Okay, here's a summary.
Due to Enrage no longer giving free charges, our warbeasts are all at an effective -1 Fury.
All of our titans lost a lot of resilience. They used to be missed by mat/rat 6 around 30% of the time, now it's more like 10%. The exception to this being the titan sentry, who was always def 11 and relied on his arm 21, so no real change there.
The bronzeback, cannoneer, and sentry lost an additional point of fury in addition to the change to enrage.
The raider is only half a mk2 point cheaper, and lost its use as utility. It's now a 9 point beasts whose only purpose is to shoot a rat 5 pow 12 at solos.
The cyclops savage had its armor nerfed to 16, meaning massed pow 10s will kill or cripple it now. Its PC went down to 8, but it was never something skorne took in mk2 and has had nothing to improve its prospects in mk3.
Molik: Deserved what he got
Aradus sentinel: Without access to far strike is pretty much pointless.
Hexeris 1 lost two of his best spells and had them replaced by two shittier spells.
Makeda1 lost her defining spells. Defender's Ward and Savagery were THE reason to field her, and are gone now.
Makeda2 lost her defining spell, Road to War. She now has Dash, which instead of +2 movement to everything, is +1 speed to warriors and parry. So she lost her huge beast threat extension in exchange for a lesser infantry extension, but infantry as a whole is easier to kill in mk3 so we really don't need it.
Mordikaar: Revive got nerfed into the ground, he lost his upkeep removal. Better against hordes now though.
Xerxis: Lost fury, but if he keeps defender's ward his new battle plan is probably a net gain. He's actually looking decent. Tactical supremacy is kinda nice I guess.
Praetorian swordsmen got more expensive, nihilators got cheaper, why the fuck use swordsmen?
Karax: Bumped up to speed 6, now actually viable at least