Real talk, why isn't there more widespread real world adoption of crypto by now? I can't use it for fucking anything. Very few big online retailers allow purchasing in BTC. It's useless. Remember the days when the crypto community rejoiced that you can buy a pizza with bitcoin? What happened to that? Nowadays everyone sees Bitcoin as nothing more than a money making scheme, everyone turned into fucking wall street scum. This was supposed to be a revolution, a new way to use and spend money, but it turned out to be nothing more than a speculation game where you get rich 'on paper'.
Real talk, why isn't there more widespread real world adoption of crypto by now? I can't use it for fucking anything...
How about you appreciate the fact and get in before its too late
patience man, rome wasnt built in a day, microsoft didnt grow into what it is today overnight
I'm in you brainlet, why would I look for retailers to spend Bitcoin if I don't have any Bitcoin
>he thinks he can't buy anything with crypto
>he hasn't bought a shirt yet that unequivocally proves bush did 9/11
I'm living in Japan with BTC. I can use it everywhere
I wouldn't be posting if I felt it was only a matter of time. I actually feel like we're moving backwards, going in the wrong direction. I can guarantee you that 99% of people don't spend their crypto. No one sees it like a means of transacting value, purchasing goods or services. This means something went wrong. I have nothing against a coin being a store of value, but how is that going to revolutionize and change anything? If we don't use crypto as money, as currency, then it will never become one
newegg accepts bitcoin.
That's nice and I have no problem finding cool, hipstery, niche retailers that accept bitcoin but as soon as you look for something more serious, a larger retailer, you come up short
Based japs
Yeah Microsoft fucking did you dumbcunt, within a year or two they owned the market. Bcore is a shitcoin, the real bitcoin is Bitcoin Cash and adoption is growing exponentially where bcore left off.
Yeah, there used to be a push for getting retailers to accept it. That changed awhile back and now no one cares. People just want to buy it, leave it on coinbase, then sell it for 2x later on and call it a day.
Well my prediction is the demand of cryptocurrency will mirror the demand of online commerce and labor performed for bitcoins/sotashis (think jobs with your smartphone, freelance work). This is beginning to happen, but largely hasn't occurred yet.
Why wouldn't people spend their bitcoins ? One of the strongest points about bitcoin is that you have lots of those 24hr machines already in place. This is especially true for urban areas. Next consider the nature of the urban economy, much of it thrives and is evolving into an economy based on apps, and technology where the worker and consumer is largely in control of what they consume, and over the labor they perform, control over transactions and the value of the currency they hold
This is partially being built around you, this new economy, and I'm in the view that the central piece of bitcoin is being prepared to be the center of that "new economy"
a year or two is not overnight you buffoon, and it really didnt , literally microsoft windows, explorer, all their software, working with the hardware distributors , that was entirely an evolutionary process well over 5 or 7 years where it gained its value that you see today
there will be an adoption at some point.
the amount of regulations imposed on the financial market is fucking amazing. you are lucky to live in america where you have the least amount of those regulations.
in some countries taking a loan or even having a credit card takes serious effort. some people with perfect credit don't even get to have a credit card. or some people with good balance can't even take a loan.
you have to admit that this will become stifling at some point and people will go to other places in order to transfer money or to get loans
>why isn't there more widespread real world adoption of crypto by now? I can't use it for fucking anything.
made me thingk
Media, or lack of it. Govts dont like it, they dont want it in the media, obvious reasons, why would they want this to sail now when they are about to have their own sale? US is about to have its own federal crypto.
It is literally because blockstream intentionally crippled bitcoin for the last 2 years.
>bitcoin is being prepared to be the center of that "new economy"
They will crush every single crypto out there when they begin to push their own currency. How? Dont know, but you can bet once these countries begin to adopt it, and it won't be long, the others will all of a sudden disappear.
Haha ya Trumpcoin
The transaction fees are way too high and it's really fucking slow. Using bitcoin to buy stuff would be literally retarded.
Hopefully normies catch on to ETH or LTC.
Fucking blockstream kikes ruined bitcoin