Build of an adventurer

do you put much thought into the physical description of your character to match the games mechanics of what they should physical be able to do?

or do you make an appearance and ignore what the physical attribute score says they should look like?

Other urls found in this thread: are c sections bad


I tend to stick to having it sort of match what stats there are- But, physical appearance is pretty easily summarized with a one or two word phrase, so it's not that big of a deal anyway.

My Goliath is tatted up in holy symbols and passages of the Giant Pantheon. He's got 18 strength at the moment, plus being a fucking Goliath means he's already ripped.

In terms of other features, not much. Grey skin and grey eyes.

Not a terrible lot of thought going into it, but what is will tend to have body type and stats matching on the whole.

what is adventure racing?
Also trampoline best girl

Adventure racing (also called expedition racing) is typically a multi-disciplinary team sport involving navigation over an unmarked wilderness course with races extending anywhere from two hours up to two weeks in length.
tl;dr extreme bike relay

addendum no female is lithe as Rhythmic Gymnastics and thus she's the best

>All of these women in peak physical condition
>Not a single one of them is hot

Hey man, the gymnists all look fucking excellent.

Hot women go into modelling and make bank.

most sportsmen aren't exactly ruggedly handsome either

>Would fuck
Rythmic Gymnasitcs RACHEEEEL
Trampoline dwarf waifu
>Would reluctantly fuck
Rythmic Gymnastics ruskie
Distance Running MuscleJew
>Wouldn't touch with a 10 foot stick
Anything else, SPECIALLY that crack whore from Distance Running or the gorilla from Shot Put

When will they learn?

I want Kathy Collins to ignore my safeword

they just aren't photogenic or in make up.

80% of being a model is being photogenic. Translating a 3d human into a 2d image needs a certain look. Lots of people look better in photos than in real life, and vice versa.

Not too far from dick sucking height.
Evolution has done well. God loves us.

whats wrong with figure skating or asian gymnastics?

Fuck what the scores say. There's some influence when I think of stuff, but for me, appearance is more in the stuff that sets them apart. Big muscular dudes, or hell, even ladies are a dime a dozen. I talk more about the scar running down his arm, the limp from a broken leg that didn't heal properly, the sweet tattoos-stuff that sets 'em apart.

well, one form has him as a 2 1/2 foot long snake with a tri-shaped mouth, razor sharp fins and a crown that flares out from behind his head

the other form is whatever host he decides to hijack for the next few hundred or so years

Even less hips than the rest.

>muh goa'uld

once again, how is that a bad thing?

That's just like, your opinion, man.

A lot of them are hot to me.

>how are no hips a bad thing
I'm not going to waste time explaining it to you, but the tl;dr is, it's natural to like wider hips than the fucking waist.
If you don't then you are a kiddie fiddler or a weirdo.

I always play big bara-tier older women anyway, so I just go with physical classes every time.

don't listen to memelords like , small hips are bad because if you want to have children, broader hips are better. small hips have a risk of babby not fitting through, which means a C-section, something both tedious and not pretty at all.

I count at least 11 that are easily bangable in there. None of them are supermodels, but something like a third or a quarter of them are in the 6 to 8 range, and only a few are fuck ugly.

>he doesn't want Price-Smith and Nathan to bang him senseless

A plebe will remain a plebe, I guess.

A C-section is a routine medical procedure. Some women choose it because it's less tedious and painful than giving birth normally.

Stop trying to convince yourself that your personal preferences are "right."

That's what it says in the article I fucking linked among other reasons you dipshit.

>but you called him weirdo !
If you don't like wider hips you're a weirdo because somehow you go against natural instincts of most human males.

>it's natural to like wider hips than the fucking waist
yeah, but you're going on about it like a partialism
"oh, that girl has a nice face, chest, legs, and stomach, but her hips. i need her hips to be wider than her waste or i won't bang her"

by that standard a guy with wide hips is d2f

>A C-section is a routine medical procedure.
and it isn't exactly desirable in place of a pair of good birthing hips

him gay

>convince yourselves
Ah yes, nature has a "my opinion" bias.
Face it dummie, the majority of men take waist-to-hip ratio in account when defining what beauty is.

Like symmetry is also a factor:
You can like girls with one eye on their forehead and one on their cheek, but you're a fucking weirdo.

If it's a world of magic where people are capable of impossible physical feats then I don't think an attribute score necessarily has any bearing on what they look like. After all it's magic.

Otherwise yes.

It's a composition you fucking dumbass.
Of course I care if the girl has a good face, but I''ll also care that she doesn't have the physique of an overgrown ten year old boy, which is to say fucking flat sides.

>b-but you're saying only wide hips matter
No I am saying they are an important factor.
Like the girl not looking like she got punched repeatedly by Mike Tyson.

There are more potential complications with a c-section and women who have had a c-section before are more likely to have complications during child birth.

So as far as health goes it's safer to have a good birthing body especially if they intend to have multiple pregnancies. It's not a big difference but it is a difference.

All of this is personal aesthetic preference though. There may be functional analogs to the preference but it's still an aesthetic preference.

>No I am saying they are an important factor.
and i'm saying they're a consideration on par with elbow and knee shape
beauty is pretty much viewed head to toe
that means hips are near the bottom
you keep saying if a girl doesn't have hips she's a prepubescent boy
what about face? what about chest? what about rear? they look pretty different between the sexes once the teens are reached

hell, if hips really mattered, Cara D would never have been a super model

>golf is a real sport

That's one ripped biker btw.

>if hips really mattered blah
>what about face! what about random other things that have no bearing on the fact hips are an important attraction factor!
>it's on par with elbow or knee! look how fucking delusional I am!
Are you really retarded or just pretending?
Flattie get out.

"adventure racing" is a bit more than just cycling, from a quick googling

that body type is not really a surprise

I'm usually pretty specific about these things, but then again I'm unnaturally specific about things generally.

I had our GM-4-Life get fairly annoyed when I fucked up an entire quest line because I actually carry a touchstone to check for fake coinage.

>What the fuck is a touchstone?
>It's a stone you use to check metals.
>Why would you want to check metals?
>To ensure that they're what people say they are.
>Why the fuck do you have one on you?
>I always have a touchstone in my inventory if I can.
>But fucking why?
>Because I like to be financially secure in my transactions, adventuring is a risk heavy industry!

These women would look 100 times better if it weren't for the black background coupled with black sportswear.

It makes their body shapes look really odd, which is weird, because that's probably the opposite of what the photographer wanted.

>A C-section is a routine medical procedure.
Yeah, and it shouldn't be. The AMA is terrified right now about how high the C-sec rate is in America. Pretty much a whole generation is fucked, and determined to pass it on to their children.

>It peaked in 2009 at 32.9% and had dropped slightly, to 32.2%, in 2014. So, about one mother in three now gives birth by cesarean section the nations most common operating room procedure.

hahaha, we're breeding ourselves into bulldogs
ow, i just made myself sad

You're gonna die out in the next great catastrophe. I laugh at you, American pig.

Africa is the only winner?

at least we're not South America

I'm not American, I'm just in the know about world affairs.

>6th from the right
>"female" bodies

pic related, I suppose

I imagine the rates are so low in Africa because most people wouldn't even have access to it if they needed it

Envy was a boy... unless that's the joke

>Tara HOTt vs. Cheryl Hamplanet.


huh? Why are C sections bad?

I, on the other hand, would love to ignore her safe word.

They're not bad, per se, but they are a serious medical intervention with short- and long-term consequences for the mother. The problem is, some people are getting them like haircuts, hospitals are pushing them because it's an easy, scheduled procedure that makes them money, and for a long time most people didn't know what we do now. are c sections bad

A Google search covers a lot of ground for this kind of question. Get a C-section to save your life, or your baby's; don't approach it like it's just you're choosing whether to wax or pluck.

>7th from the right

In the old series, yes.
In Brotherhood, he was effectively genderless.

You are talking about a weightlifter.
First of all they are not bodybuilders. They need strong core muscles so they don't break in half, i.e. hurt their back. So they don't look like the popular image of the triangle shape that bodybuilders have to begin with and to add to that, that depending on bodytype and metabolism your body handles energy differently. And Bodybuilders and Weightlifters need to eat loads of stuff to keep their muscle mass. Bodybuilders tend to be pretty anal about what they eat though, because they want to cut bodyfat.
So if you pair a certain type of metabolism with careless eating...

Doesn't mean she's not strong or fit though.

>Doesn't mean she's not strong or fit though.
Doesn't mean she's not strong, or fit for her event. It does mean that she's not generally fit, however.

to add further power lifters usually have lots of bulk to them
they're not running anywhere
they don't a body shape for that
they just stand in one place and lift
their form follows that function
then there is different "weight" classes as well
the lower end tend to be qts

Yeah the thing about these competitions is they have weigh classes like other sports too. So sometimes an athlete might want to compete in a different weight class and change their diet.

Fit was admittedly a poor choice of words. She probably wouldn't outrun a runner, but she can do what she trained for.

She's really unattractive. Also, that elbow/knee comparison is the second most retarded thing I've read this week.

C-sections are a shitty choice nobody should be forced into. Women who outright choose a C-section have no idea what they're getting themselves into.

To be fair, a lot of C-sections get performed because hospitals will induce labor if you get to 2-3 weeks past due date, which DRASTICALLY spikes the chances of needing a C-section.

powerlifting vs olympic weightlifting

what would be her STR score?

>a lot of C-sections get performed because hospitals will induce labor if you get to 2-3 weeks past due date
well is that the hospitals fault or not? reasoning has to be along the lines of "lets have nature take its course... well, this is taking too long so lets induce" in which case the child might be too grown for a natural birth? either people are having fucked up kids or hospitals are fucking them up or maybe it's always been jacked up and records are just now showing it

Prove I'm wrong

Generally I try to make my characters match their physical descriptions. For instance...

My Wood Elf character has a fair bit of muscle tone to account for her above average Str/Con, but is pretty slim and not very busty on account of her even higher Dex (which my friend once referred to as "aerodynamic elf design"). Being a Wood Elf, she's also got coppery skin and green markings on her cheeks.

/tv/ is a big guy

4 u

Porn really needs to hire more athletes.

>"oh, that girl has a nice face, chest, legs, and stomach, but her hips. i need her hips to be wider than her waste or i won't bang her"
Except most of those aren't true for the aforementioned women.
>She has no breasts, an ugly face, is a midget, and has no hips, but at least she has legs.

Build I find is conveyed easily. Big and tall, big and wide, muscular and powerful, short and lithe, etc. Its how you work that with other things that kind of makes a look your own.

I have a tendency to not play short people though which I realized lately is weird and made a short, jacked like a human tank primary meleeist in a game I joined.

I want to fuck Cathy Sassin.

>being a breeder
Small hips are glorious and pregnancy ruins a woman's body.

Technological apotheosis or extinction!

Unless you're a woman, this idea is stupid.

Just spread you seed and drop it for a new model a year or so down the line.




yeah, but chances are that newer model is going to have some test miles already and who knows if hasn't switched to MCV mode and squirted out a few additional units
that's why we need to removed the burden of pregnancy from females
to help keep them pristine

>tfw 15 of the 28 women are taller than me

Switch /pol/ and /tv/. Unless that's the joke.

Mate, that doesn't mean they're hot. Men will bang just about anything.

I had 10 and a tie myself

For what it's worth, I'm also tied with two of them.

I find more then half rather attractive.
You just have shit tastes.

Beetle Adventure Racing is an Olympic sport?

7 and 1 tie


Was that game popular at all? Me and my brother played the ever-loving hell out of that game. We couldn't get enough.

Normally I'm playing a magic user of sorts, so I don't really think what their body would look like other then vaguely fit from long walks and bouts of running.
When I'm playing more physically able individuals, I do try and picture what they would look like based on their usual actions, gear, weapons and exercise.

This is purely a thought exercise and giving volume to my characters fluff and appearance though, unrelated to any hard rules.

As a nurse who has worked OB/GYN for a few years, C-Sections are absolutely preferable. You can ask any obstetrician or gynecologist worth a damn, they want more women to have C-Sections. People aren't really aware how much blood there is and how much literal shit gets into open tears in natural births, they're terrible and I'd never suggest one for medical reasons. I always tell expectant mothers to look into C-Sections and see if they aren't more appealing to them than vaginal births and largely the only reason they can ever come up with to deny it is they're afraid of surgery/have some complex about "being a real woman who births their babies naturally", and I've seen some of those women die in the process.

Do you think that a regular regimen of fisting prior to pregnancy would help?

It's no one's fault, some pregnancies just last longer than they should, like some last shorter. Medically induced pregnancy after 2 or 3 weeks is more for the infant's health than anything as after a certain point the child begins to digest naturally and will start shitting in the womb, which can cause sepsis or even be inhaled by the baby and suffocate them.

With the tearing? I guess maybe, but tears are still likely and so is shitting on literally everything. But this isn't a serious question so I'm not going to put too much thought into the reply.

You try and outlift a fucking sumo wrestler.

both have fat athletes.

She just lifted about one hundred pounds.

Try 175 approximate.
Do try to remember the rest of the world uses Metric.

A physical attribute score leaves a lot of room though.

Your ranger is more likely to have the unaesthetic, wiry build that's more reminiscent of a stray dog than the toned, trained physique of a fighter.

Even if you stick hard to physical scores you still have quite a few options to explore.

>child begins to digest naturally and will start shitting in the womb
not even born and already in a world of shit

You're a nurse, you have worked FOR an OB/GYN for a few years. Actual OB/GYN here, you're a part of the problem, if you're not just lying.

Pretty much any person, even an ignorant one, will be able to figure out the reality of C-sections with an internet connection as long as they have an open mind that works even a little.

Your post is so full of horse shit it has me shaking in rage. C-sections are an essential tool in women's heal care, but your views, and your appeal to authority as a shitty nurse, are ignorance given shape and form.

Men become more desirable after marriage and children. Women do not.

Find a younger cutie and let the betas pick over your remains.


Alright buckaroo, you found me out I'm totally wrong and lying for some reason. C-Sections are a dangerous scam that don't have lower mortality and postpartum complication rates than natural births, Mr. Big Doctor Man. Here's your (You) now get back to /b/.

more of a sport than trampoline?