The influence of television

Would you be willing to agree that the majority of the problems with tabletop gaming can be blamed on Today's television?

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Not until you at least identify what those problems are, OP.

given the MSM is controlled by fifth columnists trying to subvert society?s purity of essence and normalise nonconformism, communism, atheism and free love in children while undermining moral character, yes.

this desu boi

I honestly blame videogames a fuck-ton more than TV. Whenever I play games with "that guys" and such, I can't help but feel like they think certain thinks like murderhoboing are OK because HURR DURR I CAN DO IT IN SKYRIM! MUH CHOICE AND FREEDUM! BEST AR PEE GEE OF ALL TIME, RITE GUISE?!

I would blame neckbeards' knee-jerk reaction to their hobby becoming popular

What problems do you have with tabletop gaming? Do you think you could blame modern television for them?

Well as soon something gets a bigger community , you also get more assholes. Its just statistics

All the problems can be traced back to the horrible machine that is Advertising.

All the problems with television? They're a direct result of what happens when giant companies spend millions of dollars to try and get people to associate abstract ideas like Love, Happiness, Fulfillment, and Satisfaction with their products and services.

Everything wrong, not simply with gaming and television, but everything that is wrong with this world wrought by human hands, is the result of billions of dollars spent on gigantic lies that we recognize but hardly can understand just how deeply they affect us.

I think theres a bit of bitterness in there too cause tabletop gaming and video games were the losers thing but now they've become all trendy and cool so people literally saw the guys at school who picked on people for liking Veeky Forums and /v/ posting shit like "Aw man up til 1am such a gamer XD" and then getting a shitload of attention for it. Its like "Hold on pal you called me a faggot for talking about star wars and now you're trying to say you're the biggest star wars fan"

What problems would that be? And WHAT KIND OF TABLETOP GAMING?
Give us actual relevant info you fucking sperg instead of just setting the stage for endless arguing.

This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

Besides, everyone knows the real problem is videogames and anime. You can't look for people for role-playing any more without running into some brainwashed wow or D&D casualty who can only discuss fantasy using terms like quest and dps.

>OP, stop being a faggot
>I need to outfaggot you!

That's you. That's what you sound like.

...But you also get more nice people too, so it would balance out. If 10% of people are assholes and your community gets an influx of one million people, the assholes are still just 10%.

The bitterness is mainly because a lot of nerds failed to realize that the reasons they were unpopular was not actually their hobbies.

Normal, well-adjusted people with adequate standards of grooming suddenly playing videogames and D&D, while the neckbeards are still as socially rejected as ever just shows them the uncomfortable truth.

It wasn't your your warhammer collection and your power level user.
It was you.

It was the constant need to have codified mechanics for everything as well as the increasing focus on combat and making characters optimized for combat. D&D 3.5 and its derivatives have ended up becoming glorified videogames on paper, with an obsession for balance and creating interesting combat scenarios instead of providing rules to facilitate roleplay.
Television, anime, videogames, et cetera didn't ruin tabletop gaming. Tabletop gaming ruined tabletop gaming.

Anime is only really a bad influence with online groups, because it's really only a problem with people under the age of 18 (which is most people in online roleplaying communities).

I play with a couple of hardcore weeaboos IRL and they're usually pretty good at keeping that shit out the game. I'd even go so far as to say it makes them better roleplayers in some case, because they've outgrown the generic shonen shit and read manga that tackle mature themes besides violence and panty shots... and just like with people who read good books, it tends to give them a wider range of inspiration to draw on for characters in a roleplay.

What you are experiencing is what's known as a golden age fallacy.

The concept of tabletop gaming exists in your mind as an idealized conglomerate of you experiences with tabletop gaming. As those memories get older, more and more of the erroneous details are forgotten. As a result, your now edited memories are necessarily closer to your ideal tg and thus look better than the present day, where those erroneous details are still remembered.

Thus the ideal good/bad execution of any concept is an impossible self un-fulfiling prophecy resulting from the mind's natural process of data compression.

>It wasn't your your warhammer collection and your power level user.
>It was you.

Fuck you

Most nerds were polite, educated, personable people with diverse hobbies outside of fucking vapid sluts behind the bleachers and drinking natty ice.

They were mocked by jocks for being clever, worldly wise and cultured thanks to a society that punishes courtesy, integrity and intelligence in its promotion of dumb strength and looks.

Society sells the lie it's all about personality. If so, why do girls ignore polite, cultured guys and fuck thug quarterbacks? Answer? Looks and wealth > personality

You poor victim, you.

>why do girls ignore polite, cultured guys and fuck thug quarterbacks?

It's just that you're way, way too focused on the hot girls banging the hot guys to remember all the other girls, because at the end of the day, you're just as shallow.

The difference is that you're socially awkward/shy or whatever and you tell yourself that your handicap is "Not being an asshole" instead of "not having any balls".


you tell him becky, like oh em gee, he, like, knows MATH or something, ew

I hope this is bait, it's too sad if you actually believe all that

Why are women so shallow?

At the risk of sounding like a hypocrite, quit feeding him guys.

So instead of celebrating that this worldview of Nerds vs Cool Kids is now outdated, you're just mad that other people are having fun with your stuff?

>why do girls ignore polite, cultured guys and fuck thug quarterbacks?
There are lots of girls out there, user. Try finding some that have overlapping interests to you instead of chasing girls who have nothing in common with with you. If anything, the increase of girls in nerd hobbies should help guys like you actually connect with individual people of the opposite gender and move away from thinking of them as a single entity.

Reverse the genders and nothing changes

Truth. I wish I could go back in time and slap this sense into my high school self.

Society now resembles Idiocracy.

Actually knowing things, taking pride in knowledge - the concept of the Renaissance Man - is out of fashion.

We used to celebrate people who partook of the arts and could maintain witty repartee and now that is being a nerd

We used to encourage actual discussions of art, now it is called overthinking

The answer, straight from a woman.

It's quite opposite.

It's games (both tt and vidya) that have terrible influence on both film and literature in genres they are most inherent to (fantasy is the most blatant example, but neither sci-fi, nor anything else is fully safe).

The average quality of works of fiction/art in fantasy genre dropped hard since rpgs hit the marked and became a more widely recognized thing.

It's not because RPGs themselves are wrong, the idea of collaborative, interactive storytelling with a set of helpful rules and imagination is great and offers infinite possibilities, but they're mostly used in a wrong manner - because they unluckily were developed by wrong people, in wrong millieu, who pushed it into wrong direction that after all those years still is the tabletop mainstream through the power of momentum.

Seriously, Tolkien and Howard would roll in they graves if they get to know they are associated with D&D now, and William Gibson, the father of cyberpunk, who happens to be still alive, openly dissed Shadowrun.

The geek is the modern Renaissance man. He partakes of multiple art forms new (interactive narrative experience, kino films) and old (books, collaborative storytelling). His gaming encourages creativity and an.enquiring mind, leading to a deep interest in sociology, myth, history and mathematical science.

He has fine artistic skill in the collection of finely crafted maquettes.

When I think of a nerd, witty and artistic are not the first things that come to mind.

That stuff doesn't mean anything if you can't be a competent provider who actually gets shit done. Guess who get's shit done, the "assholes" who actually had the determination to improve themselves and excel at something difficult. Being "smart" (HEAVY quotes used)isn't difficult, it just requires having alot of free time and no responsibilities, you basement-dwelling grognard man-child.

>abstract ideas
It's just chemicals, man. Imagine what will happen when biochemistry advances to the point that McD's can dose up their burgers to make you actually fall in love with them.

Do you actually believe that? Well, one, art is too celeberated at times, like that bent over dick thing.(I lost it, and I'd get it, but looking over bent over naked art, or dick art, or jealous dragon naked art can't end well). Being "Smart" is still celebrated.

However, what you're probably talking about is knowledge in certain subjects, which has always been seen as bad, shit like anime, and even tabletop games. HOWEVER, even that's being outdated as those become more popular, and now the people who're proded, and made fun of, are just autists.

Also, on an unrelated note, Renaissance Man is kinda unpopular because those used to take knowledge from several areas. By default, atleast in highschool we kinda get that, but to be considered a proffesional in so many areas would take....outright decades, of hard work, studying, and training(It included sports). Since we have so many different things, and areas of expertise.


>ever trusting The Mouse
I don't need the chemicals in my brain to tell me they are chemicals. There are turncoats in the chemical world, who will reveal the nature of any structure for the right conditions.

>It wasn't your your warhammer collection and your power level user.
>It was you.


*kicks you*
*punches you*
*roars as tears run down cheeks*
*throws you down the ash dune*
*obliterates you with fireball*

Oh lawdy, I was making a joke here. Didn't expect people to wax philosophical about it!

More so the Internet. But yes tv too.

The larger the player base or realy a player base that grows too quickly becomes diluted and fictionalized* (but in a non civil manner causing stagnation or even regression). So the game as a whole only caters to the lowest common denominator to please as much as the audience as possible thus the quality is reduced.

*Note: factions are good and can improve the game as long as they all retain the same or similar values or culture of the game. Different ideas are great but without the shared culture of the game, which results in quick growth or a large casual player base, it becomes to chaotic to advance in any meaningfully way. Also main stream pressures also play a factor but that's simply a symptom of a the above not a cause.

That fallacy is a fallacy. The real answer is you're getting less stupid as you get older, but you are constantly inundated by new stupidity, so now you're going "man why the fuck are all these newfags such stupid cunts these days" when in reality, YOU were the stupid oblivious newfag enjoying yourself years ago.

I have to agree. I'm more of a WoD dude myself but I ran a DnD game to get a bunch of guys at my dorm acquainted with table-top RPGs. The guys that where really in mmorpgs where the most annoying of the bunch. They tried to murderhobo everything for exp, obsessed over their desired build and really struggled to roleplay. One wanted his fighter to be called "Player1". I think the game would run way smoother if they treated it as a fantasy tv show and not a video game.

>It wasn't your your warhammer collection and your power level user.
>It was you.

That part is obvious, people who make up Veeky Forums and similar places have always been universally loathed for their crimes both real and imagined. No one here or else denies that the vast majority of people would be happier if one did not exist, as their presence generates an aura of uncomfortableness in most people.

So when these people once upon a time reached out to others, they were shunned without knowing why. Their flaws so hidden from themselves, they retreated to more solitary activities and enclaves of similar people, creating a tenuous alliance with other outcasts. Instead of developing an identity around the views of others towards themselves, they developed an identity of their actions and hobbies in relation to the self. Whereas a normal person might see themselves as a well loved person in the community, /tg-types might define themselves by their actions -- a wargamer, a roleplayer, etc. They wrap up all their perceived traits into these distinctions, and when others apply it to themselves without any real commitment, it infuriates them.

It was never that Veeky Forums was mad because people didn't like their hobby, but because they were alienated from society at large with no understanding as to why, causing them to curse others and further distance themselves as they see a viscous attack on their person without provocation. The rift was created two ways, and when so-called "normies" encroach on Veeky Forums's territory, they lash out in an attempt to defend the one place they have that's sacred to them.

Going by the replies in this thread I guess it's finally happened. /R9K/ and /pol/ are going to ruin Veeky Forums just like they ruin every other board.

Women aren't all shallow party sluts, society has never given a damn that you roll dice and hallucinate on the weekends, and "jocks" aren't all assholes who want to beat you up for being good at math.

I really pity some of you.

Nah, vidya and anime

T. beta male


You've been posting an awful lot today, Virt.

I don't know where you disappear to whenever you vanish for a month or two at a time, but maybe you should consider staying there this time.

That's not him though.

> Women aren't all shallow party sluts,

Not all. Just most.

There's a lot of self-loathing in this thread

>All the problems can be traced back to the horrible machine that is Advertising.
Here we go...
>They're a direct result of what happens when giant companies spend millions of dollars to try and get people to associate abstract ideas like Love, Happiness, Fulfillment, and Satisfaction with their products and services.
No they don't. They associate abstract ideas with whatever they think their demographics want them to be. In fact, the complaint about advertising making us materialistic is one of the most mainstream fucking themes in television. Especially now you are constantly having the "money can't buy love/happiness/fulfillment" moral shoved down your throat as if it's some sort of insight. To be honest everything you just said sounds exactly like what they say on TV shows. Like you sound like you're quoting Mad Men right now. This is hilarious.

> but everything that is wrong with this world wrought by human hands
As much wrong as there is right, not really any significance to this perspective.


Oh god, /r9k/ is leaking again.

> wahh can't handle the truth
> so I'll say something that proves nothing

Have you ever played with female RPG players?

>personality means manners
You're so boring user


>get a load of this nihilist

Poor cgl-chan

I don't think I've actually seen somebody use the "le girls don't like me even though I'm well-mannered and polite, why do they go for the asshole chads *sigh*" argument for real in a loooong time. It's usually anons accusing other anons of it.

maybe change the "w" to a "sh" and the "r" to a "u" and you got it.

I'm still on the fence deciding whether or not it's an elaborate troll.

It's so cliche that it was hard to take anyone saying it seriously back in the '50s.

>the truth
How about you go about proving that, boy?

>It's just that you're way, way too focused on the hot girls banging the hot guys to remember all the other girls, because at the end of the day, you're just as shallow.
>The difference is that you're socially awkward/shy or whatever and you tell yourself that your handicap is "Not being an asshole" instead of "not having any balls".

Yeah, I was a huge nerd, but fucked lots of girls in high school because I actually engaged them instead of just staring from across the room. Turns out teenage girls are horny, who knew?

Guys, the problem with those people flew over your head. Those games you're quoting don't let you mass kill people. The reason they turn into murder hobos is because they are going from video games that don't LET you be a murder hobo to a setting where you can do anything. For a lot of people it's their first reaction is to do all the terrible things video games don't let them do, eventually they tend to get it out of their system but a lot of them don't. It's new and exciting for them and they just aren't in the mindset yet to be a good roleplayer. You might be able to coax it out of them by showing the other better roleplay criminal activities they can get up to instead of murder hoboing everything in sight instead of just saying "Video games turned everyone into this because they let you murder everyone" which is actually backwards.

Games like skyrim and MMOs even more so completely remove this option so it becomes a pent up desire when they have all these times they'd kill an NPC for a normal reason like revenge and are unable to do so for arbitrary programming reasons.

>why do girls ignore polite, cultured guys and fuck thug quarterbacks?
Confidence > all

not true, FAGGOT

>You don't have to be an ego-inflated, arrogant jerk. You just have to LIKE yourself. You have to know what you want out of life, and go after it. Only then will you be attractive to the kind of woman with whom a long-term relationship is possible.

Well I have hated myself for last 9 years and doubt it will change so fuck pointless hopes i guess.

Honestly, I think gaming can learn a lot from TV in how they're both typically episode, long-form and group-based stories. There are even quite a few games out there explicitly modelled after certain shows, like Monster of the Week (Buffy/Supernatural).

>mfw last panel doesnt say "this is a perfect Veeky Forums"

Oh yes it's totally /pol/ that's ruining Veeky Forums

dude obviously, everyone knows that lol. ever notice how almost no men ever say that shit to you? maybe your relatives are close friends but otherwise no dudes? its because we know how women work and obviously its about looks, wealth, and social status. they just say that shit to you because women are cowards that can't speak the truth. anyways its always funny when dudes past the age of 18 haven't figured this out.

>Would you be willing to agree that the majority of the problems with tabletop gaming can be blamed on Today's television?


Why does everyone hate awkward people so much? It's not like we do that shit on purpose.

"They can't help it" is the excuse of children and pets.

Improve or die.

When was the last time you did any self improvement shitposter chan?

I wouldn't know, I stopped watching TV years ago.

Today. I learned to solder.

Your move.

Well not so much today as cumulation over couple months but I've lost a 48 pounds so far. Quit smoking about a month ago.

You sound like a LoveShy. Fuck off fagget.

In b4 op tries to say nerds on Veeky Forums never used to call each other faggots.

Excellent work user, we may yet make it off this damn island. Don't tell Gilligan.

They didn't fall for such obvious bait though

Op here, I was literally just making a joke, faggot-mcgiester. It's quite funny exactly people got worked up over it up. Though it does make me feel like more of a fag then usual.

Pics or didn't happen.

Pictures mean nothing, I could google that shit.

I'll prove it indisputably with a simple secret.

Two-heat irons have three settings, "Off", "Doesn't work" and "Does work"

Have these things really become popular or are people just spending too much time on the internet?

Because I know no one “normal” who would find it perfectly okay to play a game of pretend with friends during a night that could be spent clubbing and getting laid. I would be made fun of if I mentioned it to them.

Also, and this isn't a response and specifically just people in general, but basing your identity around a single label is without a doubt one of the most pathetic things I see in life. Have some depth to your personality.

Reasonable post, but far too late user. The thread's drowning in bitterness now.

The difference between real life and most RPGs is that you don't actuallty have to juggle attributes.

You can have good strength, charisma and intelligence if you're not a faggot.

While he shit the bed on the last sentance there, his first three were absolutely correct.

Truth be told, though society was never fully accepting of 'lol fuck pussi and drink beer SPORTS LMAO' fratboy faggotry, it has always been far more acceptable to be that then a well spoken, insular nerd. We live in a fucked up world.

>well spoken

you can't see me now but I'm making an exaggerated jerking off motion while reading your post

What you're talking about is the 'being useful to women' category.
I wasn't aware that that was a traditional games related matter.

Why is improving yourself related to women in your opinion? Is it that you see sex with women as some kind of reward? Thats pretty objectifyin' brah.

More like ALL american problems.

Of course not, I see sex with women as a punishment.

>Is it that you see sex with women as some kind of reward?
No, but if improving myself directly or indirectly lead to me developing a long term (maybe even permanent) romantic relationship with an intelligent, kind and charming woman I would consider that an award.

>there are still people who don't realize that sex is a mechanism for tightening bonds between people
>there are still people who think that sex is the goal and not just means to an end
>there are still people who don't realize that you learn to love a person, and sex is just one of the components for it

I both recognize and know how they affect us, I'm in marketing.
And it's not a problem, this is what people want, the easiest way to sell anything is to tie it to feelings and insights, it's simple fucking business.
There is also nothing inherently evil in doing this, only when you are being unethical and lying it gets fucked up.

When you never have something you can't learn how to use it.

How the fuck did you spend all this time expecting someone to like you if you couldn't even like yourself? Were you just going to lie to them until they understood you suck? This is the point where you make yourself better, you limp roadkill. Learn about something people care about, if you can't be bothered to get Veeky Forums or develop a personality.

>There is also nothing inherently evil in doing this, only when you are being unethical and lying it gets fucked up.

Would you consider Axe commercials unethical?


>It wasn't your your warhammer collection and your power level user.
>It was you.
It's definitely both. Admitting to playing a tabletop RPG had and still has a strong social stigma, that's just a fact.

The kind of people that are drawn to escapism such as RPGs are likely to also be social rejects on their own, true, but the attribute of being a wargamer or roleplayer or LARPer is itself significant and negative.

Of course the 90-110 IQ riajuu scum who embrace these normative conventions are not actually desirable as companions, either within or outside of the hobby. The majority of people today are incredibly vile, selfish, and shallow - I'd argue more so than at any other point in human history - but in any case certainly it can be said that they are indeed wretched. It's not as if these "nerd" hobbies are immune to that, but nerd culture is, or at least, was inherently skewed towards higher than average intelligence and so there are more diamonds in the rough to be found.

tl;dr gas the kikes, race war now.