Pathfinder General /pfg/
Ultimate Equipment Nerf Edition
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Ultimate Equipment Errata (updated 5/19)
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Ultimate Equipment Nerf Edition
Unified /pfg/ link repository:
Ultimate Equipment Errata (updated 5/19)
Old Thread:
It feels like their nerfs aren't even targeted at balance at all; just FUN. They're nerfing how FUN things are and literally nothing else. I cannot even imagine how a team of game writers can come out of a meeting with an agenda like that but they managed it somehow.
God damn it. I wanted to start a new thread.
Oh well. First for Vigilante Magical Child with Companion to the Lonely!
There is no agenda here.
And with this, I continue to suck DSP's proverbial cock because FUUUUUUUUCK Paizo.
>Ilya's face
That is the face of suffering.
Would anyone be willing to share some borders for tokens in roll20? I'm about to start a campaign and need to whip up a few.
I'm having a hard time figuring out what's going on in the background of that pic.
I see a wizard casting (what must be hold animal, despite the fact that wizards can't get that spell)
A gunslinger in a cape with an automatic weapon, I guess?
Is that a cleric in the top left?
And something going on about a mildly apologetic fire person on the left.
Also two skeletons watching a guy bash his head on the lower back of a bear.
What is going on?
Write her up yourself.
I would generate one, but I'm not going to use Ultimate Intrigue in my barley farming game.
I would also generate a Vigilante (Stalker) / Wizard / Bladecaster with Riven Hourglass and Tempest Gale for time stopping, knife throwing shenanigans, but it would be too high level to ever use.
I think conductive and shirt nerf are direct at Kineticist, more than any other class.
How does Implement Mastery work on a Vigilante (Psychometrist)?
I assume the man is in fact not bashing his face into the bear's ass but turning into one. I believe the wizard is pointing dramatically with his staff while he casually casts Black Tentacles, while the cleric is calling down the orbital laser.
Look like the Wizard is summoning a bear?
Reminder that even this is less degenerate than constant companion to the lonely magical child posting.
It doesn't mean we'll tolerate both though.
I'm kidding. I'd rather have loliposting than furbaitposting
Wizard froze a bear, cleric destroyed undead, druid turned into a bear. I think the bottom half of the page is martials getting their shit kicked in, one's on fire, one had armor proficiency taken away
Same. Thinking of running a Varisian Magical Child with Companion to the Lonely in a Curse of the Crimson Throne game.
Unless you mean making a dick or vagoo out of your sleeve, you lost me. [/spoiler]I'm not that smart, I'm sorry.[/spoiler]
Thanks, friend.
Not sure about the gunslinger, though. He seems to be having too much fun to be a gunslinger
House rules if I ever end up running a campaign
• Characters may choose the average of their hit die rounded up instead of rolling at leach level
• All Paizo common and featured races allowed
• All Paizo classes allowed
• All Path of War and Expanded classes allowed
• Unchained classes allowed: Barbarian, Monk, Rogue, Summoner
• Variant multiclassing and normal multiclassing allowed, but no levels in a class that is your VMC. VMC must be chosen at character creation
• Fractional base bonuses are in effect
• Unchained skill rules are in effect
• Character gain 2 skill points every level for background skills as per the unchained rules
• Crafting and profession rules use the expanded rules from unchained
• Backgrounds and occupations rules are in effect
• Skill unlocks may be purchased using the signature skill feat. Unchained rogues can use their class features to unlock their skill as normal
• 2 traits (Paizo or otherwise) allowed at character creation. Up to two drawbacks can be chosen from the Paizo list, with each drawback allowing an extra trait to be chosen.
• Variant magical item creation rules are in effect
• Hero points rules are in effect
• Grappled creatures lose their dex bonus to AC against all attackers except for who they are grappling
• Called shots rules are in effect
• All characters may benefit from the power attack, weapon finesse, piranha strike, and martial power feats once they have at least +1 BAB and meet all other requirements the feat would entail (STR 13, light weapon, etc). They are considered as having these feats for the purpose of gaining feats or access to prestige classes, or any other choice that requires power attack or weapon finesse.
• All 3pp content is allowed, subject to DM permission
• 3.5 content is allowed, subject to DM permission
I believe you
That's because it's a marksman. DSP isn't crazy.
You can no longer turn your simple tunic into the ultimate fluffy clothes, because now that it's just a visual illusion it'll still just feel like you're wearing a tunic, to both you and anyone touching it.
That might be a wand.
Class-specific changes
• Rogues, ninjas and monks have full BAB
• Combat stamina feat from unchained given for free to all fighters
• Fighters have good will save progression
• All classes without caster levels have a minimum of 4+INT skill points.
• Paladins and Rangers have caster level equal to their class level, not their class level -3
• Alchemists have a caster level equal to their class level
So, thoughts?
Is there anything that should be changed from here?
>• All Paizo classes allowed
>• All 3pp content is allowed, subject to DM permission
Cool. May I please play one of these?
And so it was that user declared pedophilia to be less degenerate than xenophilia.
Can't they let us have nice things?
My campaign ended today, and I was using that to flavour my character shifting rapidly from his arctic mountain home to temperate forests. CAN'T ERRATA THE PAST
Just group and sort the list items better. Trust me, a little of that goes a LONG way towards making big lists of houserules digestible and not-daunting to players. Because it is daunting to them, they can't help it.
So just 3.5 cleric?
For the second time, nope
I'm also overturning the changes to the ultimate equipment stuff. And yes, I would definitely split up the list into categories, such as item, character creation, etc
n-no bully
That's fucking stupid.
You could just keep doing what you were doing and say fuck paizo, like any reasonable person does.
>one of the characters dies and their soul is sent to hell
>the other characters are heading to hell to try and win his soul back in court
Please give me advice on how to run this.
I was thinking of giving them a devil lawyer who will be part of their team, pic very much related.
This could be a really awesome session despite no combat, but what are some other rolls that could be made to keep the more combat-focused players happy?
But user, Kuro is a Soulknife
Your HP rule looks fine, although I prefer 'everyone gets +10 HP at first level, and takes average round-down every level afterwards'
It's consistent, it frontloads HP to make Rusty Dagger Shanktown less of a nightmare, and it ends up coming out to about what everyone would get on average anyway (since you're just taking the 19 .5s they'd get and frontloading them)
Pretty much this.
Paizo laid the groundwork and the rules, but they shouldn't declare what is and isn't allowed in games, because they're absolute morons that way with a biased agenda.
If I were to run a game, it wouldn't be anywhere below level 3 at the least, probably level 5,and it would be gestalt. However I do like your suggestion and should I end up running that I will institute it.
But user-kun, we've always been this way~
I'm sorry user. Your adventures unhappened.
Have them defend the face from attacking demons (nothing more than they can handle without the face). Perhaps a multi-part trial where the face has to argue, the casters need to fend off disruptive magic, and the martials need to beat down disruptive imps.
Wait, Blemmyes aren't a thing in Pathfinder? Fucking really?
Preferring something over xenophilia? On Veeky Forums?
Madness! Heresy even!
Why aren't you running a Mahou Shoujo campaign with a party of magical girls, /pfg/?
What's Companion to the Lonely? A feat, trait?
You and all your shitposting friends can go look find that question in any of the places it was answered when you asked it in the last dozen threads.
Because I'm playing in an Evil campaign where we're collectively taking Tar-Baphon's place in history!
A vigilante talent. If you spend an hour engaged in pleasurable physical contact with someone, you get a pool equal to the higher CHA mod of the two, which you can use to reroll Will saves or CHA skill checks.
I think gestalt is overrated desu.
Vigilante talent. Fuck someone for an hour and get cha mod in will save and cha skill rerolls.
Granted, it's World of Darkness, but our princess the hopeful campaign consisted of: a 30 year old man, a 16 female ghoul, a 17 year old female high schooler, a 24 year old male librarian and a 22 year old alcoholic.
Far better way to play a magical girl campaign.
Oh. Seems a little underpowered...
How would you roll a Card-Captor Sakura?
Because it's a Pathfinder game in the Forgotten Realms.
I just can't picture a magical girl as a land owning pirate hunter.
Its pretty great for Magical Child Vigilantes because they use CHA as their main casting stat and have social skills as class skills
Because the problem with magical girl campaigns is the disparity between power levels indicated in that picture. One of those lolis is capable of creating a time paradox, another is capable of destroying large landmasses and winning over friends in one satellite cannon, I don't know who the one on the left is, but the one in the middle is just a harrow medium.
We've got a cute binder girl, a half dragon tomboy type, and a cute valkyrie.
Also some boys but whatever.
>made the mistake of showing this to someone in my group
>mfw when they say they like it
>mfw this is someone that tends to do ERP on the side between sessions
>mfw sooner or later they're going to try to get a character of mine balls deep in that fox
I hate you, titsune user. I really do.
>but the one in the middle is just a harrow medium.
>just a harrow medium
Sakura is by-canon the strongest mahou shoujo because she has no power ceiling, and her Clow Cards don't have any limits to their application, including creating a new universe if she wishes.
>that image
Too soon, user. Too soon. ;_;
>One of those lolis is capable of creating a time paradox
>another is capable of destroying large landmasses and winning over friends in one satellite cannon
Blaster Sorc
>I don't know who the one on the left is, but the one in the middle is just a harrow medium.
She's actually the most minmaxed Occultist of the bunch.
Harrow Medium? Maybe some kind of specialized scroll caster?
If anyone ever wants to roll a PreCure, just tell them to roll a PoW class and wear a frilly dress.
Is she? I haven't seen the show in over 15 years.
Guess you'll have to go balls deep in someone else to dissuade them.
Occultist. Her clow cards are her implements.
I'm literally playing a ZweiSent in a frilly dress right now.
Well, not RIGHT now, but on Monday.
Its from the last CCS movie.
Against a clow card whose power is creating blackholes and ending existences, Sakura fixed the world by making a new one instead.
So is Battle Templar any good as far as PrC go?
So was Madoka a throwback to that then?
Nah, Godoka just made a wish with a Lawful Evil contract devil, so it really wasn't by her hand that the world was saved.
Sakura is a sphere caster. Just fluff her spheres as clow cards.
Would they be Steelfist Commando Warlords, or Aurora Soul Mystics?
Yes. You can take two levels in an initiating class, then and advance your domain and other divine abilities with the PrC.
Is Inner Sea Intrigue in the Trove yet?
>Madoka "saving" Nanoha.
>Not the picture of Nanoha standing over a bloodied Madoka and a frightened Kyuubey with death in her eyes
You dun goofed.
>Why aren't you running a Mahou Shoujo campaign with a party of magical girls, /pfg/?
Because we're running a political intrigue campaign with a party of battle maids instead.
>me 3rd from left
Less diarrhetic shitposting is still shitposting.
Nanoha is not even the strongest Mahou Shoujo.
She's the most destructive, but this is like comparing a PoW initiator with a caster.
The Caster is better because they aren't stuck with a damage dealing role 24/7.
Me with the heterochromia
Because I'm already playing a magical girl in my party.
Knight-chandler best mystic archetype.
>political intrigue
>battle maids
I didn't post it before, friendo. Just this time.
And what, you wouldn't want to bury yourself between those muscular thighs?
>Not manipulating the lords and ladies of the court with subtle psyops like the temperature of their tea, the color coordination of their wardrobe or the time between snacks.
>Not protecting your liege from assassins during the day and "servicing" their needs every night.
>Not raping the other maids to establish dominance and hierarchical roles
>implying the court wizard isn't onto you
>Implying the court wizard isn't the one making you do it.
>No dick
Why did you even apply?
>Mystic threatening Wizard
>Wizard fails concentration to cast defensively.
>implying one of them isn't the court wizard or working with them
>implying the court wizard isn't actually a lesbian mahou shoujo
>implying we aren't in cahoots
I want to headpat the maids!
I could look at art of and read stories about TIER WARS all day, this is great
>lesbian mahou shoujo
I don't see a frightened Kyuubey, are there multiple pics like that?
The first thing that came to mind when I read your post was "Bene Gesserit."
Because there's no rules for playing children in most RPGs, usually its "lol you're SOL" (see: Pathfinder)
WotC : Can't really fix it, but lets make the best of it and ignore core as much as possible.
Paizo : Can't really fix it, lets double down and break everything new just as much as core.
Nah the lesbian-ness of magical girls is overrated, like the most dykey looking one from the show (Sayaka) fell because of a boy
its supposed to be open to interpretation