"And here, at the Adeptus Mechanicus museum of Mars...

"And here, at the Adeptus Mechanicus museum of Mars, we have the first example of primitive man's encounters with daemons.

It is said this brave soul, whose zeal never tired and whose determination was matched only by the Emperor himself, slew countless xeno and daemon filth in the name of Holy Terra. Armed with only primitive and crude weaponry, not even proper carapace armor and a simple wood cutting instrument, he comprises the rudimentary equipments that would later inspire many Space Marine chapters"

I love it

Holy Doomguy, who art knee beep in the dead, incandescent be thy wrath. In one hand I shall hold the bones of my foes and in the other my fist will be filled with murder. If my cause is just, my will strong and my weapons of sufficient magnitude grant me victory in your name.

Thrice blessed Doomguy, bane of deamons, I devote my blade to the slaying of your foes and beseech thee to bless my hands that they might rip and tear in your name.

Glorious Doomguy, champion beyond madness, I implore you, if my might makes right then let it bring light that I might burn the darkness of this cursed galaxy away. For though darkness surrounds me I am wrothful and surrounded by its flame.

>Pre-battle prayer of most of the 2nd founding and many later founding chapters.


Fucking amazing.




Praise Doomguy!

>simple wood cutting instrument

Surely you mean a proto-eviscerator? There are no trees on Mars.

>wtf is a tree

I came into this thread specifically to point out you are the absolute worst type of poster on this board.


Are there any trees left on Terra?

probably, but I come from a hive world so shit if I know

Pretty sure this is at least archeotech carapace armour, if we consider security armour to be flak, and factoring in the amount of punishment that thing can sustain.

To be fair, I kinda understand him. We'll get a ton of doom content following the hype on doom 4, and then nothing until the next game. Thus attracting all the casuals and angry grognards on the board, instead of simply people that like doom, and then we'll spout simplistic opinions for hours on end, ridicule anyone who disagrees with us, and generally foster divisiveness, cynicism, and a lower level of public dialogue. On extreme levels, this kind of mass memeing results on things like the Furry or My Little Pony spam and ensuring backslashes and segregation, that weren't a good experience for either side.

To take another example; we regularly have Asterix threzads that are barely Veeky Forums related but that I enjoy nonetheless, but I would certainly get a bit pissed if a new Asterix movie came out and there was a dozen "Stat Obelix", "Which setting would be best suited for running an Asterix game?" or "The year is 005M31. The Galaxy is entirely occupied by the Imperium of Man. Well, not entirely... One small subsector of indomitable Orks still holds out against the Great Crusade." Not because those are inherently bad, but because they show some OPs are slaves to the most basic from of PR, instead of individuals wanting to talk about subjects they like.
If I want to follow marketing threads, I just have to open youtube on a new tab. I'd expect Veeky Forums to be less seasonal.

>crude weaponry
Doomguy's grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-father used this double-barreled shotgun to kill nazis in ww2. If it's good enough to kill nazis, then it's more than enough to kill all those demon shits. Was bolter used to kill nazis in ww2? No, so fuck off, cogboi.

>knee beep

You can take yer fancy book lernin, and go back to the city, boi

Interestingly enough, in the plot of the new game, Doom Guy is apparently the same Doom Guy from every game, revived every time Mars needs a Doom Guy. That means he was probably around during the heresy, and will return again during Mar's greatest hour of need. Doomguy is basically Mars' perpetual guardian angel

Righteous fury is not the same as primitive savagery, the similarities end at the green armor he bears.

As an aside, I do like how the new Doom game features the same protagonist from Doom 1 and 2 and you find random artifacts in hell that tell the story of how 'The Doomslayer' was a walking bane amongst the demons and how he basically wrecked the entirety of hell.

That was until they shoved him in a sarcophagus and he was 'Trapped and unable to kill'.

It makes a whole lot more sense as to why he wakes up totally pissed and uninterested in what the UAC officials have to say.

"We believe you are our best hope. We made mistakes and " *Breaks radio* He already fixed this shit once for fuck's sake and these god damned greedy eggheads have screwed the pooch again.

>revived every time Mars needs a Doom Guy
I remember a suggestion that he was actually from Argent D'Nur.

Does this mean in the new game they've already dealt with Hell before? I mean, I remember seeing some clips of console screens talking about demon incursions and emergency locks engaged because of demons, etc. Felt a bit odd that they'd have coded in "demon" into the system if they didn't know of them.

Making Doomguy some fucking Master Chief space Jebus bugs me.

The lore bits seem to indicate that the Doom Guy is a Night Sentinel from Argent D'Nur, who got super pissed and went on his revenge crusade when Hell took it over.

Somewhere deep inside the Forbidden Catacombs, past the Sacred Archives and the Cogitator Magnus Extremii, there lies a door so plain and humble-looking that most would pass it by without noticing. If you were to stop and inspect the door you would find that it will not open for anyone, save the Fabricator General himself.

The only thing that is known, and whispered by skittish techadept in a guarded tone so low it barely audible, it that behind that door lies the salvation of Mars should the Great Enemy once again gain a foothold on sacred red soil. Something so destructive its use is forbidden, bar the gravest hour of need.

Deep within the room, behind defensive systems that would be overkill for a Titan hall, a single stasis sarcophagus stands. Its quiet humming the only sound and through the frosted and age-worn glass of the inspection slit the outline of a man can be seen. A man so dangerous he would spell doom or salvation for the red planet.



Basically, a big corporation moved in after the last game, found the ruins and texts on how to open hell gates, and then decided "lol, let's tap hells power for our civilization".

Then a cult starts, shit goes down, everyone dies, doom guy wakes up. The reason the machines all know about demons is because they've had very small invasions before, but were dealt with.

> take a thing
> force it into the 40k universe
> no joke or twist or anything, its just in 40k now.


So it's a sequel to Doom 3? Or was the incursion just something happened in the past, loosely based on the basic story of Doom/Doom 3, but not really either of them?

Man, just give us Hell on Earth already. I want proper war on the streets and shit.

We should just get /wh40k/ already. Maybe we can actually have some threads about games here then.

>Everything needs a twist
Lots of other fiction fits into 40k. Event Horizon and Doom both work just fine as being in Earth's distant past.

Pont to where the Space Marine inserted his gene-seed on this anatomically correct doll.

>Lots of other fiction fits into 40k.
My fist probably fits in your anus. That doesn't automatically make putting it there a good idea.


Well, you'd first have to pull it your of your own.

How very witty.

We talk about Warhammer 40k here, (and probably other things you don't like) get used to it, Nancy.
If you wanted an echo chamber, you should've stuck to Tumblr.

On display here, we've got a modified version of his armor recovered from the early remains of mans first ventures into the solar system.

It's been retro fitted for mark 2 power armor that was used during the early Crusades and later during the Horus heresy by an unknown user..

This base has many artifacts from that period, including technologies used for atmosphere processing to early experiments in firearms.

We've got a prime example of an early plasma weapon that interesting enough doesn't suffer from many of the flaws that current imperial plasma weapons do as to the method of theses many perfections is unknown however one note has been taken that is very puzzling the entire weapon system seems to lack any type of cooling for a plasma weapon.

>If you wanted an echo chamber
I'm the one asking for an echo chamber? Really? I'm not the one who has to have 40k in EVERY FUCKING THING ALL THE TIME WITH NO EXCEPTIONS NON-STOP. I'm sorry you are unable to actually form a singular thought without your mind drifting to those muscular men in their shiny power armor. Seek help.

It's a sequel to all doom games, as well as apparently a thousand more times in the past that doom guy has gone on a crusade to kill all of hell. Eventually he is sealed away by the demons, bound in the biggest prison they can build, because they can't kill him no matter what they try. I imagine the unable to kill him thing is basically a joke on him re-spawning, so they seal him away instead.

40k and Doom actually go pretty hand-in-hand man.

I get being annoyed when 40k gets hamfisted into things nothing like it, but this is literally an Only War campaign.

You seem a bit salty. Need to talk?

>lol u mad
>Kirino reaction image
The sign of a man with nothing to say, but the desire for attention.

Much like the man/boy who goes into a thread and then whines about the subject of the thread.

M8, you really are acting kind of stupid, considering you're still posting in a thread you don't like. Just exit the thread and report it if you don't like it. No point in bumbling around like a stubborn mule, head butting people with your opinion as though that would change anything.

Fucking this. It's fine to dislike something, but coming into every thread even remotely related to it to scream "I HATE [THING], STOP LIKING [THING]! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" is pathetic.

>dissenting opinions are not allowed in our 40k hugbox

I dunno about "primitive". The mechanicus would shit their robes for an STC of the BFG or blood powered chainsaw or the armor tech that lets you heal of the pure thrill of a well done kill or armor that can take point blank rocket explosions or negate fall damage boots. The list just goes on.

No. You report for rules violations like posting porn on a blue board, not "I don't like the subject matter!"
Idiot. Have you never heard of this novel thing called "filters?" Because they've been around for several years, so you have no excuse.

Also, if you pay attention, it's obvious hell doesn't really operate on standard time mechanics, which is how Doom guy was in both 1 and two. Doom 3 is the prequel to 4. However 3's dude is a different one.

I'm saying that there is nothing to say. If someone enjoys something, you have no right to stop them if it's not harming you, which it's not.

Nothing wrong with having a dissenting opinion, you're just shitting up a thread when you could make your own to talk about it. Or you could try actually arguing instead of memeing and repeating >It's stupid I don't like it

It's harming the fucking board as a whole when everything ever has to have 40k hamfisted into it. You can't have 5 posts about something unrelated without some retard shouting BLAM HERESY or gushing on about fucking primarchs.

Why would he do that? Reasonable discussion doesn't generate anywhere that amount of replies.

>That was until they shoved him in a sarcophagus and he was 'Trapped and unable to kill'.
Does it actually say "Trapped and unable to kill"? Fuck, the studio knew it's audience. Is he referred to ever as John too?

Then generate some fucking content. Drawfag, talk about a narrative game, homebrew something and get feedback, even make a goddamn quest, or whatever.


There are other threads. There are many people here. Anonymous is not one not-you dude, it is a multitude of people, and a vocal portion of this multitude is into WH40K. So be it. Too bad.



Not verbatim, but the demons had to collapse a roof on his head to trap him.

That's right. Because if your definition of a hugbox translates to a place where we can post threads and joke about in them without literal shitposting trying to force it from the board for having the gall to be something you don't like, than you're damn right I want a hugbox.

The New Doom is essentially a reboot to the franchise with the caveat that Doom 1,2 and I think 64 are broad strokes canon.
In this new game the 'Doom Walker' hailed from what's likely a parallel earth called Argent D'nur where he was a Night Sentinel, basically an order of Warriors that kicked in Hell's shit. The Night Sentinels are eventually destroyed and the Argent D'nur is devoured and absorbed into Hell. The 'Doom Walker' takes this poorly as you can imagine and goes on one hell of a revenge bender. Killing everything in sight and scaring the piss out of the Demons. He's notable in that he's the first 'Flesh and Blood's to survive in Hell and actually flourish to the point where he becomes Hell's worst Boogeyman. It's also implied that 'Seraphim' gave him a power up and outright stated that a Turncoat Demon created his suit of Praetor Power Armor.
Eventually the shattered forces of hell realize they can't kill him. So they lure him into a trap and drop a temple on him and manage to seal him in a sarcophagus and then guard the fuck out of it terrified what will happen if he's ever let back out.

Eventually the UAC (Not one tied to Doom 3 though.) Finds evidence of the 'Doom Walkers existence while exploring hell and has an expedition locate his tomb and retrieve it. The UAC's director believing that if a worst case scenario were to happen (IE: All hell breaking loose on Mars.) Then the only one who could stop it is the 'Doom Walker'.

If it were most things that get 40k shoved in, I would agree, but this actually fits. doomguy is the story of a dude going around killing demons in excessively gory fashion while on Mars. That actually fits the 40k aesthetic, instead of the usual 'who would win master chief or calgar'

I think the part about him healing when he kills demons is actually intrinsic to the Doom Guy himself, rather than the armor.

The Slayer's Testament says that he's the only person that can draw strength from the demons he kills, and furthermore that it isn't necessarily his armor that makes him super strong and fast, as the "seraphim" gifted him with power and speed.

If I go out to the cow pasture and stand in a pile of cow shit, complain about all the cow shit in the cow pasture, and CONTINUE TO STAND IN THE SHIT, then it's my fault, not the cows for making the shit.

Why I don't understand is, if Doomguy ramfucked hell so god damn hard on many prehaps even thousands of occasions in the past, why don't the demons just stop everything and return back to hell as soon as Doom Guy gets revived?

Fuck, all the demons should be pissing their proverbial pants seeing the same prophesied dude from all the countless etched runes and markings describing how he fucking killed the strongest of their kind, alive, walking and shooting again.

Your opinion has been noted. Now, are you going to contribute or leave, or are you going to continue screeching like a Tumblrite around whom someone used pronouns they found offensive?

Demons aren't always rational

They also think how much glory and power they could have if they slew their most hated enemy

It's what the Grey Knights keep locked up.

Fucking why? You're on Mars. You're a soldier. You got guns. Bad things need to be shot. Done!

We don't need another space messiah of the prophesy in power armour.

This isn't stated at all in the game, not even in the slayer's testament things.

>space messiah of the prophesy
Doomguy is not Jesus. Doomguy is Godzilla. You point him at the demons and hope he doesn't fuck you up in the process.

But user they ARE scared out of their fucking minds. The demons that attack like they don't give a shit are just too mindless to understand what they're dealing with.

Just look at the battle with the cyber demon, he doesn't at all try to grab you immediately as you enter the room and just bite your head off but throws you down he's too scared to even touch you.

Throughout the entire fight all he does is pussyfoots around with these slow ass halfassed charges and shoots you to death with his hellfire, missiles and lasers from a distance.

But that's what you do with Jesus as well.

Anyway, you know what I mean. A being of super-human quality with all fantastical backstory and who's destined to defeat Hell now and forever, etc. etc. Just fucking have him be a dude in a bad spot killing demons to the best of his abilities.

He's not a "space messiah", the dude was just bad ass enough to kick hells shit in, before they dropped several thousand tons of rock on him, and locked him up tighter then a tighter then the asshole of a man falling from a plane.

The UAC learns about him from all of the horror stories and legends them demons have of him, and the director leads a expedition to grab him, because he figures if something goes wrong on Mars, he can just pop the lid and let Doom guy go to work.

What specifically? Everything I've mentioned is either from the Slayers Guide or dialogue.

That's literally all he was, just from a separate earth. He just spent enough time killing demons that all of that Aregent energy starts sticking to him. The bit about angels granting him power was metaphorical. Like how you'd say "he fought with the strength of a lion" or "he was filled with a God given rage"

That's because if you take notice, all of the enemies being sent after you are barely human level intelligence or below, the demons who can actually think ARE cowering.

>from a separate earth
>spent enough time killing demons that all of that Aregent energy starts sticking to him

How about Pvt. John Smith of the space marine corps stationed on Mars and then Hell comes? Why all this extra crap? Why not throw in midi-chlorians while we're at it? People love that shit.

>How about Pvt. John Smith of the space marine corps stationed on Mars and then Hell comes?
They did that. It was called Doom 3.

>Why not throw in midi-chlorians while we're at it?
A fine 1970s invention, to be sure, but this is 2016.

Well there's that and also a mix of desperation and fear. Hell Denizens might be pissing there pants scared but they can't just throw in the towel and call it a day, their like cornered animals.
They also want to chow down on reality and the big demons upstairs probably inspire enough fear that the lower orders of demons kinda have to fall in line.

Fuckin' saved!

Says you

What the other guy said, they did that with doom three. Also, because Pvt. John Smith would mean telling the story different. In the doom three fashion. Sure, you go around killing demons, but these are literally demons, they're scary to just about everyone.

And last but not least, because that's the way they decided to tell the story. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just a type of story you evidently dislike.

>Event Horizon is a 40k prequel

Chainsaw Warrior occurs before Doom 1 though

Makes me wonder if the One that's mentioned here and there is actually the big D, or just a really high rank devil/demon.

>they did that with doom three

And Doom 1. And Doom 2. Being able to bust demons doesn't mean it has to be a horror game. Doom 1 and 2 weren't. You blaster monsters left and right. Look at the new Wolfensteins. B.J. wasn't some secret Nazi übermensch that got away and grew stronger by banishing the souls of Nazis with the blessing of a sassy black female sky god. He's a capable dude that just loves killing Nazis.

If you want to continue from a previous invasion or something, why not just have him held in stasis at the station being experimented on after they found him in the wake of the previous invasion. When the invasion begins he wakes up and it's go time.

Maybe in the environmentally controlled high-rise pleasure gardens of the noble families.

doom "3" was a retelling of one, retard.

>mfw the new game

Doomguy is an angel, or at least he got his powers from them. Also hell is literally Hell. 40k and Doom can't coexist.

>implying the grim darkness of the far future isn't actually hell

Because there's no station left. Literally after he blew up the invasion on Mars, he just wanted to go home.

Bam. There's demons on Earth. He goes, saves the people, and then blows up everything in Hell. Then he decides to stay in Hell to make sure nothing ever comes out again. Maybe he gets a little twisted by being in Hell for so long, but he's still the one man-and-a-half everything down there's afraid of, so they lock him in a giant block just so they don't have to worry about being obliterated yet again.

>Because there's no station left.

Yes there is. At least in 3. They find him and in the expansion they return to Mars to explore more of the facility.

I would believe it. The total destruction of all the Christians (and all the other religions) could have been the Apocalypse. Which would explain the clock prophesied to chime at the end of the world.

Really though, I'm not sure too many people would buy that.

These threads about the doomguy in 40k are so stupid and uninspired. At first I thought, why, why would we ever have multiple doomguy in 40k threads over a period of multiple days. I've developed a theory.

Either this is some covert attempt at shilling for the new DOOM game, or a serious autist who can't get doomguy out of his mind.

I cringed.

Have you tried, oh, I don't know, filtering them? I didn't like quest threads, but I just added a couple filters instead of coming in to each one to whine about them.


There was a ancient mural in the mars ruins in Doom III

And who is?
There are currently 36 generals up, only 3 are 40k related.
Only one 40k rpg thread out of 10 threads with the word RPG in the OP.
4 quest threads, none of which are related to 40k.
There are aproximatly 7 threads related to card games
In fact, out of the 150 threads up, only 20 are related to 40k. Which is in no way talking about 40k all the time.
And moreover, what di you expect on a board made to contian 40k?
Do you go to /mlp/ and complain about all the bronies?
Fucking retard.

Well, to put it stupidly, lol u mad bro? To put it better, has it occurred to you that thousands of people visit TG everyday, and that many among the demographic has played Doom?