Is there a Veeky Forums related cosplay you could pull off as you are now?
Is there a Veeky Forums related cosplay you could pull off as you are now?
autistic neckbeard
how is Skull Girls Veeky Forums related besides magical realm?
I went as Geppetto from Shadowrun Storytime for Halloween one time, that's about it.
Here's a good one for op.
What stunning force of will! This man must have stuffed himself and torn out hairs for MONTHS to achieve this effect! Beautiful!
Cosplaying as cards, for one. I've seen several Dark Magician Girls that were wonderful. It's hard to put a finger on what Veeky Forums is as a single image, but it mostly becomes pic related.
My wardrobe is literally old man Henderson's all I need is shorter hair.
filthy, unshaven peasant.
Veeky Forums related? Not really, unless we count a generic adventurer (which is probably cheating).
Delta Green Agent.
My natural state is close to Cassidy from Preacher, so I guess I could pull off a gangrel pretty well.
Bretonnian peasant
I dunno how Veeky Forums-related this is, but I've got a few "post-apocalyptic innawoods" outfits that are both functional and can serve as cosplay.
You'd be surprised how using a cracked bike helmet, a homemade tire armor, worn-down clothes and a metallic baseball bat suddenly makes you the new hot thing at the con.
I do get funny looks from the cops, though.
Hell, I've even got to use some of them for their intended purpose.
Streetlevel shadowrunner
How did you do the armor?
The SCA near me recommends old juice barrels for armor.
Cut up some tires, made a sorta-scale armor out of it, used rivets to put it together and fix it.
I don't have a photo of it on-hand right now, but it's pretty heavy.
Wizards's apprentice
Putrid Blightking
I could probably pass off as a modern wizard most days, but not today.
Mr. Bones.
Rattle rattle.
>medium length dark hair
>thin / athletic-ish
>butt looks good in tight clothes
>daddy issues
Not Veeky Forums related but I could pull off a nightwing impression.
>pic unrelated
Do you drive a white sedan and wear unlabeled "regular guy" clothes? Do you wear Oakleys, Raybans or aviators?
holy shitty buddy looks just like walter
>Grab mosin nagant
>Grab camo
>Grab helmet
>Grab belt
>Grab aquilla
>Smear dirt on face
>Praise the Emperor
>pants: not listed
this pleases slaanesh
You could just cosplay one of your characters. Bonus points if your whole group does it.
Veeky Forums related, none that I can think of.
If it weren't for a single (different) detail each time, i could possibly pull off Marcus from Borderlands(but glasses), Herr Major from Hellsing(too tall), etc.
Could probably pull off any of the Marauders from BL2, but that feels like a cop-out.
I've been told I do a fair impression of him too... but I'm a bit too shy of helicopter accidents to commit to the role.
Generic Guardsman would be easy to pull off.
Chaos Cultist of Slaanesh
Shadowrunner, I'll grab some small tusks
Pretty much any halfling character
As in, the character from Death Note. Any average non-obese man can pull L, it's like the easymode of cosplay. Also, almost haven't slept in 3 days, so i won't even need to fake the bags under my eyes. The best part is it's Veeky Forums related because keikaku.
I look like a literal sack of shit so I could probably pull off Nahiri
What's that gif from? Looks interesting.
Probably moomin
Spawn of Nurgle. I wouldn't even have to do anything!
>I've seen several Dark Magician Girls that were wonderful
It's high on the list of "Things the world needs more of."
I guess I could cosplay a Sload
Nurgle should work, if I clean myself up.
Mortarion, go to bed
I'm a pharmacist, so i ought to be right for Alchemist if i wear my stained as fuck university labcoat, some earmuffs and some bandages over my hands while carrying some roundbottom flasks full of water and food dye
I'm young, slightly above average height, and have a reasonably toned build. I could probably pull off a Guardsman outfit really well.
I'm not military though, so I don't have that distinctive posture soldiers always have.
>I'm not military though, so I don't have that distinctive posture soldiers always have.
Neither do Guardsmen by and large.
I could pull off a pretty decent Liliana Vess, would need a beta orbiter to be my Jace to complete the look
Could do a commissar or a Tanith Ghost.
I would just need period footwear, I could easily pull off an english longbowman, except I'm 6'4" and my longbow is only 80 pound draw....not 140.
>could pull off a pretty decent Liliana Vess
>on Veeky Forums
I doubt it.
With my body type I could pull off an Elf or a Dwarf pretty easily.
Ah, Florida Man in his majestic glory.
Esh-Esh could.
Makeup is magical
>or dwarf
The fuck? How does that work?
Homeless beggar wearing nothing but his undergarments.
I can even be severely depressed for the role.
I could pull off a decent anime samurai because I'm half asian.
Just about anyone can pull of some sort of generic warrior or wizard or rogue. All you need is the right clothing.
Tires, any sort of scrap metal - pop cans, license plates, signs if you can get one.
white shirt
cowboy boots
1911 optional
Don't tires have some really nasty wires in there?
Not super Veeky Forums but I think I could do a pretty sweet President Valentine. I'd need hair dye and the suit but I'm surprisingly similar in build and face.
A Techpriest
>Pale as the fucking moon
>Gaunt Face
>Have tons of early 90s computer crap
Just string it all together, throw it on a red robe, and grab a gas mask
I actually do wear aviators. But I either wear business casual or suit and ties for my job.
Lots of red body paint
Fair point. But to be honest, I'm not a big 40k fan so if I really wanted to play dress up as a space soldier I'd probably do one of those marines from Aliens.
These work too
Most definately Moomin
Gun toting redneck?, or mentally ill butcher. Your choice.
Oh when will I ever learn
>not cosplaying as gloom golem
Funhouse mirrors.
> Tfw just finished a year long FYP
you blu yourself
I could pull off a dwarf... if I wasn't 6'3".
I was thinking it could be like a gender flipped Mystique costume
>6'6" thick chick with a dick
I might be able to pull off an amazon or some kind of female orc.
>6'6" thick chick with a dick
Hold up. Are you serious right now?
That's my goal, minus the foot you have me you lucky bitch. How do you look?What do you do for lifts? How much do you lift?
Uh, I'm pale as fuck, brown hair past my shoulders, glasses, vaguely goth, but I'm the fat kind of thicc, I'm chubby with a little bit of muscle, not much though i plan on building up my leg and butt muscles.
I don't lift, I'm pretty happy with my body.
Physically? Generic adventurer of about any class. Scribe. Gideon. Felix, possibly, though I'd need a Gotrek for that.
Gear-wise I have nothing save some feders and wasters, a gambeson, a slew of fencing masks in various stages of frankensteining... and a Dominican frock. Monk it is.
Plague Marine fat but trying to get Veeky Forums
It's not that difficult
I'm sitting here in bike leathers with a tablet in front of me so I guess I could be a newbie Shadowrun Decker? I'm missing a dataport and stun gun though.
>chick with a dick
So, a guy
Wow, that's such a good burn dude. I've never heard that one before. Oh my god, you've shown me the light, I'm a man. Thank you kind user! Bless you!
Seriously dude who cares, i get that it's a fucking weird concept, and you're completely within your rights not to like it, but it's just so much easier for both of us if you hide my post, or ignore me.
Being a tranny sucks dude, any insult you could tell me i can guarantee I've heard before. And half of them came from inside my own head. I'd change if i could, but I'm stuck like this, just trying to make the best out of a bad situation.
Chill out, we're not judging you, but "chick with a dick" implies futa, which probably disappointed user. No need to get so mad over a person on the Internet. Also, if you react like this to standard confusion, this may not be the place for you considering the standard conduct.
No, cosplay takes much work and is gay as fuck.
>who cares
And yet you had to post about it, didn't you, you whore? The "there are no girls on the internet" rule applies to you as well. Yes, it's a rule, and its purpose is to keep attention whores and white knights the fuck away. In your case it's likely more relevant to keep /pol/ice away, but fuck the reason and shut up about it anyway.
Sorta: chick with a dick leads to imagine a girl with an attached dick (how or if it's possible I don't know), not a guy with boobs.
It's misleading.
>he isn't gay
I bet you also suck dicks, faggot
>don't talk to me or my sons ever again
I think you're giving him too much credit, i could be wrong but it seemed like he was placing bait. I'm not mad, though by denying it I'm suggesting i am mad. I have a bad habit of trying to rationalise with shitposters. The first part of my post was pretty salty, but after that i was trying to ask for a break. It's tiring to get called a man, it's not something I can really explain to you. It's like being blamed for something i didn't do and can't control, but being unable to defend myself.
I know that labelling myself as trans invites people to respond with insults and things like that. I didn't mean to shit up the thread, i just ignored my better judgment and chose to vent a little bit.
In any case, this is a waste of energy for all of us, I'm done, i fucked up, I'm sorry for briefly derailing the thread.
It's all good, as long as you don't keep doing it.
Post feet, if they're cute I'll be your Jace
>Yes, it's a rule, and its purpose is to keep attention whores and white knights the fuck away.
Then why is it only used by misogynistic retards and /b/, which is pretty much just misogynistic retards anyway?