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>Veeky Forums Character Sheet

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What's your next character gonna be, Veeky Forums?

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I'm working on a paladin warlock that worships the concept of justice and would unwittingly be allowing himself to be steered by a GOO that appears to him as a sun.

Where can I find some premade character sheets?

Death Cleric who spies for the church, with a focus on buffs/debuffs. Can sneak around to follow the party wherever (or discreetly give magical assistance) and might throw in some silly undead shenanigans for kicks.


What's the point of going Chain Warlock? If you want a familiar as a Warlock, you can just go Tome and get the invocation to have 2 free 1st level spells, one of which can be find familiar. Bam, you have the versatility of the Tome lock and the utility you get from a Chain lock's familiar. It's not like the invocations for Chain lock are that good unless you need a little messenger to relay info from one far-off area to the next, which is an incredibly specific situation.

What's the point?

I'm about to start a 2nd level Kenku Klerik in the Trickery domain, hopefully to do a fuckload of dickass thievery with the rest of the party.

When I hear about Trickery Domain it's usually kind of negative, but I'm looking forward to playing it.

Level 2 I get an illusory clone to deliver Inflict Wounds
Level 6 I can cast Invisibility at will once per short rest

>tfw use Disguise Self to take on the appearance of a wealthy human or some shit
>walk into a LG god's temple, seemingly going to make a generous donation
>as i approach the coffers, I dispel Disguise Self to reveal my beaky face and feathers
>grab the dosh n go

I'm really looking forward to it, in fact

Starting an Underdark campaign, I'm playing a variant human paladin.

How fucked am I without darkvision?

chainlock familiars are better than regular familiars and can attack

imp can go invisible and scout, etc.

It's only been my second time as DM and I just ran a sort of buddycop session for some friends who rolled Warlock and Paladin with no real prep which stole a few plotpoints from Hackdirt and True detective and they really enjoyed it.

When will Dming get difficult and should I be prepared for anything?

Don't be that bard.

Why dispel it before running? If you keep the disguise, they'll be looking at the wrong suspects entirely

>What's your next character gonna be?
Revenant Human Immortal Mystic. 16, 8, 16, 16, 8, 8. Being dead has slown down his body and his mind quite a bit, but damned if he's not durable. Nobody's running any games right now, though, so I'll have to wait to tailor his background to whatever campaign I actually get a chance to play him in.

You've clearly never played a trickster before. It's no fun if you don't let them know how you tricked them before you make your escape.

Fuck guys, I can't decide between Life or Knowledge Cleric as a starting level for an armored Wizard. Heavy Armor and boosted healing vs two Expertise skills and using only Medium Armor...

Would anyone be willing to share some borders for tokens in roll20? I'm about to start up a campaign and need to whip up a few.

>What's your next character gonna be, Veeky Forums?
Either a nerd-ass arcana cleric of Mystara, researching the lasting effects of the Spellplague on natural sources of magic in Princes of the Apocalypse, or

a halfling barbarian with a foul mouth and a tendency toward cannibalism in a Dark Sun 5e campaign.

>What's your next character gonna be, Veeky Forums?

I want to be a skeleton paladin. Like his bones were accidentally resurrected from a forgotten tomb somewhere and he had some holy word carved into his forehead so he figured he must have been a great righteous man in a past life, and definitely not a monstrously evil guy that they needed to hallow with weird rituals after he died to prevent his soul from continuing to corrupt the world.

>What's your next character gonna be, Veeky Forums?

Probably DM, since I'm the only one in the group that can competantly run games.

If I do ever get to play again, a bard. I have a natural knack for coming up with stupid puns and rhymes on the spot, and also because bards look fun as hell in 5e.

Dragonborn paladin warlock using a dragon themed oath and a dragon patron

will be going chainlock for a pseudodragon familiar.

flavor aside warlock pally work out pretty well, you only need 3 levels /4 for another ASI and you get cantrips, spell slots that can be used to smite that regen on a short rest, invocations, and a pact boon

Definitely If I don't get the satisfaction of seeing their reactions, I might as well have been picking flowers or some shit.

GOO Warlock in Eberron. His patron is Kyrzin, the Daelkyr Lord of Oozes. He was born a gnome but his patron made him into an intelligent ooze that inhabits the body of a warforged.

My latest build is a haughty Lawful Evil human FS Sorcerer who dips Paladin 2 and plays as a gish. She genuinely believes she is a fallen angel from Mount Celestia that has been struck down to the mortal plane by a pit fiend and has thus become a devil herself. She claims that being made into a mortal has made her lose her angelic memories, and that she must reclaim her past-life glory to reclaim her memories. Although any magical test will show that she is clearly human, any attempt to tell her this will fail, and she'll just get mad that her divinity/fiendish nature is being ignored.

When the campaign starts, I'll have her go around the realm making deals like a devil with people (all while strictly adhering to any contract she makes up). Her ultimate goal is to find a way to ("re")ascend to divine angelhood.

I wonder how long it'll take for the party to oust me?

Either Goliath or Half-Orc barbarian.
I was toying with the idea of playing an evil character bound to another in the party by way of an artifact. The barbarian would hate this person with all their being, but due to this artifact they are slaves to their will, within reason.

As long as the other person is explicit with their commands, shouldn't be much problem.

>be me, 13th level Wizard in a modern setting
>have a lot of shaved ice and powerful gems to spare
>too antisocial to find a consistent playgroup for a d&d game
>use Simulacrum to make a clone of myself with shaved ice
>Ice Clone uses Simulacrum to create Ice Clone number 2
>Ice Clone number 2 creates a third Ice Clone
>Ice Clone number 3 creates a fourth Ice Clone
>tfw when my wizard in a modern setting plays a 5e campaign with four clones of himself

As a Wizard, you want Dexterity for Initiative anyway, so you might as well go with medium armor and avoid those Strength requirements.

I was just going to go with low as fuck Strength and eat the movement penalty. That's all being below the required Strength does. If I need to move around fast I got spells and shit for that.

Have a few planned
>Desert nomad mercenary, fights dirty
>Halfling royal hitman, all business
>Halfling panther rider, lives on the edge
>Warforged wrestle-bot with his own theme song
>Dwarf fugitive, dabbles in magic
>"Now you see me" style bank robber
>Fisherman from a small village, hears whispers

And many more

Can't decide between Arcane Trickster or Moon Druid. Probably learning towards Moon Driud though.

Gonna play a Mind Flayer Wizard who is pretending to be a High Elf with the help of a few spells. He's not a bad dude, as all he wants to do is follow the other player's characters and study the concept of "freedom," which he has never understood before.

But he has some difficulties, such as having to lie about why he's growing moss in a portable hole which he uses as a food supply and the fact that he is absolutely terrible at telling lies I literally rolled a 3 when rolling his stats, so now I have a Mind Flayer with a Charisma of 3.


that sounds like an incredibly easy way to get yourself killed. why not just use mage armor? with a high enough dex it's like having full plate anyways.

that's assuming by "armored wizard" you meant a wizard who actually wears armor. why not go fighter 2 for action surge? starting fighter gets you shield proficiency too. if you went variant human you could wear light/medium armor (depending on how high your Dex Mod is) with a shield and have around 17 AC. Action surge is cool because it lets you cast two spells in a round.

Battlemaster Fighter level 12

He's a variant human with Tavern Brawler and Resilience (Dexterity), and a spread of maneuvers. His chief gimmick is running up to enemies, using trip attack with his fist and grappling then disarming with his weapon attack and not forgetting the basics of CQC.

Jesters in DD look really badass.

>tfw I've played this exact character
>but also with Shield Master

>stab a guy and trip him, stab him a few more times, grapple
>drag him to his friend
>punch him in the face repeatedly with a shield, then knock his friend over
>punch them both in the face with shields
>ditch shield and grapple second enemy
>drag them to the nearest hazard (cliff, fire, spikey thing)

So I'm Brazilian now.

Does anyone have any links to resources that could help me convert all of the various special materials that magic items could be made from in 3rd Edition up to the new rule set?

Fighter 2 Warlock X that is a mercenary for hire, willing to cheat, lie and fight very dirty. Yet, he has dreams of retiring to a simple farm life somewhere in the countryside, if he can get out of his contact with a servant to Dispater, the Iron Duke (Archdevil).

Fiend bladelock may be a shittier fighter, but I love that flavor.

Imps and quasits are not available as familiars 2 non-chain warlocks. They can both turn invisible, shape-shift, and poison their targets. They can act on their own initiative and do not require their masters actions to do so.

>just assuming that UA shit is allowed

nah cunt nah

I'm trying to read up on what poison does, exactly, but I can't seem to find any info on the PHB or DMG. Like I know types of poisons players can buy or find but if a player was poisoned by say a venomous snake or a poison dart trap, what effects do they suffer?

The Poisoned condition (disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks).

Poison is now just a condition and a damage type. It no longer does a bunch of goofy stat damage that all has to be kept track of separately because snakes and scorpions and giant bees and centipedes and black lotuses all work differently for some reason. Now it's just, "if you're poisoned, you feel bad."

Look in the monster manual under specific entries of creatures that are poisonous. The poison is usually attached to their bike attack or Sting Attack, if they have one. I, for one, have been milking the venom out of my warlocks imp familiar and selling it to the thief for 3 silver per dose.

Cool, thanks!

try to prepare for everything. If they aren't critical then it should never get difficult

>and what does your warlock do with his downtime user
>i spend the next 8 hours milking my imp

Yeah I was planning to use a Shield regardless. I think I prefer Cleric because it keeps my spell slots advancing as normal and a lot of versatility in my choices for spells prepared. Though I would also get Defense Fighting Style. So many choices...

So I've been going to a D&D encounters thing for a few sessions now at my FLGS. There's only one table usually cause it's a small store. There's a semi-qt grill there who I was talking to, we exchanged numbers, I asked her out, she said no.

So basically I'm wondering on a good way for me to get her character killed. Anyone got any ideas for how to make a character "accidentally" die through subtle shitty tactical choices? She's playing an elf druid, I don't know too much about her character beside that, other than she is 3rd level and I am still 2nd but almost 3rd. My character is a human fighter with like 16 Dex and shortsword.

Anyone got any advice?

TLDR how to subtly betray a party member into dying.


>girl said no when I asked her out so now I'm going to try to ruin her tabletop gaming experience

Don't be a prick.

Next level faggotry.

>Anyone got any advice?
Stick your dick into a blender on the highest setting.

I'm not going to ruin her gaming experience, I"m just going to try to kill her character. My character and hers have different alignments anyway so it makes sense.

No I don't think I'll do that. Calm down white knight.

>I'm not going to ruin her gaming experience, I"m just going to try to kill her character.

So I should wait til I'm level 3 then?

Dude I don't see what your problem is. Plenty of people do this kind of shit for less reason. She gave me her number but didn't want to go out. I don't really need her. Plus now I have to act like her friend or she'll get hella pissy.

I've had girlfriends before and they didn't act like this, they said yes and went out with me. I don't see what this chick's problem is. She even said she thought I was attractive.

She's not obligated to date me. I'm not obligated to not kill her character. It goes both ways.

Your fedora is showing

Grab her character sheet and rip it up before hooting like an idiot and running out of the store with your pants around your ankles.

This is the funniest edgelord shit I've read in a long time.

Keep going, please.

Sorry user, but crippling autism is no excuse

>She's not obligated to date me.
>I'm not obligated to not kill her character.
As a matter of fact, this is one of the cardinal rules of gaming at most tables, the NO GODDAMN PVP rule. In which case, you ARE in fact obligated to not do this.

See, that would be stupid. I want to get revenge in a way that's subtle and she can't get me back for it or call me out. Something that can easily be put down to a mistake. Maybe a pretty dumb mistake. But I can work up to that by slowly making smaller mistakes so it doesn't look out of place.

I don't wear a fedora dumbass. I wouldn't ask out a girl if I did.

Pls kill you're self

You could put all this effort you're wasting on getting back at a girl who rejected you by asking out a different girl, or maybe two other girls. Maybe three if neither of those go right.

Actually no, because I'm going to do it by accident. And I don't really care if it's morally the right or wrong thing to do, I'm just roleplaying my character.

I ask out plenty of girls. I also like to screw over the ones that say no. Quite a few say no, some say yes, it's the nature of my life.

You are getting massively assblasted defending this woman. How's your relationship with your mother? Sister?

>I want to get revenge in way that's subtle
Nigga if this is what you really want then you need to go bigger. You can't fuck with the D&D game, that's too small. You've got to bide your time until she gets involved with someone else. Then you cuck her.
If that means you have to turn another man gay for you that's what you have to do.


>How's your relationship with your mother?
Great, but how is yours? I think she'd be pretty disappointed in this kind of behavior.

I second this, wait for her to find a guy that makes her happy and then make sure she finds you one day with his cock in your mouth

Perfect revenge

Nah, that's too much. See it has to be petty and pathetic. That's what I really enjoy.

Actually my mom probably wouldn't care, we did all kinds of shit to our dick-head PTA-blowhard neighbors when they were fags to us.

But that's irrelevant. Enough of your autistic white knighting, either help me come up with good ways to sneakily kill off her character, or fuck off.

The adventure is Curse of Strahd, by the way. Should I buy the book? I hate to spoil parts of the adventure but it would let me look ahead to find places I could potentially get her character killed.

>So I should wait til I'm level 3 then?
Holy shit

>I ask out plenty of girls. I also like to screw over the ones that say no. Quite a few say no, some say yes, it's the nature of my life.

>nothin personnel girls

>either help me come up with good ways to sneakily kill off her character, or fuck off.

It doesn't matter that there's a woman involved. We shit on anybody who's actively trying to be a twat to their group, whether its direct pvp or otherwise.

>Enough of your autistic white knighting
>Calling other people autistic

user... I don't know how to tell you this...

You might want to sit down

Is true neutral the worst alignment to have? I have a character that I'm planning on being a mercenary for hire, so I wouldn't characterize him as overtly good or evil, but I wouldn't choose lawful (since mercenary work sometimes operates outside the law) nor chaotic (since he still honors contracts and is bound to them).

>ask girl out
>she says no
>how could she say no? I'm ME. I'm amazing.
>she must be wrong.
>I'll show her how wrong she is for not saying yes.

This is comically sad. And this happens often?

Probably a druid. Never played one before and at this point I think I have dabbled is every other class except it and bard 5e wise. Probably go moon druid since it seems like the more fun of the two options.

read what the lawful alignment actually means

> It doesn't matter that there's a woman involved.

Yeah keep telling yourself that.

And why does it hurt you? I'm going to do it anyway, I was just asking for ideas.

Dude she's not wrong for saying no. There is literally nothing wrong with what she did. Except giving me her number and flirting with me and saying I was hot, that shit was annoying if she didn't intend to act on it.

Either way, I'm going to get her character killed. I am considering loaded dice as a gift to her but that might be suspicious. Also I would need dice that weren't obviously loaded; i.e. roll the same fucking number every time, or dramatically roll differently. Just something subtle to reduce her average rolls by like 4 or 5.

Should I switch characters then try to fuck up AoE spells? She gets into melee fairly often despite being a druid.

I'm going to DM for the first time in over a decade for a change!

And already one of my players wants to play an Illithid. In a game with two other players, both newbies.

So wait, why are we replying to a very obvious bait post?

eh. nothing wrong with TN. But I'd argue that that character's still lawful if he takes his contracts very seriously (if he's a little more devil-may-care about getting the job done then maybe not)
Just because you're breaking the law of the land doesn't mean you're not adhering to strict rules.

(Preemptive comment before an alignment debate: I draw the line on lawful at self-created codes. My take is that your "law" needs to come from outside of yourself)

>And already one of my players wants to play an Illithid.

Good to see you inherited a garbage 3aboo. Tell him to fuck off. I am so sick of players wanting to play random freakazoid races. Even D&D 5e core races ... isn't there a fucking tiefling? That's a DEMON, people. HELLO. That would NOT be welcome in a town. Except in D&D we are all accepting and open-minded now so how DARE we oppose that poor tiefling, we might trigger it's poor little fee fees, because it migth not be neutral evil devilspawn.

God I hate what D&D has become....

Nobody gives a crap about the walking cockwallet

The fact that she affected you so much with a refusal that you're actually considering something this petty is what makes everyone agree you're one pathetic autist

Thanks for the laughs though

It's either that or argue about alignment for the 50000th time this week.

See if you can drop something on her since you're a fighter, like if she's standing under a chandelier cut the chain to "try to kill the mooks around her". You might need to ask your party wizard to do it because it'll only do 1d4 damage since you're a martial.


A Lawful character follows a code of conduct or personal honor. Many Lawful characters follow the laws of the land they're in, but just because you are a Lawful Monk from a country that practices slavery does not mean you have to be cool with slavery, too, or practice it yourself (following the law of the land is a concern that only certain sorts of lawful PCs need to have, and it's not like unlawful characters break the law all the time because "that's just chaotic, it's what I have to do"--they should be as interested in Not Being Jailed as everyone else).

A mercenary who holds to his contracts without fail is Lawful.

Because my extension has him flagged as a Trumpchump and any chance for him to reveal even more of his faggotry is delicious.

just say no and set a standard for the start of the game? Their characters should be based around where things are starting, both level and RP wise.

Otherwise you get an elf princess, an orc barbarian, and an illithid meeting in a tavern in the plane of fire.

actually sounds kinda neat in retrospect, but it would be a bit much for new players

Just tell him no, because it doesn't fit the setting, would be disruptive to the other players, and would require roping in homebrew when you're all new to the system.

>alignment arguments
We haven't done that in earnest for like three weeks. Now it's bad grappling bait and caster-martial bitching.

I'd love to talk about alignment, though. Let me tell you about objective morality settings and why they're far superior to that other shit you guys get up to,

Calm down gramps. I mean you can find drow stats in the phb (and dragonborn, and tiefling) but if you actually fucking read the fluff around the stats it's pretty clear about what things are and their place in the world.
You can run your games in a xenophobic dwarf utopia if you want. Nobody gives a shit. Just calm down and explain what you want from your game. Half the time the nigger just wants a particular set of stat bonuses and doesn't really care if he's a scaly monstrosity.

You impale yourself with your weapon and leave the game. You're obviously 12 years old to get so butt hurt over being rejected that you would want to kill off her character.

But knowing your type I will give you a straight answer as well that technically answersyour dumb question. You cant beat her. She has a level up on you and assuming she is smarter than you she probably has a solid character which means she can easily exploit the weaknesses of a fighter (especially a dex fighter) with her spells and her transformations.

> don't care about woman
> uses a reddit tier insult on her

Your desperation to insist you don't care about the woman is truly touching. But you do.

She didn't really affect me that much, I just enjoy mischief. Back in 3.5 i played a secretly evil cleric who took command of undead and turned them on the rest of the party. Two player characters died.

Are there any really tough encounters in Curse of Strahd where I could get her killed? By like saying "you should go here and attack this" but it turns out to be overpowering and kills her off. One of my friends said there's a real tough battle with vampire spawn that can wipe you out if you aren't careful.

How awful would it be to buff the combat superiority feat? For example, giving two superiority dice and having them upgrade in size at the same rate as the normal BM dice? BM could still take it for a sweet boost, other classes could take it for interesting martial/gish shenanigans.

Good idea but I don't want to get any other players involved at this point. Plus that counts on her not making her death saves so it'd have to be her being surrounded by monsters that can coup de grace her (if 5e has that, I honestly don't know)

So I've been going to a D&D encounters thing for a few sessions now at my FLGS. There's only one table usually cause it's a small store. There's a neckbeard guy there who I was talking to, we exchanged numbers, he asked me out, I said no.

So basically I'm wondering on a good way for me to get his character killed. Anyone got any ideas for how to make a character "accidentally" die through subtle shitty tactical choices? He's playing a human fighter, I don't know too much about his character beside that, other than he is 2nd level but almost 3rd, and I am 3rd level. My character is a elf druid with like 16 Wis and quarterstaff.

Anyone got any advice?

TLDR how to subtly betray a party member into dying.

Actually our store requires 16+ for D&D encounters because kid players are fucking retarded. And I am 25 myself so that is more than double what you guessed. Nice try though!

And, I should level up soon, before she gets to 4th. I'm closer to 3rd than she is to 4th, basically. So it's a matter of waiting. Also maybe I could find a way to get her to miss a couple of sessions so I could catch up more on XP?

Also I wouldn't be fighting her directly, that'd be too obvious. I want to get her into a situation where she can be killed. I think she still trusts me because she thinks I'm decent at combat tactics (I'm not, I'm just not a fucking retard at it like most of the rest of the group).

watch out for chandeliers

The fighter should be at the front. Just be sure to never use any good offensive spells and never heal or buff him. In the early stages, especially in Curse of Strahd, he might die simply from you not helping him.

You can even use Thorn Whip to pull enemies toward him if they're attacking from range. Just stat behind him and move away when appropriate.

Well that's a good point. I mean I could switch characters, but then I'd be level 1 and I'd have to really catch up XP-wise. That's why I'm hoping I can trick her into dying. Unless there's a 1st class I can "accidentally" kill people with easily at 1st level. Or a point in the adventure where I could do tactics that sound good but are actually bad to get her killed.

>didn't really affect me that much
Well that clearly isn't true.

>enjoy mischief
>edgy cleric
>killed party
Oh you're That Guy, I hope your DM bans you.