What's the best food to eat during long game sessions?
What's the best food to eat during long game sessions?
The ones you eat during a break, stop eating while playing you impulsive fuck.
But you already posted it OP
Cheetos. Don't worry - chopsticks will be provided.
same here. DMs wife was especially fond of the cheeses.
Otherwise I bring fresh fruit platters, sparkling fruit juice and good pop.
like stewarts or its ilk of luxury soda's.
10 kg of fucking lettuce
fuck, my players eat a lot of shit and i ain't wasting a dime on them
Oh GOD, don't tempt me tg, you're going to make me want to splurge on food for my group this coming wenesdayT_T
Charcuterie all the way.
Your pic needs some more dry sausage, nuts, and honey
Fresh and dry fruit
I'm hungry now.
Get those sword shape picks and beer.
Another good snack is just blackberries drizzled in honey with cocoa thrown on top. Swirl it around and the cocoa mixes with the honey and makes a perfect light sweet sauce.
Its my favourite dessert and really easy.
If you don't have berries just go to a local deli and get 3.00 bucks worth of a bunch of different meats, sliced thin.
Get some of those mini toast things, a few nice jams and bam you're passable.
on the topic of beer, a corona (or any light beer) with plumbed lime mixed into it and a little salt on the frosted rim of a glass tankard thats been left over night in the freezer is fucking amazing.
Smoked meats, seasonal fruit, variety of cheeses.
Also, its nice to have a range of pickles you make yourself ranging from standard cucumber dills, to carrots, spicy string beans, or sweet zucchini pickles
bucket of banana peppers also works imo.
But what did his wife's son think of them?
corona is shit tier beer, basically mexican budweiser. light beer is for those bizarre fucks who neither want to get drunk, nor want to taste their beer.
if you want a beer with a lot of flavor, but won't knock you on your ass if you've had more than a few, try session ales. they're fermented quickly, resulting in a much lower alcohol content (and caloric content) than most beers, but with none of the loss of flavor. unless you live in BFE, you most likely have access to a pretty decent variety of craft beers, almost all of which are significantly better than "domestics".
modelo makes better cerveza than corona.
i live 2 minutes away from an italian bakery, so charcuterie is fairly easy to put together.
Best soda ever is AJ Stephan's Jamaican Style Ginger Beer. It will rip your face off.
For the love of God please stop! I'll end up being too hungry to sleep!
Depends on how long we plan on playing. If it's a shorter session, then it's whatever the group wants (usual standard, pizza or takeout)
Longer sessions I like to feast on low-carb, high-protein, no sugar. Keep the energy levels at an above-average, but not so high that I crash later, and low-carb so I don't food-coma.
i have 3 different kinds of soppresseta, speck, and porchetta in my fridge right now.
I have a friend who brings bars of pemmican to games. He's the only person who likes it, but he always brings a big chunk of it and leaves it there. The stuff never goes bad, I have like six pounds of it in storage because he never takes it with him.
I'll tell you what though, whenever I miss a check that stuff gets some nibbling. It isn't good really, but it's apparently the most ridiculously nutrient rich stuff on the planet.
I found out he makes it every night as a matter of habit but can't eat it all.
Only homemade thing any player ever brought to any games I've been to was the GM bringing his homemade hard cider.
Genuinely curious about what it tastes like, from the pictures on google it looks like small bricks of bacon?
Mixing vampiros is amazing stuff
Grapefruit soda
Silver tequila
Rim the glasses with lime and sugar and chile powder mix or salt.
This shit can be as low or high alch% as you want it.
It is beyond delicious.
Best option is to make a break and have a real meal. Making a break allows players and dm to give some feedback, forge new strategies, etc. Cook something quick and tasty like spaghetti or ham with Madeira sauce and rice (marmiton.org
Our host (different from our GM, there is an agreement between them) does this during our breaks and it's great.
Butterbrot or Buterbrod is also good. Here's how to do it: youtube.com
Why do uneducated Americans call cold cut boards Charcuterie? Words have meaning you know?
Never heard anyone call a cutting board that.
Foods the people you play with enjoy, and is appropriate for the time of day and the facilities provided.
I've done game nights with chips and beer, and I've also played games with homemade gourmet pizzas baking in the oven. I've paused the game to eat apple crisps and ice cream. I've also starved from 6pm to 4am wrapping up a long session. It depends.
>tell me how I should feed myself
only on Veeky Forums - the idiot's guide to RPGing
Always PBR.
hey now, this thread is comfy
Charcuterie is a French word that is usually used wrong. en.wikipedia.org
sorry, couldn't resist - the snark is strong within me this morning.
I love me some ginger beer.
Stickbread from the oven with garlic/herb butter.
Stickbread? What the fuck...?
You mean a baguette, right?
I'm no beer queer but I've found Fat Tire is a good game beer
Of course!
>Why do uneducated Americans call cold cut boards Charcuterie? Words have meaning you know?
Charcuterie means cold cuts, dumbass.
Did the jani delete the waffles thread?
Chex mix
These days will likely involve more candy, but then again I just got a job in a chocolate factory and the products are either free foe small amounts or significantly cheaper for large ones, so can you really blame me for taking advantage of such a resource? Also would be veggie tray and maybe a cheese tray if hosting, with dinner included.
I was under the impression that it was a tossed bag of preserves, whether meat or veg.
What's wrong with crisps and soda?
Also Veeky Forums tends to have better than average taste, or, at the very least, a wider range of experience to pull from when it comes to this kind of thing.
I usually make something the day before that just needs to be reheated or popped in the oven on game day.
This week is stuffed mushrooms. Fry up some bacon, cook mushroom stalks and a diced onion in the grease. Mix together with goat cheese and some herbs and the bacon, stuff into mushrooms. Bake on game day, serve.
So delicious its criminal.
>eating during a game session
There's no such thing as "gamer fuel" you glutton. Traditional games are not so physically taxing an activity that you need a plate of nutritionally optimized snacks within arm's reach at all times lest you perform worse, unless of course you have diabetes or something. You can eat whatever you normally eat, when it's time for a meal.
I'm allowed to say this because I'm fat and trying to starve myself. Your picture is more than I eat in a day and I still haven't lost any weight.
I want to play with you. I'll bring whatever you want.
Cholent. Just gotta be careful not to stain your charsheets.
Did you know that people get hungry given enough time? Its a interesting fact
>doesn't bend
>nothing but pepperoni on top
That thing's so frozen they can hear "Let It Go" playing all the way over at Veeky Forums.
Starving yourself doesn't work. Your body just enters starvation mode and slows down your metabolism. Eating well and exercising is how you lose weight.
Well, my group might be in a special position as we play in a pub/restaurant (when it's closed), Sunday afternoon and Tuesday evening.
On Sunday, everybody usually has already had Lunch when we meet up. We usually only have cookies or other small, sweet snacks. If we play longer (past 7 or so) or if somebody gets hungry sooner there is usually enough left over from Lunch.
On Tuesday we meet up in the Evening, with people coming from directly work. We either cook in the restaurant kitchen or order something, depending if somebody has time to prepare the food or not, and all eat together. These few minutes really help to get the chit-chat out of the way, and you can really see the difference in out of character stuff when you spend 30 minutes cooking together vs 10 minutes eating your Pizza. On these evenings, we very rarely have snacks.
I chuckled.
Normally I bring fruit or we all chip in for kebabs, pizza or battered sausages. Then whatever beer is on special offer at the nearest shop. Plus my flgs has a fridge stocked with cans of pop. Biscuits are another item thats passed about.
My group just brings the stuff you'd expect a group of teenagers playing Halo would.
>Too many chips
>Too much soda
>ALL of the soda
>I need a fucking doctor there's so much soda
>Canned nuts
>Half empty open box of Cheez Its from last week nobody bothered to close
>A jar of salsa with a mutant colony of mold that has been sitting there for months as a class project
>A pitcher of water with some pencils inside (???)
I wish I took a picture last week I was there.
>A pitcher of water with some pencils inside (???)
??????? ???? ???????????
So you're in a city?
But what city has 'battered sausages?'
Are these cookies or are you from the south?
So not from the south?
I'm guessing he's a Brit, so the majority of towns will have at least one Kebab place, one pizza place and one fish and chip shop. (the chippy will also sell battered sausages for those heathens that don't like fish)
Last time I went hunting I fried some venison and served it with hardtack and salt, just for fun. I was playing a ranger at the time so I guess it fit.
My grandfather used to make it a lot. It's a preserved lump of fats, berries, dry meat, whatever you can find and dry out into something vaguely resembling a biscuit. There's no hard and fast recipe, just the preserving process. It's designed to be high energy and to keep for a long time.
Tastes like whatever you put in it but a bit worse, and really chewy in most cases. Makes you feel great afterward though. Very content-dense. If you're interested you might want to look into fry bread and rabbit pie too.
Nah im Irish. We also have onion rings, pigs feet and other lovely grub.