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Would limiting detachments help this game? edition

I'm gonna keep spamming this until I get something I like.

Do your worst, fa/tg/uys

Do you make your own color scheme for Your Dudes, or just stick to pre-existing ones?


Posting in this thread on the off chance the buttrage will give the autist an anyuerism

Own color scheme for homebrewed stuff makes me feel more attached to them.

***Formation-Infernal Tetrad-
Daemon Prince (Khorne, Daemonic Flight, Armour of Scorn, 2x Greater Reward, 1x Lesser Reward)-280
Daemon Prince (Nurgle, Daemonic Flight, Impossible Robe, Level 3 Psyker 2x Greater Reward)-315
Daemon Prince (Slaanesh, Daemonic Flight, Soulstealer, Level 3 Psyker, Warp Forged Armour, 2x Greater Reward)-350
Daemon Prince (Tzeentch, Daemonic Flight, Impossible Robe, Level 3 Psyker, 2x Greater Reward, 1x Lesser Reward)-360
- Mek-15
- 10x Grots-35
- 10x Grots-35
Lord of War-
- Kustom Stompa (Krusha Ball, Mega-Klaw, Supercharger, 1x Grot Bomm Launcha)-460

All Daemon Princes are Azhag the Slaughterer (WHFB Orc Warboss riding on a Wyvern, who is a level 3 wizard) that have been modded and reposed (possibly changing the character mounted on top). The Kustom Stompa is an idol.

What do you think? This was really just my attempt to make a list with 5 models, but if it's viable, I'll do it. Would people be willing to accept me summoning 'daemons' that are just Orcs and Goblins, or would I have to not roll on Maleific?

I like to make my own color schemes. More fun that way.

I was told on Veeky Forums that nobody gave a shit about that kind of crap, so I ended up folding to BA as they have several 'in chapter' colour schemes (Gold for Command + Sanguniary Guard, Red for basic (plus codex markings like Yellow helmet for Assault Sergeants) and Black+Red for Death Company, with Blue for Librarians)

I want to make a renegade space marine chapter who have turned against the Imperium for their callousness towards the chapter. I was thinking about using the Chaos space marine codex and avoiding all the chaos bits since theses guys aren't supposed to have gone to chaos. I'd be using that codex to represent supply shortages.
How bad of an idea is that?

what do you think are fair pursuit and agility stats for a Hellblade.

looking too houserule my FW flyer into death from the skies until/if we get the FW errata.

does something like pursuit 3 agility 5 seem appropriate?

You forgot it, too.

my own scheme for my fleet

You are doing the exact opposite of what I've seen be recommended, which is telling CSM players to use C:SM.

It's your army, user. I wouldn't do it, but it's up to you.

And if they've not gone to Chaos, then you should just stick to the SM codex, honestly.

>I want to make a renegade space marine chapter who have turned against the Imperium for their callousness towards the chapter.

Sounds like a bunch of whiny pussies to me.

For newly renegade, or Chaos warbands that aren't highly corrupted by Chaos, the vanilla codex works best, and is also a stronger army. You can go your route though, it's much more devoted to Chaos. Just know that it will be doubly challenging, as CSM is already quite hard to make a good army out of without arbitrarily losing things like Chaos Spawn, Be'lakor, winged DPs, etc. It would represent the lack of gear well.

If they're based of of Bionicles then it's the best idea ever.

if you want a wallpaper general.

>>>/Trash/ if you want to do a solid for society.

The best way to represent a Renegade chapter that hasn't gone Chaos with supply shortages is to use the vanilla codex and avoid taking whatever they're supposed to be short on supply-wise.



Iron Hands that took it way too far? With Heretek auxiliaries?

Full wraithlords would have been a better idea for the toa though.

The I was autistically keeping up threads with OP images Best General and Best General2 to avoid all this shitposting.

Can space marines get out of their armor? Do they?

Whatever, I'll ask here then. So for my furioso, frag cannon + heavy flamer is best tier? What's a good structure for a Tacticool Squad? I want to make my army decent first and then later I'll get some spare squads to swap out.

Yes and Yes.

Kill yourself.

>C-c-c-cant have the general image be standardized
>g-g-g-gota be different

You shouldn't call someone out for putting their feet in the water when your 30 ft deeper on the Autism spectrum.

So, playing against a friend of mine who likes Chaos Space Marines soon. He's been trying to up his game with Renegades and Heretics, but it's still Chaos, y'know? I'm wondering what you all think of this, for 2000 points?

++ Imperial Fists 2000 ++

+ Sternhammer +

5 Assault Marines: 110
- Flamer
- Drop Pod

3 Grav Centurions: 500
- Land Raider Crusader

Chaplain: 110
- Digital Weapons
- Angel of Sacrifice (Crozius that lets him attack even if he's killed in overwatch/before his init)

10 Tactical Marines: 160
- Meltagun
- Combi-Melta
- Drop Pod

10 Tactical Marines: 160
- Meltagun
- Combi-Melta
- Drop Pod

10 Tactical Marines: 165
- Plasmagun
- Combi-Plasma
- Rhino

5 Devastators: 150
- 4 Lascannons

5 Devastators: 110
- 4 Heavy Bolters

5 Devastators: 130
- 4 Missile Launchers

+ Combined Arms Detachment +

Librarian: 90
- Bones of Os'Rak (+1 Warp Charge, can reroll psychic tests)
- ML2

5 Scouts: 70
- Sniper Rifles
- Camo Cloaks

5 Scouts: 70
- Sniper Rifles
- Camo Cloaks

Imperial Bunker: 115
- Ammo Store
- Ammunition Dump
- Void Shield

The idea is the Devs hang out on/in the bunker, while the drop podding marines create a line between him and it. If he can break the line, he can get the delicious candy inside into close combat.

I stole an existing color scheme from something else if that counts.

Looks functional. Might even be too much for a Chaos player (though Rapier lasers might hurt).

He hasn't been using rapiers, preferring blobs of infantry backed up by a Chaos Baneblade. Though, we play it so you can fire each weapon on a superheavy after finding out what the one prior did, so that's made it worth it.

Red Corsairs are a loose band of former Astral Claws and whoever they hire/ally with. They are not all chaos worshippers, but they did get backed into a corner by the Imperium and finally said 'fuck you'. This was long before they had anything to do with chaos.

Thats the autocannon one right? It should be a fighter, best pursuit value, average agility value.

I think that's a pretty fair estimate. It's got that weird teleporting thing going on, so full agility works well for it.

And while we're at it, what's a good Captain makeup? I'm thinkin Combi-Plasma and a Power Fist since I already have a Power Sword wielding Company Master from the Dark Vengeance kit

I use a flamer/heavy flamer squad, and a grav/multimelta/combi-grav squad. Both in drop pods.

>backed into a corner
>"Hey can we use some of our church money to spend on border patrol?"
>"No, give us your sperm."
>"But we could really use-"
>"Hand it over, Fappy."

They brought it upon themselves.

Revised Exorcists/GK list from yesterday.


White Scars Tactics

HQ - Librarian - 90
Mastery Level 2

TROOPS - Tactical Squad - 95
DT: Rhino - 35

TROOPS - Tactical Squad - 95
DT: Rhino - 35

TROOPS - Scout Squad - 74
Camo Cloaks
4x Sniper Rifles
1x Missile Launcher
DT: Land Speeder Storm - 40

TROOPS - Scout Squad - 74
Camo Cloaks
4x Sniper Rifles
1x Missile Launcher
DT: Land Speeder Storm - 40

FAST ATTACK - Bike Squad - 93
2x Gravgun

HEAVY SUPPORT - Devastators - 280
4x Grav Cannons
+5 Marines
DT: Rhino - 35

HQ - Librarian - 110

TROOPS - Terminators - 195
2x NDH

HEAVY SUPPORT - Nemesis Dreadknight - 205
Heavy Psycannon
Nemesis Greatsword
Personal Teleporter


I might drop the scouts + speeders for deepstriking melta Scion Command squad and volleygun squad, situation depending. To bring it up to 1850 I'll bring:

HQ - Ordo Malleus Inquisitor - 80
Terminator Armor

Elites 1 - 50
Jokaero Weaponsmith
Acolyte Bolter

Elites 2 - 160
7x Crusader
2x DCA
Ministorum Priest

Chimera - 60
2x Heavy Bolter

If two units are in close combat, can another unit charge the enemy unit in close combat?

They did bring it on themselves, but they were standing up to the corruption and bullshit. They were holding up their end of the deal. I don't blame them. And the fact that several chapters supported them says something too, perhaps other chapters in the sector were being taken advantage of? Idk.

>liberty or death.. ..something, something.. .. taxation without representation.. I'm not your bitch, bitch..etc

>And the fact that several chapters supported them says something too

Literally all of them were tricked or did it out of a previous debt.

Hell yes, thats bread and butter assault

And for the sergeant? Give him a power fist and a hand flamer or maybe a grav-pistol?

Sergeant has a combi-grav. Never take a grav pistol, no salvo.
The flamer squad Sergeant has a chainsword and bolt pistol or hand flamer.

Yes, and that's often a good tactic since the enemy unit that is already stuck in assault can't overwatch or use counterattack.

I'm sticking to space wolves colors because that's what got me into the game. If I had been doing a vanilla chapter or IG regiment I would have done my own.

The chainsword is a better option than a powerfist? Would that be because of only have 1 Wounds regularly so better to have higher initiative?

But are you wolfing wolf wolves or just using their colors?

Because it's free you dumb nigger. The power fist costs nearly twice as many points as the dumb red cunt holding it.

yeah the auto cannon one.
i was thinking high agility because in he fluff it pulls some pretty crazy stuff and it'scurrent rules giveit short range phasing/teleport shenanigans like mentioned.

I didn't read anywhere that "Sergeant may swap out his chainsword for a powerfist 20 points" or anything, just says take ranged or melee weapon.


>20 points

Haha, you wish.

i would give it either 3 or 4. Similar to the new SM flyer. Only eldar have 5

Eldar getting the best flyer in DftS is bullshit. Fuck Eldar, seriously. How much you wanna bet they get buffed again in their 8E codex?

Yes, you may take a weapon from the appropriate wargear list. Those weapons have point costs, shown in the wargear lists themselves. That is honestly a baffling thing for you to not understand. What did you think those pt costs were there for?

Yeah. 4, plus one for having daemonic nonsense fusing the pilot to it, being able to teleport, and being more aerodynamic than the typical flying bricks Marines get.

"Pistols are effectively Assault 1 weapons. A Pistol also counts as a close combat weapon in
the Assault phase."
As in a Close Combat Weapon with a Strength value of the User or like it shoots in close combat so if a character has an Attack value of 2 you shoot the pistol twice in close combat?

>Bladestorm is autowounding AP2 on a 4+
>Wraithlords get eternal warrior and a 25 point price drop

You don't shoot pistols in close combat. It counts as a Close Combat weapon, as in the generic kind that gives an extra attack if you're holding two. You're pistol whipping people

I read Ragnar's book and though the viking in space was neat, then I saw the TWC model. This is when it all went down the wolf and I knew in my wolf heart I was meant to wolf the galaxy with my wolf brothers, drinking and wolfing and shit.

the extra wolfination is annoying but the models look neat. I like calling my wolf lord a Jarl and my wolf guard huscarl or hirdmen, that way it sounds less retarded, but donT' tell the wolf king or he'll wolf is wolf up my wolf

Better. Bladestorm is AP 1 instead of AP 2 and automatically Pens on a 6 as well.

Welcome to blowing up Land Raiders with basic infantry.

>Welcome to blowing up Land Raiders with basic infantry.

That's only glances though. This is Pens at AP 1. Almost garunteed that the tank will be dead or useless.

>The chainsword is a better option than a powerfist?

On a Tac Sarge yes, definately. I have PF's on a few DC's with jump packs, and a Captain modeled with and w/o a jump pack. Even then its just rule of cool. The DC guys are mega badass though, run a death star of those guy w/jump packs holy shit man. 12 of them with 2 Libbys holy shit man.

Close combat weapon as in Close Combat Weapon (CCW), which has its own profile.

In older editions, you could shoot pistols in melee. Right now, Cypher is the only model that still does.

Shit I didn't see that section, I thought it was included under the character sheets. Well that changes everything.

>Fuck Eldar, seriously. How much you wanna bet they get buffed again in their 8E codex

They're going to get buffed in the FAQ/errata.

You sound perfectly alright, user. I'd play against you with my Deldar.

The Warhammer 40k RPGs don't seem to be in the mega link, does anyone have them in pdf format?

>Well that changes everything.
So instead of bothering to read your codex properly, you spent time posting on Veeky Forums. Are you Australian, or does it come naturally?

There are in the 40k RPG general. This is the tt general.

Unless you are Cypher.

>Are you Australian, or does it come naturally?
More like "do you practice at being retarded, or are you just Australian?"

yes,that is indeed what i was implying

I want to get started in the hobby but a friend told me to wait as there is a possibility that 40k is going to get dumbed down like how fantasy was. Is there any merit to this?

Also, how should I approach starting Orks?

I haven't read the entire codex, sorry. I keep jumping between the rules, Dark Angels codex, Blood Angels Codex, Space Marines codex and Chaos Space Marine codex. I knew I had seen that page before but wasn't sure where. I'm new so eat my shit, I come here to ask questions I'm unsure about. Who the fuck else would I ask about these questions? If you don't want to answer that's fine, go fuck yourself if you want to complain.

There's also the possibility that 40k minis will start killing people in their sleep. Possibilities always exist.

>Also, how should I approach starting Orks
do you want to win, or have fun?

>who the fuck else should i ask
you shouldnt be asking, you should sit down and read something before asking idiotic questions. All of the armies you mentioned have a wargear list, stop being a halfassed retard and finish reading something.

You mean you don't line your bed with space marines every night to ward off the inevitable coup from your CSM and orks? It's a good thing the latter stand no chance.

>Also, how should I approach starting Orks?
By pouring super glue in your trash can to make some minis, and practicing congratulating your opponent on his victory without sounding like a salty cunt.

Do you guys write full backstories on Your Dudes? I'm thinking of trying to create my own chapter but I don't want to intrude on the existing fluff to much. I'd rather make up a whole system for them but I feel that's taking it too far.

Maybe idiotic questions to someone with autism, go jerk off to your Eldar.

I don't think you understand where you are.
You don't need to apologize. You don't need to be defensive. You don't need to justify yourself here. You don't have a reputation to protect.

Your anonymity allows you to be as much of a shitcunt as you like. There are almost zero consequences for your actions here other than those you place on yourself at your end of the keyboard. Having it pointed out that you're an assclown is the easiest way to help you grow as a person. And no one will judge you for it in five minutes unless you identify yourself as the person who fucked up earlier. This is a place of pure honesty, without even the normal social protocols of other internet hangouts.

As Tyler Durden once said, "It's only when you've lost everything, that your free to figure out that you're a fucking moron who can't fucking read his own goddamned codex and needs to try harder in the future."

go ahead and make up their home system. coming up with a few paragraphs worth of background for your force is pretty normal and even encouraged. A lot of the vagueness and answered questions in the setting are intentionally so to give players room to make up their own stuff.

Different user here. Are each Chapter specific Codex that much different from the base Space Marine codex? I'm in the process of downloading most of them now; is the base Space Marine Codex viable with a created Chapter or must it take from the Codex of it's predecessor?

Depends what you mean by 'full backstories'. All my armies have a good paragraph or so of history explaining where they live and general stuff like that.

Making up an entire system is nothing. There are thousands upon thousands of worlds in 40k, and making a small sector of space for your army to bum around in is easy.

Alternatively, make them fleet based. Then they can go wherever and don't need a homeworld.

As long as you don't make them too massive, it's hard to intrude on existing fluff. Plus if you're worried, you can always post snippets or questions about concerns you might have to get advice on ways to make it work.

Don't let your fear of making snowflakes get in the way of making your dudes.

I assume you don't remember what it's like to be new to the game. I ordered the Dark Vengeance kit and then started reading, not learned the whole game and then bought a kit.


I made
>Home system
>Planet's culture
>Chapter's traditions
>Chapter's history
>Some snippets of story for the "known" members of the Chaper

Cool, thanks anons. I'm quite averse to "muh speshil snowflek" stuff in fanfic which is why I usually stay clear of it entirely, the only exception being 40k till now.

They're not too different, though the biggest changes are fluff. Dark Angels, Space Wolves, and Grey Knights are the most unique. Blood Angels are only slightly so.

Grey Knight or Space Wolves successors aren't really a thing, and Dark Angels and Blood Angels successors would likely use their rules, but could potentially use the vanilla book if you spun it a certain way.

It really depends what you have in mind, but generally the vanilla book will serve most needs.

Warhammer's fluff is full of holes and vague assumption, with the purpose of letting you flesh out your own sub-faction in the universe.

Personally I'm building the Blackmanes great company and I haven't put much tough into it. I don't own Ragnar's model, I instead proxy a wolf lord when I want to play him. Wolf Lord Wolfy McWolfen is Ragnar's alter ego I guess.

That's fair, but 40k is a pretty over-the-top setting so you can get away with a lot sometimes.

Just remember pic related, user. Even "named characters" can be fluffed out how you want and given new names - essentially Your Dude but with a more unique unit sheet and options. Sort of like how I imagine my Nork isn't THE Nork, but instead a loyal ogryn bodyguard the Company Comand Squad keeps around.

I can understand the need for Dark Angel successor Chapters to follow their Codex with the their whole Hunt for the Fallen stuff. With regard to the Space Wolves and Grey Knights, I thought they didn't have any successor Chapters (with Magnus destroying the Wolves' gene lab and the Grey Knights being SOOPER SEEKRIT AND UNCORRUPTIBLE).

Haven't read much into the Blood Angels yet so I don't know much other than Sanguinius is a bro

Yeah. Dark Angels have their whole secretive stuff going on, though I believe they might still be subject to the normal Geneseed tithes, and thus a new chapter could be formed with their geneseed from them as a separate thing.

Grey Knights are super secret and formed from the geneseed of a bunch of chapters, and even if you did have successors using their tactics for them wouldn't make much sense.

Space Wolf successors go poorly due to rampant mutations.

Blood Angels successors have the red thirst to deal with, though the degree varies. For example, Flesh Tearers have it even worse, while Lamenters don't really suffer as much. Even Lamenters use the Blood Angels rules though, so using a core rulebook tactic to represent their successors is iffy.

Exoricists are suspected GK successors since they're unknown founding and they work with the Ordo Malleus a lot.

So a 10 man Tactical Squad with a Sergeant using a Hand Flamer (10 points) and Chainsword, 1 Heavy Flamer (10 points), and 1 Flamer (5 points) is 165 points?