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>How to Jumpchain
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Well, it's not perfect but it's better than the editionless one. Thanks user!
Is Dark Souls sorcery/pyromancy/hexes considered magic or spirit stuff for the purposes of things like anti-magic shells? It runs on either souls, or something natural to the world like fire and Dark (which explicitly does physical rather than arcane damage) so I thought it might be a good way to get around things normal magic resistance.
Well, except Miracles maybe. I forgot what those were powered by.
What genres of jumps do you want to see more of?
They would almost certainly all be considered magic, Boulder Heave is the only spell I can think of that does physical damage at all.
Many magic systems are/can be fueled off stuff like souls, they're still magic.
Westerns. Cowboy Jumper has brought the attention to the fact we only have maybe one or two western Jumps. We have Wild West and I think that's all.
I'm not super concerned with genre, there's stuff I like all over the place in fiction.
More tabletop rpg stuff, I guess.
Really I just like any Jumps that is decently written.
Yeah, Veeky Forums demanded I use a different file to the other thread. Only missing the warehouse in the middle anyway.
Eh, I guess it will I'll have to do
Anyway I've been doing some math.
So Paragon resource generators are about 78.1 m in diameter since they are round and that is their dimensions.
Large worlds from Terraria are16,800 feet across
5121 meters divided by 78.1
Which means you can fit around 65 of those bad boys in each of them. Multiplying your total resource production with each of them.
Sorcery and hexes literally shoots souls at people, though. Shouldn't that technically be spirit stuff?
By that logic you'd be able to get rid of the Abyss and the Chaos Flame using an anti-magic field which I rather doubt
More Super Hero ones, More D&D ones, MORE fantasy with monsterous alt forms. I just can't get enough of it. OH and more kung-fu heavy jumps. We need more fighting games put in.
Tekken, Street Fighter and SNK STILL don't have jumps yet. That's just unreal.
They do arcane damage, they call it magic, it's magic as far as I can tell.
The Abyss and the Chaos Flame are sources of power/places rather than magics. Also my interpretation of your argument would be to have them count as both magic and spiritual.
Street Fighters got one in progress.
I was mainly asking because most anti-magic stuff targets magic specifically while in DS like your said, the boundary between magic and souls is very thin. Because literally everything there is souls souls souls. And metaphysical things that are more like eldritch metaphysics than actual magic.
I wonder what would happen if you kindled the First Flame with an S2 Engine.
Thanks for letting me know, and don't worry about the time delay.
One last question. Does the Railroading drawback keep you from achieving the optional objectives which are contrary to the plot? Or, in other words, does it become impossible to keep Aribeth from falling?
Romantic Comedy.
As the drawback states, they don't have to be resolved canonically. The downside is that failing to resolve the core issue of whatever the plot is, is now a loss condition.
Preventing Areibeth from falling would hep solve a large part of that plot but you would still need to find a way to deal with the forces originally behind her fall.
>if you kindled the First Flame with an S2 Engine.
Got it, and thanks for the prompt responses.
No problem.
Are there any good perks for increasing the usage of typically one off items or abilities? I just discovered the Ragnarok jump and Conceptual Larceny (among other perks) is making me drool.
How the hell would that genre work for jumps?
Better than a Terraria world, use a Minecraft one. Their surface area are 8X bigger than Earth so you can shove even more of these things in there.
The downside with those is that Mystcraft worlds slowly decay. It wouldn't last long enough for you to take advantage of all that area.
>and more kung-fu heavy jumps
My brother.
> more kung-fu heavy jumps
I'll see your bet and raise it with drug-dealing ninjas vs orphaned boy-band martial artists.
Really ? I mean, I know that game-wise they do decay, but IIRC the perk says this:
>Furthermore, without a genuine understanding of the nature of dimensions, any new world you create with a Descriptive Book will be another Minecrafttype world, cursed to Decay into nothingness over the course of a week or so. This can be a handy way to gather resources without disrupting a ‘real’ world, or a good place to experiment with dangerous things, but nothing more... at least for now.
And I took that to mean that, with sufficient experience, knowledge or whatever, you could eventually learn to create worlds without decay.
More lower-level Jumps. We've been seeing a lot of high-powered Jumps, but I love seeing things like Career Model and Uncharted Waters.
I'd also love to see more Tabletop ones. We still don't have Engine Hearts.
didn't take that perk too busy getting the item duplication, also like said it seems wrong to create a world you know is much more doom'd then most.
Princess Bride is one isn't it?
That's inconceivable.
I'm a sucker for noir and horror, so more of those.
>>Street Fighters
>chun li thighs intensify
>Disney Princess Jump
Whoever made this jump, I wanna thank you personally. I just can't stop giggling as I read the descriptions.
Also, so far, it looks like I'm the Ancestral Spirit of the hopelessly inept Princess sealed in her Talisman, who's gonna need some rescuing by a just passing-by heroine, 'cause the villain (also a hot babe) kidnapped her. By kidnap, I mean the princess fell into her arms, literally by the way. This is all happening in Not!Japan too...maybe the moon-OH! A comedic retelling of the Bamboo Cutter's Story!
I think I'm gonna be laughing too hard to sing, haven't had this much fun since I discovered the Nichijou Jump.
Chun Li's Thighs vs. Scáthach's own
So I recently remembered the bit in Oblivion with the magic paintbrush that let you go into a painting and walk around and wanted to know if it would work if you took it out of the jump. Seems like a question for CCDT if you're around.
Secondly, just in case it doesn't work, are there any other ways to do something like this? I know Mario has the Warp paintings which is pretty close but that risks Mario enemies showing up in them iirc.
>jump Fate, go servant
>become Scáthach
>jump Street Fighter
>become Chun Li
>jump SAO
>purchase Final Form
>combine Scáthach thighs and Chun Li thighs
>instantly gain Spark due to overwhelming power of thighs
With the Fate jumps, could you go Servant in one and Master in another or do you have to stick one path Servant or Master and use that throughout the entire series of jumps?
You can switch if you want
There's an old ruling that a lot of the truly absurd stuff is post Spark. Can still use it for mass resource extraction or temporary storage though.
I don't know if there's enough variation within the genre for multiple jumps, I don't really watch romantic comedies, but I think a Generic Romantic Comedy jump would totally be workable. Probably something like the Sitcom jump where the world as a whole just runs on romcom logic.
Drop-in as the matchmaker/meta background.
A "I don't need love" background, I'm sure there's a term for it, with a perk that makes you good at business, but does nothing for your love life, and another perk that helps you attract people who can pull you out of your shell.
A "looking for love" background that has "Manic Pixie Dreamgirl" as its capstone, though I don't know what it'd do.
Wingman as the last background. Perks that make you the ultimate wingman and help you give people epiphanies on the importance of love, though this might overlap with drop-in too much.
"Grand Romantic Gesture" as an undiscounted perk.
Maybe "the one" as a purchasable companion, with a fluff joke about how, no, this companion is not an evil Jet Li from a parallel universe.
0 CP drawback that makes you the star of your own romcom at some point during your stay.
Drawback where people react realistically to stereotypical romcom shenanigans, such as grand gestures making people think you're creepy and obsessive.
In fact, it's advised for maximum utility, seeing how you can only get upgraded from being a Servant once. Switching lets you empower both yourself and a Companion, instead of just one or the other.
Could someone please reupload the Eldar jump that was made?
So, wait, you're saying that in one jump I can have Jibril as my Servant and then in another jump she can be my Master?
Best idea or best idea ever?
> Jibril as my Servant
You know, I'm pretty sure even the King of Heroes would call hax.
How do you think the other Servants would feel about having Gaia (from EVO) as my Servant? I mean, it's not the Gaia that wants to kill all humans, but they don't know that.
What about Solomon?
"Hey Jibril, just you and me on the next one. You're gonna be my Servant."
>". . ."
"Not like that. Well, maybe a little. We're going to go fight manifestations of Earths greatest heroes. Fight to the death, winner take all. Oh, by the way, gloves are off so you don't have to pull your punches this time."
"Thought so. To the Jumpermobile!"
Blank stares followed by asking her how high her Information Erasure skill is. They wouldn't recognise her at all as a legendary heroine of myth after all, since she was kind of never there.
At least Jibril is happy. Which I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.
>Oh, by the way, gloves are off so you don't have to pull your punches this time."
I'll take Things Never To Say To Jibril for 1000, Alex
What is Avatar?
"Hey Jibril. Remove ayy lmao from the premises"
Anyone object to me posting a Jak and Daxter jump?
Why are you asking and not posting it?
Do we not already have one?
Huh, well that's a thing. Not going to follow the Conduit CYOA stuff, instead i'm gonna houserule that it's possible to work out the true technique in chain, but that it would take litterally millenias of constant works, and that estimate accounts for most intelligence boosting and super-training-speed stuff.
Working on it right now I'm bored
Wasn't 100% it was unclaimed.
She'd probably be good for the WoW and Warcraft jumps too. Just tell her to eliminate the greenskins and then watch the show.
I can't find it within two seconds of completely inept and unmotivated searching.
It probably doesn't exist./joke
We need more Space Fantasy jumps, like Fading Suns, Spelljammer, Wizardry, or Dragonstar, it combines my two favorite genres into one awesome whole.
Seriously, I would kill for a Fading Suns jump.
Where I can get perks that let me alter my own biology?
Gonna need to be more specific than that.
Symbiote, Starcraft Zerg Route, EVO Search For Eden, Worm, Half-Life...there are tons of places you can go for biomanipulation stuff.
If I am reading the Long Road right, we spend a hundred years in this jump?
Let's call them, "Eldar Years."
Not sure about him, maybe a "...huh, this might be difficult."
You forgot that the War is actually a ritual that could open a backdoor to Akasha.
Considering that she nostalgically reminisces over the War and all the battles and slaughters she took part in on, whether she's wiping out an entire city of Elven Mages for shooting her out of the sky or remembering how Flugel it took to kill one Dragon and how even she barely survived those encounters...
GG Fuyuki City and Japan.
Basically, you'll have to survive the Eldark times.
Basically create new organs and replicate existing ones. On the fly.
>You forgot that the War is actually a ritual that could open a backdoor to Akasha.
Ho boy. If DS2 has taught many anything, it's usually a bad thing when that thing gets involved.
Akasha* Autocorrect, don't push your luck.
So, how good is Warlock? Bolt of psychic force and a forcefield doesn't sound that impressive, but shooting down chaos champions does...
Drawbacks: Run, A Knife in the Dark, A Stifling Emptiness, There Is Only War, An Undeniable Hunger, A Circle of Fools(1800)
Path of the Seer
Rolled Alaitoc
Guardian Training (Free)
Psychic Race (Free)
Eldar Physiology (Free)
Tall and Narrow Gate (1200)
Farseer (800)
Bonesinger (400)
Grace of the Eldar Race (300)
Not All Who Wander Are Lost (0):
-Daedalus, Not quite (0)
-Morathi: Path of the Seer, Farseer (0)
-Lightning: Path of the Warrior, Exarch (0.
-Elune: Exodite, Not quite (0)
-Kiva: Exodite, Path of the Scholar (0)
-Radio Noise: Path of the Outsider, Pathfinder (0)
-Amane: Path of the Seer, Farseer (0)
-Miyako: Path of the Seer, Farseer (0)
PREVIOUSLY ON JUMPCHAIN: Breaking news! The God-Emperor of Mankind has been revived-and rebranded himself as the Man-Emperor of Mankind! Dark Eldar continue to try and shut the massive portal leading straight to Commoragh other species are using to take vengeance on them! The Imperium has entered into a mutual defence pact with the reunified Necrontyr Empire! The Eye of Terror has been mysteriously shut! Mystic lattice protects human souls from the Warp!
She’s gone.
Do not misunderstand us, after all the arguments died last jump we parted on good terms, it’s just-parting is…hard for such as we. Because, she said, she didn’t think our relationship and our goals would both survive the Spark.
And she thanked us for the good times, before dissolving back into the beautiful, inchoate force we first met in this very universe. If she were human, it would have been ego death. But she is not, and was simply going home.
…this is not a good day to be us. But we have responsibilities to attend to.
Even now, the Emperor is perverting our plan to reforge humanity as Lords of Order in the name of human supremacy. Between that, the breaching of Commoragh and the Great Leap Elsewhere the Silent King has pioneered for his kind the Eldar are probably panicking.
Priority #1 is going to be enhancing the Blank aspect of our soul with Page of Void powers, completely cutting us out of psychic view even as Slaanesh and Nurgle momentarily experience the sensation of great dread and/or cockblocking as they continue to starve impotently. Priority #2 is to conduct further studies on the Webway to supplement our knowledge of how to build it. Thanks to Endless Recycling, we can fix anything. Thanks to the Moon Cell’s technology, we are an almost perfect scholar. And thanks to our cosmic reserves of psychic energy and newfound psychic knacks, we have the power to do something about it.
And while we’re at that, we’ll also get Elune and Daedalus to start restoring more planets for Eldar colonisation. The others have their roles to play too, whether in collecting research on Eldar technology or serving as inspirational icons.
Either way, they’ll serve as harbingers of a rumour we will Rumormonger to every Eldar in the galaxy: That Ynnead will be born sooner than expected
Priority #3 will take place once we’ve finished stabilising a suitably concealable part of the Webway, and will involve a team-up with Cegorach provided he doesn’t just throw pies at us for being a filthy Pariah. The idea is to mount yet another Harlequin expedition to rescue Isha. And with Nurgle’s attention diverted just long enough to see the trespassers, we shall use a modification of the Rite of Ash-Kent to summon Isha to the Webway and-well, we’ll have to play that one by ear. Stockholm syndrome’s one helluva drug.
We honestly have no idea what to expect when it comes to negotiation with the last surviving members of the Eldar pantheon, but hopefully we can come to an accord if only out of enlightened self-interest. The way the Eldar live creates much fewer evolution-based risks than humans, and so we have no objection to sucking up all the Craftworlds’ misfortunes and spitting them at, say, the orks and ’nids.
Simultaneously, our holy presence as a Herald will-well, we obviously don’t want to GET RID of the xenophobia completely over night. Just skew their pride into being enlightened guardians of the galaxy, and convince them to teach the hiveworlds most isolated from the Imperium how to live correctly. And some Dark Eldar interact with Craftworlds, so with Commoragh likely undergoing something of a refugee crisis at the moment it would be nice if we could bring the (relatively) less depraved ones back into the fold. They like to think they’re the inheritors of the Old Ones’ legacy? Fine. We’ll help them act like it. Social engineering is going to take a long time to stick to ‘em, so we’ll also have to come up with some sort of convoluted plan to make our rival’s life miserable for a whole millennium, but not miserable enough to properly count as vengeance. We are the Count of Monte Craftworld and they are Eldar Danglars.
If we can’t fight the Imperium without sundering our own plans to save the world, we’ll just sow the seeds for a power bloc to prevent them from reigning unchallenged. And if they have an Emperor, we’ll just use the Waters of Life to allow their gods to take form in the Materium. This time, there will be no mistak-a few centuries’ minimum of fine-tuning the nascent Ynnead’s with Karmatron Dynamics and Path to Victory will be used to cultivate a being that will actually follow our directives. And when Ynnead is brought into being, we will use a shard of our almighty Grace to bestow seraphic powers on him.
There’s probably a moral in here somewhere about loss and rebirth but the melancholy lewdness is making it hard to appreciate it.
...we have no idea what to do about Khaine, though. On the one hand, just leaving his shards in the Warp probably enables Khorne just a little bit. On the other hand, he's a team killing fuckwad who got his ass beaten by one of the weakest Chaos Gods when it was just born.
So, basically all of will help. I recommend combining them with shapeshifting perk, such as those you might find in a Cape setting.
And pic up JoJo's vampire mode.
It's good.
Someone is working on a James Cameron's The Thing gauntlet, which has a nice cherry on top for any Not!Shoggoth type build.
>X-Men Movies
Self-Molecular Manipulation, Omega Level
>40k Jumps
Psyker: Biomancy, Alpha Level
Between those two you've got a decent start to do what you want. Now, you'll probably want some heavy intelligence and science buffs to help you understand what it is you're doing so maybe go Super-Mago Scientist in Tenchi SOL and Space.
I think what you want to do is doable, depending on how far you want to go, but it'll be a multi-jump build and not a single perk buy.
>James Cameron's The Thing
>James Cameron's
Please, please for the love of all the is good and decent in this universe, tell me that was an autocorrect error or something.
The name "Holy Grail War "is a misnomer, a bit of deliberate misinformation, at least the Fuyuki Version.
That one is actually the Heaven's Feel Ritual, a giant ritual to help Einzbern Family recover their Lost Magic, the Heaven's Feel, aka the Third Magic. Having some access to the Akashic Record is needed to achieve such a feat.
Well, that and generally speaking, all Magicians (wielders of True Magic) have seen some of the Akashic Record and survived it. It's the goal of entire lines of Magus Families, and it just so happened that the Einzbern screwed up and actually lost their Magic so badly that they had to ask two other families, the Makiri (who would become known as the Matou) and the Tohsaka (a family of apprentices to the Wizard Marshall), to help them regain it.
I'm pretty sure you could wish for access to the Root with the other Grails as well though, but considering that they are connected to the Throne of Heroes, which in turn is a part of Akasha, it should be a relatively easy wish...except that it might trigger the Counter Force and kill everything in the area and surrounding the area. So that's a no-no according to the Clocktower, like a "we will send the fucking Enforcers to fuck you up, don't fucking test us" no-no.
Best case scenario, you reach it and come back, with actual Magic. Worst case scenario, Alaya notices and activates the Counter Force, which might involve the Counter Guardians. Shit's fucked scenario, Heroic Spirits get involved.
The last one though is theoretical, no one really knows what would happen if the Root notices that you're there.
>She's gone
Oh ASA, I'm sorry to hear that man. You two seemed to be doing so well, even with that argument in your last jump. All I can say is, give yourself some time. This kind of thing can be hard, even for a cosmic horror/Herald of the Lord/Messiah like you.
Holy mother of fuck, how did my phone do that?
John Carpenter.
I swear to god, I typed John Carpenter.
Have you been typing James Cameron a lot recently? Your phone might have saved his name as an autocorrect or something, and changed it from John Carpenter.
I'm pretty sure it was just a minor seizure. My phone doesn't have auto-correct, just spell-suggest powered by Google.
I probably just hit the first buttons available like the meat robot they want me to be.
Thanks, that will do.
We're not so sure. All this time, and we've defined it as a marriage because of the commitment but from her point of view we were going steady. Even counting EVO and the other 350+ jumps between Civilisation and now, that's not even a tenth of the average star's lifespan-and she's all of them, kind of. Also, the whole concept of a relationship was alien to her at first, took a long time just to ask her out. So really, for our partner it's more like a kinky summer trying new and strange things and now going back to regular life.
Granted there aren't very many incarnated concept/ascended former human relationships out there so it's not like we can just hit up Spacebook for relationship advice.
But, this wasn't like the fight we had in Fallen London. We talked about settling down and...yeah. Ironically the very personification we taught her to start this relationship was also its' undoing, because she was enough of a person to realise how homesickness feels when she finally got a chance to visit home again.
If we ever see her again it'll be post-Spark. Well, unless someone makes another 40K jump before then.
>Jame's Cameron's The Thing
>not-Eywa's quest to civilise the human race
"These poor savage things will never embrace salvation."
"I will have to rape it into them"
Those last lines are from this short story. It's worth a read.
Dragonstar would be pretty cool
Its D&D in space
Anything that gives me the chance to remove Illithid gets my vote.
Ugh. Arcanum is melting my brain. I swear I'm thinking of just handing out Immunity to the whole Science/Magic interaction of the universe to Jumpers and just being done with it. The Jump would be done by now if I wasn't trying to figure out how even the most basic out of Jump abilities interact with The Universal Law.
What would you anons like to see in a Vocaloid jump? What do you think about it being a gauntlet?
totally not asking because I'm stuck on what should be added or whatever haha
I'm indifferent about it being a gauntlet. I could see some fairly valid arguments for and against it.
I just don't know how you'd do it as a single jump, though. Don't all the songs take place in different worlds?
Mind showing what you have so far?
>The name "Holy Grail War "is a misnomer, a bit of deliberate misinformation, at least the Fuyuki Version. . .
And that's a bad thing, I take it? I am completely ignorant of Fate, so I understood very little of what you said and how it relates to: