It's definitely a thing in Persona and SMT Persona, the ceaselessly combining and recombining various demons/personas to get what you want.
It also follows a definite (mostly) predictable formula so you know Type A plus Type B equals Type C, or that a certain, often elemental protean type plus Type A, means stronger type A, or ANOTHER "poorly" matched sort means the weaker variety.
Which is actually the only way you can get some of the most basic demons because when you first meet them you can't talk to them, or they are total shits that won't negotiate.
Or sometimes you can win over early demons, but you just never do so later when you want to work your way up with basic combinations you downgrade what you have to recombine down another path.
Then you have specific, multi demon combinations using more than 2 that get you something usually quite good.
Like "High Pixie" which is the more boss version of the basic Pixie, or "Black Frost", the large, evil version of Jack Frost, the series mascot, who instead of being white and blue, is black with purple highlights. (That, generally higher stats, quite good resistances, and mean abilities. It's almost never not good to have one.) You also have say, King Frost which is more specialized than Black Frost and higher level, but kind of niche. He's on the slow side, and has better ice magic, but is you know, slow. And also heavily specializes in "FREEZE BITCH".
All of course, look ridiculous and comical, which isn't to say they aren't useful (or dangerous as enemies. You can get straight fucked up by roaming parties of Jack type enemies. Since that also includes Pyro Jack and they are straight up Fire type nukes. You make them mad they can blitz you and ruin your shit fast because Jack Frost and Pyro Jack are usually also fairly quick too. Fragile, but quick and hit like a mack truck with Ice and Fire)