I would like to know what Cyberpunk RPGs you know, enjoy, dislike, why or why not, and what experiences you've had with Cyberpunk games.
Here is my list so far :
Cyberpunk 2013
>The precursor to 2020, the system isn't broken yet, but it is very crunchy, too much for my tastes. Great splats.
Cyberpunk 2020
>The one and only, it's been praised, despised, yadda yadda. I actually never ran it by the book, and I've never been satisfied with my house rules and/or homebrews. The house rules on the Internet aren't better either. Still, funky system.
Cyberpunk 3.0
>The less we talk about this shit, the better.
>And still, I played for a year with great friends and gamers and the DM used this edition. We merely restrained ourselves from abusing the system, and focused on the fiction, and went on with the bullshit, and it was cool. The hacking is still shit tho.
Shadowrun 1-3e
>Ran those, can't stand the system, too much crunch again. It suffers from a very bad case of the nineties in game design, but has great writing.
Shadowrun 4/5e
>The new slick Shadowrun is more modern, but I think it lost a lot of what made it unique. I'm not a fan of the new setting, and I still can't stand the crunch.
>Very interesting story game (proper term for hippy narrative weird games of our time), though I'm looking for something traditional, even old-school (or OSR) would be cool.
Interface Zero
>I heard lots of good things from this, any opinions? I'm not a fan of the Savage system (or whatever it is called), but I'm curious about the setting.
GURPS Cyberpunk
>GURPS, so still too crunchy. Gotta check it out though, if they put as much effort as in their historical products, it's probably worth the trouble.
>Too 90s, not enough Cyberpunk
The Sprawl
>Apocalypse World hack, I like the apocalypse engine, but I'm not looking for narrativist stuff for this.