Requesting sultry bards, in the meantime I will dump fencers/take requests
Character Art Thread: the Next One
Well, reposting my request from the previous thread:
I find myself in desperate need of portraits of people who are just... done. You know what I mean. Eye bags, dead eyes, and general state of having let themselves go a bit (or a lot).
I have this, but I don't know if I have much else.
Requesting your best Space Western pics.
Someone called for weapons of light
Shit, I was seconds from posting this.
I like this pic
for non-fetish reasons shockingly enough
Requesting cool masks
Is that even a sword?
It's like a combat toothpick
goblinvomit a best
personal favourite of mine
I need pictures.
Pictures of ratmen.
Preferably of the slightly less savage appearance. I mean rough is fine, but Skaven is going a bit too far usually.
Why does this Rat look like he 'bout to start making a living selling bullets in the post-apocalyptic Moscow Metro?
I need pictures of knights riding dragons.
Or knights beside dragons.
Or knights fighting alongside dragons.
I have none of those things
Here, have a woman riding a plane.
A rat is do what he needs to to get by.
I get it tovarisch
I like this pic a bundle
I'm not sure how to feel about what that picture implies.
I like how the Dragon wants to enter a magical realm and the guy ain't havin any of that shit
This man is carrying six swords and a giant novelty comb
Requesting characters, male or female, with light grey/silver hair. Say, valyrian or something.
Closest thing I got
Closest thing I have.
Saving these.
Requesting non-sexualized Kobolds.
Anyone got a clue as to what Vecna looked like as a mortal and a picture that would go well as him?
Ideally I'd like something like a decently handsome, blond haired fantasy necromancer type guy (both to make his transition to undeath more shocking, and to point out how he has rather nice hair as a skellington). What would make it perfect is any kind of mage who has a crown remotely like this, or just plain particular attention on his eye color -- I've seen all sorts of takes on what the Eye of Vecna looks like, so all I really need is just a mage with very noticeable eyes, honestly.
I'm on the hunt for a very specific picture. Its a profile shot woman in bronze/gold colored armor. Woman has either red or brown hair. You don't see the full body, just the head and I think shoulder area. Fingers crossed that one of you has what I'm looking for.
I'll post some stuff I got in the meantime.
What am I looking at here?
Anyone got any Elves that look like they could be moms.
The only reason I'm waiting in this thread is solely because someone might post something for this user.
Silver hair is my weakness.
That's a fucking nerf pistol right there, yep that it is. ANYONE ELSE SEE THAT? I wanted to use that art but now I can't.
Requesting high-tech fantasy characters
magic and machinery, any kind so long as they're together
I think it looks like a mix between a revolver and a luger.
Looks like a nerf gun to me