RIFTS Savage Worlds

Anyone else in on the kickstarter?

fukken saved, mate.

you had me at Prosek

Glad i could help

Not that interested in the Tomorrow Legion thing.

It's a bit twee - the Coalition are *slightly* more nuanced than just Designated Bad Guys, so adding Designated Good Guys isn't needed. Plus there's already Lazlo (which hasn't been detailed officially, despite being incredibly super plus important and Designated Good Nation).

But perhaps they needed it to help take control and make it their own thing.

>Plus there's already Lazlo (which hasn't been detailed officially, despite being incredibly super plus important and Designated Good Nation).

There's also the Cyber-Knights as well.

900 dollars to all rewards, so close and a damn good job. You suckers will have funded a massive book that I get cheap.

See you next kickstarter, cucks.

I guess this is a good enough place to ask.
I just bought the books RIFTS Ultimate Edition and Game Master Guide from a used book store for dirt cheap (someone highlighted the hell out of the books), and I was just wondering what Veeky Forums in general thinks of Rifts or has some advice for running the game.

This. I'll buy it when it comes out in stores...probably before the kicksucks get it.

Savage worlds is shit, Rifts is cool but system sucks, will shamelessly rip details for my own game. Good luck fags

Veeky Forums thinks the Rifts campaign setting is awesome cool but rules are terrible. That summarizes about every single Rifts thread we've had.

Just dropped about 30 bucks on this Kickstarter for the expanded hardcover Player's Guide. Will definitely get the other two books when they go out on retail. I've been pretty hyped since they announced this last year. Savage Worlds is a fun system and Rifts is a fun setting.

They could not possibly have chosen a worse system to reboot Rifts than Savage Worlds. I mean, it's hard to pick a system worse than Savage Worlds in the first place. In terms of generic systems there are FAR better options: GURPS, Cortex, and FATE, to name a few.

Savage Worlds takes a decent core mechanic and lumps on a shitty wild die that is arbitrarily assigned because "muh plot" and fills the character with bennies that require the player to know all of their uses to use effectively. Not to mention, Benny effectiveness is heavily dependent on session length, so if you don't play the recommended 4 to 6 hours the game becomes wildly unbalanced.

The game is full of garbage trap options like in 3.5, the chargen is basically minmaxing Flaws like in GURPS except worse, shotguns are brokenly powerful giving a flat +2 to hit which in this system is basically only missing on a 1. They also do broken-ass damage because of exploding dice. The exploding dice also turn combat into a slogfest occasionally punctuated by someone actually dying; usually from a fucking ridiculous amount of damage.

I played Savage Worlds for a good three years now. Never will play it again, it is an arsed system that is half narrative bullshit, half autistic wargame, and entirely terrible.

>In terms of generic systems there are FAR better options: GURPS

Stopped reading.

Stopped reading your response at >

Couldn't disagree more with this post. Had an absolute blast playing a Fallout game last year with the GM using a fan made pdf and Deadlands Hell on Earth book for SW. And a Ghost in the Shell game using Interface Zero. Combat is fast and exciting, creating characters is also a breeze.

> I had fun with a game
> therefore it is a good game

Well since that's the level of intellect Savage Wolrds players operate at, I guess there's no point in arguing with them. Have fun with your broken system with retarded probability.

Okay. Then you cannot answer my argument and therefore automatically lose the argument. You literally just admitted defeat.

Would some of your problems be addressed by removing the wild die?

There's no use in me wasting my time getting into a debate with someone who has his mind so clearly made up. This isn't some contest. You take Veeky Forums way too seriously, friend. I hope you lose your virginity soon.

>removing the wild die

Rolls would be too swingy.

>Had an absolute blast playing a game

Someone probably had "fun" playing FATAL one time. That doesn't mean FATAL is a good system.

And it doesn't make any other system a bad system either. Your analogies are incredibly poor.

I'm the post you're replying to. Why the hostility? I don't immaturely insult the intelligence of people who play systems I don't really care for, like some bitter neckbeard from /v/. Savage Worlds isn't your thing, thats cool. There's no system for absolutely everybody. Why does it bother you so much I enjoyed it? Chill man.

Are RIFTS books still in print? Are the ones sold from Palladium's website new physical books or pdfs?

Yes. New.

On an unrelated note, I predict a 25% chance that at least $10,000 of the kickstarter's money will get stolen by somebody.

Get in here guys, the writers of Savage Rifts are going to be doing a livestream on twitch which will contain an actual play as the Kickstarter comes to a close tonight. Stream is starting now.

Twitch handle: stoneforgestudio



Basically, use a different system - such as SW (though I'd personally go with GURPS) - though the books are still neat to read.

Sometimes aggravating, but the Coalition are pretty fun to hate. Especially when some of the writers can't stop playing their fascist banjos.

...Castle Refuge looks incredibly dumb.

Fairy-tale design, hidden in a valley, with naval turrets that can't possibly be used effectively, and too small to ever matter unless every person inside is secretly an ancient dragon.

It's completely and utterly screwed in any real siege by Coalition forces.

Now, it probably does have plotmagic defences, or a permanent Metropolis, or is in some kind of pocket realm - whether by a spatial mage or astral lord or just 'unique rift effect'. But if they were going to do that, why not just have it be Dweomer? The more martial version of Lazlo with fairy-tale aesthetics, who are protected by a massive illusion spell and Metropolis?

>Recognize copypasta from previous thread.
Here's your (you)

The design work is already finished and the Kickstarter was just to fund publishing. Backers will get PDFs for all the books by the end of June.

I wish they'd just detail Lazlo for once goddamnit.

One of the only unequivocal "good guy" places in the setting and it hasn't had a single supplement in 27 years.

>> I had fun with a game
>> therefore it is a good game

um... yes? Having fun with a game is the sole purpose of a game, therefore if you have fun with it, it was, by definition, a good game.

>I hope you lose your virginity soon.

Holy shit the projection....

He wasn't trying to prove it was bad with that specific analogy, moron, he was trying to prove why YOUR assertion was wrong. YOUR assertion was based on a non-argument and he was showing why. You're making up intents to his argument that aren't there, but that makes sense because you aren't trying to have an argument, you are trying to shill RIFTS Savage Worlds because this is the fourth fucking thread for it this week.

>Having fun with a game is the sole purpose of a game

No, the purpose of a roleplaying game is to create a story to share with your friends. Which should be fun. However, the chain of effect is RPG ---> story and game ----> fun. If you cut out the middle, you are not playing an RPG, you are just enjoying yourself in some formless way.

e.g. if you show up to an RPG night and it turns into a fucking orgy, yeah most people might be having fun but they were dickheads because the expectation is to play a fucking RPG.

The analogy can be extended to shitty RPGs because if you show up and have to deal with the retarded-ass rules of Savage Worlds, you're going to be a bit annoyed.

However, you having "fun" with Savage Worlds does not make it a good game. I can have fun with GURPS or D&D 3.5 and it doesn't make those systems good either.

I don't even think there's a whole lot of detailed information on Chi-Town proper (just the surrounding burbs) save from the few paragraphs from the core book, and California is pretty much void of any setting information other than "monsters and shit". Lot of blank canvas in the Rifts world, even in North America.

>Backers will get PDFs for all the books by the end of June.

So... why the fuck even bother? Who pays for PDFs anyway? I can just wait 2 more weeks and they'll be in the PDF threads. The hardcover I'd actually pay for but it's going to end up being 50 bucks.

>The hardcover I'd actually pay for but it's going to end up being 50 bucks.

At retail, probably. 30 bucks (plus shipping) for the hardcover through kickstarter. The player's guide was originally smaller, but one of the stretch goals was an expanded player's guide with all the unlocked goals added into the expanded print edition. Those who funded the kickstarter got the expanded print guide at no extra cost. It will be more expensive retail.