>yfw meme magic is just humans taping into the Immaterium for the first time
Yfw meme magic is just humans taping into the Immaterium for the first time
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Meme magic is just human bias, usually only apparent to slightly stupid people who want the world to be different from the way it is and spend too much time on the internet. In other words, /pol/.
>tfw meme magic is really just sufficiently advanced meme science
Purge the heretic
Go away.
The United States federal committee of Homeland Security and Goverment Affairs disagrees
Dumb frogposter.
Serious question
Would memes and the contrarian culture of chans be a representation of Malal?
Chaos that hates chaos? I'm still a fairly new to the lore before recently the pc games were the my only real knowledge of 40k
Also he technically canon right? Even if most oh his lore was scrapped he still appeared atleast once officially in a comic.
Malal thread now
>implying meme magic isn't real
"Deus Vult", "Le Roi est mort", "Carthago delenda est", "Workers of all countries, unite", "Liberte, egalite, fraternite" etc.
You have to be both blind and deaf to not notice the infuence of memes on the human history.
Read Snow Crash if you want the babby's first vision of meme magic.
The emperor is nothing but memes incarnate. Praise Kek
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
That's not what he meant and you know it you farteating jizzgargler.
>meme magic
>isn't real
It crashes plains, boi. With no survivors
>muh "i can prescribe whatever meaning i want to my words!"
A rose by any other name, faggot.
"Meme magic" is post-modernist horse shit about shitposting having a supernatural effect on the real world. Slogans and such like you posted are ideas propagating through society and driving people to do things.
One is magical thinking, the other is CULTURE.
Bumping for answer to this
Basically this.
Meme "magic" is ascribed after the fact, when all it is is people with early awareness of things (in other words, /pol/, but also people plugged into the happenings of other spheres of life) recognising trends and propagating ironic awareness of the trends' likely next step thanks to the new medium of information exchange that is the internet.
Simply put, people have been following current events for so long and have a record of events so that their recollection can't be shoved down the memory hole, or at least easy contact with people who will agree with their recollection of events.
On the other hand, of course, the "meme magic" of the mirror image of /pol/ is probably also a thing that is amplifying the message of the extreme left, and since the left have had an official or near-official monopoly on cultural institutions, "meme magic" might just be the radicalisation of the left going fast enough to be seen in real time.
TLDR: People plugged into mass society will be swept along by mass society. All that's happening is that people can communicate enough about the flow of mass society to be able to anticipate the more obvious trends.
It's not things coming true because of being thought, it's people anticipating things and "the uncontested absurdities of today becoming the accepted slogans of tomorrow", as is attributed to Ayn Rand.
Hell, even the semi-ironic (and Common Filth's variant of Rand's aphorism, that "today's irony is tommorow's sincerity" is apt here) "worship" of the cult of Kek has its origins explained in a roundabout way by this phenomenon.
Veeky Forums was always written off as weirdos worshipping Ron Paul and "that creepy green frog", and now the frog is literally being "ironically" given worship and Donald Trump is now "ironically" heralded as the "god emperor".
This is mean
Do you honestly think the term is used as anything other than a joke about coincidence?
I hate to use the A word, but it might apply if you do.
Descartes was on the cusp of getting it. He just needed to take it further by say the irony becomes the standard instead of the irony attracts the ignorant
And again, I give very few shits about whatever personal meaning you prescribe to "meme magic".
The memes are used to communicate ideas to its intended recipients without loss of its original meaning.
Your memes can be more or less complex, but you can't not use them at all, if you want communication to exist at all.
So don't underestimate potent memes that can infect people with dangerous ideas.
The obsession weird, lonely people have with the anonymous subculture of /pol/ is symbolised with the green frog, and the primitive desire for a physical, political "messiah" that's found its most recent incarnation in Donald Trump are now both expressed in an elevated way in "ironic" but literal worship. /pol/ already worshipped whatever right-wing celebrity of the day was rustling leftist jimmies, and they, along with the worst types of socially dysfunctional internet people, were spiritually bound to the identity symbolised by Pepe the frog, so all "meme magic" is is an escalation of underlying trends through the magnifying lens of self-awareness dismissed as "irony" to preserve that cultural status quo.
The same messianism and "meme magic" is also applied to Nazis because of their cultish state propaganda and the pagan cult of "neo-Nazis" that grew out of foreign fans of the SS' anti-Christian religious clique. WW2's an event that exists at the twilight of the pre-mass culture society, where an official coverup by the Soviet "big brother" could be possible, but is unknowable, so Nazism serves as the "mystery of the faith" of neo-Nazi edgelords. The material relevance or historicity of the Nazi mythos (on both the left and right) have very little relevance besides as a tool of "meme magic". It's more difficult and frustrating to explain this to "stormfag" /pol/tards than it is to get normies to think critically about WW2 and other ebul raycis things like that, because normies just haven't thought about things, whereas people who are religiously into certain social beliefs have failed at thinking, and fallen into dogmatism.
That's not to say that /pol/ is all shit (it mostly is), or that Germany was the boogeyman in WW2 the USSR and their enablers presented them as, or that race doesn't exist and there isn't a generalised anti-white, anti-standards culture or "conspiracy", it's just a reflection on the nature of the "true believer".
I don't know if you're deliberately trying to jerk the argument to someplace you have a better position or if you're actually this stupid.
This isn't about names and terms and assigned meanings. if you look at the context and content of and and then look at they are talking about different things. OP and first reply talking about magic and warpfuckery jokes, and you're talking about how memes actually work.
does this mean there are meme daemons?
What if we made a fantasy setting where meme magick is the primary school of magick?
>You fucking stupid mongoloid goy, meme magic doesn't exist!!! /pol/ is evil! EVIL. STOP GOING TO /pol/. NO MORE MEMEMAGIC. STOP THE MEMES. OYYYYY
It's just patterns and influencing the collective Unconscious you retard.
>meme magic isn't real
Yeah, sure
>crashes planes with no survivors
>makes presidential candidates who were considered a joke get the lead
>are the driving force behind the current stream of muslim immigrants in Europe
It's not "magic" it's science you retard. Go read a sociology textbook.
I'm not sure how the Les Bains crash was caused by science, but sure.
You are really taking this a bit too seriously you fucking dunce
The memes have been with us longer than you know.
Unknown Armies is a tabletop, not an instruction manual, guys.
It is a beautiful pain.
You got it all wrong, UA has always been thought of as one of those settings where you can take weird stuff that happens real life and go "oh it's just like in my tabletop game, how fun" but the Occult Underground real and starting to make itself known. UA isn't just a tabletop game, it's a newspaper. It's only a matter of time before the tiger wakes up.
The game Unknown Armies was made by The Sleepers to throw mundanes off of the occult underground's trail, just like Weekly World News.
> Weekly World News.
Are memes heresy or the will of the Emporer?
the power of the warp
No meme magic is the Omnissiah showing us his wisdom through memes.
Deus Mechanicus adepts
>are the driving force behind the current stream of muslim immigrants in Europe
maybe I'm a bit daft but you're gonna have to explain how this is meme magic mate
Good memes are the will of Emps.
Shit memes are for faggots and heretics.
Nigga, what the fuck do you think those ideas started out as? It always starts out as the first and if they end up successful, end up as the second.
At the very least, the forces of physics came into play.
You're all idiots. Meme magick refers to two entirely different phenomena, at the same time.
The first is purely mundane in nature. It is the idea of creating memes so powerful on the internet that they cross the veil into meatspace. A meme that becomes so powerful it stops being limited to the online realm and manifests in reality. Things like getting cuckservative said on national TV, or literally anything about Donald Trump is meme magick of this variety. It is called magick because it resembles ceremonial magic. You perform a ritual [creating a meme] in secret, which goes on to effect the world in macrocosm.
The second idea is partially magical in nature. This form of meme magick is the ascribing of a supernatural force to the above phenomena. The [unfounded] theory that mass belief can cause certain events to happen.
These two definitions and concept blur, and rightly so, because sufficient belief of the second order can cause meme magick of the first order. People become so convinced that their rituals [memes] are working, that it creates a placebo effect that results in regular meme magick.
The Ars Memetica is a powerful occult Science, and we would be unwise to ignore it simply because it covers itself in superstitious imagery. When a man can manipulate memetics and shitpost his way to the presidency, I think that proves the sheer power of the Art.
"As above, so below. As online, so offline. SATIS MENTIBUS OBVIA, you fucking newfags."
So what youre saying is it really is just the warp?
Its humans ability to literally focus enough to cause shit to happen, So yes. We've caused the warp to honestly fucking happen.
That isn't necessarily magic.
What if the pilot was a /tv/ poster who loved baneposting but hated life? Isn't it conceivable that he simply engineered the conditions of his suicide to fit the meme as closely as possible?
its legitimately warp fuckery is what it is.
Veeky Forums's been aware of it for years under a different name user.
>Veeky Forums is too autistic for ironic humour
Fucking amazing.
Nah, meme magic is the result of that Jap who bought Veeky Forums word-filtering "cuck" as "kek" for months on end.
He unknowingly summoned the ancient Egyptian frog god of primordial chaos via mass-chanting of his true name.
Wouldn't work.
You need cyberpunk tech levels for memes to be a thing.
Malal is technically canon, he is just called "Malice" because (somehow) there were copyright issues with "Malal".
I feel like that alone justifies the Holocaust.
The jews stole a copyright claim...?
Veeky Forums realy is untrollable. Beautiful isn't it?
No other board has this autism super power.
Just the name is copyrighted? Because malal is really fucking old name.
That's kinda their thing. Copyright attorney is second only to banker as a Hebraic profession.
Delete this thread and go back to funnyjunk.
I'm not even mad, touche.
calm down user
I would think making a professional pilot commit suicide to make Veeky Forums laugh about it to be sufficiently close to "magic" and "reality warping" for one's purposes.
of course, I don't consider meme magic to be actual magic, just weird infectious ideas
It's not just a frog, it's an Ultrafrog!
That's the point. The change does not necessarily need to occur by supernatural means.
Influencing someone enough to make them crash a plane is perfectly valid.
They memed "Islam is a religion of peace"
They memed it so hard that a large portion of them even began to believe it.
Veeky Forums is a website of peace!
There's nothing magic about it.
Memes are just patterns of thought that get propagated.
Those patterns can raise morale and grant mental fortitude to the ones who receive them.
It's psychology, not thaumaturgy.
There is no one blinder that he who refuses to see.
The egyptian god of primordial chaos is Apep you meme addled hipster
Then who's kek?
God of obscurity. He represents darkness as the unknown, not darkness as in the evil that opposes light.
Still skirtign danger close to Pepe
>all these triggered /pol/tards
Well done user
Is there an Egyptian God like wojak?
Not really. Egyptians didn't like bald folk.
As far as Veeky Forums goes there is the fertility god Min, who is jacking off literally all the time.
He's a shill, he's angry because only those of pure idiocity can invoke unto memegic, which the eternal kike cannot, this will destroy the jew's plan which will expose them to the reptilians which are now exposed to memeconstructs of will made by religion
What about Ebola-chan and her cult? As soon as /pol/ picked up that meme, the disease went from an insignificant thing that bumps off a few people occasionally to something that killed between ten and twenty thousand people (and only killed blacks), then a week or so after people lost interest and stopped posting her, the outbreak suddenly died out.
>Jap who bought Veeky Forums word-filtering "cuck" as "kek" for months on end.
kek has been used way before moot sold us out to the gook.
I think the trasition was "lol" to "lel" to "kek".
And eight chan also uses kek, so it makes no sense for it to be so new and they also use it, so it started clearly before so much of the /v/ and /pol/ crowd migrated.
"Ebola-chan" came into being after the new outbreak, ya git.
And ebola never spreads far since it's such a high profile high lethality disease. People learn to stay away from the man who's shitting himself and bleeding from every hole. The outbreaks are always sudden and severe, and end just as quickly.
I guess it works kind of like an Ork WAAAGH. It's a psychic field that influences reality, but only those below a certain level of intelligence produce this psychic field. This is why dumb bullshit memes like Bane/CIA/For You can cause plane crashes but intelligent people still struggle to have their views put across in the mainstream.
Stay off the Pez.
That was psychology too.
The tie between the recent Ebola outbreak and Ebola-chan came from a photo of several people dressed up as World Health Organization doctors praying to an Ebola-chan shrine being posted to a Nigerian forum and spreading from there to other popular African websites. The locals became convinced that the doctors who had come to help them had been infiltrated by cultists and that they intentionally spread the disease and killed people who sought treatment. The disease only killed blacks because the whites who got Ebola sought medical attention, while the locals avoided treatment and even killed some health workers.
And the outbreak ended after the meme died out because fear of the cult dissipated and the nigs started cooperating with treatment.
>The disease only killed blacks because the whites who got Ebola sought medical attention, while the locals avoided treatment and even killed some health workers.
Why are we helping these people again?
It's the right, ethical, moral thing to do?
That sounds like something a dumb faggot who believes in redeeming succubi would say.
To be fair, it was a very convincing operation on /pol/'s part. They even used a background that looked like the kind of tarps that the WHO used in their mobile treatment center camps.
For an uneducated population that genuinely believes in magic due to their local religious traditions and already has a deep distrust of whites, it didn't take much to get people to believe in the presence of a death cult.
>literal Demons from the literal Abyss which are Made of physical, tangible Chaos and Evil
>a palette-swap of human with the same paranoid tendencies as anyone who's been conquered "for their own good" before
I don't see the similarity here.
There were actually a few Western newspapers that were drawn in to the meme, and thus unwittingly helped spread the fear. When an African hears about Ebola-chan and is skeptical, but googles it and finds news stories about it, then they believe.
White man's burden, bro.
Fuck the white man's burden. If I have to repay people for the bad shit my ancestors did, then they should pay me tribute because my ancestors conquered them.
Eastern Europe certainly has better taste in memes.
Also most Africans with internet access are already in Germany.
White Man's Burden is not about repaying shit, it's about the crushing realization you can't have fraction even just a fraction of the fun your ancestors had.
The fuck are you going on about? You think my ancestors who made their living farming the hills of Scotland had more fun than I did? Are you fucking retarded? I've had fun they couldn't even imagine!
Don't worry, when the Emperor takes the throne after the election this fall, we'll be back to the good old days of colonialism.
Geez, relax, we're talking about white people, you Scots can stay out of this.