Neck Snap Edition
This thread's challenge: come up with a shitload of one-sentence-description NPCs
Neck Snap Edition
This thread's challenge: come up with a shitload of one-sentence-description NPCs
Other urls found in this thread:
Shirtless prodigy of Savate, Bare-Knuckle Boxing, and La Canne de Combat seeks a real challenge from the party's best warrior.
Disasters - Meltdown and Fallout
Slightly pudgy, honest-faced and likeable stagecoach driver/trucker/pilot who's actually a genius smuggler, taking advantage of how doughy and inoffensive he looks.
Awesome, thank you, user!
One sentence NPC: a fruit seller who takes haggling way too seriously.
>Neck Snap Edition
Okay, I have a question on how gurspgen handles falls from kicks. Is it just a change to prone, face up? Or is it like knockdown and stunning?
I handle it like the latter, mostly because I feel it is most realistic. Although playesting it a little bit it seems to overly handicap those who kick.
Any one got any comment?
You're welcome. I'm not the original uploader. I found that link on 7chan and wanted to share the love with my fellow GURPS fiends.
I'm doing a high-tech game and one of the players asked me if revolver speedloader can be used with all revolvers that use the same cartridge. I guess not?
User was banned for this post.
I doubt all revolvers have the same cylinder radius.
Some speedloaders are compatible with multiple revolvers, but most are not. Revolvers from the same manufacturer have a better chance of working with a given speedloader, too.
So if my players are travelling the States 35 years after nuclear war then it would be a lottery to find a fitting speedloader?
Guess the same problem applies to moonclips.
Just add an extra second or two to reloader with the wrong speedloader. That'd still be leagues ahead of reloading one by one. Or make them need an easy fast-draw (ammo) roll.
Or just give up and make any speedloader work with anything, who cares, really.
I just treat it like a prone position change; I wouldn't do a roll vs stunning unless you get a major wound/affliction/some other call from the rules
I am trying to help teach some new players about GURPS. I told them the setting information about a week ago, said to write a (less than one page) backstory, so I could make a (mostly finished) character sheet before the first session (a session zero) which is this Tuesday. I said to ask me questions if they don't understand something. I'm trying to put together an introductory scenario, and I still haven't gotten a word out of anyone.
I'm like stressing out hardcore that these guys are either
A) going to say I'm taking this too seriously and they don't want to do homework to play a game
B) just going to simply flake
C) going to write something at the last last minute and then ask why I don't have anything planned.
So knockdown and stunned is at -7 to defense if I'm doing the math right (-4 from stun, -3 from posture)
Besides Cities, what other supplements have rules/modules for making towns/settings for exploring and questing in?
Pyramid works too, if anyone can remember the issue #
See attached
So /gurpsgen/ how do I design a fight that is at least 30 turns long but is still engaging? Assume the players can manage their time correctly so that it doesn't take 3 hours?
In a medieval/renaissance flavor if that makes a difference time
>difference time instead of just difference
Dumb phone.
So this is gonna sound a little crazy, but have you guys ever thought about statting up civilizations, companies, armies etc. as GURPS characters like how Fate Core does it to massively abstract away things like nitty-gritty mass combat, politics, economics, etc. and just run with it?
I realize there are supplements specifically for some of these things, but there's so much overhead involved and they mostly have pretty poor integration with each other, I've been thinking about doing this kind of abstraction for a while.
For example:
King's Army: Invade! 14
Finance! 17
Diplomacy! 12
Rebels: Fight Back! 12
Sow Insurrection! 14
Spymasters! 15
Then when the players want to know what the hell's going on, roll a few over the course of weeks/months. Let them provide bonuses, or facilitate actions, by going out and doing things relevant to the task/goal.
You could use the "The Last Gasp" rules from Pyramid #44 to make everyone stand around catching their breath a lot.
I love Sorcery!
Don't stress. Stress will kill your game quicker than a bumpy start.
Maybe just message them, and see how they're going? People have their lives pop up and fuck over their plans all the time.
If all else fails, use your first session to make characters, and use templates as much as possible. What sort of genre are you playing?
It is a TL4 Dungeon Fantasy/Age of Sail/Magicky mish-mash.
My hope is to have backgrounds early enough to veto/ratify them, then have character sheets ready for session 0 so that they can veto/ratify them. My hope is to have most, but probably can't have all, done before the session 0 so that there is enough time to do a simple combat to get people used to the rules.
Is that you Wes?
Sounds like a decent way of doing it. I think there is a supplement that does it like that, but I haven't really delved into that side of things.
You're probably thinking of Boardrooms & Curia; groups are given (possibly multiple) Types (military, religious, merchant, governing, etc.), a budget, and skills/skill categories. While the resulting statblock is more of a measurement as to how the organization can assist its members (i.e. The PCs), it shouldn't be too hard to throw the groups against each other more directly. The only big hole is that it only works for purposeful and cohesive organizations; while you can write up the city's governing body or the king's army, the city or kingdom as a whole probably won't take to these rules so easily.
I do have to question why though. If the PCs have a stake in the outcome or are participating in a struggle directly, you either want more detail and not leave it to a single abstract dice roll, or give the PCs a linchpin role in the fight (i.e. if the party fails to complete their objective, the entire battle is lost). If the PCs neither care nor are participating, why not just decide the outcome instead of using dice? The only reason I see to use heavily abstracted rolls like this is if I were doing a dynamic sandbox campaign where there's the possibility of random shit coming out of left field and I needed to quickly simulate a ton of stuff happening in the background (e.g. The dwarves caliphate in the other side of the world finally conquered its neighbors; is this the beginning of a huge wave of conquest that will eventually affect the party? Only the dice know!).
>The only reason I see to use heavily abstracted rolls like this is if I were doing a dynamic sandbox campaign where there's the possibility of random shit coming out of left field and I needed to quickly simulate a ton of stuff happening in the background (e.g. The dwarves caliphate in the other side of the world finally conquered its neighbors; is this the beginning of a huge wave of conquest that will eventually affect the party? Only the dice know!).
This is exactly why I was thinking of doing this with abstract skill ratings. Do you see any pitfalls or potential complications to look out for with this method?
Well props to you then, because that sounds awesome. As for pitfalls, nothing really comes to mind, just don't be afraid to make executive decisions that overrule the dice every now and then for the sake of a fun game. Best of luck to you user!
>Rape national forest
>or they're tall and imposing, steely men in heavy coats that have a fetish for suddenly hammering through walls to roar at escaping mortals
Is this a Mr. X reference?
i like honkeyville what did you use to make it?
I have a question for the numbercrunch gods here.
What's a good -15% modifier/combination of modifiers for an Altered Time Rate + Increased Speed combination? It was originally costing 3 FP to activate for each, but losing 6 FP to activate one thing for a minute's pretty hefty.
Some sort of Trigger and/or Requires Skill/Attribute Roll
I started writing up some stuff for it after I read Boardroom and Curia and was dissatisfied with how little the stats mattered. I had been hoping for a SWN-like faction system. I'm working right now but I can post some notes/samples/whatever later to compare if that'd help.
Systems like this aren't without precedent. Stars Without Number has an excellent "faction turn" system where you take turns with all of the major powers in an area of space, which evolves the sector and provides situations for the PCs to either profit from or circumvent. My only problem with SWN's faction system is that it doesn't scale very well to larger areas (because it was never intended to).
Thanks guys!
So, how do I stat a character whose eyes have been replaced for mechanical eyes that work well, but occasionally malfunction and require daily maintenance?
Should I stat it as an advantage, disadvantage or equipment?
Blind (mitigation, robot eyes)
Then stat up robot eyes as a gadget with cannot be removed, Requires maintenance, etc. By default they would just grant you normal vision since they're a mitigation like glasses, but you can give them enhanced Per and different vision modes, telescopic vision, etc.
Thank you
Oh and give them a Malf. stat like guns have for bad failures, I don't think it's under the unreliable limitation but there's one that does that.
Pact (Disciplines of Faith or Vow) can also be used for things like chi or psi abilities that require strict lifestyles to maintain the necessary focus. There's also Maximum Duration from Powers, Trigger (Injury), Preparation Required/Weakened Without Preparation, and maybe even uses per day (possibly with reloading available, depending on the power's source; a chronopack that needs new and possibly expensive batteries after each use makes sense. Gadget may work too).
Like so:
Next post will show the maintenance modifier.
Maintenance modifier shown here. This is all straight out of UltraTech.
I'm interested as well.
>For each step by which you are closer than this, apply +1 to the roll, while for each step by which you are more distant, apply -1. For instance, to hear normal conversation at 8 yards would require a roll at -3.
This and the table following it doesn't make any sense to me. If to hear a normal conversation with no penalties, you need to be within one yard, that would mean a step is some weird fraction, like 2,7 yards, which sounds like bullshit
Can someone please clarify this shit to me? How much is a "step"?
A step on the speed/range table, not a physical "step".
I know. But that is a big ass variable. All of my players chars have a step of 1 yard, since all of their their characters have a sub 10 Move. Does that mean his or her hearing is variable as well?
I'm having a hard time figuring out what it is you're actually asking, as you keep quoting "move" and physical steps, which have absolutely no relation to hearing distance. Can you phrase your question differently?
What did you mean speed/range table? You mean the Hearing Distance table?
They literally just mean "steps" of the table.
The example they give:
For each step by which you are closer than this, apply +1 to the roll, while for each step by which you are more distant, apply -1. For instance, to hear normal conversation at 8 yards would require a roll at -3.
Table goes:
Normal conversation 1
Light traffic 2
Loud conversation 4
Noisy office 8
Three steps of the table = -3 for normal conversation.
Is this what you were looking for?
I think there is some language confusion. When user said 'a step on the speed/range table' he meant to change the row of the table you are reading ('a step' in English sometimes means 'an increment').
So if the table entries are 2-3-5-7-etc. then going from 2 to 3 is one step, from 2 to 5 is two steps. So if the default range is 5, being at range 2 would be 'two steps closer' because range 2 is two steps on the table away from 5.
Yes. Thanks
I see
Illustration, although I think you've got it now.
Bumping, I wrote a review of swashbucklers.
New Pyramid. Another Thaumatology one.
Thanks, user.
Gazing listlessly at nothing over a glass of grog, [npc name here] lets rip a meaty fart tinged with sorrow and three day old baked beans.
4' 6" ex-child soldier turned harsh but fair taxman.
[Npc name here] mutters with his mates over a mug of moonshine, smearing his sweaty, bushy brow with a swatch of his late mother's tablecloth.
Behind the counter, [npc name here] neglected her stocking duties in favor of daydreaming about which toy she might use to stroke her pussy after work.
Does the roll for Grappling have a bonus if you're at the opponent's back?
Why in the core books, the images change the grid all the time between a horizontal one and a vertical one
Not inherently. The likely advantages for you, the grappler, are either no opposed Active Defense roll from your victim or a penalized opposed Active Defense roll from your victim.
If you have the luxury of time, feel free to use the Evaluate maneuver (+1 to +3 bonus to hit depending on how many seconds you take to evaluate), All-Out Attack Determined maneuver (+4 to hit at the cost of no possible defense from you on the next turn only), and/or Telegraphic Attack (+4 to hit and your opponent defends at +2...which is not an issue if your opponent doesn't get to defend in the first place or less of an issue if your opponent could only defend at a penalty to begin with).
What about a situation where the enemy is at the PC's flank and he can see the enemy moving behind her. Does he get an active defense roll?
Yes. Typically, they can still Dodge at -2 and only Parry/Block if their arms are very flexible and/or their weapon/shield can reach the rear hexes.
Here's the entry in question from Page 391 of Campaigns.
"Defending Against
Attacks from the Back
Against an attack that comes from
your back hex, you cannot defend at all
unless you have Peripheral Vision
(which lets you defend at -2) or 360°
Vision (which lets you defend at no
Even if you have one of those
advantages, you have an extra -2 to
parry an attack from behind, and cannot
block at all, unless your weapon or
shield arm has the Extra-Flexible
enhancement or you have the Double-
Jointed advantage."
Since she knows her attacker is moving there, i'd consider it a runaround attack (also described on the same page). The same physical limitations on parrying/blocking would still exist, though.
You can still burn a Fatigue Point for a Feverish Defense and i'm fairly certain the defender can "Retreat" forward as well.
Consider facing
-2 form the side/back hexes
Maybe to show that there is no official way to align the grid and you should just go with whatever is more convenient?
Doesn't seem like it, because the way front, sides and back are designated wouldn't work with a vertical grid.
Motherfucker; always bump with CONTENT
New chapter of my game starting soon. Pretty sure I'm gonna be cribbing enemy builds from hyper light drifter.
Yay or nay?
fuck, wrong image
Awesome, thanks.
Is that a screenshot of uplink?
Can you translate your post please? I don't understand.
God FUCKING damn
This game is so pretty. Good on you user
>Can you translate your post please? I don't understand.
I'm gonna be cribbing enemy designs and combat styles from the game, for use in my GURPS campaign.
I was very taken with the warlock birds that do the chargeup lazer blast, the lumbering deformed winged beasts, and the various other quirky bits.
It's super cute as shit huh? Quirky yet grim?
Neat - definitely stronger than the last issue for After the End, which was pretty dull.
The Metal spells were kinda funny though in how many times they stressed that you should nerf it if you don't like the effect on the economy, and adding a silly "until dispelled" to all the permanent durations.
The new Alchemical items were neat - Corpse Powder is a plot hook/character ambition right there.
The distillation of brains is a very useful one, even if it takes an exceedingly skilled alchemist to create quickly enough for it to matter on most adventure timescales.
Abydos remains Best City.
I don't see how it's related.
Your "front" is the edge between your hex and hex you are looking at. You can spin hexes all the way around like this it doesn't really change anything.
some people arent smart
Hey, did you guys know you can generate gurps compatible hex maps using
How did you that hex grid on Ps?
threw it into google docs->drawer online, rotated it 15 degrees, then printscreened that, cropped it in, saved it
for some reason, google draw has no crop, and for some reason, has no rotate on centre...
> has no rotate on centre...
Um, what?
Weird thought on one of the abilities in Divine Favor.
Can't you just take the 100 point version of regen with max duration of 30 seconds, and divine power modifier (total -85%, but bounded to minima -80%), and now have something significantly better for the exact same price?
Yes. Maximum Duration limitation is fucking OP for combat-related abilities.
Replying to myself.
Furthermore, now you have an advantage that heals 30 hp over 30 seconds, and can be used every five minutes (technically, every five minutes and 30 seconds), for 0 FP, compared to vanilla Heal which costs 40 character points, costs FP to use, and becomes prohibitively penalized to use more than a few times a day on the same target.
It's a matter of tone/appropriateness; a priest waving his hand and a follower returning form the verge of death over ten minutes seems more like a traditional miracle than unkillable dude for 30 seconds.
Replying to myself again.
Hurr durr, of course, this power only works on yourself... but I guess you could pair it with faith healing to absorb anyone else's terrible injury and then regen it away in 30 seconds.
I am a derp
Affects Others, Powers p.107
+50% per person you can affect by touching
Sure, but now it's not brokenly cheap. Better though, then faith healing + ridiculous regen.
Derp question time
I can shoot an innate attack (tight beam burn, for example)
I can shoot off a blast, or I can charge up and fire off MORE blast. How do I enhancement/limitation?
More blast as in a more powerful blast or a larger amount of blasts per second?
Sounds like straight up alternative abilities.
There was something about partial limitations (like, your ability have Takes Extra Time only when you use at higher level and/or with additional enhancements) but I don't remember where it was.
So, I was experimenting with a player with his mage char and he has the explosive fireball spell. After he cast it once, I just saw how freaking weak the radius of that explosion is, so instead of dividing the damage by the triple of the distance, I homebrewed as "the damage is divided by distance in yards the other parties are from the center of the explosion to a max of 5 yards, after which, no damage is dealt". Do you guys have opinions on it?
What's the most gruesome or otherwise fucked-up rule (or other except from official material) you can find?
Hard mode: none of the fetish shit in Bio-Tech.