Stat me, Veeky Forums

Stat me, Veeky Forums.

Preferably in D&D 5e.

Other urls found in this thread:

Doesn't matter. Just use DM fiat.

>inb4 owlbear


I like 5e but it's not the best for making existing character ill rather so it in GURPS or pathfinder if needs to be dnd related way more option

Rogue Assassin level 3+

Is Big Boss a lost Primarch? It'd explain why he's never found.

MSF & Diamond Dogs steal shit like the Blood Ravens anyway.

Probably a level whatever rogue assassin or ranger hunter

Mercenary background

>Preferably in D&D 5e.

Thank you. Most people don't bother to specify a system. It's kind of important.

Thank you for doing so.

I want to say either a Rogue Assassin or a Fighter Battle Master...

whats the point of statting anyone is 5e? Pick an archetype, roll stats, your done!

>Big Boss
So do you mean Naked Snake or Venom Snake?

Fuck DnD. What's the best system for a Metal Gear game? Going sneeki breeki, batshit insane "science", gun porn, porn porn (cf. Quiet and the B&B Corps), pseudo-intellectual political wankery, that kind of thing?

>he thinks Stat me threads are actually about statting the pic related

Large Magical Boss.

Given the pic has both hands, Naked.


Well actually, yeah he did but he was wrong for the right reasons, at least.

Or was he right for the wrong reasons? Shit, I can't tell.

There is this Pathfinder Archetype, the one that doesnt use spells but "tricks" instead. Some of them are really good. I thought about using this one to make Big Boss. Two weapon fighting style with a pistol crossbow and a shortsword or something like that.

Apocalypse World.

Probably Fate

Fate, GURPS, or EABA V2.

Veeky Forums made a half-assed attempt at an MGS game, I think it's on 1d4chan.


Tried to make him in 3.5
Rouge4/fighter2/dread commando3 is as high as I got before the game dissolved. Improved grapple, hand crossbow user. He was pretty damn fun to play.

1) As GM, how would you adjust the plot of a MGS game to make it into a campaign?
2) What would need to be different to adjust the games to center on a party instead of just Big Boss?

Nuclear +10

[5e] I used this as an NPC, but it works as a build:

variant human; spell-less hunter ranger 5
STR 12, DEX 16, CON 14
INT 8, WIS 14, CHA 10
44 HP
AC 16 (breastplate)

racial feat: Crossbow Expert
level 4 feat: Magic Initiate (Sorcerer)
message (codec), minor illusion (cardboard box), fog cloud (smoke grenade)

skills: Athletics +4, Acrobatics +6, Intimidation +3, Perception +5, Stealth +6, Survival +5

Archery Fighting Style

Favored Enemy: constructs
Favored Terrain: arctic

Maneuvers: DC 14; 4× d8 per short rest
- Precision Attack
- Trip Attack
- Distracting Strike

Poultices: 2× 3d6

Colossus Slayer: +1d8 on injured target once per turn

Hand Crossbow: +8 to hit, 1d6+3 piercing, range 30/80
Dagger: +6 to hit, 1d4+3 piercing, range 20/60
Heavy Crossbow: +8 to hit, 1d10+3 piercing, range 100/400
I also gave him some drow poison for sedative bolts.

Multiattack: (two heavy crossbow) or (two hand crossbow and one dagger) or (two dagger and one hand crossbow)

If you don't allow wielding a hand crossbow and a one-handed melee weapon because ammunition/loading bullshit, you're a bad DM.

If any of my players can successfully load a crossbow one-handed while I pelt them with baseballs I'll be glad to allow their character to wield a melee weapon and a hand crossbow at the same time.

Medium Strength
Medium Constitution
Medium Intelligence
High Dexterity
High Charisma
High Wisdom

first off that's extremely easy, if we're talking about a hand crossbow

second off what exactly are the baseballs meant to represent? is every character in your setting constantly being hit by baseballs

third we're presumably playing in a world where men can conjure fireballs from their fingertips, creatures have grown to sizes that are anatomically unfeasible, and people can shrug off getting stabbed through the chest by chugging a potion

but I can't reload my tiny hand crossbow because muh realism

you're a shit GM

Doesn't have the horn either.


You can wield the drive train to a pickup truck in each hand if your shitty GM allows it. Not at my table.

Well, in that case, why don't you carry a crossbow in each hand and dual-wield daggers with your feet while you shoot lasers out of your ass. After all, it is a fantasy setting. ANYTHING GOES!

You're a whiny, entitled, power-gaming munchkin. Go back to your Pathfinder group and argue about optimal character builds, you creep.

You know, I bet I can make a sorceror multiclass that can do this.

Magically reload the crossbow with the reloading hands spell.

I mean, I don't know why you aren't just using a two handed weapon and attacking at ranged with maximized lesser orbs, but-

No, user, YOU are the shitty GM.


Whatever it was, it was bad. He tried to essentially robotize and control the entire military-industrial complex, just so he could follow The Boss's dream, despite her wanting the exact opposite of both his and BB's attempts at creating it.

Ranger 19 / Monk 1. Cause, you know, the basics of CQC.

1) I feel like you couldn't take MGS 1 and 2 and make them an entire campaign. Since they take place in one location then they could work like on massive dungeon crawl. Peace walker, snake eater, guns of the Patriots, or the phantom pain could possibly make a campaign because they're more episodic with varying locations (snake eater is a stretch but it's more open than MGS1). To make a campaign I'd have an overarching goal or BBEG opposing them but have them travel around for different "missions" with different goals-some stealth, some combat, defending a location, or something else.

2) That's a little tougher. You'd probably have to rule that all of the PCs knew each other before the game began and were working together to either stop some BBEG who threatens them or have them hired by someone else to fight for them (peace walker).

I think that kind of campaign could be fun with proper planning

strength 8
constitution 7
dexterity 4
charisma 5
sanity 8
intelligence 8
wisdom 7

ST 7, PE 8, EN 7, CH 6, IN 6, AG 6, LK 7
Traits: Gifted, Fast Metabolism
Tag Skills: Unarmed, Small Arms, Stealth

You know how every game has some elite special forces squad full of skilled and quirky individuals that you have to fight throughout the game? Those are your PCs. As for the plot you'll have to change the focus of the game and probably widen the scale, instead of having the plot take place over the course of a single mission make a game about FOXHOUND tooling around in Afghanistan or pursuing some international arms dealer.

20th level thief rogue.

That actually sounds kinda easy.

Continuing from this, I don't know why that'd be a big deal. When you're in melee range, I doubt you'd need to actually load a crossbow, instead of using the melee weapon, and when loading it, I doubt you'd need to use only one hand. Feels kinda silly

I found the shit GM guys. We can leave the thread now.