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CYOA Thread
Anyone got slut life?
Rape minotaur wants to make a build.
>Rape minotaur
how'd ya get that name?
A cow raped him.
Its got a link in the pastebin you whore.
- Tundra
- Mountains
- Volcanic
Realm Features
- Ancient Ruins
- Living Storms
- Humans
- Contraptors
- University
- Bazaar
- Living City
- Chemistry
- Banking
- Airships
- Charismatics
- Necromancer
- Domination
First, the realm is fertile, allowing my Humans and Contraptors to work the land, so as to feed the Humans. I would also use my necromancy to create zombie/skeletal farmers and protectors of livestock.
The resources from the Tundra and Mountains will come into play later.
Ancient Ruins to boost my tech and Living Storms for national defense.
Races are Humans and Contraptors, leaving me 1 extra choice.
Features of my cities are Universities and Bazaars to boost education and economy. With Living Cities to add additional protection.
Technology-wise, I started with Printing Press and Banking, but looking at Chemistry, I had no choice but to dump Printing Press. That early access to gunpowder is just too important. Similarly, early access to Airships can't be ignored. Air superiority gives me an instant leg up.
For my personal power, I'm a Necromancer with Charismatic and Dominance. I would hold diplomatic gatherings and dominate rulers and dignitaries to form favorable alliances.
I'm playing the long game but also trying to rush through it. I want to increase my tech level asap, to the point where I can start creating new Contraptors and attain industrial age tech. I seek technological superiority, thereby giving me military superiority as well.
What do I have to do to get one of you to make a CYOA about being turned into someone's waifu?
(Preferably without suitors, I want to imagine those on my own)
Make several succesful cyoas, become a popular author and then when someone asks you what kind of cyoa you would really like to see, tell us what you want and lament about how terrible you are at that kind of cyoa. Someone will surely offer to make it for you at that point.
I know of a couple like that, pic related and here is a link to another one in the same theme
Floating islands
>Most people live on the ground but the magi and elites live on the islands.
Ley Lines
Healing Rain
Elves, I'll keep two extra slots.
Arcane Towers
Printing press
Condensed rituals
Elemental Magic
True Adept
Secrets of the Old Ones, though I'm not sure what this entails.
>ARTIST (80)
>LUCK (90)
>ESCAPE (120)
I'm going to be this world's Mystique to this world's Magneto. I don't plan to stay forever. Just 10 years of slutty fun and impending world domination.
When I return I will have 3 kinds of magic, artistic talent and a whole lot of luck. I'll become a (male) idol at that point.
I'm sure the Dark Lord is going to love having a one-person harem who can mind magic his enemies and heal his wounds.
His parents presumeably
Well nothing you do will make anyone really interested in making your particular special snowflake CYOA.
Because, you see, making halfway decent CYOA, much less a good one, is hard work.
So unless someone is already making your particular desired CYOA for their own pleasure, you're shit out of luck, lazy user.
If you want it that bad, stop being lazy and make it yourself. You can make it exactly how you like, and you might even learn something along the way.
Or just relax, chill, and adapt whatever does actually get created to your own magical realm. Nobody will know that you cut out the suitors and made up your own if you don't tell them, honest!
So what cyoa are you currently working on user? How is it going?
Realm: Forest, Mountains
Features: Cavern Network, Mother Trees, Ley Lines, Ancient Ruins
Races: Humans, Giants
Cities: City Walls, Temple, Sanitation, Arcane Tower
Tech: Improved Metallurgy, Chemistry, Stable Arcanite, Condensed Rituals
Personal: Master of Arms, Elemental Magic, Charismatic
Perils: The Cult, Dragon
"But the flame will fade, and only dark will remain..."
As mentioned in the last thread, I am currently working on an energy cyoa and a powers cyoa. If you would like more details on either feel free to ask.
>Realm (3)
Forest (2)
Coast (1)
>Realm Features (4)
Mother Trees (3)
Ley Lines (2)
Ancient Ruins (1)
>Races (4)
Humans (3)
Giants (1)
>Cities (4)
Arcane Towers (3)
Temples (2)
>Technology (5)
Condensed Rituals (4)
>Personal (7)
True Adapt (6)
Divination (5)
Gaian (4)
Transfiguration (3)
Charisma (2)
Elemental Magic (1)
Secrets of the Old Ones (0)
Small island empire of magical giants and their human worshippers. Our focus is on magic and on excavating the secrets of our ancestors.
I've got lots of personal power which is meant to ensure my rule until I ascend into a higher lifeform, an Old One.
If I ever were to try making a CYOA, it'd end up so magical realm that I wouldn't dare to post it.
Almost finished. Like 90%. Expect it some time this week.
Kit pls.
Race: Other - Dragongirl (80)
Money (75)
White Magic (60)
Fire Magic (50)
Air Magic (40)
Illusion Magic (30)
Artist (25)
Luck (10)
Protagonist: Ladyknight (0)
Here to slay me, are you? Mm, don't worry. I wouldn't mind a little death or two at your firm, strong hands. You'd better be up for the challenge, though. Otherwise, I'm going to eat you a~l~l up.
That never stopped me.
Thanks to the people that were supportive a few days ago when I posted my WIP, I think Blood Magic CYOA is coming along nicely. Only the most boring part is left for me to do - form my incoherent thoughts into proper English and then go on deviantart to hunt for images
Does anyone have the "monster master" cyoa? (I think that was the name)
I stared into the abyss too long and got distracted from my main task.
Girls Military ??% done. On the other hand the abyss got me a nice boater.
Here's a simple piece of
to keep you sated
I'll take Carbohydrates, I really need the energy.
Lipids. I'm gonna get myself the best ass the world has ever seen.
What is this a waifu CYOA?
Proteins I want sweet ass muscules
So what CYOA are you currently working on user? How is it going?
But alcohol doesn't-
Picking Lipids, being able to burn it off immediately is great since I like trying all sorts of food.
Can't wait to see blood magic finished!
Lipids. It's no use to gain/lose weight if it goes to/is removed from the wrong places. Being able to choose where sounds really wonderful.
Nah man. This is just build a military full of girls and have them go to war with other girls, and blow things up cyoa.
Proteins. Bearmode, here I come!
We are all autistics here no one gives a fuck
>We are all autistics here...
Is SDA our king then user?
Where are the Waifu CYOAs?
God dammit Japan, why do you have to make EVERYTHING into cute girls, I just don't get it man.
ok It's just that all the Waifu CYOA left me with PTSD and the image kind of have that format.
[Spoilers]Retained in my folders[/Spoilers]
Lipids. It's a lot more fun to build muscle than to burn fat, especially when you can just permabulk without worrying about increasing your bodyfat.
B-besides, it would be kinda fun to try out what it feels like to have a bubble butt.
I dont know that SDA who is she?
Ctrl+s is your friend.
Girls und Panzer is legitimately a fantastic show, though.
Here, have best girl free of charge.
i've been procrastinbating for a while now on two CYOA
one is an old school lots of words binomial faction choice one
the other is a Star Treck expy that has simple mechanics that'll allow creators to fight others ship/crew builds
any interest in either?
All of those are carbohydrates
Binomial faction gets my vote.
I pick the Bisexuality one.
They are. Don't listen to Veeky Forums, they have the downs from eating too much bread.
Define "succesful"
Define "popular"
Make a bunch of CYOAs that pander to the lowest denominator like for example waifu crap. Also get a tripcode so everyone knows you're the faggot who made them.
>If you want it that bad, stop being lazy and make it yourself
Yes, of course you're right and I say the same thing when user demands a cyoa, but c'mon. Just this once.
But user, I can't enjoy my own cyoas. I can't make builds for it, I can't wonder what the lore is like or how the options work.
It's just there.
Okay, fine. I'm gonna go break my promise and get drunk and make that quick "be the yandere" cyoa today.
Maybe another one, depending on how things work out.
- Mountains
- Tundra
Realm Features:
- Surface deposits
- Natural bounty
- Living storms
- Relicts
- Dwarves
- Giants
- City walls
- Paved roads
- Sanitation
- Arcane tower
- Improved metallurgy
- Banking
- Chemistry
- Master of arms
- Charismatic
- Divination
- Secrets of the Old Ones
- The cult
- Dragon
Snowy plains with Giants herding relicts and Dwarven strongholds in the mountains. This setup means that invaders get stuck out on freezing open ground with dangerous relicts and Giants prowling, and when they get to the mountains they have to climb them while getting bombarded by dwarven artillery, storms, and arcane towers, and even if they get close to the cities they get stomped by the giants inside, as well as the advanced and well made equipment wielded by both dwarf and giant causing the already battered invaders to take even more casualties, and if it gets to that point, I come out and wreck their shit while boosting the morale of my troops. With secrets of the Old Ones I hopefully advance my races to become the ultimate master races and shit on all the elves because elves are pansies.
Editing my post: Instead of Shipwright I will take
city walls.
that's not what i meant and you know it
>shit on all the elves because elves are pansies
Lm@0. I was going to go easy on you by just having the magi throw asteroids from the comfort of the city walls, but I'll also make sure to also send a contingent of lore-masters to shove some rune-blades right up the assholes of the dead your giants.
Image Version:
Can't wait to see the next set.
If only someone finished this...
>Realm Features
>Ley Lines
>Ancient Ruins
>Arcane Tower
>Improved Metallurgy
>Stable Arcanite
>Mechanical Prostheses
>True Adept
>Secrets of the Old Ones
Of all the civilizations in the world, the Giants had one of the oldest and most advanced. Refereed to by the Giants as the "Firstmen", this civilization collapsed many millennium ago, but the remains of the Empire still dot the landscape of the Giants' vast, cold, forested, and mountainous homeland. The landscape, being too treacherous for outside treasure hunters, along with their close guarding by the Giants and the old Empire's Contraptors has kept many sites preserved very well despite their advanced age, though many secrets and constructions were nevertheless lost to the ages. The Firstmen had a command of mechanics and magic unfathomable by modern races. They created a network of Ley Lines to enhance their magical abilities, which are still used to this day. They established thousands of portals across the land to allow for quick travel across their vast and treacherous landscape, though only several dozen still remain. Vast ruins scour the landscape, each city and town had at least one portal at the Empire's height. Most ruins are uninhabited, except by some Contraptors which survived the ages to guard these sites, as the Giants only inhabit places with still-functioning portals. These still-inhabited sites are a sight to behold; a mix of ancient architecture with long-abandoned suburbs and a mix modern and ancient architecture in the inhabited city centers, with functioning sanitation systems, ancient arcane towers and universities which served the Giants for countless generations. Giants in these places are still served by Contraptors that served their forefathers eons ago.
Now, one blessed Giantess has risen to be Empress, having united all the disparate Giant city-states. Her goal is not just to preserve the remains of the Firstmen's civilization, but to relearn its secrets and restore the Empire to its former glory. She has been blessed with magical abilities not seen since the high-mages of the old Empire, a divination and magical fore-sight never before seen, and a charisma to lead the Giants. No one has ever laid eyes upon here without her now trademark mask, and it is rumor that she may in fact be some kind of arbiter of the Old Gods of the Firstmen. Time will tell if this is true.
>Human 0
>No aging 0
>Princess 15
>Weapon master 25
Just a sword
>Money 30
>Fire magic 40
>Stealthiness 50
>Luck 60
>Technology shift 75
>Battlemage 90
I guess
>Double luck 100
Try to be a tsundere Princess who gets rescued by the Battlemage hero. Hijinks ensue on the way back to my palace, where I totally don't appreciate being helped and rescued by the Battlemage.
Haven't seen this one in a while
Hahaha, yes. I was joking.
user please tell me you are going to finish this.
Box wine, in case you're here, I take back what I said about removing the Classmate you had (the one that's the same girl Beri used in his cyoa).
I think you should use her, but reference his cyoa somehow. Maybe yours takes place before his, when she's learning to become a knight.
Or not, do what you feel like. But that's my headcanon.
Technically...yes. They've got hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen all bound together.
But they aren't exactly interchangible.
15 points
>Basic land
Asian + Roman (12)
>Characteristics of the land
Arboreal Enhancement + Lascivious + Ruins + Magical land + Humanoid enhancement (mix of every race possible, no stupid or crippling weaknesses, and interbreeding must make sense ie. humans can't fuck dragons) + sky islands + lost land (6 points left)
>Princely powers
(3 points left)
>Darker dream
Captured prince
Danger Prone
(6 points)
Felicia (5)
More powers:
Bard Prince-Poetry (4)
Prince Stallion(3)
Opulent outfit (2)
Amuzan's armor, the same form as my clothes from OO but made of light. (1)
Wondrous artifact (0)
Pixie Poachers. Assholes.
Sphinx Snafu should be fun.
Strip club struggle seems interesting.
Valkyrie venture seems good as well.
This is a good universe.
Question, /cyoag/, what's a fetish or personality trait that you absolutely despise? Not for any reason or anything...
Sounding and tsun.
Arabian Realm(Merchant-Trader, Warrior, Lover), Medieval Realm(Wizard, Singer).
Ancient Ruins Enhancement, Lascivious Realm(What? people need skimpier dresses to withstand the heat) Magical Land Enhancement, Humanoid Enhancement, Subterranean Enhancement.
Rider(7), Hunter(6)
Amu'Zans Armament, Fetter Flask, Expedient Rebirth Egg.
Cryptic Currency Generator, Disgruntled Desert Djinn, Pixie Poachers, Valkyrie Venture.
Zariea Sha'tul, Felicia Sackhoff, Taleri Kassendel.
>personality trait that you absolutely despise
This may sound uninspired, but I dislike most if they dislike me. I'm fine with just meeting a companion character & they're neutral towards me, but I don't like if someone dislikes me from the start when I've done nothing (or if the setting forces me to have done something to be hated).
People that like me: Good
People that dislike me: Bad
It may seem a bit vain, but that's most of what I care about, how much I can get someone to affirm worth to my existence.
Tits the size of (or larger than) the woman's head.
>Fetish you absolutely despise
I'll list some that makes me lose my boner, I guess?
Scat, Vore, NTR, Furry, [/spoiler] 3D , I think there are some more but I forgot. either ugly males or females, I guess?
Futa, but I'm guessing you meant a fetish for the character rather than a fetish inflicted on the character. In that case it's only the disgusting (eg scat) or the painful/injurious. I guess that means I don't go for anything BDSM.
I can even tolerate things like cheating if the character is more of a fuckbuddy instead of a waifu.
You could try your hand, senpai.
Editing my post:
My bard-prince instrument is the harp; My realm bonuses are as follows:
Asian: Merchant-prince + Mystical Arts student
Roman: Scholar + Negotiator
If I understand it right, my **art** will be engineer.
>trait you absolutely despise
I hate it when I'm in a group or community and someone new comes in, and they start acting like a dick but in a 'friendly' way. I'm not saying I mind newcomers, I'm actually pretty exited when someone new joins in, and I have nothing against dickish banter between good friends, but whenever someone that I haven't known for 30 minutes starts acting like a dick because they want to banter, I instantly know that I won't like them. You have one chance at a first impression, and acting like a dick to be funny isn't a good one at that.
>Bad fetishes to me
Male on female rape (I know you don't need to lecture me on this), blackmail, ryona, gore, loli(1-18 counts as loli to me. Not because children magically become mature at that age but because we need a legal minimum.). Others as well but these are the automatic turnoffs.
>Personality traits
w-when t-they u-unironically talk like < just to appear cute or weak. It's pathetic and annoying. Also submissives desu.
>t-that feel when user-kun d-doesn't like me...
>Fetishes I despise
Automatic turnoffs for me would be scat, pissing, smearing food all over yourself, and fluffy abuse.
Yanderes and Tsunderes. I'd be happy if both of them were wiped from existence, never to be recreated in any form.
Cuntboys. The only thing worse than traps.
Biomes: Coast, Forest (taiga), Wetland
Features: Healing Rain, Living Storms, Relics
Races: Dryads, Storm Giants
Cities: Living City, University
Technology: Airships, Printing Press
Personal: Gaian -> Transfiguration, True Adept, Secrets of the Old Ones
I hope you get NTR'd.
>having taste this bad
>loli(1-18 counts as loli to me)
>idolizing assholes and psychopaths
NTR from either side is just a joy killer. On one hand you're violating bro-code on every level to a criminal degree, and on the other hand the 'love' between you and your significant other evidently means nothing in the face of dick. Either way it just makes my skin crawl. I mean, Griffith's example is sort of an exception, and even then it's just there to make you feel Gut's hate for a once admirable person.
What kind of waifu is this?
Do you often "switch waifus" or something?
I love it when she's a childhood crush he never worked up the guts to confess to, or something similar. Not so much a fan when they're in an actual relationship, but it's a lot of fun when he's being emotionally destroyed over realizing he's missed his chance forever.