This kills the meta.
Darkness Reigns Supreme edition
This kills the meta.
Darkness Reigns Supreme edition
That's fucking absurd.
I don't think the people making this game have any idea what they're doing anymore.
Wait, you win the game twice, what?
Probably just an error in translation or compiling or some shit.
Will be fixed in time for release.
Well, so much for building a Nameless Girl/Jeanne pet deck.
I know your pain, I just finished throwing together an Overlord of the Seven Seas deck I was having a lot of fun with.
Isn't the primary thing that sets FoW apart from other TCGs the J/Ruler mechanic? Why the fuck would you make a card that completely throws your flagship mechanic under the bus?
It's actually not that good, significantly worse than Flame of Outer World. Most J/Rulers are becoming increasingly front-loaded with ETB effects, and they will have time to pop their God Art before the other player can slap this on the chase. Plus Wind-Secluded Refuge is still a thing.
On the upside it just destroys R/R, he simply isn't allowed to flip if you've got BB open unless he has a Refuge or is otherwise untargetable, or has peeked at your hand to make sure you don't have it.
>rats is 2/2, gets +1/+1 per rat
>croc is basically 2/2, gets +2/+2 per croc
Fucking broken
There are a lot of J-Rulers that Flame won't kill though.
Take Valentina, Overlord of the Seven Seas for example. You have to Flame her immediately when she hits or else the person running her is going to leave Imperishable open for days and keep giving it to her at first priority pass each turn before recovery.
This one just insta-kills.
Also each croc brings more crocs.
Effective 3 6/6 creatures turn 3 for 3 will.
No, to account for big numbers you need to take off 2 zeroes and divide by 2 to get a more accurate comparison to magic.
He's closer to a 1/1 who gets +1/+1.
Where one Flame doesn't work, just use two, double-flame still deals with Valentina just fine, I single-handedly ran three Val2 decks out of my meta because I kept punking them with it. She really has no out against a deck that has 4x Flame with Barrier of Shadows in the side, plus the other usual B/R stuff.
Also, this card has very high potential to be a dead card, multiple copies in-hand are very close to useless and any Ruler that doesn't need to flip will just thank you for the card advantage.
It's sideboard tech. Maybe good sideboard tech, but I don't see it showing up as more than a 2x mainboard and even that is optimistic.
>Tap Excalibur on my draw phase for Imperishable
>"I'll chase with Flame"
>Chase resolves because can't chase to flame
>She imperishable now
Flame is rotating out.
More like 1/1 with +1/+1, but on ETB you can pit any number from your hand onto the battlefield.
So Relentless Rats and Thrumming Stone all put together.
Can playing one Crocoshark from your hand trigger any number of Crocosharks you have in Standby?
Sure, and this is a worse Flame that is slightly better against extremely tanky Rulers, so what's the problem?
>Tap Excalibur on my draw phase
Why wouldn't I just wait for my turn?
Val2 doesn't OHKO early in the game, you can eat a swing to the jaw and be fine.
Shhh, my LGS's meta will hear you. Nobody leaves the Will open for their draw phase which means I just do it during that priority pass.
Any number from your hand.
More like
>Val2 player doesn't kill instantly, passes turn
>My turn now, have open mana because if you have double flame in hand you aren't going to tap out
>Cast flame
>Flame resolves, I retain priority
>Cast another flame
Or just have a Deathscythe on field, because you can be 101% sure those are coming in from the side if they weren't already main.
>Any number from your hand
That's not how that reads.
What I'm asking is if I have two Crocosharks in standby, will playing a resonator from my hand cause both of them to trigger and enter from Standby, allowing me to play two more from my hand?
Yes, that's exactly how it works.
I read it wrong, whoops. I would think you could.
Jesus fucking christ, it really is like rolling Thrumming Stone and Rats into a single package.
All this needs is card draw/creature tutor to fuel it and shit goes bananas unless they can put it down quick. the new R/R is too slow to do it, Flame King Shout/Memory of Flame would be the safest bet. Invigoration of the Winged Lord to put them all in the air for a turn for a closer.
What's stealth? Sorry, I'm new.
Am looking for something cheaper and more balanced than magic. Is this it?
Cheaper, maybe. Balanced, no.
This is basically magic if you let Veeky Forums whiners handle it.
Less competitive here and the rules are about as complicated?
I have no idea what this game is, but I am struggling to even parse these cards into meaningful English. I guess 'chase' is being used as a present subjunctive, but then you still wouldn't chase 'to' something,
Does the second card remove areas? If not, how do areas get removed?
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like these cards?
Black/Green control is gonna be big post rotation if I was to guess. Dark Alice and Gill Lapis can just sit on removal and counters until it's safe to flip.
This card is fucking gash and will do nothing to stop R/R from dominating the game. Hell, if anything this will buff the fucking shit out of R/R because Reflect Knights never needed to flip in the first place, but now everyone has an answer to 36 Regelia.dec.
>Still no Sylvia Gill
What the fuck? What happened to her?
Too busy dressing like a SLUT.
Is there a link for all the card art. Don't play the game myself but I really do like the art for it, and I would like to save some for my collection
Guys I want to use Blazer as a mainboard ruler for the manafixing primarily, with the ability to nuke a J-ruler being secondary. What colours do I use? I like the idea of blue + red because Leviathan is a house in a deck of water stones. I could also run 4 copies of Split Heaven and Earth in a 2 colour deck and never take damage.
If I'm relatively new to the game, 4 intro decks and the war of the kings set, is getting the first vingolf set worth it or should I just get boosters?
>buying 4 starter decks + the duel deck things
>asking about still buying boosters
user just buy singles. With the amount of cash you already dropped you could have easily built a competitive deck.
First card:
>Split Second, destroy target Commander.
Second card:
Exile target permanent if it does not share a card type with a permanent previously exiled by this card.
Return six cards exiled by this card to their owners' graveyards: You win the game.
>Implying Red is allowed to have nice things
Back to damage pen, redbabby
Anyone know where I can buy full sets? I want a play set of each card in the new set, but I don't want to have to buy for multiple sources. I want a one and done purchase.
Do we have a date on the new set yet? I swear they keep changing it every time I check.
June or July last I heard.
Help, plz? ;_;
>Really want to get into Force of Will
>Bought the Fire Intro Pack
>Realized it's not that good
>Been buying a few Alice Cluster boosters now and then
How should I proceed? Should I go on a Singles buying spree as all the leaders from Moonlit Savior look pretty interesting, buy more Intros, buy a Booster Box... and what about that Vangolf Engage Knights box? Kinda want Rule 63 Nobunaga for the sake of hilarity.
Machina is an OTK deck. He's best used with Wind for ramp to be able to cast a dork then search for a l CMC machine during your opponent's turn.
If OTK decks appeal to you, stick with him.
The problem with Vingolf is that it leaves when summer ends. If you think you can squeeze out enough games to make it worth your while, go ahead.
My main pull towards the box is that it has a decent amount of Dual Stones.
Is that box capable of making four or five playable decks in a kitchen table setting? That combined with the Dual Stones might be reason enough for me.
>Is that box capable of making four or five playable decks in a kitchen table setting?
Yeah you're given 1 ruler per each color and 28 cards per each color. The decks probably won't be good, and you'll either need to combine colors or get another 12 per color.
It would be fair if it wasnt an instant
What weeaboo sleeves do you use for you magic stone deck Veeky Forums? I use pic related.
People that use animu sleeves are retarded user.
Now deckboxes and tokens, those are the thinking mans paraphernalia of choice.
Help me with my shitty deck list, I keep getting whooped.
Valentina plotting lord of the seven seas
1 Melgis
1 faria
2 laying the foundation
3 all consuming suspicion
3 Valentina's zealot
1 Hera
3 witches dagger
2 send back
2 percival
2 wind Sprite
2 overlords baptism
1 Apollo
2 horn of sacred beast
1 Excalibur x
2 deathscythes
4 Valentina puppet monarch
3 elvish priest
3 Morgiana
1 Bai hi
1 zhu que
1 xuan wu
1 qing long
4 rulers memoria
1 magic stone of moon shade
2 magic stone of hearth stone
2 magic stone of deep wood
1 little red
>Implying I don't have a matching set of all three for every deck.
Get on my level.
user sleeves tear and character print ones tend to be shit quality.
Its just not worth it.
What the fuck are you doing.
Seriously, what are you trying to accomplish? Why beasts without priscia? Why not the rest of the seven kings? Why not laev? Why the card draw when you have regalia tutoring? Why all those spells that do nothing to help you win
Try this instead
Valentina, Plotting Lord of the Seven Seas
One of each Seven Kings ruler in the side board for ability
4 Laevateinn, The Demon Sword
4 Excalibur, The God's Sword
4 Deathscythe, The Life Reaper
4 Gleipnir, the Red Binding of Fate
4 Marybell, the Steel Doll
4 Artemis, The God's Bow
4 Horn of Sacred Beasts
4 Interdimensional Vessel Apollo
2 Bai Hu
2 Zhu Que
2 Xuan Wu
2 Qing Long
4 Ruler's Memoria
2 Magic Stone of Moon Shade
4 Magic Stone of Moon Light
With Valentina you go ham or go home.
Not him but oversleeve.
I would get deck box of a mecha anume but they apparently don't exist.
He's a fantastic knights of the round table ruler.
It's decks like these that are going to get buttblasted by OP's card. Beware investing this after Battle for Attoractia drops.
This is why I am now siding wind-secluded refuge. Worse comes to worse, one of each sacred beast comes out.
Decks like that already get buttblasted by existing cards, so that isn't new.
Do you really need 4x Apollo with the Ruler's tutor ability?
...there isn't even anything in the deck to spend that moon will on.
Regalia destruction is still a thing, sadly. Also it can be used to bounce a Sacred Beast to your hand for recasting in a pinch.
Why make something like this?
Why not just make a ban list?
They really don't want a banlist right now. The game is still very new.
To answer your first question, it's to force decks like to run specific counter cards and slow down a little. These kind of decks weren't going away until all these regalia rotate out in a year otherwise.
It's certainly a strong card, but when you put it into perspective it's a dead draw when you run multiples for consistency and get more than one, it is dead weight against rulers that don't flip or decks that can cope with not flipping, and at two black it doesn't just get splashed easily into just any deck. We've seen some pretty wicked anti-J Ruler cards already in the cluster, this one just kicks it up a notch with the whole no chase thing.
Ban list would be a deep rabbit hole for a game that's pretty young. What gets banned? R/R? 0 cost Regalia?
I want to fuck Piruruk.
I just started building a Cain deck.
Aaaaand there it is. I was worried that the "game's fucked gg" aura might stop you.
Hopefully we'll get something to bring the game's power level back down a little in the coming months, I don't much care for Yugioh.
Damn, I thought that was custom art for the .\\agic card, Force of Will. Too bad.
>Best Red Ruler
>She is best because she can convert Red into Green
How does it feel to be a shit heap of universe, redfags?
x2 split gg you've already lost
You could start by not running a garbage J-Ruler
Even with it being instant, if you suspect it is being run, you can bait your opponent into holding 2 black for your turn and keep flooding the field with resonators. What this card does is forces people to move away from decks that are too centralized on the J ruler, build kamikaze, or run refuge to protect the J ruler.
It's a meta shift, a somewhat controversial one, but I would not say J rulers are dead in the water like some are claiming. They just take a lot more planning now and need to be seen as a tool in your deck, not THE tool. That said, rulers like Ygg are looking really nice right now.
So what's "(Ancient Magic)" mean, anyways?
Is everyone freaking out about this card without knowing what that means?