
>Spiders are now friendly wizards who like fruits and want to travel with people
How does this affect your setting?

Do you mean *all* spiders OP? Because I'm pretty sure you've just destroyed any ecosystem that even vaguely resembles ours.

Just the cute ones.

There are now 300x as many smears on the sidewalk with little hats next to them.



Bump for a good thread.


Then we'll build a new ecosystem, with magic and spiders.

This guys knows what's up

All that changes is the fruit thing. And, I guess, the 'wizard' thing. Most Arakhen are more akin to druid-analogues, or occasionally rangers.

Great. Now we have to purge a bunch of spider-wizards too.

Gondor strong. Gorgoroth is Gondor. First we remove Shelob, then orc, then Easterling.

My setting doesn't change much, asides from the fact they are apparently ALL wizards now.

I thought it was better when they were mad scientists for the better part...

My character's favorite snack becomes MAGICALLY delicious, instead of normal delicious.

I've seen this before, spider wizards. is this from something or are you the same guy? not bashing, just curious

Squishy spellcaster becomes a very literal thing.

Probably a whole magocratic country filled with them, oh and I rerolls my character.

>How does this affect your setting?
Remember that time that Veeky Forums calculated the exact amount of spiders that could fit in a drow's vagina?

One really big hairy one they always have in them?

I thought that all female Drow were born with a symbiotic spider instead of a vagina.

That is a legitimately horrifying thought.

Think about it, it's make total sense.

>The domain of Loth is suddenly overrun by millions of tiny good aligned wizards
>They still have faith in her and trough their overwhelming numbers becomes good

Not a whole lot, desu. I guess spiders become sages that people seek out for wisdom or some dumb shit like that.

Did, did Veeky Forums change my desu to desu?

It happens faggot.

Apparently it does, you double faggot.

It's not the first time that filter has been used, desu

It crops up every year for at least a week or so.

Thanks for the information, you TRIPLE FAGGOT.

Unlike you, at least I'm not a double nigger.


Well, not very much since the spiders know that people would be freaked out by them so they conceal their power and intelligence and continue to just lurk in corners and cracks to protect their human pets from insects.

Rarely is an actual spider killed by a human, oftentimes it's simply a magical construct or illusion to give the human a feeling of security.

Fruits are grown in the spiders illusory lairs because MAGIC MOTHERFUCKER.

Spiders travel unknown with people because MAGIC MOTHERFUCKER.

Occasionally they reveal themselves to select humans who are kind and understanding without Arachnaphobia, but for security they cast a spell on them so that the human can't be coerced or mind read about the spiders, because MAGIC MOTHERFUCKER.

Wizards know about the spiders, but don't say anything because of the sheer number of spiders and their benign and isolationist habits. Quite frankly, it's not worth picking a fight with that many wizards who are also everywhere and still tiny spiders that can get in through cracks after neutralizing your magical defenses.

Despite their potential overwhelming power however, no records of Wizards - even the ones who most zealously tried to solve the "spider problem" as they saw it - being killed by the spiders exist. That's just what you would find if they were killing Wizards though, the more paranoid Wizards claim. Most Wizards just do their best to ignore it.

They simply leave the arachnaphobic wizards alone, although some of them are quite friendly to the spiders so long as they don't have to see or touch them. Probably because the spiders go out of their way to reassure them that they aren't around them, which is more communication than usually occurs since they prefer to watch and enjoy the antics of humans.

Much like IRL nature researchers, they leave humans alone to be good or bad, seeing our works much as we view termite nests and our politics as our natural instincts writ large.

This forms the basis for their isolationist stance. Existing as approximately 770,010,000,000,000,000 wizards, they could easily take control of the world and in a sense they already have. They have determined the niche they wish to inhabit and are comfortable there, unassailable by any serious force.

They still have short lifespans for the most part, many of them dying in their first year to various magical experiments or simply from the stress of overusing their arcane energy for some obsessive purpose; Usually focusing on one person and messing with them indirectly, generally in beneficial but amusing ways. However they are still spiders and so their idea of "beneficial" is not quite like ours and sometimes the results are unexpected. These spiders are still careful to make sure that they don't directly interact with their chosen Human and in fact it's considered a point of pride to create the most change or measurable effect with the minimum of effort.

Even the spiders that conserve their energy and live modest lives more inclined to simple voyeurism and hobby farming delightful tiny fruits still decline to increase their lifespan. Dying in 2-3 years, they make way for new spiders to come and enjoy life. They are rather reticent about any religions or faiths (as they are on most matters about themselves in fact) but from scattered collections of journals, research records, and personal notes all alluding to (but not outright detailing or discussing because MAGIC MOTHERFUCKER) we have gathered that there is a sort of reincarnation or Gaia figure of spiders returning to where anyone exists before birth and that this is thing to be experienced and accepted.

Their views on time is quite strange, and shockingly frankly discussed by several notable researchers and Tower Wizards. I know, I know, the reputation of the second group there is erratic at best but there is a clear consistency across the records of both groups.

A small but significant number of Wizards we have deduced to have had increased levels of interaction with Spiders regardless of their groups or time period of activity or geographical location have written about a consistent concept of time. Even the Tower Wizards who are surely isolated from the Academic body at large and love nothing more it seems than challenging and testing accepted theories in an almost violent fashion.

The documents seem to agree that while Spiders do perceive the passage of time in a linear fashion, they view this experience as merely a lens to interpret it and instead of viewing time itself as a series of distinct events it is accepted to a shocking degree that everything is actually happening at the same time, and has happened already. The future however, while it has happened already as well, does not actually exist until it is observed. It is further intimated that each individual who is capable of observing creates their own existence which follows a unique expression out of an infinite of possibilities - that yet again exists as a contradiction where there is only ever one actual static state that we exist in at all axis.

It's a terribly and slightly terrifying notion.

The end result however is that Spiders view all time in a life as equal. One turn of phrase I particularly liked was written in Claudia the Wet's "Things I Think About, But Have not Written Down Yet (a working title)" journal.

"Every life lasts the same amount of time, from the beginning at birth to the end at death. The only difference is how much we notice in that time. Remember the past, because it only exists when it is brought into the present. Imagine the future freely, for by its nature the billion-to-one chance crops up nine times out of ten, and that the greatest odds boils down to a double-sided statement: it will happen, or it will not. And exist in the present, because you don't really have a choice about it so you might as well pay attention"

The flip side to this seeming existential acceptance of time I noticed occasionally scratched in flowing script that has a disturbing consistency of form, despite clearly being penned by different . . . hands? each time.

"Don't worry about dying. When it happens, it'll be in the relative "now" that you'll be experiencing. No matter how long you've live, the person reading this has already been dead by the time it happens."

So, overall we get a sense of not quite fatalism or stoicism from the Spider Wizards, but instead an almost disregard for eventual death.

This is quite good for us, as the thought of a cheery spider lich constantly interfering with Humanity "for our own good" is yet another thing most people try not to think about.

TL;DR Spiders smart enough to be wizards while still retaining all other characteristics of spiders, that are intrinsically benevolent and interested in Humans would most likely avoid direct interaction due to the damage it would do to our societies and psyches. Given they all have cosmic power, a trend towards introspection and acceptance of a declared niche role to eat tasty fruit and clear out destructive insects (or more likely breed a magical spider replacement that people would then call spiders but that recursion is something we can leave).

Still, with ability and intelligence eventually comes action and so over time they would be known about in certain circles and leave traces where they interfered even if it was a minor amount.


Anime style EVERYONE GETS A SPIDER! Your spider type determines your position in society and they channel their magic through you. They're all unable to harm people directly although their magic can be used to fight, but this twists their personality and they develop mental disorders such as paranoia, short term memory loss, anxiety, autism spectrums etc.

Eventually, the spider almost always becomes suicidal and kills itself. People who lose their spiders become much less intelligent and are emotionally numbed. They are used for general labour or sometimes repetitive office jobs as they are docile and have very little initiative besides making the bare minimum of effort to feed and clean themselves.

You are now playing a mid 20s man whose spider seems to have killed itself for unknown reasons. You are assumed to have done SOMETHING to deserve it and are rushed through a trial and sent to the labour pool. While initially in a daze over what happened, a a year into your new life you have to move a heavy thing and go to use your magic like you always did, and still do out of habit. Surprisingly, it works. However your emotions are still deadened. Another laborer spots you, and it turns out they're an undercover reporter investigating the labor camps. IDFK you can take it lots of places from there.

>I drew that

Thank you again

Everyone is dead, as spiders are no longer culling the swarms of crop-eating pests and disease-spreading bloodsuckers.

My familiar is now magic. I'm content with that, since now I can spend the day discussing the finer points of magical theory with my adorable spiderbro friend.

I reroll as a friendly spider mage