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i hate this degenerate she is not even close to attractive
this is honestly a really good meme at this point
That's exactly why she's so hot, ugly girls make up for it in other ways
Good for you mate. She's the groe face of groestlecoin, what do you expect?
But she looks like she has at leas 2X your IQ goy. And at least 20X the fun.
Salty goys and their bland braindead pale meat.
I wonder what's her ash game.
Who is she
Who is this LITERAL Semen Demon?
This is a jewb thread now
Fixed it for you
I like how she is the face of GRS though.
GRS has a butter face (ugly name) but that body is so hot (GRS's tech)
how many satoshi to her my loving wife?
She's mine.. back off goyim!
Looking at those Oct 26 prices makes me cry. Bitcoin went 2x in just a month.
still worth to get into grs or wait for a dip?
I thought the same when Monacoin mooned to 36k then dropped to 10k
Now that 36k peak looks like nothing.
I'm expecting that 20k peak on GRS to look the same. Unbelievably undervalued right now.
Are you fucing gay?
this bitch has a mixture of tay sachs, aids and matrilineal jewish inheritance laws. you'd be gay if you did fuck her.
>you'd be gay if you fuck this woman you find attractive
Great logic.
Ruined the image.
Someone post original.
I always thought her panties were painted on from that other picture
jidf pls go
When is this piece of shit going to break 11000?
Great thicc bitch, would fuck with all my might.
Send me BTC and i will post more.
No thanks. I know how to use reverse image search.
I have the exclusive nudes. Not available on the internet. 0.2 BTC for the whole set.
Guys, I just ate, please don't post these distubing subhumans.
i thought that said mooing cuz of the cow in the pic
Selling someone else's nudes without permission is illegal.
thanks user's
fixed the indigogo
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