Veeky Forums what system can I use to play a Minecraft let's play RPG campaign? I promised my players I'd find the most cancerous idea for a campaign,Minecraft immediately came to mind. Please aid me Veeky Forums and my quest for trolling.
Cancer Campaign
FATAL, both you and players will suffer
How could I make it as awkward and uncomfortable as possible? What situations could I put them in?
Any. Being raped and digested at the same time by slime monsters, for example
i never got why people get so triggered by let's play bait games like minecraft.
To be honest going into a campaign and expecting full cancer is kind of boring.
The core of Minecraft is not a bad set up for a game. Players are alone in the wilderness, and at night monsters come for them.
FATE. I swear to God it will work and let you come up with mountains of bullshit. You can give the world aspects for hilarity's sake.
What kind of aspects would be fun/complete ridiculous bullshit?
To get this out of the way, gurps
But in all honesty, if your looking for cancer, look no further than fatal.
Why is that? And where can I find a copy?
I kind of want to play now.
Pewdiepie is your dmpc
End my suffering.
What kind of campaign would the king of Youtube,Our Lord and Savior Pewdiepie run?
one where every session you introduce a new meme. session 1- strength-4. session 2- katanas. session 3 those rods that freeze in place.
>not knowing the name of immovable rods
No, user, you are the cancer.
every session, add a new meme rule.
Wouldn't it be at the end of every session players are awarded subs instead of XP?
Thread how can we incorporate the core building themes of Minecraft into a RPG? What mechanics could we use for it?
I also was wondering about this.