>My character is a Grey Jedi who is too cool for rules and uses the Dark Side without being corrupted
Literally the worst concept to come out of the EU.
>My character is a Grey Jedi who is too cool for rules and uses the Dark Side without being corrupted
Literally the worst concept to come out of the EU.
Other urls found in this thread:
I dunno, the Sun Crusher was pretty fucking retarded
Oh would you just look at the time!
I'd argue that Dark Sun was stupider. Sun Crusher had an interesting concept, Dark Sun was just "what would happen if we took three of the Death Star's giant dick lasers and strapped them together?"
I don't have that big of a problem with weird one-off technology.
In fact, the edgy pilot of the Sun Crusher was worse than the damn thing he piloted, in my opinion.
The Emperor having like 9+ clones of himself, and being able to Force Lightning an entire planet at once was worse.
>hey dm, my character has a +35 in treat injury and about 15 lightsabers
Which one? There are quite a few characters who fit that description.
>implying UNLIMITED POOOOWAAAAAHHHHH isn't the best thing ever
I actually don't know if Palpatine still had his smile in EU or not.
That smile was worth protecting.
Letting people make whatever they want in a Star Wars game is always a goddamn disaster. You always end up with twi'lek ex-sith ex-slave grey Jedi with twin lightsabers that connect to form a double lightsaber, with one black blade and one white blade, and one end has the Solari crystal and the other has the Kaiburr crystal (the entire thing, not just a shard), and she's a strong independent lesbian who don't need no man
>Implying throwing all his points into support and wealth is a bad thing.
Tell me there's something in the rules where I can tell all this Mary Sue nonsense to fuck off.
Besides just "I'm the GM, go fuck yourself".
I just played a guy with a gun and a knoif.
Not even a jetpack. He was an innawoods style motherfucker. Obviously he was better in a ship than on the ground because loljedi and shit, but you know, he could gut motherfuckers.
I played a Stormtrooper.
I shot shit. Not accurately, but I did shoot shit.
>Mary sue faggots ruined playing MANdos for everyone
I'm still mad
I got upset just reading that shit, Jesus Christ.
Sounds like a 15 year old.
[trigger warning]
Old EU was great for the laughs, then you hit the new EU and the tears keep rolling
I feel like Grey Jedi should be a sort of prestige class that you can get by being a bad motherfucker like Windu.
The game in playing in is set in between the prequels and the other films, so I managed to convince one of the guys to play a clone trooper, then I also made a clone trooper. We're from the same unit, have nicknames, it's very fun.
loljedi can really make the non-force half of the party feel like shit.
>Mandalorian Grey Jedi
>always wanted to play a jedi who uses a blaster and lightsaber at the same time
Does this make me edgy?
>strong independent lesbian who don't need no man
Strong independent transgender lesbian of color who don't need no man.
Get it fucking straight, shitlord!
Learn well the lessons of Master HK-47, and you too can sneer at the Force wielding meatbags.
I got back at them by being the character with the most sith kills before his death standing at 12.
3 of which he did with his knoif. The rest were ship combat because his gunnery was top-fucking notch. And then he got spaced when the shields went down in the hangar bay of a sith warship.
Sad days.
Our game was set during the Rebellion. I was just a regular ass Stormtrooper, not even a clone, to retired. I don't know if the EU says Stormtroopers aren't allowed to retire or not, but retirement seemed possible to me.
We kinda ran around the Outer Rim and had adventures. I was not a good shot, but I was damn good at setting explosives. A LOT of problems can be solved with proper application of explosives.
This is why when I run SW I make it a rule that either everyone is a Jedi, or nobody is, with nothing in-between.
I remember in my last SW Saga game a few years ago, I ran it as a Jedi Academy type of game. I actually removed Jedi as a class, added some prerequisites to their talent trees, and gave everyone Force Sensitive and gave them a few Force-related talents or feats for free every few levels to reflect their Jedi training. It meant they could build an interesting non-Jedi character who was useful outside of lightsaber combat and Force use, but still get to play the chosen one.
It makes you pragmatic and efficient, not edgy. If I were GMing a Saga game and you asked for that, I'd dig out the book that has feats that actually let you do that.
Nothing of value was lost when Disney purged the EU.
Who retired*
Where the fuck did that "to" come from?
Yes, because a light-saber is specifically designed to be a defensive weapon.
Unironically this
>LGBT in Star Wars
I miss Lucas' old "there is no homosexuality in star wars" motif
It is when you graft them all into a sith clone that is not even the main bad guy of his own book.
>find the wookiepedia of literally any background character from the films
>they're a bounty hunter/mercenary/jedi in hiding
You can run Jedi and non-Jedi if the non-Jedi know what to expect. I had one campaign where I played a wookie jedi, with a mon calamari ambassador type, an assassination droid, a protocol droid and one man with a big gun.
We all had fun.
Nah, m8. ur a feg
>Yes, because a light-saber is specifically designed to be a defensive weapon.
I don't see how that promises edginess. The idea I had was someone who mostly used the saber to defend at long range and fire with his gun. In combat he'd try to occupy his enemy's saber while sneaking in a shot or two.
Another idea was someone using a saber resistant gauntlet as a shield while using a saber. Thorin style.
>one man with a big gun.
The most fun way to play Starwars to be honest.
His deal was he wanted to do one last job before retiring and converting his ship into a bar.
His target? Assassinate the emperor.
What about Juhani and Lord Cytharat? Or Lana Beniko and Theron Shan? Or those gay Mandalorians?
Bioware shit doesn't count.
Juhani at least had the advantage of being written by Bioware back when they were still good.
Not if you're a pirate.
>Bioware characters
Juhani was alright because you can't guess it and she was a minority. But the rest? Fuck that. I wanna play swashbuckling laserswords, not deal with gay shit.
That colour may be green, but the point still stands.
Person of space, perhaps?
>Literally the worst concept to come out of the EU.
you mean from the movies?
>force chokes when necessary
>shoots force lightning
In the fucking movies, literally no one is corrupted by "dark side powers."
The idea of Jedi using "dark side" powers isn't bad. The idea of "neutral, gray jedi" is retarded, though.
>shoots force lightning
I thought he redirected Dooku's lightning, not made his own
And when does Luke Force Choke someone?
Maybe it's for the best that the EU is no longer canon.
In episode 3, at Jabba's place.
Veeky Forums in a nutshell:
> Playing a Jedi = AUTISTIC
> Playing a Sith = EDGE LORD
> Playing a Grey Jedi = AUTISTIC
> Playing Non-Jedi or Sith force user and being non human common species = SPECIAL SNOW FLAKE
> Playing an uncommon species = SPECIAL SNOW FLAKE
> Playing a twilek = AUTISTIC FAPER
> Playing a non-enslaved twilek = SPECIAL SNOW FLAKE FAPER
> Playing any type of game = AUTISTIC
If Veeky Forums were a sentient being it would have schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder.
And i'm ok with that, its funny as shit.
Did you miss the confrontation between Luke, Vader and the Emperor?
Luke realized that he was falling down the same path as his father by his aggression and usage of the Dark Side, so he fucking THREW AWAY HIS WEAPON, showing that he would rather die than fall.
Luke rejected the Dark Side of the Force and, only at that moment, did the Emperor acknowledge him as a Jedi.
>Veeky Forums is one person
This meme needs to stop
Yeah, but he didn't act out during force joking a bitch. He DID act out when flipping out and wailing on Vader.
>Veeky Forums
Hello, Reddit.
Did you miss the part where Yoda warns him that the Dark Side is insidious and easy to miss until it is too late?
Luke was falling to the Dark Side and only realized how far he had fallen when he saw his father's mechanical hand and realized how close he came to repeating what happened.
The whole point of that was that Luke was starting to veer dangerously close to the dark side, and Yoda only reflected the lightning.
And the idea of grey jedi as asshats that play a balancing act with the dark side is mostly a fan invention. All the actual "grey jedi" I can recall were very much against the dark side, they just disagreed with the jedi order's rules for one reason or another.
I remember when tg wasn't shit
The Force being divided into a light side and a dark side was the worst concept to come out of Starwars.
If you're a Jedi, you use the Force for good, and if you're a Sith, you use the Force for evil. None of that 'aescetesism vs emotion' bullcrap.
There is no reason why a Jedi shouldn't be able to Force Lightning an enemy drone, nor is there a reason why a Sith can't Force Heal his own wounds.
I like Luke's idea after the reformation that focusing on being nothing but a dogma adhering Jedi is a fast way to fall.
>And the idea of grey jedi as asshats that play a balancing act with the dark side is mostly a fan invention.
To be fair, almost the entirety of the EU could be considered a fan invention. That's why it's so easy (and necessary) to disregard huge chunks of it to make sense of the setting.
I was under the impression Force Lightning wasn't just zapping something with electricity, but literally your hateful and destructive urges manifesting through the Force.
I'm pretty sure Yoda was just catching the lighnting and shooting it back not generating his own but it's been awhile
this was never the case
>I was just a regular ass Stormtrooper
>I was not a good shot
Way to stick to character concept user
It was worse than that. I started out with decent "skill" at shooting, wanting to be a sharpshooter.
I rolled for shit. But rolled well for explosives, so I focused my build on that.
His point is that the Force as representative of a ton of eastern philosophies is more fun than this bullshit "Jedi are perfect angels and Sith are pure demons" nonsense, and the better works of Star Wars are the works that trend towards the former.
I notice you did nothing to refute the point and instead fell back on lel reddit maymay.
It at least wasn't this bad
The dark side isn't just hate, my man. It's emotions in general.
If you adhere to old, ineffective dogma then yes.
Dark Side isn't emotion. It's passion.
wrong post, ment for
but you're in denial too if you think is wrong in any way shape or form
I think the limit on what the dark side could do was only for games.
I think Sith are fully capable of using the force to heal.
We lost thrawn...
So you're saying it's a perfectly logical decision for a Jedi to use a Lightsaber as a shield while using the blaster for offense?
KOTOR did let Sith heal with the Force, but it took more "Force Points" to do it if you weren't Light Side. Same with Jedi and Lightning.
Well, Darth Sion sort of confirms it can at least be used to keep yourself from dying.
And Darth Maul.
I know Thrawn was the villainous equivalent of a Mary Sue (is that still a Mary Sue or did our love of hairsplitting get it another one?). But I love the guy anyway, and hope he's one of the things they pull back in. We're already getting a Grand Admiral, I think, so there's hope.
That actually happens in Rebels.
Except for everything Kotor.
But we also lost Swotor.
So it balances out.
Exactly. A good force user should totally be able to consume their enemies in unrelenting hate. If a paladin can do it, why can't a Jedi?
It wasn't that good anyway. And the second one was an unfinished mess, despite what good it did for the franchise.
>despite what good it did for the franchise
Inserting Grey needlessly in a mostly White and Black universe isn't doing the franchise good.
You can have White and Black stories, you can have other kinds of stories. Inserting one into the other doesn't make the story better.
It's gone anyway. Who cares?
KotOR II has some of the best writing in star wars, let alone the extended universe.
Also, occasionally it's oddly refreshing, even. When was the last time you played a game where all of your companion NPCs hated each others guts?
It's tragic that it was unfinished, but the restoration mod makes a colossal difference.
It's sad that the animation quality and combat have aged so badly, though.
Oh and there are a lot of really pointless quests in it. But it still beats the absolute shit out of Dragon Age: Inquisition on that metric.
Not to mention the lead writer misunderstood what the force actually is.
I'd be okay if it intended as Kreia being delusional, but Avellone clearly agreed with her.
I don't know man, while Revan's character was butchered I honestly find Valkorian an interesting character (Up to Chapter 8, haven't gotten further). I also absolutely adored the Inquisitor and Warrior storylines, especially as the light sided honor bound Warrior causing people to commit suicide because "SITH CANT BE LIGHT HURR DURR" and the power mad DARTH KNOXX
Jedi stories though, complete and utter snooze fest.
>Going Light Side Warrior who's loyal to the Empire and wants to do right by its' Citizens.
but asceticism versus emotion is a great way of reflecting the cost of a good versus evil conflict. jedi must be monastic, celibate, and stoic to truly uphold the force, because emotions easily interfere with the power a force-sensitive has
But that's dumb and means you can't really have interesting jedi.
In what way?
personally, i want to see the jedi as more un-interventionist, perhaps feudal, and generally less purely and conventionally "good". i have no problem with good vs. evil dichotomies, but i think portraying the jedi as prudeish pseudo-knights instead of moral paladins is more interesting.
i mean, how many clone troopers needlessly died at the poor orders of Jedi? judging by the Clone Wars series, probably millions.
No, TORtanic was the worst thing to come out of the EU. When people ask if they can play Light Side Sith, you know Shit is whack.
That isn't the Mandalorians
who says that stoic, martial characters cant be interesting? it just means theyre rigid and dogmatic in their values, not robots