Tzeentch Arcanites when edition
I want my Tzeentch Arcanites Ogors force now!
Tzeentch Arcanites when edition
I want my Tzeentch Arcanites Ogors force now!
Old Thread
Warscrolls of Silver Tower, Veeky Forums forbid me attach them.
Less Khorne, more Tzeentch
How will Kroak protect us from the birds
The Tzaangor models are so nice but they suck, not to mention they give you 2-2-2 of each variation.
I still say they'll be great as Beastlords since you have a nice unique model, the weapons all match up with Beastlord weapons, and it makes sense that your Beastlords might have special mutations relative to the rest of your force.
He won't.
He can't.
Poor Blot. Going to eat so many arrows.
rip froggo
Extra hero getting silver tower rules.
God damn they're on a fucking roll with Silver Tower
Are Heros defined as on foot models? Can I use my lord on Daemonic Mount
And thats cool.
The "create your hero" and "we will release basically every warhammero hero"is AMAZING.
You can create your own guy, make him explore dungeons and collect loot so he can be prepared for(hopefully)harder expansion. Is a great concept both for player-and for them, since it make space for both new products(base game, expansions)and old models(heroes).
Well played, GW. Well played.
Since the release of the start collecting they are keep getting better.
Maybe... maybe there are decent human beigns at GW again?
>Go dungeon delving with your bros
>Stormcast shows up on his Stardrake
Daemonic Mounts I'd say no, but stuff like a Knight Venator with the huge-ass wings are allowed, so I guess as long as the other players approve..
I'm actually pretty excited for the possibility of using almost any hero model for this game. In theory, there's almost infinite replay ability.
So I've been working out a new dungeon crawling model inspired by Darkest Dungeon for AoS which uses as much of the vanilla rules as possible.
You need the following
>Basic die and ranges for AoS
>Four heroes
>An entire enemy army
>A pack of cards
It's between two players, one who plays the heroes and one who plays the denizens of the dungeon.
The objectives are relatively simple: the heroes must traverse the dungeon to the exit.
To do this, (and this is where Darkest Dungeon comes in), the player must move their heroes through five "rooms" which are separated by "hallways".
To represent the hallways between the rooms, playing cards turned face down are used. The suit of the card represents what happens when the card is "traversed" (flipped over)
The heroes happen upon a bookcase full of tomes. Roll D6. The result causes the following effects:
1-3: The heroes are troubled by what they read. -1 to number of attacks, bravery and spellcasting.
4-6: The heroes receive a map with arcane knowledge of the traps which lie ahead. Can be used at any time. Select a card you've yet to traverse and replace it with a Heart.
A trap. Upon revealing the card, roll D6 with the following results:
1: All heroes take 1 wound
2-4: The hero player selects one hero to take 1 wound
5-6: The trap is dodged.
Engagement: The villain rolls 4D6. This result is the sum total of wounds the mob they're about to field is allowed. If the number cannot be reached exactly, round down. Heroes are not allowed.
The battle occurs until one side is either routed or killed. If the heroes win, their wounds carry over.
To determine the length of the hallways, the villain rolls 2D6. That is the number of cards they are allowed to place. They then roll 3D6. This number is the "points" they are allowed for the hallway. These points are spent on the types of card laid down:
>Nothing: 0 points
>Bookcase: 2 points
>Trap: 3 points
>Engagement 4 points
Upon reaching a room, the hero player rolls D6 with the following results:
>1: A boss fight
The villain rolls 5D6 and can field that many wounds. They can also field a hero
>2: An engagement
Same as hallway rules.
>3-6: Rest
All heroes return to full health.
I'm trying to think of some refinement or fluff for this.
I was thinking that the place they're raiding is maybe a castle from the Old World that a lord--sensing the end of the world-- commissioned a wizard to protect from the ensuing destruction.
The protection worked, but was bombarded with all the winds of magic, horribly distorting the architecture of the place. During the Age of Chaos, it was raided and occupied by forces of malignancy.
Tzeench is easily the best God
Hmm I suppose I will just use my DnD minis as I don't really need any of the on foot Heros and I'm gonna play with my DnD group anyway so they won't give a fuck about non-GW.
Shut up, birdie. Go back pooping on parked chariots. Entropy and death(by plague)is all that means.
And here I am, finished assembling the celestant prime and...
Well, it is probably one of the best model GW has made.
Other sigmarines ranges fom boring to good but holy shit, this model is insane.
The pose and composition is reminescent of medieval miniatures of angels and saints, the model is big but not too much and it has a LOT of details but its not drown in them like other new GW models.
Fuck, its amazing. I kinda fear the moment when Ill have to paint him... so many light sources. i think ill make it "bland" and then add so many lights from the comets in the base and his weapon to make him look like a fucking walking disco.
Does arcane powers from the familars stack?
It's pretty cool.
I'm fucking terrified to collect Stormcasts because I'm shit at removing parts of models from spruces.
>he based it before painting
How can anyone be bad at this
Cut with clippers and file down any extrusions
>not basing before painting
What are you, some kind of loser with no brush control?
Still no informations about ordinary people?
Stormcast and base are not glued together.
I should have painted each piece of the base separately but every time I tried it it has been such a pain i prefer struggling with strange positioning.
All stormcasts i assembled so far(aka celestant prime and 2 dracoths)are really easy to assemble and their pieces are big enough not to break accidentaly when you remove them.
slaanesh ate them all bruh
Can you get 1+ rolls or do rolls cap off at 2+ like in 40k?
>Well, it is probably one of the best model GW has made.
>If a Chaos Wizard is within 2" of any Chaos Familiars...
So no, you're either in range and get the bonus or you're not in range and don't get the bonus. No multiples.
If you're talking about normal humies, then there have been for months. Normal Empire stuff is Free Peoples and they're basically descendants of people who fled to Azyr and now want to reclaim their old homelands.
If we're talking good guy humans who never made it to Azyr, then Godbeasts shows that they spent millennia hiding from crazy Chaos fucks and as soon as THE GLORIOUS STORMCASTS stroll along the humans decide to don whatever weapons and armour they still have lying around and go rip some Chaos dudes to shreds or die trying.
According to the official FAQ you can have rolls that automatically succeed with proper modifiers
>Q: Is it possible for modifiers to make a hit, wound, or save roll automatically successful? For example, a save roll of 3 or more with a +2 modifier.
>A: Yes. In this example, the save would be made automatically.
You can add modifiers indefinitely but most outside balancing systems add the rule that natural 1s are always fails.
bit late for the 10 am shitposting, don't ya think?
there's plenty, but it changes from book to book because is pushing a "the realms are so vast there can be anything in them" .
So far we have saw ordinary people in azyr or whatever its called sigmars domain; we saw scattered tribes constantly running from chaos, a village contested by chaos gods were villagers didn't give a fuck because almost everyone's a cultist(because they absically knew nothing else), tribsmen not succumbed to chaos yet and i don't recall anything else now.
Its objectively good, even if you don't like sigmarines. Don't look at it with nostalgia googles.
A lot of the new models for aos are shit(and i don't understand why they are not firing the guy who keeps making monster DRAGONS WITH SQUARED FEET)but this one is undeniably a great model.
nope, 1+s are actually a thing.
there are some skills that activates on a 7+ too.
Stackable +1 to save are a fucking cancer.
Pic untrlated, I just hate elves.
Sup Veeky Forums, I need some help understanding the balenced level of the new Tzeentch models in the Silver Tower game when compared to the Khorne Bloodbound models in the starter set.
> war-of-sigmar.herokuapp.com
I'm thinking of gifting these new models to a younger sibling since they like the Tzeentch aesthetic and so that they can have a relatively decent starting force. Really, I just need to know if the new guys hold up on their own at the moment or if I'll have to reinforce them with some more dudes.
>Stormcast shows up on his Stardrake
Well you gotta be prepared for all the Tzeentch fuckery within the Silver Tower afterall.
Damn, those Slaanesh Riders look amazing on the Juggernauts, nice job user.
Looks good user, I am curious about how you'll paint him up. A lot of celestial detail on him to be had.
He died like he lived.
Is it just me or is there a typo when it comes to the Brimstone Horror's "Split Again" rule where they accidentally say Pink Horrors instead of Blue horrors?
I'm mainly asking because that could be the difference between an impressive Tarpit strategy using Pink Horrors and using the Split and Split again rules.
Now I haven't played Age of Sigmar yet but how do Pink Horrors fare as a fighting unit?
Thank you
>If you don't think Sigmarine Saint Celestine is one of the best models GW has made you must be a shitposter.
Speaking of... what is the deal with the Ironjawz?
Like they look cool if they're painted well, but GW's default luminescent yellow armour just looks fucking stupid.
>GW's default luminescent yellow armour just looks fucking stupid.
Its a comeback of '80 colouring from 40k orcs.
Yes, it looks bad, and its funny how people complained
they bring back it, colourful again
Seriously, people don't remember how whfb was back then. Only the books werent too colourful because..well, they were painted in black, white and grey.
Now that the market is saturated with grim and dark games, Aos is a breath of fresh air with his colourful aesthetic.
I only wished they didn't put the toe so down and basicaly removed all blood from the art... Its power metal aesthetic suffers heavily from the lack of "real" violence ihmo.
a comeback would be bright red and green, man
and most importantly bright red and green actually looks GOOD on the new orcs
Yeah, I actually really enjoy the aesthetic and armies of AoS. Even some of the grimdark armies are pretty interesting guys, like the Flesh-Eater Courts and the Skaven Pestillens.
The armour wouldn't look too bad if they dialed back the brightness a little and maybe put a bit more detail on.
I guess it does kind of play into the whole Orc thing of thinks working because they want it to. Like gold that isn't augmented super-armour would let swords sink through it like butter, but the Orcs see the Sigmarines in their shiny stuff and think that they'll be that strong if their armour was made of gold.
Considering it references Blue Horrors like five times before I'll assume it's a typo.
As a unit Pink Horrors are pretty good, just not in melee, as they have decent shots at high ranges but meh attacks in melee. They can also cast one spell per turn per unit, so they're pretty multi-purpose. And yes, assuming you somehow get the models to pull it off, 10 Pink Horrors could make a 50 Wound tarpit for the opponent to wade through.
>I warned you about horrors bro
>Like they look cool if they're painted well, but GW's default luminescent yellow armour just looks fucking stupid.
There is a canon explanation for it (picture related).
Oh look, it's that argument again.
You don't have to like the look, genius. You don't have to like the aesthetic or the idea behind the model.
But the model is an extremely high quality, well-done sculpt and if you deny that, then yes, you're either a shitposter or retarded.
Okay, that's pretty funny. I accept it.
the canon idea behind it is fun but...they look bad.
But hey, you can paint them however you want. Im seein some ironjaws extremely BRUTAL around the net in Aos groups.
>I just need to know if the new guys hold up on their own at the moment or if I'll have to reinforce them with some more dudes.
If you just want to add enough to make it fair compared to the starter set, add a box of Pink Horrors and have done.
If you want to make the army even more colorful, add a Burning Chariot kit. Pluck it apart into a Herald of Tzeentch, an Exalted Flamer, 3 more Blue Horrors and two Screamers and if you're a damn fine modeler, pluck those flames apart and make some Brimstone Horrors out of them. That also leaves you with a Disc of Tzeentch to eventually put a Chaos (Sorcerer) Lord on.
exactly. If you paint the formerly-known-as-Black-Orcs with black armour, they look damn fine.
>Take a Burning Chariot kit and convert into other models.
That's a really great idea user, thanks.
The conversions might be tricky but it can be done and the new additions would add to the army well.
>subjective opinion
Anyone got PDFs or Epubs of the painting guides?
Where does the sigmarite go when it dissappears? Mallus?
>Sera player always plays his summon spam, 1+ rerollable Guard, 25 Chameleon Skins, 6 Ripper list
>guess he likes to play power lists and bring my Engine Coven against him
>12 Stormfiends, 6 WL Cannons, 3 Doomwheels, 21 Jezzails, 6 Ratlings and a lot of 'locks and an Arch Warlock
>Play the Ambush Scenario from the first book
>get first turn and evaporate more than half of his army, including both Slann from the table
>packs his stuff and leaves, calling me a powergamer
I suppose the scenario really wasn't in his favour.
>calling me a powergamer
but srsly
if you field 25 chamaleon skinks you are asking the other player to field something equally OP.
Back to the Forge with the Stormcast soul to be remade alongside it, I presume.
Anus tightly clenched awaiting comp rules for AOS bros WW@?
Until then, how would AOS general rate:
>30 black guard
>10 cold one knights
>two rep bolt throwers
>5 warlocks
>5 dark riders
Also which general would go best with that?
read the OP
Apparently the new CEO is pretty neat, and with everything that's happening lately I believe it.
>5 warlocks
You should try bumping this up to 10 so you get the guaranteed 6 wounds
The sheer amount of mortal wound you shit out with your list is absolutely disgusting.
Well done, such an Coven must be a glorious sight to behold.
That scenario is serously horse shit
That's pretty cute
>Play quick 4 player 20 point game
>Death player fields 4 necromancers
>"oh boy here we go"
>summons a 50 point army on his turn
How do you deal with this situation, Veeky Forums?
Sera players confirmed to be the tau players of AoS?
Wait, there will be a tool to make your own heroes? Like, I could take my Grey Seer and have him explore the Tower?
yep, going to be a thing on the app I believe
Limit summons to 1/2 or 1/4 of starting point/wounds.
Or maybe make it scale that you get 5 wounds to summon for every 10 starting wounds.
make a system or alternatively don't allow such cocksuckery
Don't most point systems require a summoning pool?
That being said, what would you say is the best way of implementing some sort of comp system in my local GW store? or should I wait for the general's handbook?
Worse, actually. Yesterday some Sera-fag was explaining that all Sera units are worse stat-wise than those of other factions to account for Summoning. Tau player at least have the decency to admitt their stuff is a bit too good.
Really depends on what he summons. One of my bros only uses summoning for Skeletons and Zombies, so that is kinda fluffy and cool. But if they start to pull Morghasts, Terrorgheists and what not, ask them to tune it down.
These were allegedly used at a GW store
From what I understand there is no agreed upon system for summoning with the current homebrew point systems out, everyone has a different idea.
Personally I think it's okay to use summoning as a way to get back slain skellies and zombies. Their saves are godawful so I feel like it's expected of you to let them get mowed down so you can summon them somewhere else. Fielding an army in adherence to a point limit, and then immediately summoning Morghasts and shit is just awful though, even though it's technically allowed.
That gives me an idea
If its a 100 wound game maybe don't allow summons to make your overall wound total over 100
So if you lose a regiment of 20 skeletons you can summon 20 and be back at 100 but you cant summon another 20 as soon as the game starts to "game" the point count
Here's a system I would suggest:
>In addition to the base points, there is a reserve summoning pool of a quarter of the amount of the base game. In addition, summoned units cost 1.5x as much
>You can chose to forgo your summon pool and use that amount of points to field more units
Jesus christ that document is pretty much just a salty rant about how they don't like AoS core mechanics.
What I've seen is that you can give up 1 point of stuff on the table for summoning points, up to a limit. so in a 100 point game you could have 100 on the table, 80 on 40 off, 90 on 20 off, ect.
The only issue with this I can see is why would you bother putting anything in the summoning pool when you can just put them on the field at the start?
I know some models can come in on any side of the table when summoned so that could be useful to hold in reserves so to speak
I will do that, sounds like a large ass unit though.
A basic summon pool seems like the way GW would head, or atleast that's what I would do.
Yugioh had a caped fusion deck that worked in a similar fashion.
>why would you bother putting anything in the summoning pool
Sorry totally forgot a "2" in my post, so you can give up 1 point of stuff on the table for 2 summoning points, up to 20% of your army. So it would be 100 on the table vs 80 and option to summon 40 more. The advantage is more potential points, but harder to bring them on.
A lgs store where I play sometimes added Sudden death rule to activate when the opponent summons too many models. It kinda balances it, because the opponent can only summons that many more models in the field, and eventually can summons them back if they die, but leaving the balance just slighty altered.
Here's a system I would suggest:
>In addition to the base points, there is a reserve summoning pool of a quarter of the amount of the base game. In addition, summoned units cost 1.5x as much
>You can chose to forgo your summon pool and use that amount of points to field more units
yes, they are both releasing(apparentely)stats for almost all generic heroes in Aos AND the app has a tab called "Create your Hero", wich really tingles my jizzles.
What he has and what he can summon is only 20 points.
We limit summoning in my FLGS like this:
1. Summoned units cannot attempt to summon other units on the turn they arrive
2. A particular Summon spell can only be cast once per player per hero phase regardless of how many wizards there are. For example, you can only cast Summon Saurus Warriors once per hero phase even if you have 2 Slann.
2a. A failed summon can be attempted again by other wizards.
This cuts down on the summon spam of wizards summoning wizards and prevents people from summoning 40+ zombies in one turn that turn into a massive single unit at the end of the round
>summoned units costs MORE
Why the fuck would I ever bother summoning them instead of just fielding them in the first place
Summoned units should cost LESS because you can't field them immediately and have to give up casting other spells to play them.
When you are dealing 6 damage every hero phase you will be glad you have 10 Warlocks
Hey guys, sry for being ignorant, but could you give me a rundown on what Age of Sigmar actually is?
I played 40k and a little bit of Mortheim years ago, if that helps.
>bro and me have been playing Warhammer for almost 10 years now
>he woodelf and me skaven
>we started at the same day, buying one core unit along with one hero
>he a glade lord with two handed weapon and me a grey seer
>those two models have duked it out over countless battle
>over time they get names and traits as we craft a very light narrative
>survived the end of the old world to fight on in the new world
>and now, after all that fighting they have to work together
I know they are only toys but man... that kinda makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Its like WHFB but they streamlined it in a good way
all what you need to know you can check out the Pastebin up in the OP post. the first 3 or 4 link are all explanations to what AoS both lore wise and as a game now.
yeah what said. That would make summoning worse than deep striking and would make Morghast Harbingers the ONLY unit worth summoning as with 3D6" charges they can easily charge after being summoned.
Awesome, dude.