Are there any futuristic settings that aren't complete dystopian shitholes?
Something lighthearted and fun, maybe a bit weebish?
Something like this video:
Are there any futuristic settings that aren't complete dystopian shitholes?
Something lighthearted and fun, maybe a bit weebish?
Something like this video:
Other urls found in this thread:
Star Trek, which is coincidentally objectively the best SciFi ever written. A friendly reminder: Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica, as well as Firefly, are FANTASY, not science fiction.
Any good Star Trek RPGs by the way?
I agree that too much sci-fi is too grimdark, for me it is hard to imagine the future being anything but almost unrecogniably better, we have cloning and a start at some decent biotech, we're already making viruses that can build batteries for us, soon enough everything will be a garden of eden
I thought the definitions of fantasy and SF were loose enough that SF was just defined as fantasy involving technology. I know people break down SF by if it is "hard" or not, hard meaning logical according to modern science
Holy shit you're retarded.
>Star Trek
>good SF
pick one
I wanted to pick one, but I got distracted while inverting the tachyon field inverter's probability matrix
Tons of.
For RPGs I'd suggest Shock: Human Contact.
We are waiting for you to make one.
Even then, the hard/soft sci fi distinction has multiple connotations.
Hard sci fi can mean "scientifically plausible" but it ALSO can be used to mean that it's plot etc primarily revolves around scientists, technology etc. That is, it is fiction about "hard science".
Soft sci fi can mean "not scientifically plausible" but also can mean sci fi about subjects such as sociology, linguistics or economics in future worlds - fiction about "soft sciences".
Mostly the whole "X isn't real sci fi hurf durf" thing is nerds needing to stratify the culture to create an artificial tier of what is acceptable or "real" nerddom. Like, people who play D&D but look down on LARPers etc.
>Mostly the whole "X isn't real sci fi hurf durf" thing is nerds needing to stratify the culture to create an artificial tier of what is acceptable or "real" nerddom. Like, people who play D&D but look down on LARPers etc.
Fucking this so tired of people looking down on anime in "nerddom" culture simply because it isn't high enough on the tiers of what is nerdy or not
warp 10/10
It's not that it isn't nerdy enought, it's just kinda gross when you think about it.
There's plenty of good shit, but it gets overshadowed by the gross shit.
>kinda gross when you think about it
Wait what? Where do you get that idea?
Anime is terrible full stop.
It's because star wars follows the conventions of fantasy over sci-fi.
There's literal 'magic' though they stopped that in the newer movies among other things. While true sci-fi tries to put science or pseudo author-science to explain futuristic possibilities.
The whole moe thing, the entire subgenre of harem, the entire subgenre of ecci(am I spelling it right?), how close it stands to actual hentai, magical girls as well, the glorification of otaku/NEET lifestyle, probably more examples but I don't watch enough to have a more educated opinion.
Anime gets a really bad rep from certain parts of the industry and the audience, which is a shame because some of it is really cool
I mean cute girls doing cute things isn't gross per say, a lot of it just stems from the stigma associated with it. I will agree that ecchi can make others uncomfortable but there are things of the same ilk in YA novels as well in terms of sexual content (speaking generally, there are numerous examples of ecchi being overtly sexual just for viewership and reasons like that). If you watch older mahou shoujo a lot of it isn't that gross at all, the main sexualization of lolis just comes from the community to be honest (and this has only reflected modern mahou shoujo). Same thing with the glorification of the NEET lifestyle as well as otakudom. Honestly a lot of what you're saying stems from the community and not from anime as a whole (although I will agree with you on ecchi)
In addition, it seems like the west doesn't really respect animation as anything but children's entertainment, which also drags down anime.
Not denying that there's gems like Monster out there. Just saying.
I'm willing to concede that point.
Again I rarely watch anime or read mango, but I get the feeling that a lot of the things that happen in anime are straight up pandering to the audience with zero subtlety, the hardcore fanbase has a fieldday with it and outsiders are left confused and disgusted.
I'm quite fond of everything Satoshi Kon did
Space Dandy is pretty damn fun, maybe not that lighthearted tho
This is something I'd like to do at one point. I think the easiest way to handle such a setting is by making combat largely for sport, or creating areas outside of a largely functional society.
I looked for lore on infinity, but the wiki i found was all rules, could you help?
Check the general. It has a link to one of the fluff books in the pasta.
A lot of that can be owned up to circumstance though. There just isn't a lot of money in the anime industry that can be made by broadening the audience and marketing to mass appeal and so anime studios make anime for a niche audience. It's very different from Western shows that market things for mass appeal.
You should have used multi-modal reflection sorting.
>magical girls as well
Some magical girl shows are better than others. Nanoha A's is fantastic. Excellent characterization and an interesting concept (There is no villain for it. Every single person is trying to do the right thing). Nanoha Force is utter god damn slop and that's within the same setting.
>lighthearted and fun
all too easy
Fucking this. Nanoha is my jam. If only more was done with the universe.
Who really looks down on anime?
That was a fight lost in the US when Toonami became a thing.
If there is one thing I'll give Japan credit for (Possibly Europe or at least France as well) in animation is that they've realized that sexuality is a common facet of life and seemingly don't demean an artist because currently or in the past they may have drawn erotic works either because they enjoy doing so or because they needed to get by. They at most may make a stipulation that if an artist is hired to do something, they don't want to see any porn of it from the artist themselves.
In the West it just seems like a denial of reality that the artists themselves may not have these kinds of thoughts or aren't drawing such art in secret. Rugrats had a mock storyboard of this nature which was done, one of the Wakfu art books admits that an episode of the show led to art of one of the female characters around the office which will never see the light of day, Bruce Timm to my knowledge is partly acclaimed for his ability to draw attractive females.
What usually happens with magical girls is simply a case of something being taken out of the artist's hands because of the way they drew and portrayed the characters, even if it was supposed to be in a non-sexual manner. The only way they could have stopped something from happening was making the characters repulsive in all aspects.
Loli and moe kind of tie in with the above because it used to be and in some cases still may be the certain people who simply find cuteness in looks and/or personality to be attractive who are responsible, not the artists.
Like the user above stated, if some of this has become more pervasive it's the result of pandering at work and artists, authors, and companies realizing that via pandering they can draw in viewers and sell merchandise. Though in a way I think that kind of thinking can also be dangerous and lead creators to restrict themselves.
Most people I know that are "nerds" look down on people that watch anime (especially since the advent of the term "weeb" as a replacement for someone that likes anime and manga)
i've played around in my head with a fairly light-hearted sci-fi setting. Big caveat about it for plothooks is that while FTL travel is possible, FTL communication is not, thus, most plots would basically involve the hero being part of SPACE!Pony Express or basically being SPACE!Courier.
Yeah, I think Nanoha oddly enough suffers from...Nanoha.
She's a fun character and she worked very well for the original series and A's. However, since she was a drawing character it made them hesitant to try things with the setting that didn't involve her. StrikerS was hampered heavily by them trying to have a Next Generation while also keeping Nanoha and Co at the core. It led to the season not having time to properly explore it's opposition, something Nanoha did very strongly in both previous shows.
Which is a pity, I think the universe is strong enough to stand on it's own.
I compare it to Star Trek a lot. The setting has some hard points and a lot of fuzzy stuff about it but I think the setting itself and it's conflicts are interesting enough to keep people invested. A story about say, new recruits on a TSAB battleship or archeologists investigating ruins of Old Belka could do quite well.
FORCE suffered from letting Edgelords write it. 'Look, we get to have characters with lethal weapons because our new Super Special Villians can beat up the entire cast because they are so awesome...but the villains also regenerate so I don't have to actually write one of them dying'
Well then they should familiarize themselves with the saying about how a person who lives in a glass house shouldn't be throwing stones.
If you're someone who plays with cards, toy soldiers, or board games then society is never going to look at you than anything more than a manchild.
Even stuff like Star Wars, comic books, and video games are seemingly only mildly accepted. Society will think nothing if you like the movies or play something like Madden or Call of Duty, but as you start going further down the rabbit hole so too will their view of you.
I mean I liked A's. Hell, I loved it. I like the universe a hella of a lot too (especially the magic system) and the idea of a new generation being trained and Nanoha and crew taking on new jobs in the TSAB was a neat idea but in my opinion StrikerS suffered from a really long training arc as well as no sense of dread. In A's, there were real stakes with the Book of Darkness and Hayate's worsening condition. There was even high stakes in the first season as well, albeit with a more personal level with Fate. I think StrikerS could've done much better if it kept that same sense of dread/stakes. The very end of the show hit this somewhat well or at least hinted at it (like when Nanoha fought with Vivio). The stuff after StrikerS has had an identity crisis in my opinion, with stuff like Vivid taking an MMA/tournament approach and stuff like FORCE taking an edgy approach. If the series could go back to the themes/execution of A's or at the very least nail the feel I think StrikerS was going for I think it would be a great revitilization of the franchize. I still think there needs to be more stuff on the setting because I think it would make a fantastic world to set an RPG in or something of that sort most action anime/manga have a lot of the worldbuilding and hard-set rules that make them ideal for TRPGs so its a shame they aren't used a lot more because "muh anime"
I'm moreso talking about in "nerd" circles. I couldn't give two shits about what general society thinks is acceptable or unacceptable but to be honest the fact that there is a hierarchy of nerdy activities annoys me to no end
>it would make a fantastic world to set an RPG in or something of that sort
I might be running a game in it.
What system?
>Star Wars
>mildly accepted
Legends of the Wulin. High action and fancy powers without getting too much into the nitty gritty of exactly how each power precisely works
Haven't read the pdf for it yet but I would be interested, especially considering how much I like the universe and stuff
Check out this nerd!
>Star terk is the only real sci-fi, other 'scifi' is unrealistic fantasy!
>Star Trek
Did you ever even watch star trek?
the FTL travel thing sounds a lot like traveller
Oh, sorry. I meant I'm running a game in it. The 'I may be' was kinda ambiguous.
ah I see, regardless, that sounds a lot of fun. i really need to find a system for my own nanoha-inspired universe that isn't some general system like FATE
>not a completely dystopian shithole
>lighthearted and fun (for at least 85% of the story)
>a bit weebish
I'm pick a system and make your own setting, if your looking for something narrative heavy try a dice pool system like "Dogs in the Vineyard".
Once you've found a system you like make up the setting. I can think of a lot of light-hearted scifi to draw from for inspiration like Oban Star Racers and Treasure Planet but I don't know of May game that's built with that in mind.
>Oban Star Racers
Jordan is a galactic cuck
Eh, maybe I'm wrong there, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone who is really deep into the fanbase would be called a loser.
At it's heart Warhammer 40k is about Orks making friends with everyone in the galaxy. Honestly it can get disgustingly noblebright at some times like when the Orks and the Armageddon Steel legion had a giant slumber party and then the Inquisition made friends with a bunch of people just because they saw Grey Knights.
You should kill yourself for bringing up 40k in a non 40k thread, it's such shit, and so derivative that it isn't really its own thing, in fact i don't think warhammer 40k ever existed, except as shit in your shit brain, which is where you make your head-canon into the next worlds reality. Then there's the fact you tried to bait someone into thinking about the specifics of how retarded your autism cave is, god is preparing endless rape for your actual anus
Like, you know, Hobbits?
Sturgeon's Law: 99% of everything is shit.
There are some good anime that nearly everyone can enjoy watching, but the obviously bad anime are pretty fucking terrible.
Additionally, there's more that gets lost in translation because of different preconceptions, expectations, and cultural mores. If someone's never gone so far as to even dip their toe into weeb subculture stuff it may as well be white noise and a strobe light to them.
Overrated as fuck
>especially since the advent of the term "weeb"
You mean "weeaboo"? That's one thing that kinda grinds my gears; people want to insult fans of anime and manga, but don't even take the time or effort to do it correctly. You know how many people I've seen use the aforementioned term correctly on Veeky Forums in the last five years, as opposed to "weebo" or the like? Not enough that I need my toes to count.
If you're going to insult someone, do it right, says I.
That bitch just detonated a bomb in the middle of a major metropolitan center, nothing lighthearted about that
It's not even that that I'm mad about. I don't really care if everyone isn't really into anime. I get it, that's fine. But what really gets me is when people just blow off anime and like or just misuse the term weeb to describe anything remotely Japanese or anime-like. Like, don't call someone a weeb when they are actually knowledgeable about the subject.
Gotta be carful user, if you dont align the matrix properly you will invert the warp field and tear the ship apart.
on the subject of anime, am I the only one who thinks that a campaign set in The Holy Grail War where one PC is a master and another is their servant would be rad as fuck? Bonus points for multiple master/servant pairs
the thing about a F/SN-type campaign would be the planning and scheming. you would need a very specific set of players as well as a way for them to interact without directly interacting and revealing their locations/plans. it would be hard to do if you want to keep the sense of tension alive
Yeah, thats why it'd probably be better for the players to either just be a pair of 2, or have 4 with both masters working together until the end game.
So it would be just 4 people against the NPCs?
Presumably yeah. Unless you wanted to be an ABSOLUTE MADMAN and run like a 14 person play by post game I think that'd be the only way it could work.
>Are there any futuristic settings that aren't complete dystopian shitholes?
>Something lighthearted and fun, maybe a bit weebish?
Isn't this the literal setting of Big Hero 6?
That's initially what I thought you were proposing yeah. A 14-person campaign made up of 2 person teams that operated independently from the other pairs in some way to eliminate the competition
What is the point of such fantasy? Art is built around exploring and examining political, social, emotional, economical and other issues. It can do this in different ways though. Perfection is boring and uninteresting. This is the reason why sci-fi is usually so dystopian, sci-fi tries to examine problems created by technology. Technology is so important to sci-fi, because it can lead to both bad and good things.
>no He-Man
A bunch of cute girls too
>Lightearted and fun
>Something like this
>Links a video with a motherfucking schitzo popstar setting off a nuke downtown.
Sweet jesus dude.
>future setting
>links Porter Robinson
>not Sad Machine
Come on, man
It's not a good song and how the hell are you gonna get a setting out of it?
There is a Futurama ttrpg
Get that anorexic giraffe out of here, make way for best girl
The jetsons
now that i think of it, a enormous chunk of science fiction of all types are in various degres of "its the shittiest future ever" most are horrifing corps with homicidal money grubbing plans, genocial aliens or the human split in two, more nation trying to experminate each other or some other "shit is fucked yo" thing
where the fuck are the science fiction/adventure ANYTHING?
Come here to post this
>rebellious asian girl with a dyed streak #2437
>best anything
Because science fiction is all about plausible futures, and we have passed the point of no return in our history such that the former is astronomically likely even if the authorities devoted their actions to trying to prevent it, and the latter is impossible?
I thought we crossed point of "last station before Genocideville" in 1947
probably but it still is FICTION, i can atleast get my high adventure in space aint?
Nope. Get your new iPhone though. Enjoy the future!
can we stone age our selves already?
at this pace roaches are better humans than anyone
Soon, user. Very soon
Firefly is a western, not fantasy.
I honestly forgot that Jedi are Shinto monk samurai. That is weeb.
Teenage mutant ninja turtles fast foward
Then why are you even here on this site? You should be maxi-triggered before you even scrolled down to the rest of whatever Veeky Forums stuff is.