
What's Veeky Forumss opinion on pig orcs? Menacing beasts, ugly cannon fodder, outdated?

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URealms Guy has kinda gone down hill.

Pig orcs are nice, it's easy to take advantage of different aspects of either pig or orc to make them appealing or repulsive.

I prefer Tolkien's orcs when they were drawn my Ian Miller.

Good for comedy value only.

Did that elf at least get naked a few more times?


Man, Urealms was the shit back in the day. I'll always imagine Kobolds as being furry wolf dudes thanks to that.


A lot of Slutty McElfs in this comic.

I didn't read far, but I only remember her having sex with one guy. In his imagination.

Big and fat, pretty gross, but ever capable of NTRing PCs and breeding the women they love.

Delicious. They are the best enemies ever. After you kill them, you're reward with a delicious meal.

Yeah but her grandma... You didn't read as far as grandma, I'm guessing.

Ah I hadn't read the last page

This comic never did make sense to be, it's so fragmented and disjointed. Good swordplay and jokes though.

Best girl is the goblin witch, closely followed by elf.

My brain sees black and white and wants to read it like a mangu, aber after forcing it to read from left to right I still have problems making sense out of this conversation.

hot muscle green bitches

now THIS is a party!

Are we talking about pig orcs here?

Only 15 pages in and we already have big fat elf tats in all their glory.


Can't argue with that

Well, hello there!

Sorse please!

it's already been posted

How the shit am I meant to read this? Fucking hell.

Any which way, it's a bunch of people talking all over each other. Chaos is intentional.

Elf comic duh

So do baby p'orcs have stripes?

This is good!

But that's Bob the best gnome doing that.

They're the original sort of Orc, but Orcs have muddied the blood so much they come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Piggish traits are pure orcish traits.

So, Tolkiens elves were pigs?

No they aren't

99% sure he meant in-setting.

Question: Assuming that a god or mad wizard or something like this wanted to create a warrior race, your typical orcs. Why would he make them pigs?

Pigs are already faggot assholes which breed competant children quickly and can eat almost anything

They get really big really fast, they can eat almost anything, and they're mean as hell. Feral pigs are some nasty motherfuckers, and that's after thousands of years of selective breeding to make them nice. Imagine if someone tried to breed them for the opposite kind of behavior.

Hardy, intelligent, brutal. Pigs go feral stupidly fast if let loose.

Well, you convinced me.

>riding into battle on your war orc


Times have changed. URealms itself didn't get enough fan support despite how well-received it tended to be to survive on its own. Building a game from scratch when you've never done it is hard. So Rob took up doing Youtube full time making DvZ and Lords of Minecraft content. But obviously, that takes a lot of time and effort, too.

So now we have Unforgotten Realms Live. Which is pretty fun to watch (except for when combat bogs down too hard), and has a pretty decent money draw so he can focus on doing that and stop overloading his other projects just to survive.

>pig orcs?
I don't mind it.
I don't really follow the whole fantasy genre, but "Pig Orcs" were mostly abandoned due to Warcraft/Warhammer, right? I know the first animated movie of the Lord of the Rings portrayed them as pigs... so while the depictions in the OP look pretty silly, modern takes on what would be like muscular Gamorrean Guards wouldn't be bad at all.

Personally, I've not liked how Warcraft took Orcs from being a big, dumb, brutish mindless horde - akin to gorillas with rabies and a sword they found - to being some sort of noble warrior caste of good guys who just happen to think that skulls and spikes are perfectly fine decorating choices.

Taking a few steps back and making them unplayable monsters again would be good.

I don't want you as my DM, just saying.

I prefer something in the middle. Intelligent enough to plan tactics, but as viscous as a six foot baboon armed with an axe.

If you want your characters to think orcs are someone they can reason with and use in a plot make them the greenskin humanoids with a violent streak.

If you want your players to understand beyond a doubt that Orcs are bad news bears you make em 7 foot tall musclebound pigmen and you make damn well sure they're eating something with dreams and feelings the first time they meet them.

Who gives a fuck about Tolkien.

Orcs are also made by Orcus. Seems rather obvious.


>you'll never chill with a giant naked Cyclops girl, drink copious amounts of wine and talk about the nature of the universe like everyone does at the tail end of a party

I'm just happy to have more Roamin.

In my setting Orcs are basically every bad sterotype about Gypsies.

There are good stereotypes about Gypsies?

Now I kind of want to breed guard/attack pigs...

in my setting, they do. also orcs have sick mohawks made of bristle and hang humans from trees.

orgy going on, some fa/tg/uys at the table rolling dice.

The orcs very own missing link

That has got to be the most bumpin' party in the goddamn multiverse.

I love it when fantasy has this kind of whimsical vibe, blurring the line between simple fiction and absurdity.