Severely debuff powerful enemy's offense or ability to take actions

>severely debuff powerful enemy's offense or ability to take actions

>other party member with huge damage goes and kills THAT debuffed enemy instead of the other, non-debuffed, equally dangerous enemy

Have you ever played alongside people who had no sense of teamwork and/or tactics whatsoever?

>Literally everyone I've ever played with minus like one guy in college who graduated and moved away mid-way through the first campaign he joined.

It's not like you can't point this out or discuss it when your characters aren't in danger in character

Though there are exceptions to what you're talking about. Killing a temporarily weakened enemy might make more sense long term for the fight if you can take them out quickly

>not just charging into the largest enemy on the map as the Barbarian

Sure, charging that Giant got a boulder dropped on me, but I was raging, didn't die, and the Rogue went all "Shadow of the Colossus" on him and stabbed him in the base of his neck.

Worked out just fine.

In my experience debilitating conditions like those usually make enemies more vulnerable to attack as well, so it usually makes sense to do it that way.
Alternatively, they might just have an overactive focus-fire instinct and noticed you were looking at that enemy funny, which indicates a sense of teamwork, just a rudimentary one that still needs refinement.

>In my experience debilitating conditions like those usually make enemies more vulnerable to attack as well, so it usually makes sense to do it that way.

And sometimes not.

True, I was just noting that as a possible aspect that might have been missed somehow.

>It's not like you can't point this out or discuss it when your characters aren't in danger in character

That's going to sound cringily gamey in-character.

Look, think about it this way.

Would you rather beat up a cripple, or a Navy SEAL? Exactly. If the foe is blind or on crutches, I'm going to go for the easy kill first, stomp the corn out of him.

If the cripple can still defend themselves just as well, because OP says
>severely debuff powerful enemy's offense or ability to take actions

Then I'll attack the SEAL.

>Getting rid of the small fry first before focusing all efforts on the big bad
>Not a good strategy

"user! I got the X, go kill the Y hurry!"

Read again.

>powerful enemy
>non-debuffed, equally dangerous enemy

>kill the other guy
>debuffs run out on first guy
Kill yourself.

>Though there are exceptions to what you're talking about.
Well not really, the exact scenario is pretty tight.
Focusing a guy is good when the debuffer fucked his defences, but if he's disabled of his attack, it's better take out other, still dangerous things while that guy can't hurt you.

>That's going to sound cringily gamey in-character.
Your characters are people engaging in combat for their lives, discussing tactics is absolutely something they should be doing at camp.

Still objectively better than killing the offense-debuffed guy first.

That's assuming dnd rules are at all similar to reality even superficially

>Color spray a group of 8 kobolds
>6 fail their save and are effectively removed from combat for 8+ rounds
>Fighter moved to coup an unconscious kobold instead of intercepting the two going after the cleric
>Dealing with an immediate threat first is stupid, a book by this retard

You have all the tactical thought of a wet dog turd.

But what if the fight goes long enough that the disabled kobolds rejoin the fight?

Well looks to me like he killed an enemy and effectively a source of damage.

A wounded enemy deals just as much damage. It seems like YOU are the one without a sense of teamwork.

If the enemy is locked out of taking actions for a huge time, then why bother killing it when you could go after the enemies who are still... you know, up and active?

Your tactics suck.

>Fighter McSword
>1st level
>Power Attack
>Furious Focus
>14 STR just to show how stupid that question is
>+3 Power Attack
>Average of 12 damage a swing without penalty
>kobold has 5HP
>42.5% hit chance assuming you aren't getting any hit bonuses
>only two of them for 8 rounds
>3 players (fighter, cleric, sorc)

Then you deserve to die. Alternatively, sorcerer just casts again.

>Guy #1 dead
>Guy #2 dealt 0 damage while #1 was getting murderhobo'ed
Probably bait, but that was the plan dumbass.

And then you'll get shot because the Navy Seal didn't stop existing just because you ignored him

If you're in a firefight, you shoot the people who are standing and shooting at you first. Not the guy who's busy rolling on the ground having a seizure.

Well, it depends. If the one guy who's stunned can't dish out a full attack action and the navy seal has to move to get one attack in, then obviously you don't want to end your turn standing next to the navy seal when you can beat up the navy seal who's currently blind and can't hit for shit.

>Playing The End of the World
>Ragnarok starts
>We're in a bus and crash into a tunnel when we see glimpses of our future deaths
>A troll breaks out of a hole in the earth
>We all start planning
>One group member is completely new, while the rest of us have been playing for years
>Debate using the bus to ram it, but all realise that's the worst idea possible
>We all agree on using a hunting rifle as a distraction while two others pincer with petrol bombs
>While we're talking, new guy is making rolls privately with GM
>We go around collecting scrap from inside the tunnel
>Turn around to take some petrol from the reserve cans in the back
>New guy has tied a brick to the accelerator
>Honks the horn to enrage the troll and then uses the bus as a ram
>The troll just steps aside
>Bus goes rolling over the hill
>Hear a big crash
>Engine burns out
>Fire starts
>Bus burns into wreckage with all our luggage and resources inside
>New guy tries to deflect our amazed anger by claiming the GM is retarded, and a bus in low gear with 10m of acceleration up a hill would break the legs of a troll at the least
>We learn our lesson
>Use a flare, beer can and paper to trick the troll into thinking we have sunlight
>We make it to Germany on foot
>Make a pact to never trust him with anything ever again
>Go to the nearest city to find it in chaos
>Go to a bar and find dozens of people in a hedonistic frenzy before they meet their deaths
>We still have the rifle and a box of ammunition
>Built some crude spears
>Decide to try our luck joining up with people getting the fuck out
>Have to leave the rifle in the bar before going back to bargain our spot in a convoy leaving for somewhere else
>Character holding the rifle gets accosted by a guy fucked on MDMA
>Fuckstick McGee grabs the rifle and trades it for cocaine
>We come out to find a cokehead wandering out the door, firing wildly and Fuckstick holding about 5g of coke
>"It's more valuable as a trade good!"

My players as of last game. The arcanist is refusing to cast spells (Failed to prepare for underwater combat), druid is a giant octopus ferrying people, monk is afraid to fight, crafter is wasting spells.

The only team player is a fucking octopus, while the caster is being useless, tank is scared stiff, and DPS isn't attacking the killable things.

Good! Now debuff the OTHER enemy.

Or to make it more D&D-related, if the SEAL has a sword and is too far away to use it, or if you can survive a couple rifle shots and then get magically healed after the fight, focus fire is the smart thing to do.

got any more?

Every fucking day senpai.
Most of my group is mouth breathers.
>the GM makes the fights so easy you can act crazy and stupid and still win just by overpowering everything
Oooh boy this sure is FUN it sure is enjoyable to sit through hours and hours of fights I cannot possibly lose oh boy oh jee wiz