You will never own this tank.
You will never own this tank
What is it?
krupp steel and porsche engines
>no sponsons
>putting sponsons on a vanilla Russ
>edgy 40k tiger
lol. Poops. You can keep it
Fuck off with your shilling mate. You've been bothering the /wip/ thread for months with that shit, and now you make a thread about this?
Get the fuck out, no one wants your tank.
I already have like 4 of these, except they actually look good and are historically accurate and in a manageable scale for combined arms (no the most ideal scale, but manageable)
Varies with the edition, so...
You can buy them from mad robot miniatures.
There's really one edition in which sponsons were really useful on an Ordnance Russ. Most of my Russes are from 3e and I didn't bother with sponsons.
OP Here
We have a /wip/? I can't find the board.
>mad robot miniatures
Thanks Bro!
No, just a general wip thread, it's just a common practice to name generals with the //
>being this new
Looks like a load of renders.
>eighty-five fuckin' dollary-doodads
actually, if you look it up.
It's about 114 AUD, Considering its the mid range between a larger tank and a lemon i'd go with it.
Lemons are 85.
It is expensive but it is also a big resin kit.
Gideon is about £58.50 and comes with free P&P while forge world tanks are about £59+P&P+plus extra turret options( the Gideon comes with five turrets).
Why no using a Warlord or Rubicon Tiger with Leman Russ bits?
Those exposed sidewalls are literal melta/krak bait. All it has to do is melt/shatter a few of those wheels to fuck up the mobility of the tank.
It looks pretty well done but it looks too much like a Tiger for my tastes.
At least its its tracks have any ground clearance.
Where's the Leman Russ is undoubtably designed to fight infantry, this thing looks like it's more suited to anti-tank warfare.
Which one of them? I mean, Annihilator and Vanquisher are clearly better at anti-tank work. Demolisher can do both, but at close range.
I already have these, but different and in a different scale and for a completely different game, hi guys look I'm a special snowflake
I exclusively play historicals now and even I think you are a fuckwit
Anyway, pic related is the Mortian Battle Tank, more styled after the Macharius.
oops, I forgot my memearrows
>Get a 1:48 Tiger
>Buy some Leman Russ bits seperately and glue them on
You forgot
>Looks exactly like all those abortions 14 year olds with no pocket money use down at the club.
The basic Leman Russ is basically a WW2 infantry tank.
Slow, heavy armour and good for supporting ground troops.
But I already own about six tigers.
It's a Meanweapon superheavy tank from Flanged Mace 50,000.
That is OOP isn't it?
>I exclusively play historicals now
Is this your projection of someone who owns and recognizes a Tiger I ? incorrect btw
see people say this but the two are really imcomparable. The leman russ is equipped with three rapid fire grenade launchers and can engage massed infantry, while a modern tank simply could not unless escorted by infantry. A modern tank cannot simultaneously fire anti tank capable weapons at FIVE SEPARATE TARGETS.
A modern tank is obviously superior in our earths current warfare (no waves of suicidal attackers literally 10 kilometers across and 10 kilometers deep, no enemies who LITERALLY REFUSE to use ranged weaponry) Additionally the biggest threat to a leman russ is TO BE CLIMBED ALL OVER AND RIPPED APART BY INFANTRY, not to be struck by an rpg. They are fielded in battle groups hundreds strong and SIMPLY DO NOT NEED AS THICK OF ARMOR if they need to make 1000000000 percent more thanks and are fighting a bunch of orks in pickup trucks (without tanks)
tldr; random russ rant
You do know what an infantry tank is, right? Because user didn't say "lol, russ iz ww2 shit tec" he said it's an infantry tank akin to the likes of Churchill. Big, heavy, armoured the fuck up and packing a variety of weapons. It's main function is to advance alongside infantry and provide cover and fire support for them.
but leman russ are fielded in armored squadrons while the guardsmen are given no support because they are guardsmen?
Is that a question or a statement?
You realise its pretty common for Russes to be fielded detached to infantry companies?
Not every Guard regiment is WW1 on steroids.
5e codex notes that it's rare to see IG forces without Russes and that the standard Russ is the most requested vehicle by infantry company commanders to get attached to their forces.
Why not just build companys out of armor?
You mean like an... armoured... company? The thing that's been in the fluff forever and for which we've had rules since 3e? The thing from which all the tanks attached to infantry companies come from?
Would this be a vehicle guardsmen personnel be driving around?
No, I missed the memearrows for this.
>I already have these, but different and in a different scale and for a completely different game, hi guys look I'm a special snowflake
What followed was my opinion.
Doesn't look retarded enough. Add more skulls.
also the barrel isn't comically large for its size.
Why not?
Here, have one with a huge barrel.
The standard LR is an infantry tank, is the Vanquisher Russ the closest thing they have to an MBT by the modern definition?
>main battle tank
Since when has a thing that's specialized in dealing with big things been classified as an MBT?
Close. It would probably be the ABG Vanquisher.
>co-axial gun for increasing primary gun's accuracy
>carries both explosive and AP ammunition; both are designed to win the engagement in one shot
>also a hull gun just in case
Pic related; aside from the sloped plates welded onto the turret that is a completely GW model.
It has a high explosive shell in fluff/some FW lists but is also better at dealing with tanks and is probably slightly faster than the standard Russ because it normally lacks sponsons.
Its more of an MBT than the standard tank at any rate but then the Imperium is a bit short in 'MBT' candidates. It has lots of WW2 tank classes or things that do not fit into real categories.
ABG? And that is a pretty cool model.
>a completely GW model
>FW hull
>FW turret
Only thing GW about that are the tracks.
Russ has anti-tank shells as well. Only explosive shells Vanquishers get now, as far as I know, are the beast hunter ones, which are mainly geared towards killing big things like monstrous creatures. Not scores of infantry, while the battle cannons large blast deals with that and the anti-tank shells are almost as good as vanquisher shells in dealing with tanks.
Russes lack sponsons because ruleswise they're useless right now. But in fluff they're still as useful as ever, providing all Russ variants with the same benefits, so it's hardly a modifier in the argument.
Vanquishers have been modelled without sponsons in most official pictures and in most art for over ten years though regardless of how good they are in the rules.
Here's your (you). FW is owned by GW. Go to the FW page and scroll down.
Armored Battlegroup, an army list from Imperial Armor: Volume 1 2nd Edition. Featuring such awesomeness as:
>Leman Russes as Troops
>Leman Russes with 4 HP
>Leman Russes that can order other Leman Russes
>Leman Russes that make every unit within 6" LD10
>Leman Russes that can fire 72" S8AP2 Instant Death blasts
>Leman Russes with co-axial weapons that grant Twin-Linked to the primary gun if they hit
>Leman Russes that force enemies to reroll cover saves
>Leman Russes that force enemies to reroll melee hits
Basically you can have an army of Leman Russes. And they can actually kick a lot of ass.
>FW is owned by GW. Go to the FW page and scroll down.
You know very well FW models and GW models are considered separate, they have different designers, factories, materials, etc. When you're talking about a "completely GW" model and then show a model that mostly FW parts, there is a difference, no matter how much FW is a subsidiary of GW.
I always wanted to do a tank force ever since that Armoured Company list back in WD 295 or so, never got round to it though. Also I would have felt like a dick.
On another note its a shame there are so few 40k tank proxies.
Pff, I'd rather a baneblade.
You know the stuff bought directly from GW stores are designed and made by Citadel miniatures? GW owns both Citadel Miniatures and Forge world. I just find it odd that people try to separate FW from GW but not CM.
>On another note its a shame there are so few 40k tank proxies.
There are a few. Maxmini made this(see pic).
Mad robot made this And treadheadz made this
>I just find it odd that people try to separate FW from GW but not CM.
You're free to find it odd, but it's been going on for ages now. Try going to a /hhg/ thread and talking about FW models as "GW models."
>I just find it odd that people try to separate FW from GW but not CM.
It's because FW stuff tends to be powerful and infrequently updated. There's just enough veneer of unofficial-ness to let the argument be made that it's 'not GW so not legal' by butthurt faggots who insist on only playing 100% official content.
Said faggots also suffer an aneurysm if your average Ork player comes within 10 feet.