Do Catgirls deserve equality?
Do Catgirls deserve equality?
Do lewdposters deserve death?
Catboys are the ones who deserve equality with a catgirls.
>"I'm playing a catgirl!"
>"That sounds great! Tell me more~ :3"
>"I'm playing a catboy!"
>"Get out of my game."
Yes. Yes they do. Especially this Neko right here.
It's a case-by-case thing.
How exactly is this Veeky Forums-related?
Catgirls are fantasy. Fantasy is tg related.
That's bullshit and you know it. Whatever...
Not that particular one. Blake second worst girl.
She is a terrorist born and raised. But still a qt.
But I fantasize about smashing ur mum's pussy. Is that Veeky Forums-related?
You can do better than my mom user.
The one positive quality she has is that she isn't Yang.
You take that back you son of a whore!
Looks don't make up for a horribly grating personality.
You just can't handle strong women. (But yeah she is a hand full.)
A hand full of garbage.
What would the Emperor think?
The only thing I can really say in her defense is that the "fight" with Adam was incredibly lazy. "Let's show how badass this guy is by having him effortlessly take down the established 'tough' character!", seriously guys?
Also yes.
Probably yes.
I'd prefer to keep them on a short leash.
It's called the Worf effect and you see it in fucking everything.
With a ballgag.
Still goddamn lazy. Rooster Teeth has competent writers, so maybe they should put some of them on RWBY.
>I actually really like the idea of cat people for non-fetish reasons.
>Can't ever include them because of furry fucks
>TFW no lion bros in setting
Only if you play up how cats can't taste sweet things (among other things).
>Be catboi
>AraAra offers cake
>Taste cake
>Wtf is this bland shit
>Tableflip and pee on the couch
Equal only to the height of my pelvis.
She'd been shown as Strong but not really so much Capable. Wins some, loses some, mostly gets by on brawn, luck, and inverse-HP damage scaling. Nothing that really showed her as a challenge to half the rest of the cast.
You want BS wins, let's talk about bunnygirl equality.
>You want BS wins
If we want to talk about those all we need to do is mention Cinder.
"Worf effect" is when the "tough" character is beaten so often that fans stop thinking of them as "tough" and starts thinking of them as "the punching bag".
I kind of like it as a character development. Yang's problem is always rushing in fist-guns a'blazin without any thought to strategy or consequences, sort of the opposite of Blake. She's made it this far through a combination of physical strength and sheer dumb luck, but it was inevitable that she would meet someone stronger and not realize until it was too late.
Maybe next season will have Yang and Blake learning patience and confidence from each other, with a little yuri on top if we're lucky.
No, because then that would mean we have to pet humans equally or stop giving catgirls pets.
Neither is an optimal scenario.
>* by "it" I mean "this particular event", not the worf effect.
>You need to cut the blue wire to disarm the bomb. Be careful! Cutting the red wire will make it explode!
>all the wires look blue to you