Is it wrong that I fuck with peasant daughters rather than tavern wenches? I mean I get to have a clean snatch plus its free.
Is it wrong that I fuck with peasant daughters rather than tavern wenches...
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It's wrong if you leave her with either a bastard or a promise that you will come back.
You are literally Hitler if you leave her with both those things.
A tavern wench is already a wench. But leaving a peasant daughter knocked up will not only be a problem to her, but also her whole family.
Now start caring about what you do to those fictional girls.
A. Chances are i might be back depending on how much traveling to and fro we do so me promising i'll be back isn't empty AND i have a greater chance at her later than if i just showed up one day years later.
B. How small are the chances either of us would even know she's pregnant before i gotta hop town to stop the new BBEG? I don't really have control of that unless i can convince the cleric, or if i am the cleric, to do cure disease on her just in case. And if i was the cleric i'd be banging everyone cause STD's and pregnancies suddenly wouldn't be an issue.
Pick one.
... Though, arguably, that depends on your setting.
When in doubt, pick elves
>Is it wrong that I fuck with peasant daughters rather than tavern wenches?
Only if you refuse to take responsibility. It takes a special kind of asshole to corrupt what's pure and innocent.
You are an adventurer, your lifespan is shorter than that of a mayfly.
Peasants usually don't have access to potions or spells that make sure they can't get pregnant, and all the typical medieval anti-pregnancy shit is either straight up poison or disgusting as all fuck.
And by "You will come back" usually means that you are planning on marrying that bitch, not just for a booty-call.
Let's be honest here, if you stroll up to some peasant girl and ask to fuck with little to no chance she isn't going to get fat with a bastard in her belly, and the man doing it is probably going to wind up dead in the next week from a stray trap, she is probably going to say no.
I dunno man. I'm like 95% survival rate so far and about half of them achieve some form of immortality.
You have a very soft DM.
Contrary to proper belief, while women in the middle ages were comparably easy to modern equivalents, they were also smart enough to not fuck around if it means having to provide for another mouth and potential death.
Leave her with a Martial Script of Iron Heart Surge and it's fine.
>while women in the middle ages were comparably easy to modern equivalents
>they were also smart enough to not fuck around if it means having to provide for another mouth and potential death
That contradicts itself. There's a reason why the sexual revolution was a revolution: women were 'liberated' from the consequences of their actions. It also helps that women married very young, mostly in their teents. Young brides helps the whole "virgin bride" thing.
Eh, that doesn't necessarily contradict itself, it just means that while they fucked around more often, they were also very careful about taking precautions.
Sheepskin condoms, lemon wedge in cooter, crocodile dung in vagina, etc.
Your fucking some would be adventurers childhood friend
Pull out method.
Hasn't failed me yet.
You wouldn't touch a peasant without first paying a dowry, would you?
>all of that
Well, since a good chunk of my characters tend to be the honorable grizzled veteran. If i'm plowing some virgin soil it means i'm planning on marrying.
And since Adventurers tend to go on the extremes of being awfully rich to really well armed beggars. So if i have the money i would probably pay the expanses of the family so they don't have to worry about their daughter.
several. I just tend to ask around about dm's prior to actually playing with them so i know if i should utterly avoid them, come in with an actual fun character, or be a minmaxing munchkin. Sure its a bit of work but i very rarely get horror story tier games this way.
PC is cleric.
Can perform own wedding ceremony.
Every time he visits he leaves her and the kids with a "bit of coin to be getting on with".
If she spent it al at once it would collapse the national economy at this point
Family want for nothing.
Wait. Why the tears? Something didn't fucking happen to Shindol did it? The world would be to cold a place without him as the sun to warm our souls.
Oh christ. Please tell me nothing happened. I'm fucking worried now.
Everything he does has a bad end for everyone involved, it's the saddest pornography.
But my PC is a peasant daughtee
Well minus the happy loli and wheelchair waifu. And the futa couple. And i recall one other. Also midna and zelda seemed pretty psyched at the end.
In all seriousness though thats why i love the guy.
Buy some contraceptive potions at the next town.
The problem here isn't that the wench is a wench. The tavern wench's entire family is probably the byblows of adventurers who passed through town. She was taught from a young age not to believe you when you say you will come back and to use contraceptives if she doesn't want your baby.
I miss when every woman was assumed to be a demonic temptress just waiting for a cock so she could put a name to her weird, subconscious longing, and every man was supposed to conserve his semen or he'd end up weak, poor, stupid, and sissified.
The GM is planning on having this happen later. user knocked up the childhood friend of another adventurer, he's going to make sure he does right by her... or else.
You have a very soft GM. We established this.
Thats a LOT of gold i won't be able to use on equipment to stay alive. Fuck that noise.
Pullout guy is a different guy and i already told you its across like 30 different DM's at this point.
See if you can get a charm that imitates the results of a vasectomy while you are using it. Or fuck a woman who is likely to be using contraceptives.
30 DMs who have had terrible sex education.
I want you to download the "Treegasm" episode of "Ugly Americans" and fast forward to the part where the Wizard loses his virginity to a peasant.
Fucking disgusting.
The entire reason I got involved in this noble quest is to slam some noble pussy that's been scented, primed, and maybe worked over by a magic sculptor to be able to engorge into a dick after I come into BECAUSE THAT'S MY FETISH.
> Implying Tavern wenches aren't still peasant daughters
I mean, I don't know where YOU think they come from, but I'm pretty sure they're the same thing in a different place.
A proper pull out isn't as risky as you might think. Condoms are only marginally better.
Key word is proper.
No, if you are ready for shotgun wedding
Bitch i hunt dragons for a living and routinely rekill liches, you think you could get me to stay for a wedding i want no part in.
Honestly though that dad should thank me he's gonna have a super kid who can plow all the fields ever everywhere forever. Pun possibly intended.
Why waste time on fucking bitches when you can spend time on killing witches?
>Bitch i hunt dragons for a living and routinely rekill liches
Plot twist: dad is anciet dragon or god.
It doesn't contradict itself at all, the sexual revolution freed women of consequences, but once freed of consequences they immediately turned to fucking the top 20% of men, and almost exclusively those top 20%.
Peasant girls were typically fine with whatever cock they got, as long as it put cash in her hand and nothing in her belly. The whole "virgin bride" thing was unique to the nobility, and while virginity was admired in the lower classes it wasn't treated as the rule.
Villages were genetic puddles almost a generation away from becoming inbred, these people were probably damn fine with whatever foreign blood came in.
I've been known to kill both. Sometimes they actually overlap.
Your DM is a big guy with big heart
>top 20%
The fuck you are talking about.
The whole 20/60 ratio comes from pre-agricultural times where dna sampling showed that there were more mothers than fathers. Most people turn this into some sort of fucking sick chad fantasy yet there is simple explanation. Times were hard. Most of men died.
Because they can't get pussy means that most men don't get pussy.
>Most of men died.
Gender rations in humans are actually a bit biased towards baby boys because of that.
Buh that is how Adventurers are born!
Oh shindol, you draw such sweet girls but then do terrible things to them. I just wanted to give her a hug and save her from the path of corruption. At least she's friends with the mc of that gender bending manga he dis so she has a comrade in sluttyness.
Different user here. I can't be arsed to look it up cause i need some damned sleep but okcupid, eharmony, and a few others did some studies based on their own sites results.
Routinely across the board it went something like this
10/10 women only went for men 10-8/10
9/10 went for 10-8/10
8/10 9-7/10
7/10 9-7/10
6-2/10 8-5/10
1/10 7-4/10
This is by success rate mind you so women that went for 10's but were say 1/10 themselves and didn't succeed in gaining a relationship are not represented as literally every category of women vastly prefered anything 7 and above.
Oddly enough that is about 20% of the male population but that doesn't mean those lower on the scale won't "settle" for "lower quality" men.
Is that the future hooker to be? If so she actually gets a happy ending in ch.7 in the after life after she OD's cause youths kicked her unborn baby to death like i said, ShindoL seems to end like 70% of his series and oneshots with a happy ending even if that means a few chapters of bad.
Yeah but its still fucking dating site. Its bit biased desu. Not only it attracts certain people with certain mindset, but also certain age.
Also as far as i remember most of accounts are male so its pretty normal that smaller pop, of women will be picky given the opportunity.
>Gender rations in humans are actually a bit biased towards baby boys because of that.
Not really, rather human population long since adapted to weed out excessive males and it became integral part of our behaviour. Females have higher mortality rate during pregnancy. My great great grandfather had 6 adult sons, 2 sons who died at childhood and not a single daughter. Apparently, all girls were stillborn due to some X-chromosome related disorder.
Its the best and largest data collection we can get that was as unbiased a can be.
The next best was sitting 200 women down at a time and having them rate men based first on looks then again but with made up info like job type, issues that run in the family, and yearly income. Every step of the way they were asked who they would pick after the ratings were done. Again 7+ only across the board but the issue was they unbiasedly rated on looks then when the info came in 10/10 rating dropped to 5/10 when the info showed things like lower income or bad jobs like a barista but suddenly 4/10's were being rated 10/10 cause they were plastic surgeons or had no negatives in the "runs in the family" department but still out of those shifting ratings it was all above 7/10 and up.
>Females have higher mortality rate during pregnancy.
Yeah, but more men die before reproductive age.
> Apparently, all girls were stillborn due to some X-chromosome related disorder.
That's a genetic abonormality on your part.
>while women in the middle ages were comparably easy to modern equivalents
It's strange, but my PCs generally aim for the girl who's The One. You know, to produce perfect ubermensch children and all that.
Even in Exalted, my Solar was monogamous because you can't get more perfect than your Lunar mate, god damn it.
>Peasant daughters
>Clean snatch
I see someone only knows "ye olde medieval time" from Hollywood.
user, people fucking like rabbits in the countryside is one of the reasons the church became super butthurt and prude during the dark ages and had to make up rules when and how people are only allowed to fuck.
>That's a genetic abonormality on your part.
That's abnormality is hidden within our DNA. All of us, including you my user, carry at least dozen lethal genetic disorders that never kicked in. In case of my grandparents they both carried combination that prevented my great great grandmother from carrying daughters to term. Mortality during pregnancy is more common than many people think. Sometimes "missed periods" are a sign of conception that was naturally aborted very early.
>Yeah, but more men die before reproductive age.
Genetics and procreation of previous generation comes first. They die because nature has nothing better to do with them or it has evolutional benefits for the species. If genotypes with increased female prenatal mortality survive, what nature can do about it? Boys dying before reproductive age supplement lack of females and reduce pressure on population.
>the dark ages
>All of us, including you my user, carry at least dozen lethal genetic disorders that never kicked in.
Which is why incest is so dangerous. People within the same family are more likely to be carriers of the same horrible disease, which means the chance of that disease expressing itself in their offspring goes up from about 0% to about 25%. That's also why Paki's are overrepresented in the "horrible disease" category: Islamic cultures are more consanguinous than most other cultures
For you
D&D 'middle ages' aren't kinda THE Middle Ages, more like early reinessance
Nothing like deflowering a maiden and promising to be at her side for the rest of her days. Worth more than all the gold and exp
>Veeky Forums thread simulator
Nothing wrong with that but why not meet a nice traveling entertainer and make her your wife so that way you can adventure together and amass a fortune.
The entertainer is probably wiser and smarter than some random village girl anyways.
Its funny how she's drawn with slut face.
The whole reason we let girls into adventuring and mercenaries companies is so we can have a formal or informal morale officer corps
She's probably a huge slut.
you're drawn with a slut face, man
>slut face
u wot lad?
>2/3 of male messages go to the top 1/3 of women.
>So basically, guys are fighting each other 2-for-1 for the absolute best-rated females, while plenty of potentially charming, even cute, girls go unwritten.
Women are more likely to message medium and unattractive guys than men are to do the same.
Now, where are your sources?
Looks like a petite slut to me, unless she has a corset.
>Low-level village making game
>My character is sweet on a same-age farm girl from the village
>Her dad is dead but her tough successful farming mom doesn't approve, thinks the local Gaston-type fellow is a better match
>Despite her mom's repeated refusals and attempts to drive him off, even with threats of violence, my guy persists because he's a young romantic
>The mom comes to find him amusing and even respects his persistence a little, no way in hell am I getting anywhere with her daughter but he deserves something...
>Her mom ends up luring my guy into a relationship
Mean DM, the Gaston guy still got the peasant girl. I guess at least some small benefit that her mom isn't all bad, and is one of the better off people in town with the biggest farm and a mill, so my guy's living standards improved a good bit.
>Women are more likely to message medium and unattractive guys than men are to do the same.
Women are also significantly less likely to message men in the fist place. The most messaged men probably get less messages than then least messaged women.
There isn't anything to really discern her size if no normal-sized slut is standing next to her.
So what you're saying that without a reference point, she's some sort of Schrodinger slut?
Do not question the dub-trips.
We don't have any official sources, but we can make a lot of assumptions based on living conditions and primary sources.
For example, there existed an herb in Europe that, when brewed or chewed, prevented conception (I think it even served as an abortive). It was so effective, that this herb is only known through written sources as it was harvested to extinction.
The average peasant would have known what sex is from a very early age; there weren't many rooms in a house and mom n' dad would probably go at it fairly regular. They would also see bulls mounting cows, stallions mounting mares and dogs fucking dogs. By the time they hit their teens, they *knew* what sex was and how it was done.
There was also the matter of time; while harvest season was 12 hour days for almost a full month, while the fields were barren or the crops were ripening there was really not much else to do; yes, you'd be working an 8 hour day tending the animals or maintaining the plans/house, but that still leaves hours upon hours of free time in a period where you didn't read, you didn't watch tv and you didn't have electronics. The day would end by nightfall, but that leaves a solid 4-5 hours of just *nothing.*
Consider too, the stories given by the peasant folk in Canterbury Tales. The squire gave sweeping sagas of courtly intrigue, but the crofter and his wife? I believe his story was nothing but fart jokes, sexual innuendos and cuckoldry. I believe there was another peasant in the group, and his story was equally lewd and raunchy.
See as well, people simply didn't expect virginity the same way nobility did; virgins were valued for their chastity and self-control, but they were not considered "necessary."
>One interesting thing seems to be going on here: when the best-looking men write the worst-looking women, taste the rainbow,
of self-esteem issues their message success rate takes a big hit. The knee-jerk response would be to somehow chalk it up to hunky spammers, but we very carefully control for that in these articles, and in any event why would better-looking girls be drastically more susceptible to it? It seems to be some kind of self-confidence thing.
Do you have a source for your claim?
Gentleanons please why can't we just enjoy some fine performers?
That was not the afterlife, she was imagining how things might have been if she was able to kick her addiction.
No, because I repeatedly heard that everyone gets Schrödingers slut wrong, so I won't use that.
We just need the most normal-sized slut out there.
There are many types of entertainers...
Perhaps this one would be normal sized?
Oh hey one of Naughty Jesters Characters that someone else claimed, NEAT.
That was a bretty good fap.
Fair enough.
So, how do you get Schrödingers slut right?
>actually fapping to ShindoL
>not reading for plot
Don't know, ask Veeky Forums about Schrödingers slut. But I heard they are faggots and don't know how to handle sluts.
Let me fix that image for ya'.
What? You expect me to read about a girl getting pushed around and slowly degenerating as her life falls apart and not fap?
C'mon user
almost, user, almost
>You expect me to read about a girl getting pushed around and slowly degenerating as her life falls apart and not fap?
I sincerely hope your highschool didn't make you read Les Misérables...
I think I got it.
God damnit user...
>that pic
Is she taking a bite out of a raw tomato, like its a fucking apple or something?! Who does that?
Geralt calm down
Then they would be even less prudish to fucking.
I find this idea that people have that peasant girls would be more pure than wenches kinda hilarious, especially if you consider that there really werent that many possibilites to pass time besides work.
People who really like tomatoes. I mean the iron chef guy does it with peppers, what's a tomato in comparison?