quake on the gun and Shieldguard

Can we see Gastone, and maybe the devil dogs?

Oh god, Magnus can Scourge himself to prevent assassinations, can't he?

That is hilarious.

Ah, must have missed that. Well, Avalancher, you're one step closer to getting off the shelf.

Hmm, Thunderhead picked up a point of STR, but Energy Pulse actually got worse(though it's much easier to not kill your own models with it as well, so seems a fair trade).

Far as I can tell from it's cut off grid it's identical as well.

Lost crit Disruption on it's gun as well.

Any chance of Magnus2?

Yes, he sure as shit can.

Though i don't think you can cast an offensive spell on yourself, so you'd have to blast a sacrificial mook with it. Though that's totally Magnus' style.

He just arcs it to himself.

Now the real question is:

Have they fixed the worst 'jack in the game yet?

That's not the Freebooter.

Talon had some great use in Bad Seeds.

And that's not Triumph.

>That spell list
>Kept Resourceful
>Merc jacks getting buffed as fuck
Magnus1 might be a monster.

He had most of those spells already, really.

Problem was easy upkeep removal, which is going away.

I suppose, though that's reliant on positioning to be totally reliable, he fails to hit himself with spells on average dice which could result in it scattering off unless the arc node is close. Or worse yet he could directly hit and spike damage on his own face, POW13 is no joke.

But now he has deathward, whis is probably the best arm buff a jack could possibly have.

It is better than Temper Metal, but it's not that much insanely better.

Is Spirit Fang still bad?

Scourge is a HUGE deal, and Death Ward is a pretty big upgrade from Temper Metal except in fringe situations, since it's model/unit instead of just Warjack so he can buff up a unit or even himself with it as necessary.

Huh, she looks really different in that image. I wonder if she's getting a new sculpt.

no menoth or khador, sorry.
heres a bit more. maybe ill do some more later. my net kept shitting out when i tried to do the pdfs.

That's some of her classic artwork, it's been around a while. She's actually got a ton of artwork, being one of the oldest characters

What do you have, out of curiousity?

And see if you can get them onto a sharing site, my guess is that they'll be more stable uploads when you try.

I love you. Also, dat Sam artwork.

Any chance of Harbinger?

Or all the cards? =p

thanks again!

>This model must have at least one warjack in its battlegroup at the start of the game.

What the fucking fuck, WHY? Why ruin a perfectly good solo like that? Were they sad that the juniors were well designed and worth taking both with and without a warjack?

Jesus christ, I knew they wanted Warjacks to be good in Mark 3, but I didn't realize they were going to be shoved down our throat at every opportunity.

Shit, I bet jack marshals are also going to be REQUIRED to marshal warjacks.

I've seen that art before, somewhere, so it isn't new.

I could also have sworn we've seen other Mk3 card art changes, but fuck if I can figure out which ones now that I think about it.

Sam's unit traded Trash for Dismantle, which seems a lot better overall. Sort of removes the Net from the picture, but honestly it means you don't have to get stupid with attacks against warjacks.

More interesting is the Net became a ranged attack, which is pretty hilarious. CRAs mean they can knock shit down with a CRAed net, then blow it up with Slug Guns.

Gastone is likely just a causality in the crossfire of "No more bringing a Junior to hand out cheap Arcane Shield buffs."

Here's a question, did they rework any caster massively?

Damn Magnus2 is tanky.

Well yeah, determining what art is new is pretty hard, as finding good Warmahordes art, new or old, is nigh impossible.

I know that particular Alexia, but I don't think I've ever seen it in good quality ever. Which is sad, because it's the best image of her.

I guess I'll keep banging on the Merc drum: Could we get Rover, Mangler, and/or Mule?

Starting to get a real good picture of what a Magnus army might look like, you might be Literally Jesus.

Yea he is. Unyielding and Escort is a fucking huge buff for him.

Fucking 16/19 warcaster, jesus.

I know this is just a knee jerk reaction, but I think he's going to be the merc go to for attrition. A deathwarded vanguard sitting in a zone, with unyielding, is going to a bitch to kill.

I think you mean 14/21.

Damiano and Steelhead Cav?

All the PPS guys would let drop about the Steelhead boat is that Rifles/Halbs are the same but cheaper, which is nice to know but not very exciting.

Yea, whoops.

Didn't Escort used to give a def buff?

>More interesting is the Net became a ranged attack

And fucking AoE 3, which is just utterly absurd. Unless deviation has changed it's a guaranteed knockdown. They lost CRA btw.

>Gastone is likely just a causality in the crossfire of "No more bringing a Junior to hand out cheap Arcane Shield buffs."

That'd be really sad, because there are so many ways to fix that which don't involve ruining juniors like Gastone and Aiakos.

Nope, I'm just remembering shit wrong.

nothing MASSIVE, but lots of small buffs and nerfs. some seem to make bad casters worse... so thanks, PP.
cygnar, mercs, legion, trolls, skorne

i might do some more later, but thats its for now. hope it gets you all pumped for mk3

Skorne shit would be excellent.

Just the casters, really.

That makes murdering a bitch with Foecleaver a realistic possibility, his biggest problem was that even under his Feat he tended to die like a bitch if he pressed forward aggressively enough to personally threaten things, which felt terrible given how killy he is.

No, Escort is unchanged in effect. The text got changed a bit so people won't accidentally Sprint an extra 2" with it.

>Mangler up to POW18 and has Aggressive

thanks once more, I main legion but if you could give the skorne guys something to soothe their salty asspain before you go you'd make me very happy

You know, I was gonna do Ret for mkIII, before I saw the Ret insider even, but now I'm full aboard for sticking with mercs after today and seeing these. God damn.

It's amazing how one or two new rules and some point tweaks, along with Power Up changes these models.

Like, the Rover only picked up Shield Guard, but god damn does it look so much better as an end game heavy.

It also gained a point of POW on the shield, which isn't nothing.

I think every shield picked up a point of POW, except where the jack picked up a point of strength.