Holy shit this set will be GORGEOUS
Isn't this supposed to be an Indian inspired set? Why are all those characters white, tan white, or black? I think I saw an East Asian guy even. Where are the Indian's in the India block?
This is basically the equivalent of having Kamigawa not have Asians.
India is very diverse. From the outside folks lump it all together as "indian" but there are a shit ton of groups tribes and old kingdoms and shit.
Its like how in anime american a are all blond blue eyed cowboys.
New Magic set I assume? Looks sweet, but I just can't bring myself to invest money in that game again.
Looks like it'd be a fun setting for a RPG, though. Also totally taking OP's picture for my new desktop background.
wotc going hard for that tumblr audience, fucking great just what we need
Why were there black guys in Innistrad and Theros?
WotC seems to fill their real-world-inspired planes with only one culture, but multiple ethnicities.
Mtg really should make a digital exscusive variant platform instead of wastong time thinking digital ccgs are just a way to upgrade to "the real thing " and not the future of the fucking industry
Greeks had african folk
Hell there myths basically fetoshized african nations
You're right, but a more apt comparison is how everyone in Europe is white and have similar-ish faces.
There's no one in India that looks straight up black, and the few that are edging into Asian are definitely noticeably different than other Asians.
>Any culture inspiration that isnt tolkein recyled for the billionth time is tumblr
India has some real dark folks, like darker than most black people dark.
What kills my mind is Chandra's mom is Indian.
Somehow, White+Indian=Ginger.
Also, what the fuck is this art.
India is one of the most diverse countries on Earth.
Like you would not believe dude.
Just like how paper books are still a thing and vinyl records are making a resurgence, people like holding physical copies of things.
I don't mind there being some black, white, and Asian people. My problem is that they appear to totally outnumber actual Indians. Which isn't the case on Innistrad for white people, and Theros is a lot more of Mediterranean shades of tan with some actual blacks.
They're from America. It's how we do.
huh, i got more of a persian themed, semi-izzet steampunk feel from it
That doesnt mean you should avoid the blatant market forces
All the horse and buggy compabies went out of buisness because they thought they were in the horse buisness not the transportation buisnes.
Mtg is an entertainment and game company. Its product is a game not paper fetishism and they need to do what best serves that game, Including not pissing over a MASSIVE audience from intertia.
>fucked up shoulders
>dwarf arm
>punched in the nose
>don't even know about the neck
Did you actually look at the imgur link? I'm not seeing any outnumbered indians.
holy fuck another quarter of revenue loss upcoming for MTG
this is like straight out of a tumblr fanfic
You are just parsing the skin color into what you think indians look like.
A small sample
Chandra hasn't really been known for having a natural hair colour; If it can turn into fucking flames, I see no reason why it can't be ginger.
Neither of those sentences make sensd
Mtg consistently has grown every year since 2009 no net loss.
And how is an indian style plane out of a tumblr fanfic?
A fanfic of what?
they cant even if they wanted to
Hasbro is completely incapable of doing good digital. They just make merch for big brands. They can't do anything else.
It's not like they intentionally made MTGO shit, they spent a ton of money on some retarded .net version of MTGO that never worked.
>A fanfic of what?
Just hire people who know what they are doing.
Game devs arent known for job stability.
Hell they could literally just wave checks in the HS designers face.
lel look at this retard who can't fucking understand quarterly reports.
Games category revenues declined 8% in the quarter to $363.5 million. Growth in Franchise Brand MONOPOLY and initial shipments of PLAYMATION MARVEL'S AVENGERS were more than offset by declines in Franchise Brand MAGIC: THE GATHERING and several other games.
I was just judging from how the people dressed and the names. Chandra being an actual, and pretty common, Indian name.
What just bugs me most is that they decided to take one of the richest and least explored cultures and mythologies in the world, and then take away everything unique about it except the phonology and vague parts of the aesthetics.
Like, fuck, why couldn't we have had an actual Indian mythology/folklore inspired plane? Why did we have to get generic not!Steampunk with a thin veneer of Indian culture? They couldn't even do the people justice by making them the proper race, but instead they're outnumbered by blacks and whites and Asians simply for the sake of "diversity".
>wave check in HS designers face
Except lots of other companies will pay more. They underpay and overwork plus have shit management
No one skilled is going to want to work for Hasbro. Hearthstone was a very small team and they can basically work anywhere with that on their resume.
Yo, you got to relax and stop acting so defensive.
If you're okay with tumblr pandering, that's one thing, but it's another to try and deny it's being done.
They aren't pandering to tumblr
>insert transgender planeswalker, transgender characters, and horrible tumblr writers
Literally just staple on in shitty writing, This character is a trans. with no fucking relation to the story, which is also shit anyway.
These same mtg faggots deny the game is declining too lel when every quarterly has been down in players.
>Just hire people who know what they are doing.
Ravnica with a mirrodan reskin
I dislike the aesthetic strongly
>Isn't this supposed to be an Indian inspired set? Why are all those characters white, tan white, or black? I think I saw an East Asian guy even. Where are the Indian's in the India block?
Every single plane is "very diverse" now to appease the neo-Marxist regressives on Tumblr
>it's a half the cards are young planeswalker episode
Post Lorwyn Planeswalkers were a mistake
How is Chandra being white Tumblr pandering?! Isn't that the complete opposite?
I feel ya. There is no reason that there should be afros this big in a set inspired off of india.
except for Sorin
I sort of understand now why they're really never going to go back to Kamigawa.
It can't really be the excuse that it didn't sell well (that was because the mechanics were bust and overcosted, and not because of the flavor of the setting, which was well recieved), so it's probably because they're terrified of the shitstorm an all-asian setting might stir up.
The idea anyone cares about magic plot is the big mistake
Jace is about as interesting as a frying pan. I think there might be 20 people on Earth who are into MTG because of planeswalker stories.
>neo-Marxist regressives
u wot m8
No, dude. A bunch of people from India look straight-up white, like you wouldn't even be able to tell.
Mtg (and ccg's in general) are physical because of the first "C" in ccg: collectable.
When you obtain cards, you can display them, frame them, trade them, sell them, use them, or burn them. They are yours and you will still own them even when the company that made them goes out of business.
Digital games that emulate ccg play styles don't have that collectable aspect, nor will they ever have that aspect. Even though digital games that have a similar style to ccg's share an part of an audience, it's just that, a part. Even if digital games compete with traditional ccg's as far as game goes, it will never be a commodity, and as long as people are materialistic (which will be a very long time) ccg's will always have a market regardless of what goes on in cyberspace; so in a way, they *can* ignore "blatent market forces".
How old are you? There is no way you can have been in the mtg scene for very long if you think people weren't really, really into the old lore.
Shit goes out of style, dude. That's why things like vinyls are coming back into style, because they went OUT of style first.
A form factor for a class of products may surely survive, but companies may not. Besides, in business, usually you want to do well, not just dwindle. For the market leaders it becomes even more important to "stay ahead of the curve".
But whatever. You invest where it feels good for you.
While all the neowalkers are trash, you best not be talking shit about Karn, Teferi, Serra, Venser...
>Anything not white dudes is tumblr
You're fucking Hasbro you have Disney cumming cash into your anus.
You fucking make shittons of.cash.with megablox MEGABLOX
megablox is shit!
Your studio has films making BILLIONS.
Nigga just outsource the shit like its heroes reborn.
I am not even.joking
Fucking pay Blizzard to make you a decent digital game
Are you stupid? Is this literally how you think the world works? Might want to see a doctor about that lazy "." key.
I actually dig the idea of doing a plane based on a culture but not on its myths more variety
Also you cant really do hinduism because its an actual practiced religion and Thats a stiicky tightrope to walk.
Wotc has already had some mild run ins with blasephemy. Remember Kiora?
>take away everything unique about it except the phonology and vague parts of the aesthetics.
They have to pander to idiots who didn't understand Kamigawa.
I'm really not feeling the "indian" in this, aside from the vaguest bits and pieces.
Doesn't feel all that Persian either.
Look, I get that they don't want to plaster curry, elephants, and bollywood all over it, but they could have put in at least a few more indian elements.
Isn't India one of the most populous countries in the world? It's also pretty big relative to the equator. It'd make sense for people to be different colors.
That said, yeah, where the fuck are the indians? It seems like they're trying so hard to avoid seeming "stereotypical" that they're missing the thing they're trying to emulate entirely.
and here we have an example of a feedback loop
> We often seek inspiration from real-world cultures in the course of dreaming upMagicworlds, and we sometimes look to linguistic phonemes from real-world languages for namingMagiccharacters. But it’s never our intent to misappropriate or misapply terms or concepts that are foundational to people’s real-world spiritual beliefs. We’re happy wheneverMagiccan expose players to styles of fantasy that are inspired by mythologies and cultures other than Western fantasy’s traditional roots. But if we learn that any of our worlds, terms, or characters disrespectfully tread on the sincere beliefs of our fellow humans in contemporary, living cultures, we feel it’s important to take steps to correct that as best we can.
Imagine if Jesus or Allah was a trading card
>Imagine if Jesus or Allah was a trading card
but we already have Jace ;)
There is an enormous amount of diversity among Indian people, but at the same time I'm not seeing anyone who I would identify with any of that diversity in this art, at least not as the focus. Except the guy forging something.
It just feels weird that Indian people don't seem to be main characters in their own set, but I've barely seen any of the art yet.
I fucking love all the golden swirls
I guess we're judging it from a very, very small sample and we should withhold judgement until we've seen more of the set.
oh wait this is Veeky Forums we gotta shit ourselves before we've even seen any cards from the set
I'm sorry you were born like this
I gotta back up the other user on this; the golden filigree is the best part of the aesthetic. Reminds me of Esper.
Plug in your phone already, Jesus.
Listing the creative constants
Jisi Kottakuzhiyil
Sandeep Kedlaya
Narayanan Raghunathan
Sathish Ramamurthy
Basha Mohideen
Trinadh Nemani
They are having indian diveristy instead of theme park hollywood style
India is diverse as shit
>What are Siddis
The collectibal market bullshit was always a secondary lump to the actual game.
Besides its not like digital games dont have that shit to. Shit like eve online has fucking stock exchanges and ore trade rights and embargos and shit.
Nigga get sued real money of wow property
You are confusing tactile fetishism with actual ownership.
The new art is bad. I'm not even trashing the setting.
No, but seriously, what are Siddis? I've honestly never heard of them in my life
I hope we get a thopter tribal with a legendary thopter.
I also hope we get riggers and contraptions.
I dont see what the issue is with wotc setting abudget aside to hire some decenr game designers.
Especially when they are getting btfo by a game made by a six man skeleton team
Its not like its building the hauge the format is by design easy to produce.
HS literally exists because blizzard had some spare change they wanted to experiment with so I dont see how making a competitng product is such a design barrier
Some guy bein' high as a kite.
>wanting riggers and contraptions
i hate you
One of the shit ton of ethnic groups of india and the wider south asian continent.
They descend from africans brought in by arabs and portugese over the past 1300 years
> Altunia and Razia were childhood friends, some claim them to be childhood sweethearts. He had aimed to be her royal consort one day, but Razia's busy life and heavy responsibility as a Sultan wasn't something that she could overlook. Hence she kept turning down his repeated proposals for marriage. When he became the governor of Bhatinda, Razia started relying on an Abyssinian Slave named Jamaluddin Yaqut who was loyal to the Sultana. Yaqut in a short span had acquired great position and rank. From a simple Amir-i-Akhur (Lord of the stables), he became Amir-ul-Umra (Chief of the Nobles). The position of Amir-ul-Umra was earlier held only by a Turk of highest order. The growing rumour between the illicit relationship between Yaqut and Razia made him jealous and so he led a rebellion against her .
>India was ravaged by a literal cuck uprising
I fucking love history
Sorry, man. I love goblins.
My favorite part is that, not only do we apparently have people bitching about any appearance of non-Europe, we also have people bitching that it's not Indian *enough*.
Surround-sound bullshit, some days.
>Just hire people who know what they are doing.
They're not allowed to. It's proprietary software, it can only be worked on by their in-house programming team.
wow Veeky Forums isn't one person, who'd have thought
They're unwilling to pay developers a competitive rate, so the ones they end up hiring suck.
I know you're trolling, but for what purpose?
>Isn't this supposed to be an Indian inspired set? Why are all those characters white, tan white, or black?
Who gives a fuck. It's fantasy, you dipshit. Just because it's based on India doesn't mean it has to be staffed with modern designated shitting street donators.
...Yes, user, I'm entirely aware that Veeky Forums is more than one person.
With multiple opinions.
I just said that multiple people are assholes, and that multiple opinions are bullshit.
I thought that pretty clear.
Apparently, it wasn't.
Next time, I'll use smaller words.
Whenever someone posts a screenshot like that, I don't think I've ever seen the battery above 10%. It's really weird.
>a shit ton
And a ton of shit
>Isn't this supposed to be an Indian inspired set?
Persian. Of course, as many have pointed out, the whole Central/South Asian region is very diverse.
I thought the Abzan were supposed to be somewhat persian
Well at least you can't complain that it's only inspired-by-white-cultures settings getting diversified.
I don't give a shit about mtg as an actual game but daum the art's pretty.
Is there some place collecting all of it? Like mtg booru or something?
>never gone to India
>didnt experience the beautifully diverse culture
fuggin keep on living your life and try to make your way thru to India m8, whatever you do don't kill urself because you have a family and friends who care about you deeply
The original tarkir was the four mtg archtupes matched to the four parys of the mongol empire
Aggro-Mardu- Chagtai
Control -Jeskai-Yuan China
Ramp-Timur- Golden Horde
Then a fifth was added and it went all wedge themed
Is Chandra's skin tone and hair color some sort of mutation? I don't know much about genetics desu
Maybe some of her ancestors were white gingers?
Maybe skme kind of assyrian thing?
To me it feels like a more human, Red-bearing Esper. The ornate metalworks share the Esper aesthetic.
I think these are the result of failed foreshortening, except for the nose.
Obama says ''We wuz flying and shiiiet''
Also, why Obama
To be honest, Tamiyo seems like a good character based on recent UR.
>Wotc has already had some mild run ins with blasephemy. Remember Kiora?
Please tell me more
so you're literally pointing out that yes Veeky Forums isn't one person, very good posting I'm sure nobody knew that before you deigned to enlighten us to that fact, you are a treasure of this board
Kiora Atua, her original name, sounded too similar to the name of God to the Maori people so they changed it after a shit storm was raised over it. Literally an inconsequential dying tribe of people who don't even play magic got to dictate what happens in the game
Her name was Kiora Atua.
Some polynesian person whined on tumblr about how "kiora" means "gods" in... maori, I think. And "atua" is a really causal greeting. So "Kiora Atua" pretty much means "sup gods?" which is even more hilarious now that Kiora stole Thassa's bident and Wizards folded at the speed of light and removed her last name from everything.
The new Planeswalker looks pretty bland. She doesn't seem to have that iconic 'something' to make her memorable.
> Jace' hood
> Garruk's helm
> Ajani being an albino leonin
> Liliana's headgear and tattoos
> Chandra's flaming hair and goggles
To be honest, Arlinn also didn't seem to be snowflake enough in her human form.
Is this increasingly common design some result of a hatred towards special snowflakes?
p. sure her iconic thing is, you know, that she can turn into a fucking werewolf.
smug momwalker
I did mention she doesn't seem to have no iconic thing in her human form.
Unless you count the 4th wall breaking observation that she looks like a certain tranny.