The rule-books for your game have arrived sir

>The rule-books for your game have arrived sir

Could a game with this many rules be fun?

Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe, if you are able to incorporate the rules into gameplay, A game that rewards you for being a Rules Lawyer basically. Maybe name it LAW?

>spend two months reading through and memorizing the game
>will never find anyone with enough patience to actually play it

Theoretically yes.

If you could find a group autistic enough to master the entire document it would probably completely do away with any arguments over certain rules, which would make game nights more about fun and less about who can interpret rules in the most convincing manner.

Only if those books are enormous indexes, full of tons of optional rules.

That's just Advanced Squad Leader

Gurps with the books you're using for your new campaign.

Me in highschool

>mfw it was not even hard
>mfw they still couldn't find the patience
>mfw it was DnD 4e

Only if a good portion of these rules is optional or common-sense


>Yes, it could be fun, it's just going to be very, very hard to extract the drop of fun you can wring out of this withered husk

Or y' know, the game is actually being a lawyer. And the rulebooks are...civil codes!

>DnD 4th ed
>High School
I want millenials to leave

Any ruleset can be fun, if you ignore most of it. D&D and GURPS are both that big, all told.

>18 to 35 year olds
>wanting them to leave
That's pretty much the whole userbase.

No, our derpstained reigh is here to stay.

GURPS proved us that it can't happen.

I suspect all the rulebooks I use for Ars Magica would stack that high if I had them all in hardcopy.

>thinly veiled "GURPS sucks" thread
Come on, OP.

Depends on what the rules are for, and if you need to use them all the time.

If you can choose which rules to use for which campaign you run (like in say, GURPS) then yes.


Hey, sweet, North Dakota.

is there anything aside from raw complexity stopping you from running a gurps game using every single official module?

like would they conflict on things in irreconcilable ways or could they theoretically all play nice with each other?

>did you forget the miniatures again, Crystal?
>looks like I have to punish you

Boom, instant porn plot

Theoretically it depends on how you ran it, but in practice it would probably be like trying to build a robot using ALL your Lego pieces.

Most of the rules from different books are used to simulate different genres e.g. Wild west, Martial arts, dinosaurs, whatever.

I could see a sort of Justice League, fantasy kitchen sink style working, where every character has different abilities that work in radically different ways, but it would be incredibly unbalanced.

But if you tried to have all the rules on, all the time, for everyone it would not only be boring, but wouldn't even really work. There's a half a dozen different magic systems officially published for instance (the vanilla one, Dungeon Fantasy, pus the ones in GURPS Thaumatology). The rules in GURPS Martial Arts are pretty incompatible with other fighting options.

The main thing with GURPS, whether you're GM building a campaign or player building a character, is to have a clear idea of what you're trying to do. Otherwise, everything gets too fiddly and unwieldy.

>The rule-books for your game have arrived sir

Yeah, it's just the POD for Exalted 3. Just put it on the shelf.


>nice couch with two open seats
>chooses to sit on the table
Everybody, I present to you, women.

Nearly all of them play nice together, there's no reason besides (extreme) complexity that you couldn't run GURPS with all rules modules plugged in.

A few are mutually exclusive, though, such as toggles for cinematic combat versus "extra" gritty and detailed lethal combat dI also.

All that said, I wouldn't recommend using more than 2 or 3 supplemental books to highlight what the campaign is about. Past that, you risk losing focus and diluting the experience.

As an example, there's no reason to use all half-dozen or more magic systems in a given setting; pick one or two, call it good. Same with other stuff; if we're playing high space opera, whipping out Martial Arts and asking me what styleshould and perk techniques I have purchased when all I wanna do is pistol whip a space nazi is pretty unnecessary and outside the spirit of that particular game.


>North Dakota
>Blaming anything on gender.


Nigga I came here to talk about ASL

That being said, my friend and I who each play ASL (also Dwarf Fortress, for what it's worth) came across a Roman Republic military game with a 20 page rulebook pamphlet that we were not able to make heads or tails of. It's because there are some basic tenets laid out in most games, like ASL, and then there's hundreds of pages of minutia and errata (e.i. can my squad in the second floor of a building shoot at that squad that's 3 hexes away if they're behind a half-high shrubbery). But this Roman Republic game introduced a completely new system pretty much every other paragraph, this 20 page rulebook was a horrible swamp to get through (although to be fair, it was amusing to read since it was really tongue-in-cheek about some of the more ridiculous aspects of the Roman Republic, and the rules reflected that (e.i. if you have two commanders with an army, you roll to see which one is leading them before a combat, regardless of differences in leader qualities, to reflect the consul day-by-day handoff that resulted in so much Roman fuckery)).

DnD 5e came out when I was in highschool. How does that make you feel?

You're not aloud to use Veeky Forums if you're under age.


OK, so what's a VHS?

I haven't played Star Fleet Battles in ages, are these the new rules?

>own a business
>own a house
>son is well behaved
>wife is not a whore
>never been in trouble with the law
>do not have ridiculous college loans or unpaid cards

Sure is great being blamed for your generation's failed parenting. Tell me again how I am the problem when you owe child support and live in some ratty apartment. Show me how I am caused the economic collapse while I was attending a mandatory, failing education system.

I'm not sure. But what I do know is that it's nowhere near the power of the LASERDISC POWERED BY MAGNA VISION!


Enjoy your minvan-based future?

It is like a car, but I have more room to fuck your sister outside your house.

DnD 4e released 9 years ago you dipshit.


I don't know. Apparently?

But it was released 19 years ago....

It depends what exactly the rules do.

Having 1000s of pages worth of enemy stat blocks, maps, character options, and potential settings with full fluff could be 100% fun.

>on the internet nobody can know you're a dog.


Looks like someone is about to play Hero. There is an actual youtube video proving that the rulebooks can stop bullets.

Is ASL the game with bullet velocity rules and penetration based off hardness, thickness and the slope of the armour? And I believe it had detailed rules for entrance and exit wounds including how the bullet would corkscrew in the body?

It's cause she wants to sit facing him

i thought the whole point of rules was just to use as a guidelines. you refer to the rules you believe to be relevant or necessary and ignore the ones that dont add any extra elements to game play

LOL at that point I'd just buy a T6 multivan at least it looks nice.

Although if you're playing Champions Complete, the trimmed-down fat-free version, the rulebook is tiny.


Perhaps. But if the number of rules in the book vastly exceeds the rules that aren't relevant, necessary or add anything to to the campaign you're running, then you done fucked up.

DnD 4e was release in 2007.

>clearly has never played Numberwang

There is a GURPS general, why did you start a new thread?


OR, you could call the game "Union". The game being about working in a union. I've worked in a couple of plants that are unionized, and some of the shit those guys know how to get away with is fucked up. Forklift drivers drinking on the job, leaving work 20 minutes early and still getting paid for it because you're not supposed to leave work unfinished, the shitty politics. If you're born in a factory town and have half a brain, do yourself a favor and get the fuck out. Even I'm only stuck there temporarily.

Let's rotate the board!

This is user, he likes painting models and has a live-in Real Doll who he dresses like an anime character. He lives with his mother in Manchester and spends his time fantasizing about death as he surfs the internet.

This is Gerald, and he's also here.

Let's play... Numberwang!